CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 07/28/89 21:01:49 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 207314; next msg =42195; 372 active msgs. Prev. call 07/27/89 @ 21:07, next msg was 42191 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking fo >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 5 KILLED. 87 SUMMARY. 24 07/27/89,21:07:46,207289,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#42191, E#42192, 07/27/89,21:21:32,207290,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,0 07/27/89,22:15:16,207291,1,CHARLIE KESTNER,,3 07/27/89,22:23:55,207292,1,DAVID HAMPTON,STREAMWOOD/ IL,3 07/28/89,02:33:14,207293,2,EDWARD LEE,,1 07/28/89,03:16:58,207294,3,ALEX ZELL,, 07/28/89,03:50:04,207295,2,JERRY OLSEN,, E#42193, E#42194,21 07/28/89,05:24:20,207296,2,PETE JONES,,1 07/28/89,12:07:41,207297,2,PAUL STREETER,,4 07/28/89,12:25:22,207298,1,ALEX ZELL,, 07/28/89,12:39:32,207299,2,JOHN O'HARA,,1 07/28/89,14:08:18,207300,3,JEREMY ADAMS,, 07/28/89,14:12:07,207301,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,3 07/28/89,14:30:09,207302,1,HENRY KISOR,,4 07/28/89,15:04:28,207303,1,WOODY PRIAPIS,Hard City/IN,10 ]WOODY PRIAPIS, 07/28/89,16:31:12,207304,2,BILL FISCHER,,1 07/28/89,17:35:00,207305,1,RODNEY MAIER,,2 07/28/89,17:47:32,207306,1,JOHN MUNDT,,2 07/28/89,17:56:21,207307,1,ROY PLUM,,4 07/28/89,18:00:49,207308,2,ROY PLUM,,7 07/28/89,18:23:12,207309,2,ROY PLUM,,1 07/28/89,18:24:51,207310,2,MARTY DIPPEL,,17 07/28/89,19:04:39,207311,2,DENNIS STAHL,,3 07/28/89,19:19:42,207312,1,DON PIVEN,,3 07/28/89,20:51:23,207313,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,2 07/28/89,21:01:52,207314,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 42191 07/27/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => JOHN O'HARA: "BBS LIST" 42192 07/27/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => LEO ANGEVINE: "R/HELLO" 42193 07/28/89 JERRY OLSEN => WARD: "R/DISK CLEANING" 42194 07/28/89 JERRY OLSEN => RICHARD GOZDAL: "R/ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 42191 is 02 line(s) on 07/27/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to JOHN O'HARA re: BBS LIST Sorry, John. We just copy the list. Like any creation, contact the AUTHOR for modifications. Msg 42192 is 08 line(s) on 07/27/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to LEO ANGEVINE re: R/HELLO Welcome! I'm a Toshiba fan, myself. I "sort of" have a PC and XT, also - though the XT is really the "PC Portable" goosed up with a small (3.5") 30M hard drive. It is my BBS "compiling" system for those few times I still hack something here (you've discovered this software by now to be more "historical" than "modern", I'm sure). My PC is goosed up with an 8mhz Bullet 286, 65M RLL hard drive, strange 800K 5.25" diskette, etc. Howzit you have an apt. here in Chitown? Msg 42193 is 13 line(s) on 07/28/89 from JERRY OLSEN to WARD re: R/DISK CLEANING Yep, cleaning floppy drives frequently caused disk I/O errors to disappear. As you suggested, this has been a far more frequently needed solution on my floppy-only machines. As far as I can recall, I've only found that to be a solution on a HD-based system's floppy drive once. And that was a few months ago on an '83 CP/M system on which I run a BBS.i.e., 5-6 years in service. So, generally cleaning is critical only on floppy-based systems. I do recall a kludged, 4-high-density-drive Sanyo (after a lot of BIOS alterations!) was <> finicky. Monthly cleanings were almost a prerequisite to reliable use. P.S. Just another reminder re the DTP files. That project now has slipped down the projects list, but I hope to do some more on it mid-August. Sound like a workable target for ya? Msg 42194 is 17 line(s) on 07/28/89 from JERRY OLSEN to RICHARD GOZDAL re: R/ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM The "/E" environment expansion parameter which has been discussed is indeed the general approach to take in such cases. You should bear in mind, though, that if you need to expand the environment space a LOT, that space can be passed on from "parent" to "child" applications and may begin to represent a discernable loss of memory after shelling out a time or three. Another alternative is to use one of several "change DIR" programs out there which can equate each subdir with a character. Such programs also often offer a number of other, related enhancement conveniences. One I wrote will display a list of all subdirs upon request or if you enter an unassigned change-subdir command. If you have more than one logical drive, it also will let you change drive AND subdir with a command like: CDX D:E Such programs also are bundled with several "hard disk programs" packages. If you'd like to explore one such program, a shareware copy of mine can be found in C0:DIRUTILS.ARC on my BBS (specific program: CDX.COM). To contact: The Advocate/NOWAR, 312.939.4411, 24 hrs., 8/n/1, central Chicago area. Good luck. dup. chars. >Function:?