CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 08/28/89 23:36:55 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 208266; next msg =42400; 376 active msgs. Prev. call 08/27/89 @ 23:21, next msg was 42386 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking fo >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 16 KILLED. 106 SUMMARY. 25 08/27/89,23:21:19,208230,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#42386, E#42387, 08/27/89,23:56:57,208231,2,TED SHAPIN,orange/ca, E#42388,11 08/28/89,00:20:46,208232,2,CLIFF SHARP,,8 08/28/89,00:36:58,208233,1,DANNY VAISRUB,,1 08/28/89,02:59:58,208234,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,3 08/28/89,05:25:04,208235,2,PETE JONES,,2 08/28/89,05:27:34,208236,2,PETE JONES,,1 08/28/89,08:16:43,208237,1,JACK HOMA,,4 08/28/89,09:06:13,208238,1,JOHN MUNDT,,1 08/28/89,10:14:40,208239,2,ALEX ZELL,, 08/28/89,11:02:51,208240,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,5 08/28/89,11:25:09,208241,1,BRENT JONES,, E#42389, E#42390,17 08/28/89,11:56:43,208242,2,ADAM DADA,, E#42391,10 ]I have read a lot obout Ward in many books, and am interested in how did you get the system up, what computer did you use, and how much it cost ou bakc then. I don't know of nyone who doesn't know of Ward and Randy's, but I still do find a lost person ho needs help,f* and direct trhem to here. I just wanted to say KUTGW!! ADAM DADA, 08/28/89,12:16:59,208243,2,DICK HEAD,Palookaville/ Nebraska, 08/28/89,12:59:15,208244,1,GARY RELLIG,north chicago,4 ]Thank you for letting me use your system. I find it quite interesting. Congratulations on your anniversary! GARY RELLIG, 08/28/89,14:19:40,208245,2,CALVIN CURTINDOLPH,,8 08/28/89,15:17:33,208246,2,DON PIVEN,,2 08/28/89,15:30:42,208247,1,ARNOLD BOYD,, E#42392,6 08/28/89,15:40:39,208248,1,JIM EATON,,5 08/28/89,16:09:52,208249,1,KEN SMITH,,10 08/28/89,16:51:21,208250,2,RANDAL CRAIG,,5 08/28/89,18:13:32,208251,2,JOSEPH SKOM,,1 08/28/89,19:14:47,208252,2,TOM LICHT,,3 08/28/89,19:26:27,208253,1,ANDY RUNGE,,4 08/28/89,19:49:07,208254,1,SCOTT TEIPE,, ]>> got Flash<< E#42393,9 08/28/89,20:02:04,208255,2,ROSE GIBBNEY,palatine/il, E#42394,9 08/28/89,20:10:59,208256,1,COLIN SCHROEDER,, E#42395, E#42396,17 08/28/89,20:42:11,208257,1,PETE RETZBACH,, ]K,42008,PETE RETZBACH, 3 08/28/89,20:49:45,208258,1,CHARLIE KESTNER,,7 08/28/89,21:01:07,208259,2,JIM POLOUS,, E#42397,8 08/28/89,21:13:22,208260,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,, E#42398, E#42399,9 08/28/89,21:24:29,208261,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,22 08/28/89,21:46:27,208262,1,GEORGE LIMBERG,,1 08/28/89,21:54:33,208263,2,LOU ABERNATHY,,5 08/28/89,22:17:50,208264,1,BEN TEIFELD,,13 08/28/89,22:43:15,208265,2,EDGAR COUDAL,,3 08/28/89,23:36:59,208266,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 42386 08/27/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => JIM SACKETT: "R/INFO ON DTP" 42387 08/27/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => MIKE SANDMAN: "R/PATCHING COM PORTS" 42388 08/28/89 TED SHAPIN => ALL: "I DIDN'T LIKE PRODIGY" 42389 08/28/89 BRENT JONES => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/PRODIGY WARNING" 42390 08/28/89 BRENT JONES => ALL: "DBASE HOSPITAL SOFTWARE" 42391 08/28/89 ADAM DADA => JAMES SCHMIDT: "R/1701 POST ERROR HARD DRIVE" 42392 08/28/89 ARNOLD BOYD => ALL: "HELP WITH TI PROFESSIONAL" 42393 08/28/89 SCOTT TEIPE => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/BBS NUMBERS" 42394 08/28/89 ROSE GIBBNEY => ALL: "HELP WANTED" 42395 08/28/89 COLIN SCHROEDER => BILL WOLFF: "R/VM/386" 42396 08/28/89 COLIN SCHROEDER => ALL: "WP AND VIDEO MEMORY ADDRESSES" 42397 08/28/89 JIM POLOUS => RICHARD HINTON: "WP50 AND EXT RAM" 42398 08/28/89 RICHARD GOZDAL => ALL: "MONITORS WANTED" 42399 08/28/89 RICHARD GOZDAL => ALL: "YANDY HELP" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 42386 is 19 line(s) on 08/27/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to JIM SACKETT re: R/INFO ON DTP Your problem is that you're using a "high end" printer (the rented HP) with a "low end" publishing package. I may be generalizing, but "low end" publishing packages work quite hard to do well with inexpensive dot matrix printers, while "high end" publishing packages (PageMaker, Ventura) don't "bother" with low-end printers, concentrating on using all the features of the "high end" printers. I