CBBS(R) 4.0.3a 05/15/89 20:21:33 ++LINE > 9 LONG - truncated, return to ACCEPT, ^U to RE-ENTER: CHRISTENS^U ?^U ?^U ?ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss ++LINE > 9 LONG - truncated, return to ACCEPT, ^U to RE-ENTER: CHRISTENS^U ? Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss ++LINE > 9 LONG - truncated, return to ACCEPT, ^U to RE-ENTER: CHRISTENS^U ?n What is your FIRST name?^U ?^U ?^U ?ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 205460; next msg =41824; 471 active msgs. Prev. call 05/13/89 @ 09:31, next msg was 41811 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx You asked for 5 more NULLS (pressed N while CBBS typed) Nulls were: 0 How many wanted:?0 "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K to abort. >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 4 KILLED. 33 SUMMARY. 30 :31:54,205406,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#41811, E#41812, 05/13/89,09:52:20,205407,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,1 05/13/89,12:51:27,205408,1,ED GARANTO,,1 05/13/89,12:52:48,205409,2,JOE ANTONELLI,,1 05/13/89,14:11:37,205410,2,JOE JESSON,, E#41813,16 05/13/89,15:55:00,205411,3,LINDA ORLOFSKY,LITTLE FERRY/ J,28 05/13/89,17:05:18,205412,2,BILL PRECHT,,3 05/13/89,17:59:14,205413,1,GERARD JOHNSON,, 05/13/89,18:56:57,205414,1,JAMES DUNLAP,, >Help: /F, E#41814, E#41815,23 05/13/89,20:16:33,205415,2,MARTY DIPPEL,,4 05/13/89,20:58:07,205416,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,3 05/13/89,21:04:30,205417,3,ED FANTA,,2 05/13/89,22:01:28,205418,1,JIM BABECKIS,,13 05/13/89,22:25:08,205419,2,GARY ELFRING,,1 05/13/89,22:46:39,205420,1,PHILIP UNELL,,3 05/13/89,23:26:03,205421,2,REDDY KILOBYTE,'LectricLand,7 05/13/89,23:30:07,205422,2,REDDY KILOBYTE,,1 05/13/89,23:43:32,205423,2,REDDY KILOBYTE,,1 05/14/89,03:19:51,205424,2,JIM ANDERSON,,2 05/14/89,03:34:04,205425,2,JIM ANDERSON,,12 05/14/89,10:43:21,205426,2,PHIL JERN,,1 05/14/89,10:46:28,205427,2,TRACY LOSE,, E#41816,8 05/14/89,11:40:36,205428,2,BILL COLEMAN,,2 05/14/89,12:13:27,205429,1,DENNIS DUFFNER,,2 05/14/89,15:55:23,205430,2,PETER CRUICKSHANK,EDMONTON/ CANADA, E#41817,10 05/14/89,16:30:42,205431,2,ED FOSTER,,3 05/14/89,17:26:31,205432,1,GLENN POWERS,, 05/14/89,18:08:52,205433,1,DMITRI ELLINGSON,,1 05/14/89,20:15:00,205434,1,KEVIN KEYSER,,5 05/14/89,20:32:09,205435,1,DENNIS LEONG,,2 05/14/89,20:48:27,205436,1,JIM FLANAGAN,,2 05/14/89,22:23:57,205437,1,BOB SULLIVAN,, E#41818, E#41819,8 05/14/89,22:45:45,205438,1,BILL WOLFF,, E#41820,8 05/14/89,23:03:33,205439,1,AL KROBOTH,Nazareth/Pa, 05/14/89,23:15:55,205440,1,GRDG NOE,,2 05/15/89,00:33:47,205441,2,BILL MATTSON,,8 05/15/89,01:29:48,205442,2,ALEX ZELL,, 05/15/89,03:22:59,205443,2,JERRY OLSEN,, E#41821,16 05/15/89,05:36:11,205444,2,PETE JONES,,1 05/15/89,07:28:35,205445,2,DENNIS STAHL,,4 05/15/89,07:58:26,205446,1,RANDY IMAGEN,,17 05/15/89,08:57:52,205447,2,STEVEN COOK,,1 ]STEVEN COOK, 05/15/89,11:14:12,205448,2,MARTY LINGG,,0 05/15/89,11:36:01,205449,2,ALEX ZELL,, 05/15/89,12:39:57,205450,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,,3 05/15/89,12:59:30,205451,2,PAUL STREETER,,21 05/15/89,14:07:29,205452,1,GORDON HAMILTON,evanston/ill,1 05/15/89,14:08:25,205453,2,GARY ELFRING,,1 05/15/89,15:09:52,205454,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 05/15/89,16:19:15,205455,1,MAX MIROT,glencoe/il, >Help: J, >Help: J, >Help: J, >Help: J, >Help: J, >Help: J,16 05/15/89,18:40:52,205456,3,CHARLES ENGLUND,EAST CHICAGO/IND.,4 05/15/89,19:13:08,205457,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 05/15/89,19:29:26,205458,1,BILL WOLFF,, E#41822, E#41823,11 05/15/89,19:50:45,205459,1,ANDY SHAPIRO,,4 05/15/89,20:22:16,205460,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 41811 05/13/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => BARRY POLLACK: "9600 BAUD CBBS" 41812 05/13/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => SAM LEE: "R/WRITING TO EGA/VGA SCREEN" 41813 05/13/89 JOE JESSON => COLIN SCHROEDER: "MATH COPROCESSOR." 