CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 08/08/89 01:52:43 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 207642; next msg =42244; 371 active msgs. Prev. call 08/06/89 @ 02:51, next msg was 42237 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking fo >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 8 KILLED. 15 SUMMARY. 24 RD CHRISTENSEN,, E#42238, ]S,USERS, 08/06/89,02:51:46,207571,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,4 08/06/89,03:01:23,207572,2,SAMIR SALAME,,1 08/06/89,04:37:24,207573,2,ALEX ZELL,, 08/06/89,04:53:51,207574,2,ALEX ZELL,,2 08/06/89,05:18:27,207575,2,CALVIN CURTINDOLPH,,14 08/06/89,06:02:58,207576,2,DENNIS DUFFNER,,2 08/06/89,06:28:32,207577,1,GLENN FERRELL,,6 08/06/89,06:46:15,207578,1,BERT SEMPLE,,4 08/06/89,07:54:02,207579,2,RICHARD HINTON,,1 08/06/89,08:38:01,207580,2,TOM KOWALCZYK,,1 ]TOM KOWALCZYK, 08/06/89,08:55:35,207581,2,MARIO PACHECO,, E#42237,17 08/06/89,09:16:19,207582,1,C DEMORO,,5 08/06/89,09:30:48,207583,2,MIKE SANDMAN,,4 08/06/89,09:35:08,207584,2,MIKE SANDMAN,,4 08/06/89,09:44:43,207585,1,GEORGE DIMIDIK,,6 08/06/89,09:59:38,207586,2,JOHN COOPER,LF,5 08/06/89,10:06:07,207587,2,JOHN COOPER,,2 08/06/89,10:38:01,207588,2,JOSEPH SKOM,,4 08/06/89,11:31:27,207589,1,DENNIS LEONG,,3 08/06/89,12:46:57,207590,1,LARRY GO,LANSING,9 08/06/89,12:52:28,207591,2,PHIL JERN,,3 08/06/89,13:01:25,207592,1,K M,, 08/06/89,14:09:55,207593,1,VIRENDRA DHUPELIA,,13 08/06/89,14:43:09,207594,3,ART PITKIN,,5 08/06/89,14:59:51,207595,1,MARY ANNE EDDIE,Richton Park/ Illinois,9 ]This is my first time trying toget around on a Board MARY ANNE EDDIE, 08/06/89,15:22:17,207596,3,PHILIP REAGAN,great lakes, 08/06/89,15:37:04,207597,2,JOHN COOPER,,2 08/06/89,15:51:28,207598,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#42238, ]S,USERS, 08/06/89,16:13:02,207599,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,1 08/06/89,16:16:35,207600,2,DAVID BETHANY,,1 08/06/89,16:52:10,207601,2,G G,, 08/06/89,17:17:27,207602,1,DAVID WYOSNICK,,4 08/06/89,17:23:18,207603,1,ARNOLD BOYD,,2 08/06/89,17:40:14,207604,2,JONATHAN WAN,MILPITAS/CA, 08/06/89,19:16:15,207605,2,DAVID GIBBS,,1 08/06/89,20:18:19,207606,2,JOSEPH SKOM,,2 08/06/89,20:50:52,207607,2,ALEX ZELL,, 08/06/89,20:58:20,207608,1,MARK DYMBAT,Chicago, E#42239, >Help: A,38 ]Hi guys, Been a long time since I logged on. Things sure got a lot more complicated since then. Thanks for keeping the same number. MARK DYMBAT, 08/06/89,21:41:50,207609,1,GEORGE DIMIDIK,,4 08/06/89,21:48:25,207610,2,GEORGE BURNS,beverly hills,5 ]Say goodnite, Graci! GEORGE BURNS, 08/06/89,22:00:20,207611,3,MARK DYMBAT,,3 08/06/89,22:12:20,207612,2,LEO ANGEVINE,, E#42240,4 08/06/89,22:37:00,207613,1,CHARLIE KESTNER,, E#42241,3 08/06/89,23:00:53,207614,2,ART CLEMONS,hazel crest/ il,2 08/06/89,23:04:28,207615,2,MARK DYMBAT,, E#42242,9 08/07/89,01:39:07,207616,1,RICHARD MARTYNOV,,5 08/07/89,05:29:55,207617,2,PETE JONES,,1 08/07/89,06:15:26,207618,3,MARK DYMBAT,, 08/07/89,07:39:19,207619,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,87 08/07/89,08:53:42,207620,2,MARTY LINGG,,1 08/07/89,09:00:23,207621,2,GARY ELFRING,, E#42243,7 08/07/89,12:05:38,207622,2,DAVID BETHANY,,3 08/07/89,13:01:32,207623,2,JOSEPH SKOM,,2 08/07/89,13:36:45,207624,2,STEVE COOK,,3 08/07/89,14:46:40,207625,2,TONY ANTONUCCI,,13 ]Since I was in a private plane crash, and will be confined to bed for several months, I will be a much more active asst. sysop in the future......talk to you guys !!!! -Tony TONY ANTONUCCI, 08/07/89,15:40:17,207626,2,ROBERT BURKHEAD,,13 08/07/89,18:27:24,207627,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,3 08/07/89,18:46:54,207628,2,PHIL JERN,,1 08/07/89,19:38:05,207629,1,DON PAGE,FRANKLIN