CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 09/10/89 23:01:11 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk. You are caller 208641; next msg =42464; 377 active msgs. Prev. call 09/08/89 @ 20:59, next msg was 42454 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 17 KILLED. 18 SUMMARY. 25 09/08/89,20:59:47,208587,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#42454,9 09/08/89,21:38:04,208588,2,GARY ELFRING,,4 09/08/89,22:08:06,208589,2,ALEX ZELL,, 09/08/89,22:19:04,208590,1,G D,, 09/08/89,22:33:54,208591,1,ED HOMMELSEN,Worth/ Il.,3 09/08/89,22:42:49,208592,2,BILL WOLFF,,1 09/08/89,23:29:37,208593,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,4 09/08/89,23:52:43,208594,2,BILL WOLFF,, E#42455,9 09/09/89,01:02:04,208595,1,PETER KOSLOSKY,streamwood,5 09/09/89,07:53:02,208596,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,4 09/09/89,08:26:30,208597,1,RICHARD WELSH,addison/illinois,8 09/09/89,09:39:12,208598,2,MARTY DIPPEL,, E#42456,14 09/09/89,10:07:07,208599,2,EARL HALL,,12 09/09/89,10:25:09,208600,1,SCOTT TEIPE,,1 09/09/89,10:56:00,208601,1,BRUCE SAUNDERS,WAUCONDA,2 09/09/89,11:14:43,208602,2,JIM WALROTH,Chicago/ IL, 09/09/89,11:18:43,208603,2,RICHARD HINTON,,3 09/09/89,11:57:18,208604,3,ED PERKINS,SILVER SPRING/MD,23 09/09/89,12:25:11,208605,2,EARL HALL,, E#42457,4 09/09/89,13:14:22,208606,2,RYAN CARLINO,park ridge/ il,2 09/09/89,13:27:58,208607,2,BILL WOLFF,, E#42458,11 09/09/89,14:45:14,208608,1,KURT BRESSNER,DOWNERS GROVE/ IL,3 09/09/89,15:51:28,208609,3,ED FANTA,,4 09/09/89,16:05:57,208610,3,FRANK SPIVEY II,chicago,2 09/09/89,16:57:09,208611,2,JIM SACKETT,,3 09/09/89,17:08:35,208612,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,3 09/09/89,17:40:01,208613,1,JIM FLANAGAN,, E#42459,9 09/09/89,18:19:48,208614,2,EDGAR COUDAL,,2 09/09/89,18:32:05,208615,2,KEN WALANSKI,,5 09/09/89,21:05:03,208616,1,BUTT FUCK,hell/mind, 09/09/89,21:23:36,208617,2,JIM POLOUS,, E#42460,6 09/09/89,21:46:32,208618,1,MICHAEL BALK,iowa city/iowa,9 ]MICHAEL BALK, 09/09/89,22:34:20,208619,2,CHRIS STOMPOR,Elmwood Park/ Il.,11 09/09/89,22:43:17,208620,2,BILL WOLFF,, E#42461,4 09/09/89,23:15:25,208621,2,JIM ANDERSON,, E#42462,22 09/10/89,01:23:18,208622,2,CHRIS STOMPOR,,5 09/10/89,02:22:52,208623,2,BILL WOLFF,,32 09/10/89,03:40:04,208624,2,ALEX ZELL,, 09/10/89,09:48:08,208625,3,MICHELLE WALKER,Orland Hills/Ill, 09/10/89,11:24:48,208626,2,BILL WOLFF,,1 09/10/89,11:42:55,208627,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,,3 09/10/89,11:58:26,208628,1,CHARLIE KESTNER,,5 09/10/89,12:45:00,208629,2,JIM ANDERSON,,1 09/10/89,16:31:23,208630,1,BOB SULLIVAN,,7 09/10/89,17:02:02,208631,1,ARNOLD BOYD,,2 09/10/89,17:36:01,208632,1,VIRENDRA DHUPELIA,, E#42463,21 09/10/89,19:34:10,208633,2,JEREMY RAMIREZ,Batavia/IL,2 09/10/89,19:37:00,208634,2,JEREMY RAMIREZ,,2 09/10/89,19:39:53,208635,2,JEREMY RAMIREZ,,4 ]v{k{I cf*aw3lled tow3d8 fingd some information about { user gruop cvalled caash,I have a s100 system and {{anted to know if i]kOthey would know about it. JEREMY RAMIREZ, 09/10/89,20:35:37,208636,1,SUE EDLIN,CHICAGO/IL,6 09/10/89,21:28:38,208637,1,BILL STUMPP,Bartlett/Il,24 09/10/89,22:08:43,208638,2,GARY ELFRING,,1 09/10/89,22:11:18,208639,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,1 09/10/89,22:16:35,208640,2,JIM SACKETT,,8 09/10/89,23:01:15,208641,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 42454 09/08/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => BRENT JONES: "R/PRODIGY WARNING" 42455 09/08/89 BILL WOLFF => JIM POLOUS: "R/PRODIGY" 42456 09/09/89 MARTY DIPPEL => ALL: "DIFF BETWEEN LPT1 AND LPT1:" 42457X 09/09/89 EARL HALL => PHIL SCHUMAN: "SOTA 386I ACCELERATOR CARD" 42458 09/09/89 BILL WOLFF => MARTY DIPPEL: "R/DIFF BETWEEN LPT1 AND LPT1:" 42459 09/09/89 JIM FLANAGAN => BILL WOLFF: "R/GEOS" 42460 09/09/89 JIM POLOUS => BILL WOLFF: "PRODIGY" 42461 09/09/89 BILL WOLFF => JIM FLANAGAN: "R/GEOS" 42462 09/09/89 JIM ANDERSON => ALL: "XENIX/386FORSALE" 42463 09/10/89 VIRENDRA DHUPELIA => ALL: "FOR SALE" r;*;+ Msg 42454 is 18 line(s) on 09/08/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to BRENT JONES re: R/PRODIGY WARNING There apparently is a program (TSR, not TRS!) that will redirect to disk. I've yet to actually find it, since Prodigy lacks file xfer... I'm surprised people haven't thought of putting hex in messages that they could un-hex into an arc file or something ;-) Last night I nearly powered off in the middle of