CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 08/10/89 00:46:38 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 207707; next msg =42259; 375 active msgs. Prev. call 08/08/89 @ 20:17, next msg was 42251 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking fo >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 13 KILLED. 22 SUMMARY. 24 4,207665,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#42251,12 08/08/89,20:40:01,207666,1,CHARLIE KESTNER,,3 08/08/89,20:52:42,207667,2,GEORGE DIMIDIK,,12 08/08/89,21:30:00,207668,1,JON SIPE,,1 08/08/89,21:40:44,207669,1,KEVIN KEYSER,, E#42252,10 08/08/89,22:30:10,207670,2,LES GARMAN,Great Lakes/ IL,15 08/08/89,22:52:03,207671,1,BILL WOLFF,,2 08/08/89,23:41:07,207672,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#42253,3 08/09/89,01:01:32,207673,1,RAD MAN,,3 08/09/89,02:37:40,207674,1,THOMAS HOLLOWAY,, 08/09/89,05:32:36,207675,2,PETE JONES,,1 08/09/89,07:19:12,207676,2,PAUL STREETER,,112 08/09/89,09:18:37,207677,2,ROBERT BURKHEAD,,0 08/09/89,09:19:39,207678,2,ALEX ZELL,, 08/09/89,09:26:51,207679,2,GARY ELFRING,,2 08/09/89,09:45:34,207680,1,ROBERT BURKHEAD,, 08/09/89,10:23:52,207681,1,ROBERT BURKHEAD,, 08/09/89,10:25:16,207682,1,ROBERT BURKHEAD,, 08/09/89,10:30:41,207683,1,ROBERT BURKHEAD,,1 08/09/89,11:03:59,207684,2,JOHN LIN,,2 08/09/89,12:11:04,207685,2,TODD SHEETZ,Schamburg/ Il,8 08/09/89,12:23:59,207686,2,ROBERT FALESCH,bensenville/ IL, ]CHAT: Where and when does CACHE meet?,17 08/09/89,12:42:19,207687,2,BOB FALESCH,Oak Park/ IL,1 08/09/89,12:47:07,207688,2,TONY ANTONUCCI,,5 ]Ward; Well I was flying with my instructor, on a review flight (I was going to take my check ride for pilot license the next day) we hit VERY nasty weather change (wind shear) near Aurora airport, and crashed. I was in the hospital for 5 weeks. My instructor (and friend) was killed, I was Very nearly killed, and VERY lucky to be alive. Half a dozen surgerys later, I am recovering at my parents (2 blocks from where Randy used to live). Will be a month or more til I will be able to walk with a walker...I will be OK, but its going to take a long time. TONY ANTONUCCI, 08/09/89,13:27:15,207689,2,JAIME VIEHWEG,Naperville/ IL,2 08/09/89,15:05:13,207690,1,DON PIVEN,,0 08/09/89,15:39:28,207691,2,MARTY LINGG,,1 08/09/89,16:08:09,207692,2,RON SALUSKI,,3 08/09/89,16:38:19,207693,1,ADAM DADA,, E#42254,6 08/09/89,16:45:41,207694,1,SCOTT TEIPE,, E#42255,3 08/09/89,17:16:11,207695,1,TOM LUBECK,, E#42256,7 08/09/89,17:23:36,207696,2,GARY ELFRING,,0 08/09/89,18:38:23,207697,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,3 08/09/89,19:07:22,207698,1,GARY BECHTOLD,,5 ]BEARS ARE THE BEST GARY BECHTOLD, 08/09/89,19:41:54,207699,1,CHARLIE KESTNER,, E#42257,4 ]__AZ: Please ask Randy what is wrong with my login. I try feeding it my current password, and it gives me some kind of "unbound variable" msg. Tried it severral times, same result. __Tnx in advance. __P.S. I'd simply call him, but not telno available. CHARLIE KESTNER,6 08/09/89,21:06:08,207700,3,STEVE GENOVESE,,2 08/09/89,22:05:47,207701,2,PHIL JERN,, E#42258,5 08/09/89,22:55:45,207702,2,TOM LICHT,Northlake/ IL, 08/09/89,23:05:24,207703,2,TOM LICHT,,3 08/10/89,00:05:44,207704,2,ALEX ZELL,,4 ]CK: Relaying your problem to randy. Letcha know what he says. Tony Anto: I assume you are at your old location on Warwic[_{. Any small chore or special service needed, just leave a note here. ALEX ZELL, 08/10/89,00:18:46,207705,2,DONALD CROSS,,5 08/10/89,00:26:34,207706,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 08/10/89,00:46:41,207707,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 42251 08/08/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => RICHARD GOZDAL: "R/3 1/2 " DRIVES" 42252 08/08/89 KEVIN KEYSER => ALL: "MAINFRAME FOR SALE" 42253 08/08/89 ERIC BOHLMAN => GRAHAM GAMBLE: "C BOARD" 42254 08/09/89 ADAM DADA => JIM ANDERSON: "R/SELLING VGA CARD" 42255 08/09/89 SCOTT TEIPE => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/GOOD NUMBERS" 