PARK IL.,5 08/07/89,19:48:03,207630,2,PAUL STREETER,,14 08/07/89,19:57:42,207631,1,DON PAGE,,9 08/07/89,20:11:31,207632,1,CHARLIE KESTNER,,1 08/07/89,20:14:14,207633,1,DON PAGE,, 08/07/89,20:39:33,207634,1,HESCHEL WEINER,CHICAGO,2 08/07/89,21:30:09,207635,2,JACK FELDMAN,,1 08/07/89,21:49:12,207636,1,GRAHAM GAMBLE,,3 ]SYSOPI PLACED AN AD ON YOUR BBS (#42203 - PLEASE SEE). I WAS WONDERING WHETHER YOU MAY ADVISE AS TO WHERE AN AD SUCH AS THIS MIGHT BE EFFECTIVE. (I.E. - OTHER BBS WHICH SPECIALIZE IN "C" ETC. YOUR RESPONSE WOULD BE APPRECIATED. GRAHAM GAMBLE, 08/07/89,23:21:57,207637,1,DONNIE STUHLMAN,,7 08/07/89,23:31:16,207638,1,RALPH GUSTAFFSON,CHICAGO/IL, >Help: J,4 ]PLEASE GET RID OF THAT AWFUL BEEP! RALPH GUSTAFFSON, 08/07/89,23:35:50,207639,2,ALEX ZELL,, 08/07/89,23:50:56,207640,2,BILL NATT,,1 08/08/89,00:13:00,207641,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,2 08/08/89,01:52:46,207642,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 42237 08/06/89 MARIO PACHECO => WARD: "READING MESSAGES" 42238 08/06/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ALL: "SOFTWARE CAROUSEL?" 42239 08/06/89 MARK DYMBAT => ALL: "FOR SALE NORTH STAR ADVANTAGE" 42240 08/06/89 LEO ANGEVINE => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/HELLO" 42241 08/06/89 CHARLIE KESTNER => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/SOFTWARE CAROUSEL?" 42242 08/06/89 MARK DYMBAT => ALL: "FOR SALE 1200 BAUD MODEM" 42243 08/07/89 GARY ELFRING => ED FOSTER: "MANUAL" ---- End of summary ---- Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 42237 is 07 line(s) on 08/06/89 from MARIO PACHECO to WARD re: READING MESSAGES I have not called you BBS much and f*though ~rI would like to, the one thing which bugs me though is not being able to continually read messages starting from some given message number. Is that possible? Doing some tinkering it seems that one would have to use an "o;1" and write down the message numbers of interest. In my case my communications program does have a scroll back buffer. It would still be nice to read messages one after the other. Msg 42238 is 11 line(s) on 08/06/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ALL re: SOFTWARE CAROUSEL? Anyone else using Software Carousel? I'm having problems trying to figure out what programs to load in my autoexec, and which to load in "each partition". The main programs I want are: CED, CTRLALT, and STACKEY. CED seems to have taken over the low level keyboard I/O, so the "switch partition" hot key doesn't work until I press enter, if I'm at the DOS prompt (which actually isn't too bad). What kind of partitions do you set up? A couple small ones for DIR and things like that? One with your favorite DOS directory tree program resident? A BIG one for commo programs which might shell to DOS, etc? Thanks! Msg 42239 is 09 line(s) on 08/06/89 from MARK DYMBAT to ALL re: FOR SALE NORTH STAR ADVANTAGE North Star Advantage for sale. 64K memory, two 360K drives, serial port, parallel port. WordStar already installed. Sorry, I don't have any manuals for it. Best offer over $150 gets it. Call Mark at 545-4566 most any time. Also available: One D.C. Hayes 1200 Baud Smartmodem, $75 gets it. Sorry, no manual for him either. Msg 42240 is 04 line(s) on 08/06/89 from LEO ANGEVINE to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/HELLO I am a pilot with United Air Lines. Thus the apartment in CHI. I primarily use my BBS in PA for contacting my farm business there. I made it a public BBS and now is quite busy -- primarily for family and friends. Msg 42241 is 03 line(s) on 08/06/89 from CHARLIE KESTNER to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/SOFTWARE CAROUSEL? You really owe it to