CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 09/08/89 20:59:43 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 208587; next msg =42454; 368 active msgs. Prev. call 09/06/89 @ 22:14, next msg was 42444 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 14 KILLED. 17 SUMMARY. 24 09/06/89,22:14:56,208534,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,5 09/06/89,22:29:05,208535,2,ART OLSEN,mount prospect/ Illinois,12 09/06/89,22:57:47,208536,1,TOM MOSKOS,,23 09/06/89,23:21:12,208537,2,TONY ANTONUCCI,,6 09/06/89,23:49:22,208538,2,BRUCE KALLICK,Winnetka/ IL,11 09/07/89,00:05:45,208539,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 09/07/89,00:36:28,208540,1,BRENT JONES,, E#42444, E#42445, E#42446, E#42447, E#42448,48 09/07/89,01:49:06,208541,2,DUANE LANG,,2 09/07/89,07:32:07,208542,2,DENNIS STAHL,,5 09/07/89,07:41:51,208543,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,4 09/07/89,10:37:30,208544,1,TONY VINCENT,,6 09/07/89,10:40:58,208545,1,TONY VINCENT,, >Help: ALL,10 09/07/89,11:47:14,208546,2,MATT KRUEGER,,8 09/07/89,12:32:52,208547,2,GEORGE PATAY,Park Ridge/ IL,11 09/07/89,13:02:55,208548,2,JACK HOMA,,8 09/07/89,14:25:54,208549,1,JUNE QUERCIA,,3 09/07/89,15:27:58,208550,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 09/07/89,15:51:38,208551,1,FRED FLINTSTONE,HOBART/IN, 09/07/89,15:58:31,208552,1,JOHN WILSON,CHICAGO,5 09/07/89,16:08:20,208553,1,ADAM DADA,,4 09/07/89,16:13:06,208554,1,SCOTT TEIPE,,1 09/07/89,18:57:18,208555,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,2 09/07/89,19:45:38,208556,1,JOHN MOCKUS,shoreWOOD ILL,14 09/07/89,20:54:54,208557,1,CHARLIE KESTNER,,5 ]__re: caller 208544. Tony Vincent? Somehow, that seems to ring a bell. Didn't we used to have person by this name who used to be a royal 'roid? Or am I remembering wrong? __Let's visit Scott Teipe and burn his modem. WHY must we have callers like that? Arrrrrgh! CHARLIE KESTNER, 09/07/89,21:07:08,208558,1,JOHN PETENES,,12 09/07/89,21:53:07,208559,1,BILL WOLFF,,2 09/07/89,21:58:13,208560,2,BILL MATTSON,,1 09/07/89,22:02:50,208561,2,JEFF MARTIN,,6 09/07/89,22:23:01,208562,1,LARRY BROWN,CHGO, 09/07/89,22:32:19,208563,1,BILL WOLFF,, E#42449,2 09/07/89,23:30:26,208564,2,JOSEPH COTILLO,,1 09/08/89,00:06:11,208565,1,JON YU,chicago,7 09/08/89,01:59:33,208566,2,DON RIEB,,2 09/08/89,02:48:38,208567,2,JIM MORAVEC,,10 09/08/89,04:36:50,208568,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 09/08/89,04:49:15,208569,2,JERRY OLSEN,,0 09/08/89,05:15:08,208570,2,ALEX ZELL,,4 ]ALEX ZELL, 09/08/89,05:38:07,208571,2,PETE JONES,,1 09/08/89,07:28:34,208572,2,ROGER PAULSON,,2 09/08/89,07:42:13,208573,1,EMMETT SNOW,, 09/08/89,09:56:37,208574,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,2 09/08/89,12:02:32,208575,2,PAUL STREETER,,10 09/08/89,12:14:10,208576,2,DON PIVEN,,3 09/08/89,13:14:56,208577,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 09/08/89,14:00:45,208578,3,JAIME CABAN,, E#42450,15 09/08/89,17:54:35,208579,1,SCOTT TEIPE,,0 09/08/89,18:47:19,208580,2,DICK HILL,Valparaiso/ IN,4 09/08/89,18:52:04,208581,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 09/08/89,19:48:56,208582,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,2 09/08/89,20:17:03,208583,2,JIM POLOUS,, E#42451, E#42452, E#42453,10 09/08/89,20:27:49,208584,2,ART OLSEN,,6 09/08/89,20:34:38,208585,2,BILL WOLFF,,2 09/08/89,20:54:42,208586,2,CHUCK ROSS,,5 09/08/89,20:59:47,208587,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 42444 09/07/89 BRENT JONES => JIM POLOUS: "R/PRODIGY AVAILABLE" 42445 09/07/89 BRENT JONES => TED SHAPIN: "R/I DIDN'T LIKE PRODIGY" 42446 09/07/89 BRENT JONES => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/PRODIGY WARNING" 42447 09/07/89 BRENT JONES => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/PRODIGY WARNING" 42448 09/07/89 BRENT JONES => RICHARD HINTON: "R/PRODIGY-REACTIONS TO?" 42449 09/07/89 BILL WOLFF => ALL: "LIKE PRODIGY???" 