use PageMaker and a Deskjet at home and with a PostScript printer at work. For those times that I need larger fonts (than the 14 point supported by the font cartridges) at home, I bought a copy of Corel Draw, which has a lot of nice fonts that you export in WMF (Windows Meta File) format to PageMaker. PageMaker, Windows, Corel Draw, HP Desk Jet, and a couple font carts (Times Roman, Helvetica, both in the efficient "ascii" versions) make a nice publishing system. Ventura has some strengths compared to PM, such as larger doc's, lower overhead, etc. But (heh heh) if you get PageMaker, you'll find more help here. Msg 42387 is 06 line(s) on 08/27/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to MIKE SANDMAN re: R/PATCHING COM PORTS Sorry, you're out of luck. Com1 and com3 use the same interrupt, only the port base changes. With Com1 and Com2, the interrupt changes, so it is MUCH more complex to patch (I've never been successful, since it becomes a need to search for things like various hex bits being put out certain ports, etc. Msg 42388 is 09 line(s) on 08/28/89 from TED SHAPIN to ALL re: I DIDN'T LIKE PRODIGY Here in Orange Calif., computer club members were offered Prodigy free for 6 months. I tried it and found it so poor comapred to the BBS systems I am used to that I never used it more than 2 or 3 times. Response time was terribly slow, the graphic screens mean the information content is tiny compared to the info content on a text screen and the advertisments that keep flashing up are a pain in the xxx. I wouldn't recommend it. Ted. Msg 42389 is 09 line(s) on 08/28/89 from BRENT JONES to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/PRODIGY WARNING Hey that's pretty good, getting to use P-Y [how are we going to abbreviate this one!?] for free for 90 days. Any more free kits available? I am going to Sears today to try to get one a regular kit. For E-mail alone it could revolutionize personal computing. IBM and Sears have probably hit upon an instant winner. The time is right in terms of people with computers wanting to inter-communicate across the USA and lets hope the entire globe. CIS is fine for technical areas and special forums but for John Q. Public he wants to write to more general areas-like to CBS for not keeping his favorite sitcom on, etc. Msg 42390 is 12 line(s) on 08/28/89 from BRENT JONES to ALL re: DBASE HOSPITAL SOFTWARE I am in need of information. A small (100 bed hospital) currently using dBase III + would like to do the following areas: IN/OUT PATIENT RECORDS PHARMACY SUPPLIES BILLING (POSSIBLY ACCOUNTING) Source code needed. Brent Jones Msg 42391 is 10 line(s) on 08/28/89 from ADAM DADA to JAMES SCHMIDT re: R/1701 POST ERROR HARD DRIVE James, it has occured to me MANY times. I have had this HD for many years, and i get the messages once in a while. I have found out that it usually happens when I either turn off or Ctrl-Alt-Delete When my HD is STILL rotating. When i return to using the comuter, the heads probably need to go to their original position or somethand they cannot do it in the time need to do the POST. The only way i can fix it is to do a warmboot t and then the drive corrects itself. If you need a good book on ERROR MESS AGES, contact Peter Norton, or get his book on Errors from a local bookstore the book is written in plain English, so if you don't understand COmputer Jive, this book w{ll help. Msg 42392 is 05 line(s) on 08/28/89 from ARNOLD BOYD to ALL re: HELP WITH TI PROFESSIONAL i have an old ti professional desktop computer which uses ms-dos 2.11 if anyone know how to update this to a current version or make it somewhat compatable, or know of any programs that will run on it, please leave me a message or give me a call at 830-4222 thanks Msg 42393 is 10 line(s) on 08/28/89 from SCOTT TEIPE to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/BBS NUMBERS ward did u enter that >>FLASH<< Message? well anyway i am going to be pu putting up my own bbs and i was wondering if i could submit the number to u. anyway regarding that >>FLASH<< message I DID NOT AND I REPEAT NOT MEAN TO ERASE THAT LETTER! i got line noise and one of the carriers was a return key.i was trying to erase soe=me old back-log messages to me from u and i hit the back-space key and instead of backspacing e and i do appoligoise for the inconvienince but u should have some kinda command to automatically