41814X 05/13/89 JAMES DUNLAP => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/CBBS 9600 BAUD!" 41815X 05/13/89 JAMES DUNLAP => ROY ]TUCKER: "XXXXXBRRIEF MESSAGE" 41816 05/14/89 TRACY LOSE => BARRY POLLACK: "R/4 SALE" 41817 05/14/89 PETER CRUICKSHANK => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "LLOYD SMITH" 41818 05/14/89 BOB SULLIVAN => ERIC BOHLMAN: "EUROPE VHS TAPES" 41819 05/14/89 BOB SULLIVAN => MIKE ANDREWS: "EUROPE VHS TAPE" 41820 05/14/89 BILL WOLFF => ALL: "NEED COMPUTER" 41821 05/15/89 JERRY OLSEN => BILL WOLFF: "R/NEED COMPUTER" 41822 05/15/89 BILL WOLFF => ALL: "IEEE-484" 41823 05/15/89 BILL WOLFF => JERRY OLSEN: "R/NEED COMPUTER" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 41811 is 07 line(s) on 05/13/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to BARRY POLLACK re: 9600 BAUD CBBS CBBS has been up and down over the last few days - at one point, something apparently bumped the switch powering the modem, and Randy didn't notice for a while; there were other problems in which CBBS was down - perhaps a power outage - Randy found it as if it had just been booted one time. There is not a lot of 9600 baud access - myself, Mike Andrews formerly (until yesterday) of USR, and David Gibbs, are the 9600 baud callers. Msg 41812 is 11 line(s) on 05/13/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to SAM LEE re: R/WRITING TO EGA/VGA SCREEN I've found no EGA or VGA that requires waiting. However, I got a real surprise - I had a program on my VGA Clone, that rapidly changed the VGA palette register. On my clone, the register didn't change that fast (I didn't really notice that) but I didn't have to waitfor retrace or anything. Then, much to my embarassement, I took the program to an IBM PC fair, and ran it on an IBM model 80 VGA, and whaddyaknow, it flickered unbearably. SO, you MAY have to synchronize the PALETTE REGISTER CHANGES if you're going to do them a lot. I didn't persue this since I didn't really care if it ran on the 80 or not - it worked OK for me at home. Msg 41813 is 04 line(s) on 05/13/89 from JOE JESSON to COLIN SCHROEDER re: MATH COPROCESSOR. Good, I'm glad the chip worked out fine. The 80c287 worked out well but still haven't checked it out with Autocad 10. I don't expect any chip failures the first year. Keep in touch. No msg 41814 No msg 41815 Msg 41816 is 05 line(s) on 05/14/89 from TRACY LOSE to BARRY POLLACK re: R/4 SALE Hi barry I did not sell the system yet and I have not yet called ray, I hae been vy haven't had time. I have slowed down and I will call Ray this week. so sorry I haven't called Ray yet. Today is sunday Mothers day. I will call Ray Monday Or Tuesday For sure. Thank's Barry. Keep in contact. TRACY. Msg 41817 is 08 line(s) on 05/14/89 from PETER CRUICKSHANK to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: LLOYD SMITH Hello, I got your number from Lillipute in Chicago one of the users there recommended I ask you for Lloyd Smith's phone number. I am interested in setting up a bar code scanner system at work. Excuse the sloppy message