CBBS(R) 4.0.2a 04/29/89 22:16:47 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 205052; next msg =41739; 475 active msgs. Prev. call 04/26/89 @ 21:06, next msg was 41733 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K to abort. >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 9 KILLED. 72 SUMMARY. 30 04/26/89,21:06:22,204999,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#41733,5 04/26/89,21:20:51,205000,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 04/26/89,21:30:27,205001,1,GEORGE PLATZ,,9 04/26/89,22:02:52,205002,1,PHIL ALDERMAN,,2 ]PHIL ALDERMAN, 04/26/89,22:31:08,205003,1,EMMANUEL SEMMES,,10 04/26/89,22:50:08,205004,2,BILL MATTSON,,7 04/26/89,23:04:26,205005,2,MIKE ASHE,, 04/27/89,00:20:45,205006,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#41734,5 04/27/89,01:33:21,205007,1,CEDRIC TUTTLE,, 04/27/89,05:35:33,205008,2,ALEX ZELL,, 04/27/89,05:52:24,205009,2,PETE JONES,,1 04/27/89,06:19:25,205010,1,BARRY POLLACK,,30 04/27/89,08:42:34,205011,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,30 04/27/89,09:16:54,205012,1,ARNOLD BOYD,, E#41735,7 04/27/89,09:36:06,205013,1,SAM FIFER,chicago, 04/27/89,11:25:16,205014,3,PHIL SCHUMAN,,111 04/27/89,11:42:30,205015,1,GARY MCCOY,,3 04/27/89,12:32:05,205016,2,BILL TANZER,,2 04/27/89,14:38:50,205017,2,JIM MILLS,,3 04/27/89,14:42:11,205018,1,ANDY SHAPIRO,,1 04/27/89,14:46:57,205019,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 04/27/89,16:17:13,205020,2,BILL TANEY,,2 04/27/89,17:19:54,205021,2,ED FOSTER,,4 04/27/89,17:45:52,205022,2,STEVE COHEN,,2 04/27/89,18:00:45,205023,2,ANDY JAGUSIAK,, 04/27/89,18:15:08,205024,9,DAVID GIBBS,,0 04/27/89,22:25:04,205025,2,MIKE ASHE,,9 04/27/89,23:27:43,205026,2,CYRUS PATEL,,6 04/27/89,23:58:52,205027,2,JIM ANDERSON,,10 04/28/89,00:37:17,205028,1,DUFFEY MCKEEHAN,SIMI VALLEY/ CA,3 04/28/89,05:58:49,205029,2,PETE JONES,,2 04/28/89,06:00:41,205030,2,JERRY OLSEN,, E#41736,12 04/28/89,06:14:09,205031,2,PETE JONES,,4 04/28/89,07:12:52,205032,2,ALEX ZELL,, 04/28/89,07:30:40,205033,2,EARL HALL,,9 04/28/89,07:56:45,205034,1,RON GASIK,ELMWOOD PARK,2 04/28/89,08:16:35,205035,2,PAUL STREETER,,2 04/28/89,09:33:39,205036,2,TOM TOM,, 04/28/89,09:38:42,205037,2,TOM TOM,, 04/28/89,10:29:05,205038,2,JACK HOMA,,4 04/28/89,10:37:22,205039,3,MIKE FRICANO,, 04/28/89,11:06:19,205040,1,DAN FUHRMAN,,9 04/28/89,11:58:16,205041,1,PETE SAM,c,4 04/28/89,13:16:08,205042,1,ANDY SHAPIRO,,0 04/28/89,14:21:10,205043,2,TRACY LOSE,, E#41737,21 04/28/89,16:10:28,205044,2,HERB SCHULZ,,1 04/28/89,16:43:08,205045,1,ADAM DADA,,1 04/28/89,16:45:13,205046,1,ADAM DADA,, E#41738,12 04/28/89,16:57:40,205047,1,MIKE BRUDZINSKI,park ridge (OF COURSE), 04/28/89,17:01:11,205048,1,MIKE BRUDZINSKI,, 04/28/89,17:04:17,205049,1,ADAM DADA,,7 ]Hi. I was wondering if you would know of any good VGA programs, ANY!! Oh, and bye the way, after my sixth or seventh command, the Computer Printed "DISC" and froze. What's wrong!!! ADAM DADA, 04/28/89,18:34:16,205050,1,DON PIVEN,,1 04/29/89,21:56:38,205051,1,WILLIAM PATTERSON,b?chicago/ il, >Help: UV??, >Help: F&D,8 04/29/89,22:16:51,205052,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 41733 04/26/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ANDY SHAPIRO: "R/REPLACEMENT MOTHERS?" 41734 04/27/89 ERIC BOHLMAN => ALL: "HARD DISK INTERFACING" 41735 04/27/89 ARNOLD BOYD => ALL: "286 AT FOR SALE" 41736 04/28/89 JERRY OLSEN => BOB SULLIVAN: "R/DISK LIFE" 41737 04/28/89 TRACY LOSE => MIKE ANDREWS: "R/4/SALE" 41738 04/28/89 ADAM DADA => ALL: "CGA CARD FOR SALE CHEAP!" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 41733 is 16 line(s) on 04/26/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ANDY SHAPIRO re: R/REPLACEMENT MOTHERS? An 8-slotter will fit IN the case, but the "5 openings" won't line up with the "8-slots", so actually, no, it won't fit. You'd be better off to spring for a case, then, too. What I did was go for a Bullet 286 8mhz, 0-wait state 5 slotter - minimal investment. I got mine from DP Computers in Salt Lake, though there may be cheaper places. It was $300 with 0-K. Best to populate it with 1M of 120ns chips. It has nice BIOS based disk cacheing, including a unix-like 1-sec delayed write cacheing - you should see this sucker de-arc a file! Wow! Drawbacks are that you've not expanded your slots, and you can't back fill the motherboard for EMS, and I think the 384K cache won't work with EMS - because it maps the ENTIRE 384K into the 640-1024K area, and banks out your video and other ROMS when it does the cache transfers. But it met my needs, is very nicely fast, was a rather easy install, and was the kind of "minimal investment" so I can build up my bank account for a "REAL" machine some day. Msg 41734 is 10 line(s) on 04/27/89 from ERIC BOHLMAN to ALL re: HARD DISK INTERFACING I posted a question on this topic a while back, but I may not have made it clear what I was asking about: I need to learn about the low-level details of hard disk interfacing. In other words, what kinds of busses are available on controller cards. What are the commands that the controller can execute. That kind of thing. I want to learn this because I may be working on a project in which a hard drive is used as a component of a dedicated piece of hardware (which will not resemble an IBM clone in any way). Are there any good reference books on this subject? What manufacturer's literature should I look for? Msg 41735 is 04 line(s) on 04/27/89 from ARNOLD BOYD to ALL re: 286 AT FOR SALE new 286 for sale it has 640k ram 1.2mb floppy, serial, parallel, hard disk controller new full 1 year manafactures warranty. asking $1400 call me either at830-4222 (days) or 837-7959 (nights and weekends) Msg 41736 is 11 line(s) on 04/28/89 from JERRY OLSEN to BOB SULLIVAN re: R/DISK LIFE Several years ago, I read in a pub which otherwise provided excellent advice that integrity was virtually 100% reliable for 6 months, with an increasing deterioration thereafter. My own experience suggests the once/year idea proposed by others here is quite safe. I still regularly dig out a disk or three from 1985 and have yet to observe any problems attributable to time.Part of the issue, of course, is the condition of the disk when written. So, in addition each year, I'd also suggest .Probably of more concern are variations in hardware. Ideally, reformat/recopy when drives are in known, good alignment. The biggest problem I've had and seen is trying to read a disk which was created when drives were borderline good and later read after realignment. Msg 41737 is 09 line(s) on 04/28/89 from TRACY LOSE to MIKE ANDREWS re: R/4/SALE The keyboard I am asking $500.00 or best, The AKAI sampler with disk drive I am asking $300.00 or best, Ans the MSQ-100 recorder I am asking $250.00 or best. I yo buy all I will throw3w in a $100.00 Hi teck stand and a $150.00 Amp. and all Midi cords worth $50.00 for all the equimpment I will let go at Hmm had this system priced at GAND music and they said for the key board I can get $ alone all of This equimpment is l like new nothing is wrong wih anything. if you buyall I will let go forr If interested please let me know. Tracy Lose Ask around you wont get a b better buy for the money. Keep in touch TRACY LOSE Msg 41738 is 08 line(s) on 04/28/89 from ADAM DADA to ALL re: CGA CARD FOR SALE CHEAP! I am selling a CGA full length card. Since it is still in great condition , I still think it is worth $39.00 /OBO. Please call Adam Dada at: 698-3091, or Scott Teipe at 692-2005 Since I am buying a VGA card, I REALLY need to sell this one, that is why I am negotiable. PLEASE! Thansk, ^oops Adam Dada(with VGA) and Scott Teipe (CGA) dup. chars. >Function:?