CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 09/19/89 21:41:24 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?{\{\{\{\;{^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk. You are caller 208890; next msg =42503; 373 active msgs. Prev. call 09/18/89 @ 21:50, next msg was 42499 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 14 KILLED. 41 SUMMARY. 24 ,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,17 ]Started editing BBS list - getting ready for upload. Hope I get a good clean line! WARD CHRISTENSEN, E#42494,24 09/18/89,00:31:38,208846,3,G.W. BARNES,,41 09/18/89,01:47:56,208847,3,G.W. BARNES,,5 09/18/89,05:25:02,208848,2,PETE JONES,,2 09/18/89,06:32:23,208849,2,EARL HALL,,1 09/18/89 9/18/89,21:50:16,208870,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#42499,6 09/18/89,23:02:23,208871,1,CHARLIE KESTNER,,4 09/18/89,23:11:45,208872,1,BOB COVYEAU,,8 09/18/89,23:41:33,208873,1,MIKE BARRETT,,5 09/19/89,01:06:19,208874,2,JERRY OLSEN,,4 09/19/89,01:56:29,208875,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#42500, E#42501,7 09/19/89,09:45:44,208876,2,DENNIS STAHL,,5 09/19/89,10:07:54,208877,3,GREG LOOMIS,, 09/19/89,11:21:17,208878,2,MARTY LINGG,,1 09/19/89,11:31:38,208879,2,ALEX ZELL,, 09/19/89,12:05:25,208880,2,RON RUFF,Rochester/ NY, >Help: H NEWS,12 09/19/89,15:32:55,208881,2,DAVE BAYER,Berkeley Hts. NJ,2 09/19/89,15:36:15,208882,2,RICHARD HINTON,,8 09/19/89,15:44:54,208883,2,RICHARD HINTON,, E#42502,2 09/19/89,16:43:31,208884,1,SCOTT TEIPE,,0 09/19/89,18:40:40,208885,1,Y SMITH,DES PLAINES, >Help: A, >Help: A,10 09/19/89,18:51:45,208886,2,MIKE LOGAN,HINSDALE/ IL,5 ]Nice BBS. Look forwarf*d to using it more, soon. Bye! MIKE LOGAN, 09/19/89,19:30:03,208887,2,MARTY DIPPEL,,8 09/19/89,21:09:45,208888,1,CHARLIE KESTNER,,13 09/19/89,21:23:42,208889,2,BILL MATTSON,,2 09/19/89,21:41:28,208890,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 42499 09/18/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => RICHARD HINTON: "R/PRODIGY AVAILABLE NOW" 42500 09/19/89 ERIC BOHLMAN => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/PRODIGY AVAILABLE NOW" 42501 09/19/89 ERIC BOHLMAN => RICHARD HINTON: "R/RLL/MFM" 42502 09/19/89 RICHARD HINTON => ALL: "VGA/MULTISYNC??" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 42499 is 13 line(s) on 09/18/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to RICHARD HINTON re: R/PRODIGY AVAILABLE NOW For sure - special software. The thing is 100% graphics oriented. Also, there's a 250K "cache" file kept on your hard disk (dunno if it is implemented if you're on a floppy, or not). This means that if you look at the weather map, then go do something else, then come back to the weather map, if the map hasn't changed, they show the "copy" you have in your CACHE file. Heh heh, it would be interesting to see if someone figures out how to "print out" the cache file! One thing the program does - agonizingly - is steal the keyboard interrupt, and throw away ALL keystrokes (including print-screen) until it really wants them (NEVER allowing print-screen). Strangely, my ctrl-alt enabled program still gets control, so they must "filter" out certain chars or something. Msg 42500 is 04 line(s) on 09/19/89 from ERIC BOHLMAN to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/PRODIGY AVAILABLE NOW They're probably trapping interrupt 5, which is want eventually gets called by print-screen. Probably wouldn't be much use anyway, since from what I've heard (never used it and have no interest in doing so, though a friend is getting into it), it uses a graphics-mode screen. Msg 42501 is 06 line(s) on 09/19/89 from ERIC BOHLMAN to RICHARD HINTON re: R/RLL/MFM I know some controllers are accessed at c800:ccc, though I seem to remember them being Adaptec RLL controllers. There's another location in segment c800 you could try, though I forget which one it is (I it's either 0 or 8). In any case, you could just as well use Disk Manager to do the low-level format and then use something else to set up the partitions; the low-level formatting is the same. Msg 42502 is 03 line(s) on 09/19/89 from RICHARD HINTON to ALL re: VGA/MULTISYNC?? Can CGA software run on a VGA monitor? I am thinking of picking up a manufacturer overstock of an Amdek VGA monitor, but I am wondering if my software will run it. Thanks. dup. chars. >Function:?{^U ?