a Prodigy session. I feel its user interface for the EXPERIENCED user (or the novice user the tenth time) is really, well, lets see, to avoid my own censorship, I'll just say "chicken excrement" ;-) I think the time will come when I feel I can't take it any more. Example. to send a msg, there's no simple "get out of message entry key". OK, you hit "end" and then have to cursor over to "save", at{which time it - treating you like the worlds stupidest person - says "you asked to save, do you want to" (essentially), then the accursed thing tells you how to get back to the original msg (instead of TAKING YOU THERE). I've started typing but the @#$% prodigy throws away buffered keystrokes. Chicken excrement! I think I'll just reply to all my msgs "sorry, I can't take this any more, I'm leaving, probably won't be back ever". Msg 42455 is 21 line(s) on 09/08/89 from BILL WOLFF to JIM POLOUS re: R/PRODIGY Hi Jim; Hmm... You reply about Prodigy is interesting! But it still sounds like the software is the same as PC-LINK or Q-LINK in nature. Both cost $9.95 a month and some features are free too. But you did state that all Prodigy features are fr{e. But lacks file directories. Sounds like all other national networks have Prodigy on that one. Having local phone numbers doesn't sound like news to me? CIS has one of the best coverage I have seen. Perhaps you know that and still say Prodigy has a lot more. You did mention some features that other national networks lack, but then you stated that they are also not available in this area? So lets see, we have a flat $9.95 monthly charge which is nice and better software than Q-LINK or PC-LINK are which is also a big plus. But the other features sounds like no major gain kOotherwise. Perhaps I am missing something! Also I need to know what Prodigy needs to run on? Will a Sharp Laptop with 256K be okay? It will be expanded to 640K, but I am just asking. Msg 42456 is 09 line(s) on 09/09/89 from MARTY DIPPEL to ALL re: DIFF BETWEEN LPT1 AND LPT1: In a previous entry (about 20 messages ago) I ran across a discussion of the differences between lpt1: and lpt1 in relation to a network. This has been on my mind lately. I thought all device names in MS-DOS included a colon -- com1: prn: lpt1: A: C: etc. Yet I have a shell program (Polytron PolyShell) that won't send a file to the printer if I call it prn: but WILL if I call it prn Is the shell brain dead, or am I? Is there a difference? DOS itself doesn't seem to care either way, oddly enough. I really think it should! Could someone set me straight on this trivial (albeit puzzling) detail? - Msg 42458 is 08 line(s) on 09/09/89 from BILL WOLFF to MARTY DIPPEL re: R/DIFF BETWEEN LPT1 AND LPT1: I thought in the beginning that you had to use the ":" at the end of a device name too. But I have since found out like you that sometimes it doesn't matter. To write a short ASCII file for .BAT file or something. I use "COPY CON FILENAME.EXT" and it works everytime. Perhaps we get this idea from using CP/M computers as if I remember right, you have to use the ":" or the DOS treats it as a file instead of a device. I am assuming that you have used CP/M computers before! Msg 42459 is 04 line(s) on 09/09/89 from JIM FLANAGAN to BILL WOLFF re: R/GEOS Bill, I think you're right. we may not be talking aboutsame thing GEOS to me is from Berkley softworks and runs on Apple II and C-64/128 hardware. your mention of Wordstar tells me your talking about a different product that runs on PC's Msg 42460 is 05 line(s) on 09/09/89 from JIM POLOUS to BILL WOLFF re: PRODIGY The book indicates that you need 512K RAM.. By local numbers, I mean REALLY local. In order to call Compuserve, Delphi, PC-Link, I have to call out of my 8 mile radius and rack up the phone bill. I can stay on Prodigy as long as I want/need.f* Jim Msg 42461 is 02 line(s) on 09/09/89 from BILL WOLFF to JIM FLANAGAN re: R/GEOS No that's the one from Berkeley Softworks. And they are working on a MS-DOS version. Look for it! Msg 42462 is 03 line(s) on 09/09/89 from JIM ANDERSON to ALL re: XENIX/386FORSALE i have xenix/386 v operating system 2.2 for sale i am asking $250 new in the box 8 disks5 manuals please call me at 981-9300 ask for jim Msg 42463 is 04 line(s) on 09/10/89 from VIRENDRA DHUPELIA to ALL re: FOR SALE For Sale: IBM serial card - $10.00 Monochrome Monitor - $40.00 IBM DOS ver 3.30 - $50.00 Call 381-6161 if interested. Past hi msg # Msg #:? >Function:?