CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 07/22/89 08:51:26 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;/;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 207102; next msg =42148; 390 active msgs. Prev. call 07/19/89 @ 21:22, next msg was 42129 Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking f >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;shor{ LOG. 14 KILLED. 46 SUMMARY. 25 ]Is this the FAMOUS Ward C. who invented x-modem. I still am amazed at what it started in the{comm. world. Hats off to him(you) (Lou Abernathy, visiting fm N. Carolina LOU ABERNATHY, 07/20/89,21:08:30,207056,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,, E#42137,4 07/20/89,21:48:49,207057,1,ALAN LAYA,, 07/20/89,21:51:15,207058,1,ALAN LAYA,,5 07/20/89,21:57:56,207059,2,LOU ABERNATHY,,7 07/20/89,22:16:22,207060,3,ART PITKIN,,12 07/20/89,22:49:55,207061,3,ALEX ZELL,, 07/20/89,23:02:04,207062,2,BOB VON BORSTEL,,2 07/20/89,23:07:23,207063,1,CHARLIE KESTNER,,3 07/20/89,23:14:25,207064,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#42138,11 07/20/89,23:28:35,207065,2,ROGER PAULSON,, E#42139,3 07/20/89,23:35:02,207066,1,DONNIE STUHLMAN,,5 07/20/89,23:42:59,207067,1,DENNIS LEONG,,6 07/21/89,00:32:32,207068,3,BART RODGERS,,20 07/21/89,01:54:07,207069,3,MICHAEL PASTORELLI,,6 07/21/89,05:37:07,207070,2,PETE JONES,,2 07/21/89,09:01:19,207071,2,PAUL STREETER,, E#42140,20 07/21/89,09:26:40,207072,3,VAUNE MONDI,Palatine/ Illinois,11 ]THIS IS MY FIRST TIME AT A MODEM. CAN I DO A PRINT SCREEN TO CAPTURE THE CTRL COMMANDS TO BE USED? THEY SCROLLED BY SO FAST I COULDN'T REMEMBER THEM ALL. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP. OVER AND OUT. VAUNE MONDI, 07/21/89,09:42:48,207073,2,VAUNE MONDI,, >Help: MESSAGES, >Help: KEYWORD,7 07/21/89,12:13:06,207074,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,2 07/21/89,14:15:55,207075,1,BENJAMIN COHEN,,3 07/21/89,14:23:19,207076,1,SCOTT TEIPE,,3 ]hi guys, i xDwas wondering if u know any good ddial #'s (or any for that matter) how come you're system was down for so long. well take care. SCOTT TEIPE, 07/21/89,14:28:19,207077,1,ADAM DADA,,2 07/21/89,14:46:56,207078,1,GERHARD BOECKLE,, E#42141,11 07/21/89,15:07:44,207079,2,GARY ELFRING,,1 07/21/89,15:30:31,207080,1,GARY MCCOY,,2 07/21/89,15:47:01,207081,1,LANE LARRISON,,3 07/21/89,15:55:35,207082,1,LANE LARRISON,, 07/21/89,16:13:54,207083,1,LANE LARRISON,,2 07/21/89,16:24:08,207084,1,LANE LARRISON,,5 07/21/89,16:34:13,207085,1,RED RAT,, 07/21/89,16:44:40,207086,1,LANE LARRISON,,2 07/21/89,16:47:52,207087,1,LANE LARRISON,, E#42142,3 07/21/89,17:01:04,207088,2,JACK HOMA,,2 07/21/89,18:14:28,207089,1,VIRENDRA DHUPELIA,,15 07/21/89,19:26:33,207090,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,, E#42143,5 07/21/89,22:03:40,207091,1,DON PIVEN,,2 07/21/89,22:10:07,207092,2,LARRY GLASSMAN,,8 07/21/89,22:36:08,207093,2,KEN KOCH,,3 07/21/89,22:39:51,207094,2,BRENT JONES,,1 07/21/89,22:41:48,207095,1,BRENT JONES,, E#42144, E#42145,13 07/21/89,23:03:35,207096,2,PHIL JERN,,3 07/21/89,23:41:01,207097,2,JIM POLOUS,,1 ]JIM POLOUS, 07/21/89,23:43:07,207098,2,BILL MATTSON,,4 07/22/89,00:07:07,207099,3,ALEX ZELL,, 07/22/89,02:46:32,207100,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#42146,6 07/22/89,07:35:54,207101,2,PAUL STREETER,, E#42147,6 07/22/89,08:51:30,207102,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 42129 07/19/89 ART PITKIN => ERIC BOHLMAN: "MSG #2 ABOUT VT-100 INFO" 42130 07/19/89 ART PITKIN => ART WALLER: "R/PC JR FOR SALE" 42131X 07/20/89 JIM POLOUS => RICHARD GOZDAL: "CHEAP EGA CARD" 42132 07/20/89 JIM POLOUS => RICHARD GOZDAL: "EGA CARD" 42133 07/20/89 JOHN O'HARA => ART PITKIN: "R/MSG #2 ABOUT VT-100 INFO" 42134 07/20/89 ART WALLER => ART PITKIN: "R/PC JR FOR SALE" 42135X 07/20/89 LOU ABERNATHY => ALL: "SANYO 555(550) ORPHAN PGMS" 42136 07/20/89 LOU ABERNATHY => ALL: "SANYO 550/55 PGM INFO WANTED" 42137 07/20/89 RICHARD GOZDAL => JIM POLOUS: "R/EGA CARD" 42138 07/20/89 ERIC BOHLMAN => ART PITKIN: "R/MSG #2 ABOUT VT-100 INFO" 42139 07/20/89 ROGER PAULSON => ALL: "STORES/ PROBLEMS." 