CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 08/30/89 20:55:33 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 208319; next msg =42409; 372 active msgs. Prev. call 08/28/89 @ 23:36, next msg was 42400 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking fo >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 8 KILLED. 113 SUMMARY. 24 08/28/89,23:36:59,208266,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#42400, E#42401, 08/28/89,23:49:07,208267,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#42402, E#42403,11 08/29/89,00:11:15,208268,2,BILL COLEMAN,,8 08/29/89,00:49:38,208269,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,4 08/29/89,01:24:42,208270,2,MIKE REINHART,,7 08/29/89,03:57:35,208271,2,PETE CANTELE,,4 08/29/89,04:23:04,208272,2,RON BINKOWSKI,Chicago/Il,1 08/29/89,04:25:16,208273,2,RON BINKOWSKI,,1 08/29/89,04:28:28,208274,2,PETE CANTELE,, E#42404,2 08/29/89,08:16:36,208275,1,JIM FLANAGAN,, E#42405,19 08/29/89,09:08:09,208276,1,BILL WOLFF,,2 08/29/89,11:13:33,208277,2,TONY ANTONUCCI,, 08/29/89,14:49:25,208278,2,JIM MILLS,,3 08/29/89,14:52:53,208279,1,RICO CARTY,boston, 08/29/89,15:07:02,208280,2,MARK JOHNSON,,3 ]MARK JOHNSON, 08/29/89,15:23:24,208281,2,DENNIS STAHL,,11 08/29/89,15:39:06,208282,1,LANE LARRISON,,1 08/29/89,15:57:37,208283,1,LANE LARRISON,,5 08/29/89,17:23:02,208284,1,CHARLES ENGLUND,,14 ]thanks for providing access to the bbs list CHARLES ENGLUND, 08/29/89,17:44:43,208285,2,KAY PATERSON,,2 08/29/89,17:50:29,208286,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,2 08/29/89,18:39:57,208287,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,3 08/29/89,19:05:41,208288,2,RUSS REVZAN,Blue Island/ IL,4 08/29/89,19:40:56,208289,1,BILL MARTIN,CHICAGO,7 08/29/89,20:12:51,208290,1,BILL WOLFF,,1 08/29/89,20:41:34,208291,2,RICHARD HINTON,,3 08/29/89,20:57:05,208292,3,JIM SACKETT,,11 08/29/89,22:19:20,208293,1,JOE JESSON,,10 08/29/89,22:31:09,208294,2,BRIAN MARKIELEWSKI,,2 08/29/89,22:45:49,208295,2,DAVID GIBBS,,3 08/29/89,23:49:08,208296,1,PAUL MILLER,wildwood/il,1 08/30/89,00:15:27,208297,1,EMMETT SNOW,CHICAGO IL,9 08/30/89,02:19:52,208298,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 08/30/89,05:24:00,208299,2,PETE JONES,,1 08/30/89,07:41:39,208300,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,2 08/30/89,07:49:12,208301,1,JOE JESSON,, E#42406, E#42407,7 08/30/89,08:04:15,208302,2,BILL WOLFF,,1 08/30/89,08:54:17,208303,1,ISAAK KASPLER,,2 08/30/89,09:28:10,208304,2,MARTY LINGG,,1 08/30/89,10:03:42,208305,2,DENNIS ROHR,, 08/30/89,11:53:34,208306,2,JOSEPH SKOM,,5 08/30/89,12:11:20,208307,1,LISA JOHNSON,BERWYN,11 08/30/89,13:03:20,208308,3,JAIME CABAN,JACKSONVILLE/ ILLINOIS, 08/30/89,13:17:43,208309,3,JAIME CABAN,,5 08/30/89,13:36:22,208310,1,ALEX ZELL,, 08/30/89,14:09:10,208311,3,MICHAEL PARTRIDGE,,4 08/30/89,14:24:57,208312,1,BRENT JONES,, E#42408,18 08/30/89,16:02:19,208313,1,ARNOLD BOYD,,1 08/30/89,18:00:03,208314,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,2 08/30/89,18:42:32,208315,2,ISADORE ZWEIG,, 08/30/89,19:26:48,208316,1,LANE LARRISON,,1 08/30/89,20:19:38,208317,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,,2 08/30/89,20:42:51,208318,1,LANE LARRISON,,1 08/30/89,20:55:37,208319,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 42400 08/28/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => SCOTT TEIPE: "BBS LIST" 42401 08/28/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => BRENT JONES: "R/PRODIGY WARNING" 42402 08/28/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => DOUG SHEPPARD: "X FUNCTION" 42403 08/28/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ADAM DADA: "CBBS HISTORY" 42404 08/29/89 PETE CANTELE => ALL: "HAYES 1200B FOR SALE" 42405 08/29/89 JIM FLANAGAN => BILL WOLFF: "DTP PROGRAMS (REPLY)" 42406X 08/30/89 JOE JESSON => ERIC BOHLMAN: "R/ANI TELEPHONE SERVICE." 42407 08/30/89 JOE JESSON => ERIC BOHLMAN: "R/ANI TELEPHONE SERVICE." 