CBBS(R) 4.0.3a 06/11/89 23:39:09 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 206278; next msg =41935; 468 active msgs. Prev. call 06/10/89 @ 09:46, next msg was 41921 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K to abort. >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 12 KILLED. 95 SUMMARY. 30 06/10/89,09:46:52,206235,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#41921, E#41922, E#41923, E#41924, E#41925, E#41926, E#41927, E#41928, 06/10/89,10:59:17,206236,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#41929,4 06/10/89,11:07:23,206237,2,CURT ROSTENBACH,,7 06/10/89,13:43:04,206238,2,JOHN NIECIK,westmony/il,6 06/10/89,14:41:33,206239,1,DAN SEIBOLD,, E#41930,4 06/10/89,14:48:41,206240,2,JIM SACKETT,,8 06/10/89,15:08:34,206241,1,DAVID STREETER,,5 06/10/89,15:13:28,206242,1,DAVID STREETER,,1 06/10/89,15:15:03,206243,1,DAVID STREETER,,1 06/10/89,15:19:50,206244,1,DAVID STREETER,,6 06/10/89,15:23:30,206245,1,MICHAEL KASSEL,,2 06/10/89,15:36:45,206246,1,VIRENDRA DHUPELIA,,11 06/10/89,15:58:11,206247,1,DAVID STREETER,,1 06/10/89,16:14:27,206248,1,JIM JOYCE,,4 ]hEY GUYS, THANKS FOR THE HELP, I KNEW I COULD COUNT ON YOU, I HAVENT BEEN ABLE TO TALK TO MY BUDDY FOR A FEW DAYS, WIFE IS HAVING A BABY AND THINGS ARE A BIT HECTIC BUT IM LOGGING YOUR RESPONSES AND WILL TRY ALL OF THEM TIL SOMETHING WORKS. AGAIN, THANKS GUYS. jIM JIM JOYCE, 06/10/89,16:50:23,206249,2,TRACY LOSE,,4 06/10/89,18:52:08,206250,2,ALEX ZELL,,3 ]CK: Only *five* bills? You gonna buy a C*mm*d*re? ALEX ZELL, 06/10/89,20:21:34,206251,2,DONALD DERUSHA,, E#41931,4 ]Ward, do you know a national publication that lists "all" bbs's by category? I am looking for some unusual ones, can't always tell from the bbs name, especially since often multi-word titles are often used. P.S. By category I mean special interest area (I guess that's too obvious). Sorry if I should've posted this as an open msg. You have my OK to move it to main msg base if you like -- maybe other people have same problem I do. Thanks. DONALD DERUSHA, 06/10/89,21:19:26,206252,1,ED FANTA,,2 06/10/89,21:32:02,206253,1,JIM FLANAGAN,,6 06/10/89,21:48:17,206254,1,KEVIN KEYSER,, E#41932,17 06/10/89,22:33:51,206255,2,JIM SACKETT,,9 06/10/89,22:50:31,206256,2,JOHN ZWIERZYNA,, E#41933,7 06/10/89,23:17:57,206257,2,DAN FLYNN,,2 06/10/89,23:33:52,206258,2,BILL WOLFF,,3 06/11/89,00:12:01,206259,2,BILL WOLFF,, E#41934,4 06/11/89,03:07:20,206260,2,ALEX ZELL,, 06/11/89,07:08:59,206261,2,RICHARD HINTON,,2 06/11/89,09:12:20,206262,2,PAUL STREETER,,5 06/11/89,11:04:40,206263,2,JIM POLOUS,, ]K,41867,JIM POLOUS, 1 06/11/89,13:13:43,206264,1,RASHPAL SINGH,KEASBEY/NJ,20 06/11/89,14:11:53,26265,1,TODD JACOB,OAK LAWN/ IL., 06/11/89,15:41:55,206266,1,DAVE DEVORE,,2 06/11/89,16:59:43,206267,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,5 06/11/89,17:34:28,206268,3,BILL LAWSON,GREAT LAKES IL, 06/11/89,17:50:31,206269,2,PHIL JERN,,3 06/11/89,19:04:35,206270,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,3 06/11/89,20:31:20,206271,2,BILL WOLFF,,0 06/11/89,20:37:56,206272,2,PAUL STREETER,,1 06/11/89,20:57:36,206273,1,KEVIN KEYSER,,1 06/11/89,21:23:04,206274,1,JAPHET MARTINEZ,new york/ny,5 06/11/89,21:37:58,206275,1,JOHN BURKE,, 06/11/89,21:42:41,206276,3,JOHN BURKE,,8 06/11/89,22:06:27,206277,1,MARK SOWA,ROLLING MEADOWS,5 06/11/89,23:39:13,206278,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 41921 06/10/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => CHARLIE KESTNER: "CBBS USAGE" 41922 06/10/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => CHARLIE KESTNER: "NEW SYSTEM" 41923 06/10/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ALL: "T1000 ADVICE?" 