CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 07/23/89 09:16:07 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 207134; next msg =42159; 372 active msgs. Prev. call 07/22/89 @ 08:51, next msg was 42148 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking fo >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 6 KILLED. 63 SUMMARY. 24 07/22/89,08:51:30,207102,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 07/22/89,08:54:21,207103,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,R/, E#42148, >Help: PRINT, <-- drat, used to be there! Must be an old HELP file! E#42149, E#42150, E#42151, E#42152, 07/22/89,09:21:15,207104,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 07/22/89,09:23:37,207105,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,0 07/22/89,09:30:16,207106,2,MARTIN MILLER,Addison,3 07/22/89,11:14:22,207107,2,LEO ANGEVINE,Chicago/ IL,4 07/22/89,11:34:44,207108,2,KAY BAUER,algonquin/ il,2 07/22/89,11:42:24,207109,1,CHARLIE KESTNER,,5 07/22/89,12:32:40,207110,1,COLIN SCHROEDER,, E#42153,11 07/22/89,12:48:08,207111,2,ART WALLER,,4 07/22/89,14:18:18,207112,2,FRANK MCNEILL,,3 ]your logon says to read msg 16 but there is no msg 16 FRANK MCNEILL, 07/22/89,14:50:38,207113,1,BOB SULLIVAN,,4 07/22/89,15:42:03,207114,2,TJ DZIEKANSKI,, 07/22/89,16:04:34,207115,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 07/22/89,16:26:29,207116,1,NAT DYKEMAN,,6 07/22/89,16:37:20,207117,2,KAY BAUER,,3 07/22/89,17:21:40,207118,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,, E#42154,4 07/22/89,17:27:18,207119,3,ED FANTA,,6 07/22/89,18:15:03,207120,1,RODNEY MAIER,ORLAND PARK IL.,10 07/22/89,21:10:47,207121,3,LES BEAUMONT,CHICAGO, E#42155,12 07/22/89,21:49:19,207122,2,JOHN HARTMAN,,4 07/22/89,21:54:05,207123,1,MICHAEL BLAKE,,2 07/22/89,21:56:26,207124,1,MICHAEL BLAKE,,8 07/22/89,22:22:44,207125,3,ART PITKIN,, E#42156,21 07/22/89,23:30:15,207126,2,ROLAND TALLY,chicago hts/ il,4 07/23/89,00:14:35,207127,2,BOOTLEG SMITH,,5 07/23/89,01:05:24,207128,1,BOOTLEG SMITH,,12 07/23/89,03:46:21,207129,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 07/23/89,04:57:22,207130,2,JERRY OLSEN,, E#42157, E#42158,25 07/23/89,05:57:33,207131,3,ALEX ZELL,, 07/23/89,08:47:35,207132,2,PAUL STREETER,,12 07/23/89,08:58:21,207133,1,JAY MILLER,cleveland ohio,13 07/23/89,09:16:11,207134,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 42148 07/22/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => LOU ABERNATHY: "THANKS" 42149 07/22/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => VAUNE MONDT: "PRINTING" 42150 07/22/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => SCOTT TEIPE: "GOOD NUMBERS" 42151 07/22/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => LANE LARRISON: "GOOD NUMBERS" 42152 07/22/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => BRENT JONES: "R/CLEANING DISK DRIVES" 42153 07/22/89 COLIN SCHROEDER => JIM MILLS: "R/386-16" 42154 07/22/89 RICHARD GOZDAL => PAUL STREETER: "R/CLEANING DISK DRIVES" 42155 07/22/89 LES BEAUMONT => ALL: "COMPUTER FOR SALE" 42156 07/22/89 ART PITKIN => JOHN O'HARA: "THANX FOR INFO ABT VT100S" 42157 07/23/89 JERRY OLSEN => BRENT JONES: "R/CLEANING DISK DRIVES" 42158 07/23/89 JERRY OLSEN => GERHARD BOECKLE: "R/1200 IS TO FAST TO ME" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 42148 is 05 line(s) on 07/22/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to LOU ABERNATHY re: THANKS .for the kind words. Yep, this is the place - first BBS ever. Hope you weren't up here a few weeks ago trying to avoid the heat of N. Carolina - we probably had you beat! I kind of like the rain lately - the lawns look better, and I really don't like it when it gets into the 80s or higher! Msg 42149 is 12 line(s) on 07/22/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to VAUNE MONDT re: PRINTING You asked if you can do a print screen. I don't know. That has nothing to do with CBBS. If YOUR computer has a printer hooked up to it, if YOUR computer has a print screen that works, if YOUR communications program allows print screen, then YOUR computer can do a print-screen. Perhaps what you don't realize is that the first line of the ? command output says something like " ^S to stop ", and perhaps you aren't into computers enough to realize that ^ means a "control", so ^S means "Control s". But CBBS is even more friendly than that - it allows just an S (or s) to be pressed to stop scrolling, and start it again (sometimes it continues mysteriously, due to