yourself to look at 4DOS as a CED replacement. As near as I (and Phil Newman) can tell, it out-CEDs CED. Msg 42242 is 04 line(s) on 08/06/89 from MARK DYMBAT to ALL re: FOR SALE 1200 BAUD MODEM D.C. Hayes 1200 Baud Smartmodem for sale First $75.00 gets it Sorry, no manual for the beast. Call Mark at 545-4566 most any time. Msg 42243 is 09 line(s) on 08/07/89 from GARY ELFRING to ED FOSTER re: MANUAL My manual is now perfect bound for a couple of very good reasons. I used to have 2 saddle stiched manuals that totaled about 62 pages. They cost $3.25 per set to be printed. The perfect bound manual (1 for all 62 pages) looks MUCH more professional and the cost- $0.68 each! Saddle stiched m manuals work well up to 50 - 60 pages, but are expensive to make (labor). Perfect bound manuals must have a minimum of 64 pages, and are cheap to make. (Minimum quantity 1000, at least 64 pages, and pages must move up in increments of 16.) To get my programs stocked on dealer shelves they want nice packaging, professional looking manuals, etc. Now I qualify. No dup. chars. >Function:?CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 08/08/89 20:17:11 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?w3^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 207665; next msg =42251; 378 active msgs. Prev. call 08/08/89 @ 01:52, next msg was 42244 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking fo >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 10 KILLED. 15 SUMMARY. 24 08/08/89,01:52:46,207642,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,9 ]Tony! Sheesh! what happened? Stick an append to OPLOG (via OPLGO command)! WARD CHRISTENSEN, E#42244, E#42245,19 08/08/89,03:03:49,207643,3,ERIC BOHLMAN,,73 08/08/89,06:13:13,207644,2,ALEX ZELL,, 08/08/89,09:17:07,207645,3,PHIL SCHUMAN,, E#42246,4 08/08/89,09:49:55,207646,2,JACK HOMA,,3 08/08/89,10:30:21,207647,1,JIM FLANAGAN,,5 08/08/89,11:10:01,207648,1,ERIC STRAUTS,, 08/08/89,11:47:23,207649,1,BENJAMIN COHEN,, E#42247,5 08/08/89,12:22:02,207650,2,JOHN HABERMANN,,10 08/08/89,13:14:48,207651,2,DONALD CROSS,, E#42248,14 08/08/89,13:29:25,207652,2,DONALD CROSS,,3 08/08/89,15:31:47,207653,2,MICHAEL LIND,,4 08/08/89,15:35:15,207654,2,MICHAEL LIND,,5 08/08/89,15:46:42,207655,2,STEVE AIDIKONIS,,3 08/08/89,17:01:28,207656,1,LANE LARRISON,,1 08/08/89,17:09:37,207657,1,LANE LARRISON,,1 08/08/89,17:11:17,207658,1,DON PIVEN,,1 08/08/89,17:45:31,207659,2,MARTY DIPPEL,,9 08/08/89,18:30:12,207660,1,EDGAR COUDAL,,2 08/08/89,19:09:01,207661,2,JERRY OLSEN,, E#42249,15 08/08/89,19:54:12,207662,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,, E#42250,4 08/08/89,20:10:01,207663,2,JOSEPH SKOM,,3 08/08/89,20:13:43,207664,1,MICHAEL BLAKE,,1 08/08/89,20:17:14,207665,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 42244 08/08/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => RALPH GUSTAFFSON: "AWFUL BEEP!" 42245 08/08/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => GRAHAM GAMBLE: "BBS POSTING" 42246 08/08/89 PHIL SCHUMAN => ALL: "SOTA 386 ACCEL" 42247 08/08/89 BENJAMIN COHEN => ALL: "WORDSTAR 4 ^QT HELP" 42248 08/08/89 DONALD CROSS => DAVID GIBBS: "R/PROGRAMMING JOB NEEDED" 42249 08/08/89 JERRY OLSEN => GRAHAM GAMBLE: "'C' BOARD" 42250 08/08/89 RICHARD GOZDAL => ALL: "3 1/2 " DRIVES" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 42244 is 05 line(s) on 08/08/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to RALPH GUSTAFFSON re: AWFUL BEEP! OK. Use the (P)rompt bell command (just type P) to turn off the bell. Then type the U command to update your profile to say you don't want it. Then, when you log on, log on as: n;ralph;gustaffson and you'll be logged on with only one beep. Msg 42245 is 09 