type-50 log,ward c;or;*;short 09/15/89,21:07:52,208785,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,7 09/15/89,21:28:33,208786,2,CHRIS STOMPOR,, >Help: A,3 09/15/89,21:52:59,208787,2,MARTY DIPPEL,,9 09/15/89,22:23:18,208788,1,MANLY CRITTLE,chicago/ill,11 09/15/89,22:33:15,208789,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,1 09/15/89,23:37:35,208790,1,DENNIS LEONG,,3 09/15/89,23:43:00,208791,2,BILL WOLFF,,1 09/16/89,03:41:59,208792,3,JAMES MADISON,,5 09/16/89,07:11:44,208793,2,GARY BROWN,,7 09/16/89,07:25:11,208794,1,JIM FLANAGAN,,2 09/16/89,09:46:44,208795,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,2 09/16/89,10:08:14,208796,1,BILL WOLFF,,0 09/16/89,11:52:43,208797,2,ALEX ZELL,, 09/16/89,13:26:32,208798,2,KEN WALANSKI,,4 09/16/89,13:42:37,208799,1,COLIN SCHROEDER,,1 09/16/89,14:32:06,208800,1,BOB LUND,,4 09/16/89,15:39:04,208801,2,ALEX ZELL,, >Help: A, E#42488,5 ]Ward, responding to your suggestion in chinet mail, I think you wasted enuf time on this. Really doesnt matter if you do remove it or not -- but only excuse for what seems to be his total lack of comprehension suggests that he is mebbe eight years old. I hope I was not too rough in my note to him. ALEX ZELL, 09/16/89,16:32:57,208802,2,EARL HALL,, E#42489,10 09/16/89,17:24:13,208803,3,LEE FAINMAN,AUSTRALIA, 09/16/89,18:28:57,208804,1,FURD BURFEL,chicago IL, 09/16/89,18:31:29,208805,1,FURD BURFEL,chicago IL, 09/16/89,18:38:49,208806,1,FURD BURFEL,chicago/ IL, 09/16/89,18:40:35,208807,1,FURD BURFEL,chicago/ IL, 09/16/89,18:51:11,208808,1,STEVE RYAN,,2 09/16/89,19:11:15,208809,1,FURD BURFEL,chicago/ IL, 09/16/89,19:41:03,208810,1,BILL WOLFF,,2 09/16/89,20:48:42,208811,2,TIMOTHY LATTA,Buffalo Grove/ IL,5 09/16/89,21:27:05,208812,2,JEFF GUSE,,32 09/16/89,22:39:23,208813,1,CHARLIE KESTNER,,1 ]__You weren't rough ENOUGH on him, Alex! 8-] CHARLIE KESTNER, 09/16/89,23:29:58,208814,2,GEORGE PATAY,,5 09/17/89,00:22:40,208815,2,JIM ANDERSON,, E#42490,6 09/17/89,04:11:23,208816,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 09/17/89,07:31:28,208817,2,ALEX ZELL,,2 ]Yeah, chaz, you're prolly right, but there is already too much flamerei on , and we do have some kind of image to uphold -- I like to think{ I do think that we should just ignore stupid inquiries in the log and zap stupid inquiries in the msg base without comment. On the other hand, this place is supposed to be sort of educational and mebbe the kids should be given some extra consideration. You should have seen the questions I asked randy, ignatz and price when chinet first started. CBBS was another matter, however. I spent an awful lot of time studying the keywords on CBBS as well as CASAT at first. ALEX ZELL, 09/17/89,07:45:57,208818,1,JIM FLANAGAN,,2 09/17/89,08:24:06,208819,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,2 09/17/89,09:12:44,208820,1,EMMETT SNOW,, 09/17/89,09:22:17,208821,3,ED FANTA,,4 09/17/89,10:36:37,208822,1,BOB SULLIVAN,,6 09/17/89,11:01:05,208823,2,EARL HALL,,0 09/17/89,11:11:45,208824,1,SCOTT TEIPE,, E#42491,7 09/17/89,11:33:44,208825,1,SCOTT TEIPE,, E#42492,5 09/17/89,12:51:38,208826,2,CARY MEDNICK,forest park/il,3 09/17/89,13:31:46,208827,1,BILL WOLFF,,1 09/17/89,13:42:53,208828,1,N N,, 09/17/89,15:00:05,208829,2,ALEX ZELL,, 09/17/89,15:24:20,208830,1,ALEX ZELL,, E#42493,3 ]I dunno. Is he pulling our legs? Am I stupid? Rhetorical questions. No answer desired. However, when editing the new logon bulletin make that "compliments." ^ ALEX ZELL, 09/17/89,17:58:33,208831,2,DAVID GIBBS,,2 09/17/89,18:25:01,208832,1,VIRENDRA DHUPELIA,,8 09/17/89,18:36:10,208833,2,LARRY GLASSMAN,,7 09/17/89,19:01:14,208834,1,CHARLIE KESTNER,,1 ]__That dickhead Teipe. In Msg 42491 he says: "i don't have the number and