42408 08/30/89 BRENT JONES => ALL: "PRODIGY" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 42400 is 02 line(s) on 08/28/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to SCOTT TEIPE re: BBS LIST OK, "no" you can't submit the name to me. Submit it to the source of the list - see msg 42053. Good luck with the new board! Msg 42401 is 05 line(s) on 08/28/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to BRENT JONES re: R/PRODIGY WARNING Yes, if Prodigy does nothing more than allow widespread Email, it will be worth it - I think. They specifically are NOT trying to compete with BBSs, and therefore have no "file" area, no upload or download, etc. See #42388 for an interesting dis-like of Prodigy. Msg 42402 is 03 line(s) on 08/28/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to DOUG SHEPPARD re: X FUNCTION Gee, sorry - it (X function) worked OK for me. The "h;;chat" is supposed to pop up ONLY when someone types CHAT, since there's no one to answer the chat, it goes into chat-help which says "don't chat". ;-) Msg 42403 is 14 line(s) on 08/28/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ADAM DADA re: CBBS HISTORY Sorry you're suffering from all the line noise! My 2 new 9600 baud modems are "lost" (in the "drop off at store to have sent to UPS" "but never arrived at USR" sense). Hayes had an S-100 modem in - what - late '77, and Randy decided that could be used to run a dial-in system, which I originally suggested would be for people to modem in club newsletter items, but Randy suggested a more general purpose board. We did it on S-100 "gear" at the time, since Randy was "into" the hobby enough by then to "have a system lying around". It took some hacking, but Randy got the hardware going, and I got the software going. I'm sorry, I just have NO idea what kind of money it cost. When you bought memory boards for $525 for SIXTEEN K and thought you were getting a bargain, well, lets just say it cost a LOT back then. 'Course, Randy always has been a "scrounger" and seems to come up with "deals". ;-) Msg 42404 is 06 line(s) on 08/29/89 from PETE CANTELE to ALL re: HAYES 1200B FOR SALE For Sale: Hayes 1200b internal 1/2 slot modem. Like new, with documentation. $90 or best offer. Please lve. msg. or call me at 418-1615. Msg 42405 is 06 line(s) on 08/29/89 from JIM FLANAGAN to BILL WOLFF re: DTP PROGRAMS (REPLY) Bill, I may be wrong but I believe GeoLaser works with any Postscript compatible printer. Check w/ Berkley softworks they can be very helpful. I also wonder if your Printer (thr HP Laser II) couldn't be upgraded to Postscript compatibility. I sure other callers to the board will know the answer to that question. Good Luck, Jim No msg 42406 Msg 42407 is 01 line(s) on 08/30/89 from JOE JESSON to ERIC BOHLMAN re: R/ANI TELEPHONE SERVICE. Know the bit protocol? Thanks. Msg 42408 is 20 line(s) on 08/30/89 from BRENT JONES to ALL re: PRODIGY Folks, I would recommend that you definitely try out Prodigy. It is not as zippy as BBS or CompuServe but this is due to the high use of graphics. To see color you need EGA, but the monochrome CGA on my Toshiba 1200F looks pretty good. The price is definitely right-$9.95 per MONTH -not $12.50 per hours like Compu$erve (as some spell it). Draw backs 1) little 3 line graphics ads on each screen-but you have about that much in a magazine 2) slow response time-what do you expect with PCs at 2400 baud and 8088/6 chips [I have to admit that the "mainframe" used by IBM and Sears sure acts like a Commodore 64 acting as a file server for 100 terminals, but lets give them a chance to speed it up over the next year before we finally judge. The Prodigy kit costs $39.99 (mine was $42.69 after the state of IL took their "cut") but this includes 3 months of free service. I wish that I could have gotten one of the free kits but I wanted to get on-line as soon as I could. Finally, I do not work for IBM, Sears or have anything to gain from your use of Prodigy. But don't criticize it until you have spent some time giving it a try. There is a PC Club by the way. The kit is returnable for a full refund within 30 days. Brent Jones (71301,1742 on CompuServe) dup. chars. >Function:?