42140 07/21/89 PAUL STREETER => ERIC/ RICHARD/: "EXPANDED/EXTENDED MEMORY" 42141 07/21/89 GERHARD BOECKLE => HOW IS YOUR 300: "1200 IS TO FAST TO ME" 42142 07/21/89 LANE LARRISON => ALL: "SUBST PROBLEM" 42143 07/21/89 RICHARD GOZDAL => ROGER PAULSON: "R/STORES/ PROBLEMS." 42144 07/21/89 BRENT JONES => JIM ANDERSON: "R/WANTED USED PLOTTER 2 PEN" 42145 07/21/89 BRENT JONES => ALL: "CLEANING DISK DRIVES" 42146 07/22/89 ERIC BOHLMAN => PAUL STREETER: "R/EXPANDED/EXTENDED MEMORY" 42147 07/22/89 PAUL STREETER => BRENT JONES: "R/CLEANING DISK DRIVES" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 42129 is 30 line(s) on 07/19/89 from ART PITKIN to ERIC BOHLMAN re: MSG #2 ABOUT VT-100 INFO Thanks for replying to my message. I omitted the specifics of my request for fear of being too wordy on my first message, being new to BBS's as I am. What I want to know about VT-100 and other terminals, at this point, is what features they have. RS232C connection to connect to a modem for use over phone lines? Printer connection? Disk drive connection? I've heard somer- minals have on-screen editing with a full-screen mode. But I think most ter- minals are mainly for single-line input (not full-screen). Have heard some terminals have an off-line mode so they can be used as a typewriter. True? I want to set up a Host-Terminal arrangement for about 5 people using "remote-takeover" software such as Remote2 or PC-Anywhere. (Carbon-Copy-Plus is a well-known example of "remote-takeover" software.) I intend that the remote terminal would be able to use the major IBM-compatible software packages (Lotus, dBase, Word-processing) that would reside on the Host computer. I should note that the remote-terminals will connect to the Host one-at-a-time, using 1 phone line into the Host. No multi-user UNIX system until later-on. Manufacturer of Remote2 says can communicate with "dumb terminals" such as VT-100, etc. I've seen several mail-order adds offering used VT-100 terminals for under $200.00 each. That's a heck of a lot cheaper than buying computers! But not sure whether or not htese low-cost terminals will do the job I need to have done. The only terminals I'm familiar with are IBM3270-series synchronous ter- minals attached to IBM mainframes. I am completely in the dark regarding these asynchronous ASCII terminals. Want info first about features of the terminals and about quality of the experience of using them, in order to evaluate their suitability to my project. Want technical info about connection to modems & remote Host-computer only in a general way at present. I.E. Will it work? Later I'll be eager to get involved with techniccal specifics such as codes and software patches, etc. Would like to take the title & author of that book you mentioned, just for future reference. (You said it was a good one.) Again, thanx for your response to my request-for-info. Msg 42130 is 15 line(s) on 07/19/89 from ART PITKIN to ART WALLER re: R/PC JR FOR SALE I mignt be interested in buying your PCjr. Will have to think about it for a few days, have some other things going on just now. One question I have is about the memory expansion. Am not familiar with the microsoft booster/mouse that you mentioned. I would want to use the PCjr with a modem & I've heard some of the memory expansions use the internal-modem slot. Is that slot still available on your computer? I see you don't mention a modem in your description. I suppose I could attach an external modem via the Serial connector; 300bps of the internal PCjr modem would probably be too slow after I really get started with this pc-communications thing. Anyway, would like to know what modem-connection possibilities are available on your