after repeted attempts to access the number i have been denied access." __Well WHICH one is it? Does he have the number or not? If he doesn't, how could he have been denied access? If he has been denied access, he must have the number. __Let's get him to a PicoEvent and draw & quarter him! CHARLIE KESTNER,5 09/17/89,20:41:07,208835,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 09/17/89,20:44:13,208836,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,0 09/17/89,21:02:11,208837,2,SUE STEEL,CHICAGO, >Help: -50, 09/17/89,21:35:06,208838,2,MIKE COOK,,6 09/17/89,21:45:07,208839,1,BILL WOLFF,,2 09/17/89,22:44:52,208840,2,JIM POLOUS,,1 09/17/89,23:14:16,208841,1,BILL WOLFF,,0 09/17/89,23:16:49,208842,1,STEVE RYAN,,1 09/17/89,23:26:09,208843,1,BOB LEDFORD,TAMP/FL,4 09/17/89,23:40:27,208844,3,G.W. BARNES,WACO/TEXAS,15 09/17/89,23:55:06,208845,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 42488 09/16/89 ALEX ZELL => SCOTT TEIPE: "YOUR BBS" 42489 09/16/89 EARL HALL => ALL: "PRODIGY E-MAIL ??" 42490 09/17/89 JIM ANDERSON => COLIN SCHROEDER: "R/386 UNIX INFO?" 42491 09/17/89 SCOTT TEIPE => ALEX ZELL: "R/YOUR BBS" 42492 09/17/89 SCOTT TEIPE => ALEX ZELL: "BBS LIST" 42493 09/17/89 ALEX ZELL => SCOTT TEIPE: "THAT BBS LIST" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 42488 is 16 line(s) on 09/16/89 from ALEX ZELL to SCOTT TEIPE re: YOUR BBS You ask if your BBS is in the list we carry here. You repeatedly ask Ward and his staff here to insert it in the list. The header on the current Stillwaters list (and the one that will replace it) specifically states that if you want a BBS listed you must call Stillwaters BBS and ask them to add it to their list. In order to prevent pranksters from posting fake numbers to harass people every effort is made to check on new numbers to validate them. That, too, is a function of the Stillwaters staff. As a special favor to you, we added the number you supplied in a message here to OUR copy of the new list. However, after several attempts to contact your BBS at the number given, there is no answer. Having neither the time nor the inclination to spend any more time on the matter, the staff here decided to remove your number from our list and recommend that you contact the Stillwaters BBS directly and ask them to verify your number and put it in the list that they publish - and that we copy, as many other BBSs do. Good luck. Msg 42489 is 14 line(s) on 09/16/89 from EARL HALL to ALL re: PRODIGY E-MAIL ?? Some messages here were saying that the best thing about Prodigy was its E-mail abilities. Can that send messages through gateways to other services or mediums? In other words, can I send a FAX message (or TWX or MCI Mail message) from Prodigy? I just got a 30-day fee trial offer in the mail, but dont' see much there that would even justify $9.95 a month. There was an insert for "NBD Express" home banking that will be available in this area, but it also says (in fine print) "After the free 90 days, the bank will charge a minimal monthly fee for NBD Express", so I'll probably skip that. (Plus, I had a number of bad experiences with National Bank of Detroit when I lived there; why would I want to repeat them?) I still haven't seen much to convince me to shell out $10 each and every month for Prodigy. Msg 42490 is 02 line(s) on 09/17/89 from JIM ANDERSON to COLIN SCHROEDER re: R/386 UNIX INFO? I have Xenix/386 V Operating System v2.2 for sale. I am asking $250 as I understand it, it will work with DOS. Call Jim Anderson 981-9300 Msg 42491 is 07 line(s) on 09/17/89 from SCOTT TEIPE to ALEX ZELL re: R/YOUR BBS Ok well thanks anyway, the bbs is now running 24.hrs a day/7 days a week. i understand you concern about giving out false numbers