CBBS(R) 4.0.2a 05/02/89 21:30:38 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 205140; next msg =41761; 480 active msgs. Prev. call 04/29/89 @ 21:58, next msg was 41744 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K to abort. >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 14 KILLED. 79 SUMMARY. 31 04/29/89,21:58:24,205082,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,2 04/29/89,22:28:20,205083,3,GARY CHUVEN,CHICAGO// IL,4 04/29/89,23:37:17,205084,3,JAMES ENGLISH,,11 04/30/89,00:15:14,205085,2,ALEX ZELL,, 04/30/89,00:28:36,05086,1,JIM SOMERS,, 04/30/89,02:22:25,205087,1,SCOTT FREEMAN,,2 04/30/89,02:55:25,205088,1,JOE PEREIRA,CALUMET CITY ILL,10 04/30/89,08:06:28,205089,2,PAUL STREETER,,1 04/30/89,09:52:26,205090,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#41744, E#41745,8 04/30/89,10:04:09,205091,1,BARRY POLLACK,,34 04/30/89,10:53:47,205092,9,DAVID GIBBS,,1 04/30/89,11:10:37,205093,1,RAY SIMPSON,chgo, 04/30/89,12:47:57,205094,1,JOHN LIN,, E#41746,10 04/30/89,13:35:42,205095,1,COLIN SCHROEDER,,5 04/30/89,17:34:08,205096,3,CRABBY CABBY,chicago/ il,7 04/30/89,18:28:09,205097,2,BILL TANEY,, E#41747,3 ]BILL TANEY, 04/30/89,20:32:48,205098,2,DAVE VALLIER,,1 05/01/89,10:16:38,205099,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 05/01/89,10:55:06,205100,1,PHIL BOLD,,6 05/0189,15:29:59,205101,2,JACK HOMA,,2 05/01/89,17:00:58,205102,2,JIM POLOUS,, ]K,41724,JIM POLOUS, 5 05/01/89,17:39:00,205103,1,JIM PAPPIN,IL,17 05/01/89,18:09:15,205104,1,ROSEMARY ESPOSITO,clifton springs/n.y., 05/01/89,18:29:03,205105,1,KEVIN KEYSER,, E#41748,16 05/01/89,19:07:52,205106,1,JIM LIDDELL,,15 05/01/89,19:25:44,205107,2,BILL TILTON,MERRILLVILLE/INDIANA,5 05/01/89,19:44:41,205108,1,WALLY KLINGER,,5 05/01/89,20:23:08,205109,2,PHIL JERN,,4 05/01/89,20:52:46,205110,9,DAVID GIBBS,,1 05/01/89,21:03:12,205111,1,EMMANUEL SEMMES,, 05/01/89,21:16:46,205112,2,CLIFF SHARP,, E#41749,7 05/01/89,21:47:20,205113,2,CYRUS PATEL,, E#41750,4 05/01/89,21:59:04,205114,2,BILL MATTSON,,9 05/01/89,22:58:29,205115,1,DENNIS SLADEK,,3 05/01/89,23:13:42,205116,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#41751,5 05/01/89,23:42:46,205117,1,ANDY SHAPIRO,, E#41752,8 ]I was tempted to make this public, but I thought I'd let Patel's message stand w/o comment. If you don't want the pleasure of editing it down a little, let me kill it. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE! ANDY SHAPIRO, 05/02/89,01:09:32,205118,2,JIM MORAVEC,,8 05/02/89,06:32:50,205119,1,NILS MAGNUSON,D,7 05/02/89,07:48:52,205120,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 05/02/89,07:54:11,205121,2,PAUL STREETER,,2 05/02/89,08:23:17,205122,1,ROY LIPSCOMB,, E#41753,20 05/02/89,09:47:32,205123,2,STEVEN COOK,,0 ]STEVEN COOK, 05/02/89,10:04:52,205124,2,JACK HOMA,,2 05/02/89,12:04:54,205125,1,PHIL ALDERMAN,,5 05/02/89,15:03:08,205126,1,DORA BURNS,chicago, E#41754,10 05/02/89,15:33:42,205127,2,TRACY LOSE,, 05/02/89,15:59:09,205128,2,BRUNO RUSSO,, 05/02/89,16:01:44,205129,2,BRUNO RUSSO,,3 05/02/89,16:10:10,205130,3,PATRICK BUREAU,,2 05/02/89,17:02:05,205131,2,DAIL KRAINIK,Elgin/ IL, E#41755,22 05/02/89,17:27:57,205132,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,2 05/02/89,17:29:49,205133,2,MARTY DIPPEL,,11 05/02/89,18:19:36,205134,9,DAVID GIBBS,,0 05/02/89,18:43:06,205135,2,THOMAS TESTER,,2 05/02/89,19:07:53,205136,1,KEVIN KEYSER,, E#41756, E#41757,8 05/02/89,19:17:56,205137,1,EMMANUEL SEMMES,,3 05/02/89,20:28:08,205138,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#41758, ]S,CBBS.CPM, 05/02/89,20:39:16,205139,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#41759, E#41760,8 05/02/89,21:30:42,205140,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 41744 04/30/89 ERIC BOHLMAN => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/HARD DISK INTERFACING" 41745 04/30/89 ERIC BOHLMAN => BOB SULLIVAN: "R/VCR TAPES USA/EUROPE" 41746 04/30/89 JOHN LIN => ALL: "HARD DISKS FOR SALE" 41747 04/30/89 BILL TANEY => ALL: "LT NIGHT TICS WANTED" 41748 05/01/89 KEVIN KEYSER => ALL: "CP/M UN-ZIPPER??" 41749 05/01/89 CLIFF SHARP => ANDY SHAPIRO: "R/REPLACEMENT MOTHERS?" 41750 05/01/89 CYRUS PATEL => ALL: "PROGRAMMING HOUSE BACK." 41751 05/01/89 ERIC BOHLMAN => KEVIN KEYSER: "R/CP/M UN-ZIPPER??" 