CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 09/27/89 21:39:27 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 209084; next msg =42525; 365 active msgs. Prev. call 09/26/89 @ 23:14, next msg was 42522 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking fo >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 12 KILLED. 60 SUMMARY. 24 25/89,21:51:11,209028,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,4 ]Lines still too noisy to upload BBS list. sigh. Mebbe this weekend. (then it'll be 2 weeks old? Owell, better than what we got! I just 09/26/89,23:14:23,209046,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,1 09/26/89,23:37:46,209047,3,SANJIO ABDULLAH,CHICAGI/ ILLINOIS,6 09/26/89,23:48:19,209048,2,ED FOSTER,,1 09/27/89,01:24:29,209049,1,STEVE RYAN,, 09/27/89,01:58:34,209050,2,CLIFF SHARP,,6 09/27/89,02:23:25,209051,1,ARLINGTON FRASER,,3 09/27/89,04:40:22,209052,2,JERRY OLSEN,,3 09/27/89,05:22:26,209053,2,PETE JONES,,1 09/27/89,07:32:10,209054,2,JACK HOMA,,1 09/27/89,07:38:14,209055,1,BOB SULLIVAN,,8 09/27/89,08:42:18,209056,2,JOE ANTONELLI,, >Help: ?/,6 09/27/89,10:08:25,209057,1,DENNIS STAHL,,2 09/27/89,10:33:43,209058,1,ANDY SHAPIRO,,7 09/27/89,12:06:41,209059,3,MARTIN IVIK,,7 09/27/89,12:28:38,209060,2,A. QASSEM,,3 ]f* A. QASSEM, 09/27/89,12:31:46,209061,2,ROBERT COURTNEY,chicago,4 09/27/89,15:26:36,209062,1,THUY NGUYEN,LOS ANGELES,3 ]THUY NGUYEN, 09/27/89,15:35:50,209063,1,LANE LARRISON,,1 09/27/89,15:41:18,209064,1,LANE LARRISON,,1 09/27/89,15:51:56,209065,1,SCOTT TEIPE,,1 09/27/89,16:02:02,209066,1,LANE LARRISON,,1 09/27/89,16:18:27,209067,1,L N,, 09/27/89,16:26:42,209068,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,, 09/27/89,16:27:24,209069,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,0 09/27/89,17:06:33,209070,1,RYAN BLUMBERG,HIGHLAND PARK/IL, ]CHAT: HOW TO GET A PASSWORD,5 09/27/89,17:10:45,209071,1,RYAN BLUMBERG,, 09/27/89,17:51:26,209072,1,AL DIEKES,,4 09/27/89,18:01:47,209073,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,1 09/27/89,18:10:28,209074,2,JOHN SPALDING,, >Help: A,2 09/27/89,18:19:06,209075,1,ERNIE SCHULZ,,5 09/27/89,18:25:50,209076,2,BRUCE PEMPEK,CHGO/ IL, E#42522,4 09/27/89,18:37:31,209077,1,THUY NGUYEN,,3 09/27/89,19:24:56,209078,2,JIM REDMAN,chicago, E#42523, E#42524,17 ]It's a while since I ca{led, technology has advanced to 386, and 486, and such. It's good to know that Ma Bell has managed to keep the line noise constant on calls. JIM REDMAN, 09/27/89,19:54:14,209079,1,BOB COVYEAU,,3 09/27/89,19:59:56,209080,2,ALEX ZELL,, 09/27/89,20:21:29,209081,1,JOHN PETENES,,3 09/27/89,20:26:43,209082,2,DAVID GIBBS,, 09/27/89,20:56:12,209083,2,EDGAR COUDAL,,4 09/27/89,21:39:31,209084,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 42522 09/27/89 BRUCE PEMPEK => ALL: "NEW BBS" 42523 09/27/89 JIM REDMAN => RICHARD HINTON: "R/A GRAPHICS PROGRAM??" 42524 09/27/89 JIM REDMAN => ALL: "6809 ASM PROGRAMMER" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 42522 is 02 line(s) on 09/27/89 from BRUCE PEMPEK to ALL re: NEW BBS Call "The Village".312-581-1111.There's even a "WOMEN ONLY" section .Try it SOON! Msg 42523 is 03 line(s) on 09/27/89 from JIM REDMAN to RICHARD HINTON re: R/A GRAPHICS PROGRAM?? May want to take a look at FoxGraph, I think that imports .diff files, Lots and lots of funky graph options. I only have the demo, but it looks fine. Msg 42524 is 04 line(s) on 09/27/89 from JIM REDMAN to ALL re: 6809 ASM PROGRAMMER WANTED NOW! 6809 asm programmer, real time, must sift through code, add functionality, and complete project in next 2 months. Project is urgent, someone just quit in the middle of it. Give me a call 594 3800. dup. chars. >Function:?{^U ?{