41924 06/10/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => PAUL TEN EYCK: "R/XTALK XMODEM CONSIDERATIONS" 41925 06/10/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => MATT KRUEGER: "R/DISPLAY POSTSCRIPT" 41926 06/10/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ANDY SHAPIRO: "R/EXPERIENCE W/SUN?" 41927 06/10/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => JIM SACKETT: "R/INFO ON STARTING A BBS" 41928 06/10/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => DAN SEIBOLD: "R/HELP WITH DIP SWITCH SETTING" 41929 06/10/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => JIM JOYCE: "R/BOOT UP PROBLEM ON XT" 41930 06/10/89 DAN SEIBOLD => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/HELP WITH DIP SWITCH SETTING" 41931 06/10/89 DONALD DERUSHA => ALEX ZELL: "R/TELENET/PCP #" 41932 06/10/89 KEVIN KEYSER => BILL WOLFF: "COMMODORE" 41933 06/10/89 JOHN ZWIERZYNA => PAUL DOWNING: "R/SALE OF MONTOR AND SYSTEM" 41934 06/11/89 BILL WOLFF => KEVIN KEYSER: "R/COMMODORE" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 41921 is 15 line(s) on 06/10/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to CHARLIE KESTNER re: CBBS USAGE I don't get it. You do the or;* trick, but ^K out of the 1-liners? The table of msgs to retrieve is built right after EACH line is typed. Thus, ^K SHOULD take you to the list of so-far captured msg #'s, and continue. CBBS looks for 'any' character after ^Sing, so ^Q is not specifically recognized, but it DOES match the criteria "any" after ^S, with the exception of specific chars such as ^K which of course is handled. I can't imagine what causes you to bomb back to the menu on CBBS. Strange. Welcome back! BTW, issued while reviewing the msg body itself, ^C should skip to the next msg header, but ^K will always bomb back to the menu. If you want a way to continue where you left off with 90% efficiency, just R the next msg by #, then use the '.' command when asked for the next msg #. Matter of fact, if I'm not interested in the current message (I DO read them all, but when occasionally re-reading.) I press C then . - CBBS now has type-ahead, so it should catch the . pretty well. Msg 41922 is 03 line(s) on 06/10/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to CHARLIE KESTNER re: NEW SYSTEM What are you thinking of getting, now that you've decided to spend a few bucks this year on a new system? Going a 386, I presume? VGA? 600 Meg disk? (grin - the disk could take your whole budget). Msg 41923 is 28 line(s) on 06/10/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ALL re: T1000 ADVICE? I was fortunate enough to be able to pick up a used T1000 laptop with 768K HardRam (non-volatile Ram disk). Boy, is this a slick machine (if ANY 4.77MHz machine can be called "slick"). It has 512K of memory, one 720K diskette, and a rather scrunched (aspect ratio) 80 x 25 super twist screen. It has full DOS 2.11 in ROM! There's 192K for DOS, so perhaps 256K of ROMS total (i.e. BIOS, etc). Cleverly, config.sys "points" to 160 bytes in non- volatile HardRam! Also, the C: autoexec.bat uses the "if exists" to see if there's a D: autoexec, so even though DOS is in ROM, config & autoexec can be in HardRam! Very clever! I have the 768K add-on memory, which can be used as follows: - populate out 128K to the 512 to have 640K DOS if you need to - hav some as EMS (not sure what level i.e. 3.x, 4.0?) - have the rest be a non-volatile ram disk. I have created 4-5 subdirectories on the HardRam, with all my frequently used utilities, and have about 200K working disk space left. Anyone else have one? Any recommendations for software for a "small" laptop? I'd LOVE to have a TEENY compiler to write little text and directory manipulation programs for it! The whole "idea" of the machine is to "get by" with minimal diskette activity, thus