kill messages after someone reads them that way someone doesn't just kill the whole system.u know what i mean? Msg 42394 is 14 line(s) on 08/28/89 from ROSE GIBBNEY to ALL re: HELP WANTED Rational Technologies, Inc. is a start up company involved in the design and implementation of communications technologies. RTI (tm) is currently looking for peopl{ who hare interests in tecf*hni{al computer {ystem development (Unix, DOS, C, hardware, and software.), marketing, client support, and shareware. RTI is not in a position to pay salaries at this time. All time contributed is rewarded with equity in RTI. If you are interested in communications technologies and have a minimum of 10 hours a week to work on projects, please send me a note including your name, address, and phone{number where I can reach you in the evening, or on weekends. Send the note to: Rose Gibbney, 1265 Sterling Ave, Palatine, IL 60067-1930. Msg 42395 is 13 line(s) on 08/28/89 from COLIN SCHROEDER to BILL WOLFF re: R/VM/386 thanks for the addnl. info-no need to look up anything. I'm fairly familiar w/ the standards problem. My current difficulties stem from the fact that 2 prog.s running simultaneously often try to grab video memory other prog.s need to be using. The prime offenders seem to be wp applications such as wordperfect and m-soft word. if either is run in a virtual machine which is linked only to a Hercules monitor, they still corrupt VGA address space! IGC says the wp prog.s must be trying to use some of it for their graphics modes. Any ideas on how to tell such a prog to leave certain address ranges alone? Any text mode program runs fine on the Hercules, w/o corrupting any VGA memory. Thanks for the info. Msg 42396 is 20 line(s) on 08/28/89 from COLIN SCHROEDER to ALL re: WP AND VIDEO MEMORY ADDRESSES I'm running into an odd (or perhaps not so odd) problem with wordperfect and its use of video memory. Here's the situation I'm running all my apps under VM/386, which sets up independent virtual machines which share a standard DOS file system and i/o channels. Each vm runs its own copy of dos, has its own config files, etc. What's happening is that everything works fine unless I try to run WordPerfect (or Microsoft Word, for that matter) in a vm which is linked only to the Hercules video (also have a VGA video attached to the hardware, but not linked to the WP virtual machine). When i start up WP, it somehow appropriates some of the video addresses used by the VGA, thus corrupting the VGA display. This corruption continues even after WP has been exited, and if I attempt to reboot one of the VGA vms, the whole system crashes and needs a cold boot! Any ideas on how I can get these WP programs to leave a specified address range alone? BTW I'm fine for now, running WP on VGA and other, text mode programs on the Herc. causes no conflicts. Any help would bgreatly appreciated! Msg 42397 is 11 line(s) on 08/28/89 from JIM POLOUS to RICHARD HINTON re: WP50 AND EXT RAM If you have expanded RAM (in the case of an AT, extended RAM - You'll need a LIM 4.0 driver - PC Magazine had a half way decent one a few months back), you can specify Word Pe]+~fect with a /R option C:\WP50> WP /R - This will load all of Word Perfect into the expanded RAM provided that you have enough. One of the management staff at work runs a Word Perfect she{ll that will allow him to transfer multiple files from expanded RAM to DOS RAM and swap between them. Unfortunately, WP50 is larger than what 1 Meg will give you in expanded (WP50 is about 370K), the extra 384K is not large enough after the LIM 4.0 driver!. Hope this helps. Jim Msg 42398 is 06 line(s) on 08/28/89 from RICHARD GOZDAL to ALL re: MONITORS WANTED I ran an ad in the Trib classified and had a few EXTRA calls for a Tandy CM-11 monitor. If you want to get rid of one, the going price is $190 (minus 5 for me). I will let the customers call you. I paid $21 for the ad so want something! Might be able to satisfy ONE customer with a GOOD CGA monitor (less than $190). More than the going price on the BBSs. Msg 42399 is 04 line(s) on 08/28/89 from RICHARD GOZDAL to ALL re: YANDY HELP Need info on the OLD Tandy 1000HD. The mem card has TWO rows of mem chips (probably 64K). Can they be replaced with 256K for 512K total? Or is a mem expansion board needed? Have a customer for this also (chips or board and chips). dup. chars. >Function:?