CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 07/14/89 22:08:03 Y/N: want CBSL~?~?~?~?~? Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?n What is your FIRST name?^U ?^U ?^U ?ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 206868; next msg =42090; 357 active msgs. Prev. call 07/13/89 @ 21:03, next msg was 42082 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 9 KILLED. 33 SUMMARY. 23 07/13/89,21:03:56,206851,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#42082, E#42083, E#42084, E#42085, E#42086, E#42087, >Help: BEEP, >Help: BELLS, E#42088,32 07/13/89,21:46:47,206852,1,CHARLIE KESTNER,,6 07/13/89,21:54:11,206853,2,STEVE COOK,,3 07/13/89,22:11:21,206854,1,PATRICK FARRELL,naperville/ Il, ]CHAT: Hello,1 07/13/89,22:43:54,206855,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,12 07/13/89,23:12:20,206856,1,ROY PLUM,, >Help: IS IN MSGS 17-19., E#42089,34 07/14/89,00:01:55,206857,1,GORDON SCHULENBURG,st. charles/ il,2 ]n g +++3 GORDON SCHULENBURG, 07/14/89,01:59:35,206858,2,BOB LEE,chicago/il,3 07/14/89,06:59:29,206859,2,PETE JONES,,1 07/14/89,07:03:58,206860,2,DENNIS STAHL,,6 07/14/89,08:47:44,206861,2,PAUL STREETER,,107 07/14/89,09:05:36,206862,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 07/14/89,19:05:52,206863,1,EDGAR COUDAL,,3 ]EDGAR COUDAL, 07/14/89,19:09:40,206864,1,EDGAR COUDAL,,9 07/14/89,19:55:32,206865,1,GREG HOEFT,NORTHBROOK/ IL,5 07/14/89,20:38:19,206866,1,DENNIS LEONG,,5 07/14/89,21:01:39,206867,3,STEVE GENOVESE,,9 07/14/89,22:08:26,206868,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 42082 07/13/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => GARY ELFRING: "R/DESKJET" 42083 07/13/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => BRENT JONES: "R/W. SUBURBS USER GROUP?" 42084 07/13/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => MICHAEL PASTORELLI: "R/BBS'S" 42085 07/13/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => DONNIE STUHLMAN: "R/WARNING ABOUT COMPUTER STORE" 42086 07/13/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => RICHARD GOZDAL: "R/OVERLOAD?" 42087 07/13/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => BRENT JONES: "R/W. SUBURBS USER GROUP?" 42088 07/13/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => KEN KOCH: "REPLIES" 42089 07/13/89 ROY PLUM => MATT KRUEGER: "R/DISPLAY POSTSCRIPT" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 42082 is 05 line(s) on 07/13/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to GARY ELFRING re: R/DESKJET There was a msg from Bill Crow on CIS that pretty much stated what was going to happen to drivers, and I think the net of it was that for a Deskjet (not Plus) there was NO difference. No, I don't believe soft font support was listed. I can't seem to find the msg right now, sadly. I have so many append files (deskjet etc). Msg 42083 is 19 line(s) on 07/13/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to BRENT JONES re: R/W. SUBURBS USER GROUP? Congrats on the DJ+ purchase! Mine is about 18 months old, so no, it is not a Plus. I am trying to rationalize getting a Plus, but I just know I couldn't part with my old one (i.e. sell it to get some $) because instead I would want to take it to WORK because it would be nice to have one there! Lets see, lots of questions. Fonts: It depends upon your application. Mine is pretty much limited to PageMaker/Windows, so the P and Q cartridges or their equivalent, i.e. ASCII Times Roman and Helvetica, are my favorites. Being proportionally spaced, the fonts DO require specific support, since lines will be of varying lengths based upon the specific chars in the line (l, i, 1, etc being narrow, W and M etc being wide). I goofed and bought the soft fonts hoping there would be a windows driver that supports soft fonts, but alas, no. Yes, the HP forum on CIS is a great one! Yes, I invented XMODEM (actually, "Modem.asm" which Keith Peterson changed to XMODEM, and that being a more recognizable name, it "stuck" as the name for my protocol). P.S. it helps to put a couple-space indent on paragraphs for readability (e.g. your msg 42079). What do you plan to use your DJ for, mainly? Msg 42084 is 09 line(s) on 07/13/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to MICHAEL PASTORELLI re: R/BBS'S Sorry, while CBBS runs on a two or even one floppy system, I really have no idea what PC BBS would do - CBBS is written in 8080 ASM, so just isn't applicable for your environment. I suggest leaving a msg to "all". No need to say "my name is." or to sign your msgs - the message header sez it all (see how you know my name from this msg header). If you DO want to leave me a msg, please call me "Ward", not the generic "sysop" which I don't care for (or Soysop, as you spelled it - someone who "SOPs up chinese