maximizing battery life, but if you always run off of diskette (such as having a Turbo C or Pascal compiler on A:) then you will be severely cutting into your battery life. I also would like to find, or write, a program that would copy off all modified files to the corresponding directories on the floppy - but come to think of it, the unsupported DOS XCOPY command would do that (it doesn't run, saying "incorrect DOS version"). Msg 41924 is 18 line(s) on 06/10/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to PAUL TEN EYCK re: R/XTALK XMODEM CONSIDERATIONS What Xtalk means, is that Xmodem is a public domain protocol, so you "shouldn't bug them for the protocol details". What you should do is call "The Ward Board CBBS" at (312) 849-1132, and look over the low-numbered messages, where CBBS original cksum protocol is documented, then another msg shows how CRC is done. No one who has read that and been serious about doing it, has NOT succeeded in writing an XMODEM protocol program from that documentation. To put it another way, anyone who has asked me "further" questions, I've usually been able to read "to them" from the documentation. If you want to support a newer variation on Xmodem called "Relaxed Xmodem", then you need to extend my inter-character timeout from one second to perhaps 30 seconds. This was done for those (rare) times XMODEM is used across a packet network (like Compuserve) and you might have delays at unexpected times (unexpected compared to two dedicated micros xmodemmingback and forth). P.S. I invented the MODEM.ASM program, which implemented the MODEM protocol, but darn me for making it such a dumb name. Keith Petersen varied the name to Xmodem for a special program, and THAT name stuck. Msg 41925 is 10 line(s) on 06/10/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to MATT KRUEGER re: R/DISPLAY POSTSCRIPT I saw Display Posscript demoed by Adobe, but heck, they were using a 3 megabyte 386, and doing nothing BUT display postscript! It kind of scared me for the future of Display Postscript, i.e. in that it seemed HUGE! Then another time - wish I could remember where - I saw some program USING display postscript - perhaps it was the neXt machine - and it seemed to work just fine! Since Adobe, the Father of Postscript, doesn't from what I see, have must to "deliver" at this time, you are probably out of luck. But then I'm not tuned into the whole world. Msg 41926 is 07 line(s) on 06/10/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ANDY SHAPIRO re: R/EXPERIENCE W/SUN? The IBM model 80 can only have 648M of storage, unless you go with the slick CORE Bus Master ESDI controller, which can support two 650 meg drives (I saw it at the PS/2 forum). They transfer at 15 megabits, and have a new one at 20 megabits, compared to the 10 standard on IBM's ESDI (which is 2x as fast as the normal ST-506 controllers). Are you on ChiNet (Randy Suess' {co-inventor of CBBS} Unix system)? Randy is very knowledgable, and has worked with a variety of systems. Msg 41927 is 10 line(s) on 06/10/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to JIM SACKETT re: R/INFO ON STARTING A BBS Beats me. I'm running the same code essentially as from 1978. I'm sure that while it is fun to still drive a model T, you're probably more interested in a 4 cylinder turbo charged efficient machine that takes no-lead. Ask "ALL" rather than me specifically. No, the program used here is not available. You probably don't have a CP/M 8080 lying around, anyway, do you? The time required to maintain the system? Depends upon what the capabilities of the system are, can make an order of magnitued change in the maintenance time. For example, if you have file uploads, it could take you tons of time to 