line noise that comes in). P.S. if you DO get into using CBBS, please (if you can) turn off your CAPS LOCK - most use CAPS FOR EMPHASIS. Msg 42150 is 08 line(s) on 07/22/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to SCOTT TEIPE re: GOOD NUMBERS Seriously? Wasn't the list of BBS numbers adequate??? OK, I'll answer your question. "No, I don't know any 'good numbers' to call". That's a very "personal" thing. Some people don't like CBBS because it has no file transfers. Others like it BECAUSE it has no file transfers, and is therefore not always busy with people not doing messages, which they prefer. (clearly, I'm one of the latter). Look thru the list. It would take megabytes to have reviews of each, and I doubt anyone would be willing to put in the effort. Msg 42151 is 03 line(s) on 07/22/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to LANE LARRISON re: GOOD NUMBERS You uploaded an unreadable message. Sorry you had problems. But please, if a message is totally trashed (every line started in the middle of a word) don't (S)AVE it, but rather (A)bort. Thanks! Msg 42152 is 01 line(s) on 07/22/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to BRENT JONES re: R/CLEANING DISK DRIVES I've never cleaned any diskette drives except 8"ers. Msg 42153 is 08 line(s) on 07/22/89 from COLIN SCHROEDER to JIM MILLS re: R/386-16 Jim: Thanks for your interest. For the full configuration, I'm asking 2300/obo; for the "stripped" (i.e. without 387, "extra" meg of RAM, or card/monitor) I'm asking 1600/obo. Please note that I'm willing to bargain for price and/or trade for super VGA card/multisync monitor and 80Mb+ SCSI or ESDI hd. I just want to upgrade to a 'bigger' system for less cost than expansion of my present system. Colin Msg 42154 is 01 line(s) on 07/22/89 from RICHARD GOZDAL to PAUL STREETER re: R/CLEANING DISK DRIVES Yea, a cleaning kit last for years. I only use it about 2X a year. Msg 42155 is 14 line(s) on 07/22/89 from LES BEAUMONT to ALL re: COMPUTER FOR SALE IBM PC Convertable Computer for sale New in box - IBM warranty & IBM Printer included Laptop type computer includes : 80c88 microprocessor 2 - 720k diskette drives 512k memory Printer port LCD 80col. 25 line display Batery pack & power supply/ Charger Guide to operations manual with diskette tutorial DOS 3.2 and all documentation IBM PC Convertable thermal printer ALL FOR $900.00 (negotiable) Call Les Beaumont at 312/ 226-4121 Msg 42156 is 03 line(s) on 07/22/89 from ART PITKIN to JOHN O'HARA re: THANX FOR INFO ABT VT100S Thanks very much for the info (msg#42133) you provided on vt-100 terminals. It will help me to put in perspective & thus cool my ardor to buy garbage just because it's cheap. -Art Msg 42157 is 12 line(s) on 07/23/89 from JERRY OLSEN to BRENT JONES re: R/CLEANING DISK DRIVES The drive-cleaning kits can do wonders to avoid various error messages. I've found that using them once every 3-4 months works fine on a floppy-only system, about once every 6 months on a floppy in a hard-drive system. Just how often should use them varies according to amount of use, environ- mental conditions in the room where the computer is located, etc. But forget the "once per week" or whatever the kits "recommend.".The kits come in two varieties: wet and dry. I keep both around but use the wet type unless all else fails. Reason? The dry variety tends to be like using sandpaper; it uses an abrasion principle which is hard on the drive heads. But on a few occasions over the years I've found that it did the job when the wet variety wouldn't.For what it's worth, I've found prices vary substantially among dealers-worth a little shopping around. Msg 42158 is 12 line(s) on 07/23/89 from JERRY OLSEN to GERHARD BOECKLE re: R/1200 IS TO FAST TO ME You should have had carrier connect with the settings you used. It sounds as though there was just too much line noise at the time. But one possibility is that you were using the more common CCITT 300 bps standard rather than the Bell 300 bps standard this country strangely insists on using. I recall that my modems, which accept incoming calls at 300, 1200 or 2400, will only connect with callers using the worldwide (except the U.S.) CCITT standard for two of the three speeds. (I don't recall which, but the problem very well might be at 300.) I enjoyed hearing of your call from Stuttgart, as I lived near there for a year some time ago and still have friends there (about 30 k north of there). Viel spass. dup. chars. >Function:?{