line(s) on 08/08/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to GRAHAM GAMBLE re: BBS POSTING (no "sysop" here, I'm "Ward"). Well, I just am not that familiar with the boards - but check out the msgs starting at 42053. It is a list of Chicago area bbs's. Maybe one of the names will sound like something appropriate. I just don't know where to go for a "C" programming related BBS. P.S. sorry your 42203 disappeared - an assistant operator must have zapped it - for being "too cutesie", or having borders, lines of -'s, lots of space-and-time-wasting centering, or "something". We like simple "net" messages. Msg 42246 is 04 line(s) on 08/08/89 from PHIL SCHUMAN to ALL re: SOTA 386 ACCEL I am thinking of getting the Sota 386 accelerator board for a Compaq Deskpro. this is the original 8086 Deskpro and most of the accelerator cards don't work with the 8086 processor. Has anyone else added the 286 or 386 board from Sota - - they are a new kid on the block, and just started shipping. Msg 42247 is 07 line(s) on 08/08/89 from BENJAMIN COHEN to ALL re: WORDSTAR 4 ^QT HELP Has anyone any idea about how to patch WS4 to get the ^QT command to delete UP TO the specified character instead of deleting up to AND INCLUDING the specified character. I often find that the last character that I want deleted is not unique to the string but the NEXT character that I don't want deleted usually is. VDE works the way I'd like WS to work: you press ^QT and then the delete goes from the cursor position UP TO the next occurence of the specified character. Msg 42248 is 09 line(s) on 08/08/89 from DONALD CROSS to DAVID GIBBS re: R/PROGRAMMING JOB NEEDED David, I've never worked on S/36's. My experience is on IBM 4341's DEC, and DG mini's, and IBM PCs, XTs, ATs, PS/2s and clones. I've worked with COBOL, Assembler, BASIC, Quick BASIC, some C, FoxBase. The last couple of projects I put together linked the micros to the mainframe with Tempus Link. Anyway, all that is the long way of saying that I haven't worked with S/36s or RPG (unfair assumption?). I pick things up quickly, but I'm not sure I would find RPG too attractive. Any suggestions? Msg 42249 is 17 line(s) on 08/08/89 from JERRY OLSEN to GRAHAM GAMBLE re: 'C' BOARD I don't recall your message to which Ward replied, but if you're looking for a BBS with a 'C' emphasis and don't mind an East Coast call, I recall reading about one such board (which even puts out an interesting newsletter on 'C'). I don't off-hand recall all the specifics, but they're readily available in a file on a BBS I run (contact info below) in a file called CNEWSLTR.LBR, found in the C0: directory. (After exiting the message base, type 'GO C0:' or 'GO NEW' to get there. If unfamiliar with BBSes running under CP/M, you probably first should type 'HELP' after exiting the msg base program to learn about LDIR and TYPE commands as they relate to '.LBR' files-somewhat like '.ARC' files, but with different syntax requirements.).I've also heard about a 'programmers' BBS' located in the western Chicago suburbs which reportedly has healthy 'C' discussions. Someone here may be able to provide you with name and/or phone number. (If not, I'm sure someone on my BBS can help, as that's how I first heard of it.) Good luck. The Advocate/NOWAR, 312.939.4411, 24 hrs., 8/n/1, central Chicago Msg 42250 is 05 line(s) on 08/08/89 from RICHARD GOZDAL to ALL re: 3 1/2 " DRIVES This is even a dumb question for me! I am getting a 386 loaded so am including a 3 1/2 drive. What is the difference between the SS/DD, DS/DD, DS/HD disks? I am looking at MEIs flyer and can only assume I would want the DS/DD 3 1/2 in disks. Any explainations about this detail on THSE disks. dup. chars. >Function:?