food?") (grin). Welcome to CBBS. I hope you find what you're looking for! Msg 42085 is 10 line(s) on 07/13/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to DONNIE STUHLMAN re: R/WARNING ABOUT COMPUTER STORE You replied to your own msg (see 42077). Might want to leave a msg to the person you meant it to go to steer them toward it. I suggest doing or;1,warning as that is a unique word, then, if the one you want to reply to is the first that shows up in the summary, ^K out and do a R of #1 (literally, the string #1) and ^C it and then RE when it asks for another msg #. For your benefit or that of anyone looking over our shoulders, CBBS remembers the 1st 9 msg # hits when an "OR" command is done, and they are retrievable by the shorthand #n. I don't believe I was smart enough to allow its use in the reply command, however (i.e. can't reply;#1). Msg 42086 is 09 line(s) on 07/13/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to RICHARD GOZDAL re: R/OVERLOAD? If you're worried about heat and power, may I recommend the PC Cooling supplies? They offer a variety of sizes and cooling capacities. You can get 'em all the way up to 2x the cooling of a normal XT. I opted for the "inbetween" one that was more powerful, quieter, and cooler, but not a LOT, than the normal XT supply. (I forget its "name"). They advertise in PC, possibly BYTE, etc. Adding a 2nd hard drive MIGHT be a reason to go to 200 watts. Mebbe the PC Cooling people will even be able to recommend a system by phone. I called them directly (I've not seen their supplies advertised independently.) Msg 42087 is 16 line(s) on 07/13/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to BRENT JONES re: R/W. SUBURBS USER GROUP? 1. A good text on setting up a BBS? Since CBBS was the worlds first BBS, there wasn't a book on it, and I've not had any reason to look for one since - I have no idea, but I think there probably isn't one. 2. Should you ask on IBMCOMM? Sure, why not. Do you mean "set up", or do you mean "write" (a BBS)? Nevertheless, IBMCOMM should be a good place. 3. No, I've never heard of Echo Net. 4. I haven't called the CACHE BBS in years, if ever. I have no idea if games keep it busy or what. You might want to check out Jim Mills BBS or leave him a msg - he has been more involved in CACHE or at least more recently than I have{ 5. How does CBBS know you're using ProComm? Sorry, I have no idea what you mean. I have no idea to any degree what software or hardware anyone uses when calling CBBS. Anything should work, unless it REQUIRES 7 bits with a particular parity, since CBBS ONLY sends 8 bits no parity. CBBS receives 8 bits and ignores the hi bit, so it could be 7 bits with ANY parity. It also accepts 8 bits of course, which is what many use. Msg 42088 is 14 line(s) on 07/13/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to KEN KOCH re: REPLIES The bells ARE kind of archaic, eh. Well, the P command turns them off, and if you then type the U command, that updates your User profile to remember, next time, that you don't want them. You'll get only ONE bell then when calling CBBS if you ^K out of the welcome and type: n;ken;koch so that it gets your name and loads your profile before asking any more questions. No, CBBS isn't connected to any other boards for message forwarding. CBBS was "invented" in '78, and is based upon the same "code" and philosophy that bore it - a single-user message-only board. It is written in archaic (now) 8080 assembler, and runs on a PC using a V-20 which emulates the 8080. Welcome to CBBS. Hope you enjoy it. Or even just use it to find other BBSs that you might be interested in. Msg 42089 is 17 line(s) on 07/13/89 from ROY PLUM to MATT KRUEGER re: R/DISPLAY POSTSCRIPT There is a package called PS tutor from Lincoln & Co., 45 Winthrop St., Concord MA 01742 (508) 369 1441 This is actually an interactive postscript interpreter that rips onto the display (Hercules, EGA or VGA) You can type commands and watch their effects on the image, or run postscript programs stored as ascii. This is a software package so it has the following limitations: Its slow. Images take a long time to draw even on a 12 Mhz At clone. Very limited VM (doesn't support extended or expanded memory though that promis3ed for the near future.) to get around the VM limit, they have reencoded the fonts to take up less VM. Package comes with Courier, Times and Helv. for $129 Also avail are font packs to match all 35 of the plus font sets now standard in most PS printers. Most useful for hand coding postscript code. most machine generated code uses up to much VM setting up routines for whch may never be used. PS tutor is capable of printing the screen images to many popular printers, and can save the image as a file. {edited; Ward C} dup. chars. >Function:?