42450 09/08/89 JAIME CABAN => ALL: "WORDSTAR 2000 USERS?" 42451 09/08/89 JIM POLOUS => BRENT JONES: "PRODIGY" 42452 09/08/89 JIM POLOUS => BILL WOLFF: "PRODIGY" 42453 09/08/89 JIM POLOUS => ALL: "NETWORLD - DALLAS/TX" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 42444 is 02 line(s) on 09/07/89 from BRENT JONES to JIM POLOUS re: R/PRODIGY AVAILABLE I have 437-0213 as another Prodigy number for you. If you ask on Prodigy, t they will give you more Chicago area phone #'s. Brent Msg 42445 is 07 line(s) on 09/07/89 from BRENT JONES to TED SHAPIN re: R/I DIDN'T LIKE PRODIGY Ted, I have tried Prodigy for just a week and find it pretty good for the money. For the E-mail alone it is worth it. I think that the most important thing is that it is well written for the novice. That makes it too "menu-ey" for the advanced comm person, but I think it is still useful. Why not try it again and look in on the Computer Club-Jump "Computer Club". Brent Msg 42446 is 11 line(s) on 09/07/89 from BRENT JONES to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/PRODIGY WARNING Ward, I really appreciate the comment my "airing" a private letter, I won't do it again. I didn't realize that it was a sensitive thing. Though I got the critical mail via EasyPlex, I didn't even think of privacy and forgot about the little (P). I did reply, biting by tongue so that I wouldn't be as caustic as my critic. I explained that I didn't see CIS and Prodigy as competition. And each time I use either I am more convinced of this. Try using the Prodigy Directory and from it do an e-mail. It is so well done! Whoever wrote the e-mail sections of Prodigy sure deserves a lot of credit, it is simple and it works very well. Msg 42447 is 22 line(s) on 09/07/89 from BRENT JONES to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/PRODIGY WARNING I wish that I could see all the lovely colors on Prodigy too. But I am seeing CGA on my Toshiba-and it is often very hard to read the screen- kind of fuz on fuz. I asked the experts, who suggested Hercules! but of course that was nonsense. I even tried MCGA-which I had never heard of- but it was no good either. Have you tried using your laptop-is it a Zenith? Say you want to do something really useful? Tell me how to dump a Prodigy "PRINT" to disk rather than to my printer. Will some little DOS command do it? Could you write a tiny little program (TRS) that I could pop up and say "Redirect to disk"? I realize that the graphic screens of info are not ASCII in the first place. I only want to put my e-mail on disk. Also can you have a look at the front end of Prodigy (ie where you put in the user id and password and see if Prodigy could ever be accessed w/o their own software? Maybe that is a no-no. I suspect that some sort of special code is sent during the log on. And that this wouldn't be duplicatable (what kind of work is that!). The idea of sending graphics rather than text makes me feel that Prodigy will never be "open" in the sense of different comm software like CIS and the other BBS are. And the speed will continue to be a problem, unless we get fiber optics to all homes in the next few years. Msg 42448 is 18 line(s) on 09/07/89 from BRENT JONES to RICHARD HINTON re: R/PRODIGY-REACTIONS TO? Prodigy is a new IBM/Sears service for computers. It is somewhat like a BBS in that you can send/receive messages. But it is graphics based and commercial. I suppose that it falls in the area of VideoText, but because it uses PC's it is a bit smarter than all those other VideoText failures of the past 10 years (they were dumb terminals usually) I think that right now it is available only the IBM PC users but an Apple II and Mac version is coming. You can get a kit with $30 on-line credit for $40 from Sears stores-should