41752 05/01/89 ANDY SHAPIRO => ERIC BOHLMAN: "R/CP/M UN-ZIPPER??" 41753 05/02/89 ROY LIPSCOMB => WARD: "ORGINAL CBBS" 41754 05/02/89 DORA BURNS => TROY: "MONEY" 41755 05/02/89 DAIL KRAINIK => ED FANTA: "R/WANTED EPROM ERASER" 41756 05/02/89 KEVIN KEYSER => ERIC BOHLMAN: "R/CP/M UN-ZIPPER??" 41757 05/02/89 KEVIN KEYSER => ANDY SHAPIRO: "R/CP/M UN-ZIPPER??" 41758 05/02/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ROY LIPSCOMB: "R/ORGINAL CBBS" 41759 05/02/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ANDY SHAPIRO: "GO TO IT" 41760 05/02/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => JOHN LIN: "REPLY FROM IBM" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 41744 is 04 line(s) on 04/30/89 from ERIC BOHLMAN to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/HARD DISK INTERFACING The immediate application would almost certainly involve using an ST-506 interface, though I'd like to get technical information on the other kinds as well. Information on board-level controllers not specifically designed for the PC bus would be especially useful. Msg 41745 is 06 line(s) on 04/30/89 from ERIC BOHLMAN to BOB SULLIVAN re: R/VCR TAPES USA/EUROPE Most European countries use the PAL standard for video encoding rather than the NTSC standard used here. (I think France uses yet a third standard). You'll need to get the tape converted; some video stores can do the conversion for you (I recall a number of places in the Indian neighborhood around Devon and Western advertise the service; I think India uses PAL so imported tapes need to be converted). Msg 41746 is 15 line(s) on 04/30/89 from JOHN LIN to ALL re: HARD DISKS FOR SALE 10 MB hard disk kit for IBM PC or XT for sale. Includes a Western Digital mod. 1002A-WX1 controller card, cable set, Miniscribe 10 MB half height hard disk drive, installation instruction, and technical manual on the hard disk. Asking $175., or trade for 256K RAM chips, 100 ns. Leave message here or call 684-3689. 20 MB Seagate hard disk kit with SCSI interface. This kit can be used in an IBM PC/XT/AT or compatible. The drive can be used in an Apple Mac. Includes Seagate ST-225N hard disk drive, cable set, Seagate host adapter, technical manuals, instructions, and low level formatting software for using the drive on a Mac. Purchased new for $375, asking $275. or a quantity of 256K RAM chips, 100 ns of comparable value. Msg 41747 is 03 line(s) on 04/30/89 from BILL TANEY to ALL re: LT NIGHT TICS WANTED Wanted to buy - Tickets to latenight in chicago w/david letterman for next week, If you have any for sale call me at (312)-940-1524 - Bill Taney Msg 41748 is 07 line(s) on 05/01/89 from KEVIN KEYSER to ALL re: CP/M UN-ZIPPER?? Does any one know of a CP/M program that un-zips MS-DOS files? My main interest is reading the many Zipped text files on the boards around town. Also, a C-128 native mode un-zipper would be even nicer, but I doubt that one will ever come out. Thank's Kevin Msg 41749 is 15 line(s) on 05/01/89 from CLIFF SHARP to ANDY SHAPIRO re: R/REPLACEMENT MOTHERS? DON'T try putting an eight-slot replacement motherboard into a five- slot PC! I did and I may regret it when I get the nerve to try the motherboard back into my eight-slot clone. I took my old 4.77 MHz clone motherboard (8-slot) and tried to use it to replace the motherboard in my friend's 5-slot IBM PC. The physical fit was very poor, but we shoehorned it in and plugged in the other boards (multi-function, CGA, etc.) and fired it up. The board, taken out of service while still working, did nothing apparent; the cursor did a weird dance and disappeared. When we put his old motherboard back and restored the daughter cards, it turned out we'd blown his serial port in some way (prolly one of the 1488/1489 chips but haven't looked yet). I loaned him my old multi- function card and he's back to normal so far. As I mentioned, I haven't tried the clone board again since; but I suspect that when I do, it won't work. Msg 41750 is 19 line(s) on 05/01/89 from CYRUS PATEL to ALL re: PROGRAMMING HOUSE BACK. Programmers! Looking for a place to call home? . . / \ [======] Introducing. / \ | | / \ | | The Programming House BBS / [~~~~~] \ | / [=-+-=] \ | 300/1200/2400 BAUD / [_____] \| /_________________________\_ _________________ (312) 386-9271 | | :::::: | 24 HOURS | [~~~~~] | ::::::::: | | [=-+-=] | :::::::: | _______/~___ | [_____] | :::::::: | |Cyrus Patel| | [~~~~~] [~~~~~] | :::: | |___SYSOP___| | [=-+-=] |~~~~~| [=-+-=] | | | | | | | [_____] | | [_____] | | | | | | | | o| | | | | |_____| | | | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Msg 41751 is 07 line(s) on 05/01/89 from ERIC BOHLMAN to KEVIN KEYSER re: R/CP/M UN-ZIPPER?? I'm not aware of one, though Phil Katz released the algorithms (but not source) for the compression. Whether a CP/M version is even possible would depend on the size of the data tables used; if they're greater than 64K, forget it (if they're ALMOST 64K, then the C-128 native mode version would be more practical, as you could put the data tables in one segment and the code in another, or possibly buffer the tables into RAM disk, with some loss of speed). Msg 41752 is 05 line(s) on 05/01/89 from ANDY SHAPIRO to ERIC BOHLMAN re: R/CP/M UN-ZIPPER?? There's a CP/M program that will get you DIRECTORIES of ZIP files; available on the ZNODEs in town. Also, there has been some word that the ZIP algorithm isn't all that different from that for .ARC files. I would expect to see a CP/M zipper of one sort or another arrive within a month or two. Msg 41753 is 07 line(s) on 05/02/89 from ROY LIPSCOMB to WARD re: ORGINAL CBBS I have a version of CBBS software (something like 3.6.1-I don't have it in front of me) that I also picked up at Randy's yard sale. And I still have two Shugart 800 drives that can read them. I'm down in Bloomington with an old friend of mine, exploring the possiblity of something permanent. (She works at Indiana U.) I'll be in town until next Sunday, and will check back here around then to see if anything's happening. Msg 41754 is 01 line(s) on 05/02/89 from DORA BURNS to TROY re: MONEY Hi Troy, You have just won a trip to the zoo. Msg 41755 is 02 line(s) on 05/02/89 from DAIL KRAINIK to ED FANTA re: R/WANTED EPROM ERASER I don't know of any used EPROMM erasers BUT you can get a good small one from AM Enterprises, for $55.00 Phone# (408)373-3607. Msg 41756 is 05 line(s) on 05/02/89 from KEVIN KEYSER to ERIC BOHLMAN re: R/CP/M UN-ZIPPER?? Thank's for the info, Eric. I do have a C-128 native MS/DOS de-arcer So I am sure that a native mode unzipper IS possible, if unlikely. .By the way, the RAM expaneer sure makes this a MUCH more powerful computer. Kevin Msg 41757 is 03 line(s) on 05/02/89 from KEVIN KEYSER to ANDY SHAPIRO re: R/CP/M UN-ZIPPER?? Yes, I have the one that shows the directories of Zipped files, at least it is a starting point! Kevin Msg 41758 is 03 line(s) on 05/02/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ROY LIPSCOMB re: R/ORGINAL CBBS OK, thanks. I, too, can still read the old diskettes - I put a pair of 8" drives on an old PC portable. But if "it must work" is part of the Smithsonian deal, well, I'm just not sure. Msg 41759 is 02 line(s) on 05/02/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ANDY SHAPIRO re: GO TO IT I believe their address was 41750 south Sewer street (hee hee). Msg 41760 is 19 line(s) on 05/02/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to JOHN LIN re: REPLY FROM IBM Must I really write you a letter saying that we don't have any EGA memory expansion boards lying around? They are still available from "parts" (303) 924-4015, but you could buy a "clone" EGA for cheaper than buying the memory as repair parts from IBM. If you insist, I'll draft this in a formal "from IBM" letter. P.S. if you're a different John Lin, "excuse me". Full details from the latest price list: "Data as of January 24, 1989 w/Ward's mods" - Feature 1201; P/N 1501201; Ordering vehicle: 5150-ZZZ; $208; Description: Memory Expansion Card (64KB) for Enhanced Graphics Adapter Supports 640x350x16 color on 5154 and 12-character loadable set - Feature 1203; P/N 1501203; Ordering vehicle: 5150-ZZZ; $271; Description: IBM Graphics Memory Module (128KB) for Enhanced Graphics Adapter Memory Card Adds smooth scroll, pan, graphics pages, 1024-character loadable set - Total list price $479 dup. chars. >Function:?