42256 08/09/89 TOM LUBECK => RICHARD GOZDAL: "R/3 1/2 " DRIVES" 42257X 08/09/89 CHARLIE KESTNER => ALEX ZELL: "CHINET" 42258 08/09/89 PHIL JERN => ALL INTERESTED: "HARD DRIVES FOR SALE" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 42251 is 27 line(s) on 08/08/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to RICHARD GOZDAL re: R/3 1/2 " DRIVES The disks you're seeing are specified as: Single Sided Double Density, Double " " " " " High " I don't know what the first are for - perhaps the old MAC or something. The 2nd & 3rd are now also known by their unformatted capacity, i.e. 1M and 2M, formatting out on PCs to 720K and 1.44M. (1.4M?) The "coercivity" of the 1.44s is higher, so you SHOULD use the higher coercivity diskettes at 1.44, but many people use the 720K diskettes and format them to 1.44 - though I've heard of problems - most recently TODAY. (so don't put any "useful" data on a diskette of the wrong density, I'd say). IBM started all this by NOT testing for the extra hole that is in the 1.44M diskettes, thus allowing naive users to "by default" format 720K diskettes to 1.44M. Here's a "definitive" msg on the subject: No: 147252 S1/Disk/Disk Utils (H) 14-Aug-88 04:18:54 Re: #147080-disk question From: John Rourke 76630,2337 ==> Ward Christensen 76703,302 I finally got fed up with being told this and that about HC 3.5 disks - so I called 3M, Verbatim(Kodak) and Memorex to get it from the horse's mouth. The engineers tell me that while 5.25's DSDD are 300 Oersteds and 5.25 HC's are 600 Oersteds (higher coercivity), the 3.5 DD are 620 and the 3.5 HC are 650, which seems to indicate it is possible to use 3.5 DD as HC. (The engineers say "We-e-ell, we can't really recommend that") Msg 42252 is 14 line(s) on 08/08/89 from KEVIN KEYSER to ALL re: MAINFRAME FOR SALE For sale 1 point 4 multiuser computer system. The system consists of the following: 1 Point 4 128K Cpu 1 Point 4 #DSC12 disk controller 1 CDC #9448 Cartridge module drive 2 Hazeltine #1510 terminals 1 Visual #vt200 terminal 1 #352 Centronics printer 1 #702 Centronics printer 1 Dumb 1200 Bps modem 1 AT&T data phone and Misc. RS-232 connectors, hardware, and disk packs. All this for the BEST offer. Call Rose at 708/678-8898 Msg 42253 is 02 line(s) on 08/08/89 from ERIC BOHLMAN to GRAHAM GAMBLE re: C BOARD The Programming House in Oak Park (386-9271) has a fair number of C people hanging around, as well as a bunch of C files. Msg 42254 is 10 line(s) on 08/09/89 from ADAM DADA to JIM ANDERSON re: R/SELLING VGA CARD Jim, I dunno. It seems that the ROM chips go up in value fast. But I would say that i would sell less then $200. It is a Paradise VGA card. It really Kix, but i wanna get a hold of TG13.3 V 1.001.002. It is backwards compatible with ALL current systems, including targa 16. It(the board I want) for about $2300. If i can get it, i will sell the vga card. for much less then 200 buckeroonies. Please Call me by voice at the following number for more info: (312)-698-3091 Anytime. Ask for Adam, I will then be able to connect to to my computer's line from there. Thanks fer being interested. VGA RULES Adam Dada->The Mad Master Msg 42255 is 04 line(s) on 08/09/89 from SCOTT TEIPE to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/GOOD NUMBERS Didja think about letting users write their own reviews for the ddials. That way mebbe you can delete non-existing numbers, etc. W/B well, thanks anyway. Scott Teipe<-Rocco Msg 42256 is 04 line(s) on 08/09/89 from TOM LUBECK to RICHARD GOZDAL re: R/3 1/2 " DRIVES 3-1/2 drives Call me at 944-0010 10 am to 6pm, I can naswer questions on 3-1/2 inch drives and the particulars of diskettes. Tom Lubeck/Technical Advisor/Design Type No msg 42257 Msg 42258 is 03 line(s) on 08/09/89 from PHIL JERN to ALL INTERESTED re: HARD DRIVES FOR SALE I have some approximately 40 meg full height used hard drives for sale. These are ST-506 MFM drives, in good condition. Asking $150.00 leave a message here or (voice) on 338-0338. dup. chars. >Function:?