call them first. One phone number in 312 area code is 437-0213, there are others. I think that the News, Weather, E-mail, travel service and games are pretty well done on Prodigy. The very best thing is the cost-hold on to your hat-$9.95 PER MONTH, UNLIMITED USE! Even with all the little graphics ads on the bottom of the screen I think that it is worth it. Would you believe that Sears has K-Mart, PC Penney and Speigel ads on THEIR service? You can even order groceries and pizza. Try to do that on CompuServe or GEnie or even CBBS! The initial kit price is refundable in 30 days if you don't like the service. Msg 42449 is 21 line(s) on 09/07/89 from BILL WOLFF to ALL re: LIKE PRODIGY??? Hmm. Prodigy sounds just like the same thing as PC-LINK. This requires differnt menus and only works with a special software (needs 384K) and displays graphics and all. The makers of PC-LINK has versions for the Apple (Apple-LINK) and Commodore (Q-LINK needs 64K) computers too. But they are not linked together. Bad news if you use more than one type of computer. My understanding is that Q-LINK is the most popular. Probably because it was out about three to four years before the other versions. I also use CIS, GEine and The Source (which was discontinued) and they all support your favorite communication program. Which is nice for sure. But those graphic communication programs like Prodigy and PC-LINK adds some spice to plain ASCII. But they usually lack powerful features that your favorite term has. If you can live with the lack of features with graphic systems offer, then I believe you are all set. PC-LINK has a $9.95 monthly fee. Same for Q-LINK too. Does Prodigy have the same cost? Q-LINK has some features you can use 13 hours a day for the same $9.95 charge per month. If you use them, what a deal. 31 days at 13 hours equals to 403 hours at a cost of two an a half cents per hour. But I doubt that you can stay up at night and log-on all that time??? But you can have fun trying! Msg 42450 is 03 line(s) on 09/08/89 from JAIME CABAN to ALL re: WORDSTAR 2000 USERS? I'm looking for users of Wordstar 2000 who do work with the Macro function. If anybody knows WS2000 please respond. Thanks Msg 42451 is 04 line(s) on 09/08/89 from JIM POLOUS to BRENT JONES re: PRODIGY When I checked on Prodigy, they were't admitting that there were any 312 numbers, yet. Thanks anyway. Jim Msg 42452 is 17 line(s) on 09/08/89 from JIM POLOUS to BILL WOLFF re: PRODIGY Prodigy is $9.95 per month ($40 for the initial kit and 3 months usage). It comes with the special graphics software, but it is much more impressive than PC-Link, or Q-Link (both of which someone in the house subscribes to). You can be on Prodigy as long as you want and do anything that you want on there without incurring any additional charges. The best part is that they seem to be aware of the telephone company's billing system and have installed several lines with local phone numbers for various communities. The number that I call is an Oak Lawn number which is great, since that's where I live. The only thing "wrong" with Prodigy is that they do not have any file transfer forums yet, although they aref* {orking on it. I see features that are not available for this geographic area, on-line grocery shopping, on-line computer banking. They want to have a bank in every major service area on the system. I'm waiting for something like that for me in this area, I will probably switch my money market and checking accounts over to that bank, but that's a whole other story. Jim Msg 42453 is 04 line(s) on 09/08/89 from JIM POLOUS to ALL re: NETWORLD - DALLAS/TX I will be attending the NETWORLD seminar, in fact, Novell asked our company to participate in two focus groups on the first day. Is anyone else going? If so, what plane are you going out on? Jim dup. chars. >Function:?