and i do agree about the varification process. now you are saying is that, we need to contact sti stillwars and notify them.one thing though.i don't have the number and after repeted attempts to access the number i have been denided access. What i was wondering from you is.can you give me the number and i'll call there myself. What should i say when i login at stillwars? and is Msg 42492 is 06 line(s) on 09/17/89 from SCOTT TEIPE to ALEX ZELL re: BBS LIST sorry about that, i got some line noise. Anyway i appriciate your concern about the bbs numbers. and once again thank you fer your explanation. I will contact ward (and his staff) and appologise for bugging them abouut this matter. and please give me the number for stillwaters. Thanks again, Scott Teipe-ass.Sysop-Melting point bbs. Msg 42493 is 10 line(s) on 09/17/89 from ALEX ZELL to SCOTT TEIPE re: THAT BBS LIST The opening bulletin when you log on here tells you that the Stillwaters BBS list is at msg# 42056. Here is what that message says: - C R E D I T S - (tells where we got the list for CBBS/Chicago) "STILLWATERS (run deep) (312) 769-4608" <===[THIS IS THE NUMBER]===< "Directory of Chicago area Bulletin Board Systems (Copyright (c)2 Jul 89)" - All numbers are area code 312 and are PC Pursuitable. - The accuracy of this directory is dependent upon YOUR comments and messages left on Stillwaters. - Full access is granted to first-time callers. dup. chars. >Function:?CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 09/18/89 21:50:13 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 208870; next msg =42499; 381 active msgs. Prev. call 09/17/89 @ 23:55, next msg was 42494 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking fo >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 13 KILLED. 35 SUMMARY. 25 ,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,17 ]Started editing BBS list - getting ready for upload. Hope I get a good clean line! WARD CHRISTENSEN, E#42494,24 09/18/89,00:31:38,208846,3,G.W. BARNES,,41 09/18/89,01:47:56,208847,3,G.W. BARNES,,5 09/18/89,05:25:02,208848,2,PETE JONES,,2 09/18/89,06:32:23,208849,2,EARL HALL,,1 09/18/89,09:11:18,208850,2,ED FOSTER,,1 09/18/89,09:31:20,208851,1,ALEX ZELL,,1 ]ward, remember "compliments," pls. chaz, ya, exactly what got to me. That's why I went thru the whole routine. Everybody has access -- like here. Unless, of course, one cannot read a couple of simple instructions and cannot get where ALEX ZELL, 09/18/89,09:52:07,208852,1,ALEX ZELL,,0 ]!!!Everything suddenly went haywire lots of random chars and then I see it is disconnected. Mebbe it is cuz a new roof is being put on here and they are banging away tearing off the old 3 inches. Happened to me on chinet just before. ALEX ZELL, 09/18/89,10:28:59,208853,3,JAIME CABAN,,26 09/18/89,11:07:21,208854,2,JOEL MIKELL,EVANSTON,10 09/18/89,11:33:36,208855,3,GREG LOOMIS,JOLIET IL., 09/18/89,14:56:12,208856,2,STEVE AIDIKONIS,,1 09/18/89,15:22:36,208857,2,JIM MILLS,,0 09/18/89,16:22:52,208858,2,GEORGE PATAY,,1 09/18/89,16:36:41,208859,1,LANE LARRISON,,3 09/18/89,16:58:55,208860,1,EDGAR GOMEZ,macon ga,6 09/18/89,18:35:17,208861,1,SCOTT TEIPE,,1 09/18/89,19:10:37,208862,2,RICHARD HINTON,,1 09/18/89,19:19:54,208863,1,JOSEPH SKOM,, >Help: FULL, >Help: EDITOR,6 09/18/89,19:27:27,208864,2,GEORGE DIMIDIK,,10 09/18/89,19:51:33,208865,2,RICHARD HINTON,, E#42495, E#42496,7 09/18/89,20:28:50,208866,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 09/18/89,21:11:25,208867,1,LANE LARRISON,,1 09/18/89,21:15:25,208868,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,, E#42497,5 09/18/89,21:44:56,208869,2,JIM POLOUS,, E#42498,3 09/18/89,21:50:16,208870,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, r;*;+ Msg 42494 is 29 line(s) on 09/18/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to EARL HALL re: R/PRODIGY E-MAIL ?? Prodigy IS pretty interesting - I was showing it off to my neighbor today, and we wound up spending about 2 hrs on it. It has things like live weather maps (i.e. they change every couple hours), local forecasts, the ability to make airline reservations, a BBS (which you will probably HATE because it assumes you are a complete boob right off the turnip truck, and has NO expert user ability). This morning, Prodigy had my phone tied up for an extra 20 minutes, because I got SO upset with its stupid BBS, that I just rebooted - then later found my phone was still "off hook". ;-) But seriously, you might give it a try and see if you like it. You will want to have at least EGA, since the CGA version is B/W, and not as interesting as the color version. Should you join, my ID is TPPH95A. When you compare Prodigy (at $10/month) with Compuserve (at $12/hr?) you will find Compuserve "pretty darned good", but Prodigy, "pretty darned cheap". ;-) No, you can't send EMAIL thru gateways. You can't capture your mail to disk. You can't prepare messages in advance. You can't use any but their 10-year-obsolete-toy-40-character-screens. It is the BBS for the "child in us" providing we want to be treated like a child. I think the bulletin board part was an after thought. The rest of it is pretty good. It takes a while to get used to. There are a LOT of GOOD things about it - like a personal "path" - of commands you want to automatically execute. You just press F4 (or P then enter) and you will go to the next section on your path. But be ready for Many disappointments: like how it throws away all typeahead (it must be for CP/M people in the '70s) and how you{an't print anything they don't support printing of directly. It is one of the best/worst systems I've seen. Msg 42495 is 05 line(s) on 09/18/89 from RICHARD HINTON to JIM POLOUS re: R/PRODIGY AVAILABLE NOW I called 499-0048 and got the modem answered, (8-n-1) waited a few moments and got no reponse. Is there a special comm parameter or special program that talks to Prodigy. I use GT Powercomm 15.00 for all my comm needs. I wonder if it requires a proprietary software to operate? Thanks. Msg 42496 is 10 line(s) on 09/18/89 from RICHARD HINTON to ALL re: RLL/MFM I noticed when doing the low level format on my Adaptec ACB-2372 controller with an RLL drive I could use the DEBUG sequence of -G=c800:5 to pull up the ROM formatting program from my controller. I tried doing the same thing with a MFM controller and nothing!! Is there a different ROM setting for DEBUG formatting program in the MFM controller? I don't like using Disk Manager because it doesn't allow a one 42.7 megabyte formatted partition. I think DOS 4.0 using FDISK will allow a 42.7 meg ( entire ST 251 disk) partition. But I can't find the low level generic commands to turn on the ROM formatting program from DEBUG. Thanks. Msg 42497 is 07 line(s) on 09/18/89 from RICHARD GOZDAL to RICHARD HINTON re: R/RLL/MFM DOS 4.01 DOES allow you to partition a LARGE drive into two drives only. I can make my 80 meg any 1 or two sizes I want. I low level with Disk Manager then use DOS 4.01. The Disk Manager is supposed to slow down disk commands I guess thru a sepcial sequence (reading the DM commands first) so DOS would be quicker. I heard that DOS 3.3 also allows partitioning but maybe NOT over 32 megs. Msg 42498 is 04 line(s) on 09/18/89 from JIM POLOUS to RICHARD HINTON re: PRODIGY Yes... you have to use special software... They were giving out free 3 month trial subsf*criptions at NETWORLD in Dallas. They might have them at the PC Expo as well at McCormick Place Oct 3-5.