'clear' them. Msg 41928 is 04 line(s) on 06/10/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to DAN SEIBOLD re: R/HELP WITH DIP SWITCH SETTING The guide to operations has MANY pages of switch settings related to memory in the machine. For example, if you have 640K total with 256K on the mama board, the switches are set to sw1=xx00xxxx and sw2=10110000. If 512K total, sw2 would be 10001000. Msg 41929 is 05 line(s) on 06/10/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to JIM JOYCE re: R/BOOT UP PROBLEM ON XT The most common problem I've seen is that after FDISKing the disk, people who establish their own partitions, don't realize that FDISK didn't make the partition ACTIVE. The section of FDISK "display partitions" should show an "A" in the "Active" column. If it is not there, the C: disk will be accessible, but not bootable. Msg 41930 is 03 line(s) on 06/10/89 from DAN SEIBOLD to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/HELP WITH DIP SWITCH SETTING Thanks for the reply.I unfortunately did not ge a guide to operations with this machine. Msg 41931 is 04 line(s) on 06/10/89 from DONALD DERUSHA to ALEX ZELL re: R/TELENET/PCP # Thanks, Alex. As usual I found it on WARD'S LIST at the very end right after I posted the query! Appreciate your help (got to remember my msg post password so I can delete these msgs after I find the answer on my own!). Don D. Msg 41932 is 15 line(s) on 06/1/89 from KEVIN KEYSER to BILL WOLFF re: COMMODORE Hi Bill, No I didn't know that the C-128 was able to store 10 different formats of CP/M. That IS quite impressive! You are also correct about the RAM expansion. Just plug in the card and away you go. I'm running 640K here, myself. You mentioned GEOS. I must say that the C-128 version is VERY impressive! I use it here all the time. I have the RAM set up as a RAM disk. With this setup the speed of the system is very fast. My favorite GEOS utility is the Computer Eyes driver. With it and my computer eyes board and camera I am able to capture and digitalize objects (People to!) with good resolution. Finally, I agree with you about Commodore DOS being on ROM. While this does make the drives more expensive, it is more reliable (and less prone to Virus attack!) Kevin Msg 41933 is 06 line(s) on 06/10/89 from JOHN ZWIERZYNA to PAUL DOWNING re: R/SALE OF MONTOR AND SYSTEM Please give me a call ASAP on the HP. call me at 216-232-3244 or 216-232-1960 (collect if you like.) I'll be in Chicago a few times over the next week or so, would like to know if the item is available. thanks. -z- Msg 41934 is 19 line(s) on 06/11/89 from BILL WOLFF to KEVIN KEYSER re: R/COMMODORE Hi Kevin; Using Computer Eyes driver, huh? That sounds very interesting! I have a B&W TV camerma, but it isn't hooked up to anything! Perhaps we can upload and download some files sometime. I have a demo version of JUGG'LER for the C-128 in CP/M mode that will format, copy, and report what kind of CP/M format on a unknown disk is. The demo isn't full featured, but still good. The full version supports 130 different disk formats and includes some 3 1/2 inch types. Also I believe single density is included, but a minor mod needs to be done to the drive. Speaking about drives, one of my C1571 disks drives wouldn't read about 5% of CP/M or GEOS disks. Regular CBM disks okay! Well after years of not knowing what was wrong (computer, disks, or what), it turned out to be my disk drive curcuit board. No it isn't fixed, but I switched it with a drive I hardly use. I know which chips it's not. Since this problem won't normally come up and if it did, how you would prove it without a lot of time, I wonder how many other poor people have the same problem. And think it is bad disks I did. dup. chars. >Function:?