machine. Also, do I assume that everything works? Well, that's it for now. Wanted to give you my name. Feel free to leave message here. My home phone # is 549-2183, if you want that. Has answering machine for voice message anytime. Bye. No msg 42131 Msg 42132 is 10 line(s) on 07/20/89 from JIM POLOUS to RICHARD GOZDAL re: EGA CARD I have a cheap EGA card here, but there are some strings attached. Is your "someone off line" technically oriented? It seems that as a result of my mixing up the power cables on one of my XTs (or it could have been the defective buss connector on the motherboard) this EGA card will only function for about 10 minutes before doing crazy things.misplacing characters changing colors and eventually locking the computer up. I removed the RAM (8 64K x 4 bit 100ns). If you want the board, $10 plus whatever it costs to ship it and it's yours.as is Jim Polous Home: 422-0526 (after 7pm) Msg 42133 is 17 line(s) on 07/20/89 from JOHN O'HARA to ART PITKIN re: R/MSG #2 ABOUT VT-100 INFO The VT100 is an asynchronous dumb terminal originally manufactured by DEC. It's obsolete from the standpoint of hardware which is why you see them for sale at $200.00 (about $150.00 too much) but the protocol standard they used is still very viable. It's original protocol lived on in the VT200 and VT300 series of terminals still used today. Most comm programs support VT100 because it made for a nice asynch video standard and was around for years, akin to the IBM 3101 and 3270. F'`It is an ASCII dumb terminal with the ability to switch back and forth between character sets, thus allowing line drawing and foreign characters to be used. It can communicate with an asynchronous host at speeds from 150 baud to 19200 baud. If you're looking to use a VT100 terminal to communicate, I would suggest that you look at some of the VT100 terminal clones now available such as WYSE, C.ITOH and others. There's a ton of them. Or, use a good comm program and hook PC's up to the host and get the best of both worlds. -JRO Msg 42134 is 14 line(s) on 07/20/89 from ART WALLER to ART PITKIN re: R/PC JR FOR SALE hi art the juniors memory expansion with the microsoft is done in sidecar fashion, all external, the internal modem slot is open. the lat time i used it everything did work fine. i have the cable to convert the junior to an external modem. also the pc joystick. also the ibm printer attachment i also have an extra hard disk board. it was supposidly fried when i bought it but it turned out that the disk had been thru magnetic field and its low level format erased. i believe i can did up the procedure i got it from racore, in case its ever needed again. in order to be fair to both of us, we can make an arraingement, such as you giving me a deposit on on it and i'll let you 'test drive' it for a month. if anyt{ing turns up bad we can negoiate the price or cancel the deal. of course i would personally deliver an{ set it up and give you all the knowledge i have on about it. there are some quirks. by the way this is a old unit, the hard dma. you can call me at 286-5914 sat-sun 12-6p. thanksdma, so some new software No msg 42135 Msg 42136 is 02 line(s) on 07/20/89 from LOU ABERNATHY to ALL re: SANYO 550/55 PGM INFO WANTED Need info on source for Sanyo 550/555 pgms(orphan MSDOS, sort of) {Anybody know of Sanyo BBS or BBS w/Sanyo interest area/ pgms?? Msg 42137 is 02 line(s) on 07/20/89 from RICHARD GOZDAL to JIM POLOUS re: R/EGA CARD The person is not technically oriented but I am ALMOST ready to try a hand at it myself. Msg 42138 is 24 line(s) on 07/20/89 from ERIC BOHLMAN to ART PITKIN re: R/MSG #2 ABOUT VT-100 INFO A couple things in random order: first of all, the book is titled "A programmer's guide to video display terminals." I forget the author, as the book isn't handy right now. Second, there's one limitation of using a straight VT-100 in the application you describe: it has only 24 lines, whereas many programs insist on using all 25. Some of the more advanced terminals that support VT-100 commands (sorry, I can't recall any names) do have 25 lines. In general, dumb terminals can be hooked up to printers if they have printer ports; the use of the printer is somewhat limited (key-activated screen dumps and program access to the printer by sending special commands; note that you cannot (unless your "remote" program is incredibly sophisticated) redirect LPT1 to a printer attached to a terminal. I'm not aware of any options for connecting mass storage devices to terminals; some provide off-line editing, but the storage buffer can hold at most a few screens and the program on the other hand has to know how to get the terminal to send the results. As far as hardware interfacing goes, they connect to a modem just as a computer would. They don't provide dialing directories or the other facilities associated with terminal programs on computers; to call this board, you would connect your terminal to a modem and type ATDT5458086. Some models have a few programmable keys. You'll have to check the software you're going to be using for remote operation in order to find out what key sequences translate to things like the PC function keys and the various cursor-control keys. Msg 42139 is 19 line(s) on 07/20/89 from ROGER PAULSON to ALL re: STORES/ PROBLEMS. Strange day today. Tape drive gagged and coughed. Cleaned the heads, works like a champ. Found out Boca AT RAM expansion board doesn't work. (model #4202). Turns out its a bad model. Boca said send it in for the new model (#4205), free. Point of purchase Wholesale Computer Products (Wheeling, 537-5059) didn't have the right model in stock, but offered to send it in for me. NICE people there, call Tom. U.P.S. has it now, I should get the new board in a week or two. Bought Phoenix BIOS 3.1-10 (with built-in setup). DOESN'T WORK with Suntac AT board! (Award DOES) Computerese (Schaumberg, 885-9161) has a NO RETURN policy on chips, so I'm stuck with brand new BIOS I can't use! DON'T call Computerese. Anyone want to negotiate for some new BIOS? -Rog Msg 42140 is 07 line(s) on 07/21/89 from PAUL STREETER to ERIC/ RICHARD/ re: EXPANDED/EXTENDED MEMORY Thanks for the replies. I had started with the DOS 4.0 manual, and got little help (big surprise.) Eric's answers helped quite a bit. Then I got an update announcement from LOTUS. Version 3 will be able to use extended memory on 286/386 etc. For my company, the answer is leave the extended memory alone, upgrade to 123V3, and wait for other software to catch up or worry about drivers for expanded memory when an additional need arises. Msg 42141 is 13 line(s) on 07/21/89 from GERHARD BOECKLE to HOW IS YOUR 300 re: 1200 IS TO FAST TO ME l G Hello I cant go on 300 Boud how can i get zo it ? I tried 300 N71 but I didn#t get an Carrier On 1200 I get too many noise here in Germany c I am from Stuttgart and tried it a week ago with the same Problem. Hope i can it make late r Have a nice Day from Sunnz Stuttgart. Msg 42142 is 14 line(s) on 07/21/89 from LANE LARRISON to ALL re: SUBST PROBLEM A friend asked me to configure his XT style computer hat it substituted an alphabetical character for ath name. All of our office PC's and XT's are p this way: So I did. I changed the CONFIG file, up the appropriate directory names and changed AUTOEXEC file to SUBST the character for the e. It worked fine for a time, then suddenly began ing "Cannot subst networked drive" error messages boot-up. There is, of course, no network. All various computers are running under DOS 3.2. s anyone know what would be causing this error? tworked directories aren't documented in the uals that I've gotten to so far.) Any guidance l be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Msg 42143 is 03 line(s) on 07/21/89 from RICHARD GOZDAL to ROGER PAULSON re: R/STORES/ PROBLEMS. I was thinking of upgrading my XT but it is a turbo. Is that Phoexix bios a turbo? I can get Award but had good luck with Phoexix and heard only good about it. Msg 42144 is 02 line(s) on 07/21/89 from BRENT JONES to JIM ANDERSON re: R/WANTED USED PLOTTER 2 PEN I'm heading out of town for 2 weeks. I will get into contact with you when I return. My phone is 665-4462 Brent Jones. Msg 42145 is 04 line(s) on 07/21/89 from BRENT JONES to ALL re: CLEANING DISK DRIVES Are the kits used to clean disk drives any good? I have heard that disk drives are basically self cleaning due to "gunk" being rubbed off during use? Is this nonsense? My drives are 3.5" in a Toshiba 1200F laptop. Brent Msg 42146 is 08 line(s) on 07/22/89 from ERIC BOHLMAN to PAUL STREETER re: R/EXPANDED/EXTENDED MEMORY There are a number of driver programs (install in CONFIG.SYS) that make extended memory look like expanded memory. Some of them are even free, such as the one PC Magazine published last month. The tradeoffs are 1) there are a few things that hardware can do and emulation software can't 2) the emulation software can be rather slow, and 3) the emulation software has to put its "window" somewhere in your 640K addressable area (hardware boards put it in an otherwise-unused address space above 640K but below 1 meg), so you lose up to 64K of main memory. Msg 42147 is 11 line(s) on 07/22/89 from PAUL STREETER to BRENT JONES re: R/CLEANING DISK DRIVES I found out by experience that they are NOT self-cleaning. My T1000 was giving me "drive not ready" in all circumstances on the B drve. I was about to replace it, when I discovered a friend getting exactly the same action from an IBM AT. The coincidence made me think about possible common factors, and non cleaned heads was my first guess. We bought a cleaning disk from Radio Shack, misused it and had to go buy a bottle of rubbing alcohol and an eyedropper, but then did $400.00 / f /nch charge and parts for $4.00. All such kits seem f be a low lint pressed cotton diskette. Some are used dry, some with alcohol. The basic process is the same as cleaning a tape deck or VCR, as the recording medium is the same except for shape. dup. chars. >Function:?name;ward;christensen; Logging name to disk... You are caller 207103; next msg =42148; 390 active msgs. Password:?xxxxx Prev. call 07/19/89 @ 21:22, next msg was 42129 Recording logon for next time. >Function:?07/19/89,21:22:12,207029,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 07/19/89,21:28:41,207030,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,2 07/19/89,21:39:54,207031,3,ART PITKIN,,11 07/19/89,22:00:16,207032,2,JIM SACKETT,,12 07/19/89,22:39:41,207033,2,JIM SACKETT,,1 07/19/89,23:07:19,207034,1,CHARLIE KESTNER,,5 07/19/89,23:19:04,207035,3,ART PITKIN,, E#42129, E#42130,44 07/20/89,00:07:30,207036,2,JIM POLOUS,, E#42131, E#42132,7 07/20/89,01:28:42,207037,2,TJ DZIEKANSKI,prairie view/ il, 07/20/89,01:56:32,207038,3,BART RODGERS,,26 07/20/89,09:03:10,207039,2,PAUL STREETER,,8 07/20/89,10:12:30,207040,2,ED FOSTER,,6 07/20/89,11:37:28,207041,2,BOB SMITH,,4 07/20/89,13:19:22,207042,2,JOHN O'HARA,, E#42133,20 07/20/89,14:28:28,207043,1,TOM EST,DD DD,3 07/20/89,14:30:26,207044,2,DENNIS STAHL,,5 07/20/89,15:06:20,207045,1,LEE RAIMAN,ROSELLE/ ILL.,8 07/20/89,15:53:15,207046,1,ED BRAY,oakparkil, >Help: @,20 07/20/89,16:46:49,207047,1,ANDREW DECKOWITZ,,7 07/20/89,17:23:10,207048,2,JOHN GALT,Glenview, 07/20/89,17:44:56,207049,2,THOM QUICK,,7 07/20/89,17:54:41,207050,1,SCOTT TEIPE,park ridge/il, ]CHAT: ddials, 07/20/89,18:07:20,207051,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,2 07/20/89,19:33:22,207052,2,ART WALLER,,3 07/20/89,19:36:06,207053,2,ART WALLER,, E#42134,15 07/20/89,19:52:26,207054,1,DON PIVEN,,2 07/20/89,20:13:25,207055,2,LOU ABERNATHY,Lisle/ Il, E#42135, E#42136,24 ]Is this the FAMOUS Ward C. who invented x-modem. I still am amazed