the extra characters I'm getting through the phone line are frustrating to say the least. Hope you can decypher it. Thanks, Peter Msg 41818 is 04 line(s) on 05/14/89 from BOB SULLIVAN to ERIC BOHLMAN re: EUROPE VHS TAPES Thanks for the info. I talked with several places, and other than some copyright concerns they could convert the tapes; however, the cost is about $50 per half-hour. My tape is about 2 1/2 hours. I'll just hold on to to it. Msg 41819 is 02 line(s) on 05/14/89 from BOB SULLIVAN to MIKE ANDREWS re: EUROPE VHS TAPE Thanks for the help. See previous message. Msg 41820 is 07 line(s) on 05/14/89 from BILL WOLFF to ALL re: NEED COMPUTER A friend of mine has/had a Kaypro II and it is/had died! I like to find him a replacement at a good cost or have his computer repaired. Any ideas or offers accepted. Thanks! Can be any CP/M computer that runs DBASE, WordStar, etc. If IBM computer offered. Then a copy of each one included in the offer would be nice. IBM DBASE is compatable with CP/M DBase file right? Version 2.4 DBASE? Msg 41821 is 30 line(s) on 05/15/89 from JERRY OLSEN to BILL WOLFF re: R/NEED COMPUTER Finding a place to repair CP/M machines is difficult at best. Ditto for finding a used Kaypro II, though not quite so. He also may have trouble reinstalling some of his Kaypro-specific versions of software on other CP/M machines. Best bet by far would be to look for a used Kaypro of a vintage than that of the IIs. They're all going cheap. (He shouldn't have to pay more than $300 for a Kaypro 10-the hard-drive machine-if he shops a little. A Kaypro 4 often goes for $100 or less these days, and should run his K II software fine. About the only thing he should be careful about is a Kaypro 1 (which has a different, and infamous "universal" ROM-a "U-ROM"). Software for it vs. other CP/M Kaypros isn't 100% compatible. Putting messages up around CP/M boards often will snag a CP/M Kaypro fairly quickly-CFOG, The Advocate (312-939-3300), etc. As for portability of dBASE to an MS-DOS environment, it's not all tht difficult, but it's likely he'll have to modify some .CMD files. (It gets more complicated if he gets into the latest dBASE versions, though.) WordStar files will port over fine.Does this more or less answer all of your questions? In terms of his older machine, if your friend or you can deal with rummaging around inside the hardware, often you can fix the problems yourself. The K IIs were rather simple machines, and often the problem can be diagnosed reasonably reliably by someone who has had such a beast. I've done a fair bit of that myself, as have others on The Advocate, where you might care to leave a message (as well as here) about symptoms when-and before-the machine bit the dust.If your friend doesn't want to bother with such work and is just planning on tossing it, I'd welcome hearing from him or her. I run a BBS on a Kaypro 10, and parts are interchangable betweeen the machines, if he'd care to make it a (tax- deductible) gift. If interested, again, leave word on The Advocate (to Sysop), and include a number where I could call to chat about it. Good luck. Msg 41822 is 03 line(s) on 05/15/89 from BILL WOLFF to ALL re: IEEE-484 I have an Osborne Executive and have a need to run a Centronics parallel printer. Centronics has 36 pins and the IEEE-484 is the same type of connector, but only has 24 pins. Anybody know where I can get one? Msg 41823 is 01 line(s) on 05/15/89 from BILL WOLFF to JERRY OLSEN re: R/NEED COMPUTER Thanks, I'll pass that on. dup. chars. >Function:?