CBBS(R) 4.0.2a 04/25/89 22:00:55 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 204970; next msg =41728; 476 active msgs. Prev. call 04/23/89 @ 00:17, next msg was 41719 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K to abort. >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 13 KILLED. 65 SUMMARY. 30 4/25/89,22:00:59,204970,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 41719 04/23/89 ULRICH WARIAS => HELLO!: "TO ALL" 41720 04/24/89 ANDY SHAPIRO => BOB SULLIVAN: "R/DISK LIFE" 41721 04/24/89 ARNOLD BOYD => ALL: "FOR SALE AT" 41722 04/24/89 MIKE ASHE => ALL: "EXTENDED MEM DISK CACHE" 41723 04/25/89 CLIFF SHARP => BOB SULLIVAN: "R/DISK LIFE" 41724 04/25/89 SCOTT SMITH => JIM POLOUS: "LAN STUFF" 41725 04/25/89 ARNOLD BOYD => ALL: "ALDUS PAGEMAKER FOR SALE" 41726 04/25/89 TRACY LOSE => ALL: "4/SALE" 41727 04/25/89 BILL TANEY => ALL: "LATE NIGHT TICKETS WANTED" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 41719 is 11 line(s) on 04/23/89 from ULRICH WARIAS to HELLO! re: TO ALL Hello to alll ! I call from Germany and i want to contact YOU ! I search for AMIGA Contacts ! PLease write to me : Ulrich Warias Schoenhauserstrasse 3 4100 DUISBURG 1 WEST GERMANY - I wait ! Oh my money . Bye tBye . Ulrich. Msg 41720 is 14 line(s) on 04/24/89 from ANDY SHAPIRO to BOB SULLIVAN re: R/DISK LIFE I haven't read anything, but I recall that in the early '80s, Verbatim warranted their disks for 7 years. I _suspect_ that magnetic disks will experience magnetic decay over time, but the problem should be much less severe than it is with analog media, e.g., audio tapes. Since all the reading drive has to do is to distinguish 1s and 0s, even a faded signal should be readable. I'm sure there's been some work on non- digital video and audio tape preservation; I'd use that for a guideline. On the other hand, where are you going to find a machine capable of READING your disks in 10+ years? Seriously, why not just copy the files annually - keep two disks in each file, father and son. On January 1 of even numbered years, copy the 'father' to the 'son.' On Janyary 1 of ODD numbered years, copy the 'son' to the 'father.' In this way, you assure that the signals will be 'up to snuff,' and you can detect any problems long before they get serious. What are you storing, anyway?? Msg 41721 is 05 line(s) on 04/24/89 from ARNOLD BOYD to ALL re: FOR SALE AT i have a new, never been used at clone for sale it has a 6/12 mhz 80286, 1.2mb floppy, hard controller serial, parallel, and ega adapter. comes with a full 1 year manufactures warran$1400 or bes offer give me a call at either 837-7959 (home) or 830-4222 (work) Msg 41722 is 11 line(s) on 04/24/89 from MIKE ASHE to ALL re: EXTENDED MEM DISK CACHE I'm looking to get a good "install it and forget about it" me will use the AT extended memory between 640 and 1Mb. I read a PC Mag review a few months ago, but I can't find that back issue. Anyway, they all seemed to be in the $75 range, which seems a bit steep for a simple concept utility. The shareware programs I've seen (Emmcache, PC-Kwick shareware version, and the PC-Magazine Dcache) are all set up to use expanded or LIM (Lotus/Intel/Microsoft) memory. Any info would be good. I'd be willing to pay in the $20-$30 range for a useful commercial or shareware program. Thanks,] Mike Ashe Msg 41723 is 12 line(s) on 04/25/89 from CLIFF SHARP to BOB SULLIVAN re: R/DISK LIFE I've seen it written that magnetic media of all sorts should be recopied at least once a year to maintain reasonable integrity of the data contained therein, whether it be audio or video recordings, digital media, or whatever. I feel safest in recreating the diskettes I have at least once a year, pain in the backside though it might be. Two of the problems I know of have to do with the fact that the oxide particles don't keep all the magnetism imposed upon them forever, and the fact that adjacent particles tend to "share" their magnetism over a period in a sort of 'entropy' (this last is called self-magnetization, if I'm not mixing my terms). This last explains the loss of high- frequency spectrum in old cassette tapes, and its effects are greatest when the media are used at low head-to-medium speeds. Msg 41724 is 14 line(s) on 04/25/89 from SCOTT SMITH to JIM POLOUS re: LAN STUFF Sorry it took so lng to get back to you, Jim. We've been quite busy. The list price on these Token Ring boards ran about $595 each. I think we'd take $225 each for them (there are three still available). These are the genuine IBM boards, and all are fully functional. We also have the MSAU access "hub" unit, with the IBM connection system adapter cables. This thing still goes for nearly $700, with the cables at $35 or so each. We'd like $350 for the MSAU and all three cables, and I'll even give you some of our cable we used to run the network (about 75 feet, w/ connectors). The IBM LAN software goes with it and allows you to run it as a dedicated or nondedicated server, with multiple servers, as a peer to peer network. This is a good deal for someone to get Token Ring wthout spending a lot. We find that our software products take us into other network arenas right now. I'll be happy to discuss this with you. Call me at (312) 382-2305 9 am to 5 pm CST. Thanks. Msg 41725 is 02 line(s) on 04/25/89 from ARNOLD BOYD to ALL re: ALDUS PAGEMAKER FOR SALE pagemaker v 3.0 for ibm new factory sealed box for sale best offer 837-7959 (home) 830-4222 (work) Msg 41726 is 07 line(s) on 04/25/89 from TRACY LOSE to ALL re: 4/SALE I have a key-board for sale, It is a JX-3P programable preset polyohonic synthesizer, like new it is a ROLAND I also have a MSQ-100 ROLAND digital keyboard recorder make offer? and last but not least I have a akai md2800 and a akai s612 sampler all of these items are llike new meak offer for a all and I will throw in a Marlboro 22OB amplifier for free I all of these items have midi in out and thru I have all midi cords and stald for all equimpment. if interested please liave me a note Thank-You TRACY LOSE Msg 41727 is 03 line(s) on 04/25/89 from BILL TANEY to ALL re: LATE NIGHT TICKETS WANTED Wanted - Tickets for late night with david letterman at the chicago theater for next week. If any one has one or more to sell Please give me a call at (312)-940-1524 - I am desparate to get a pair of tickets for this. dup. chars. >Function:?04/23/89,00:17:26,204894,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,7 ]AZ: ya, I meant to turn on MSTATS - not sure how I missed that1 (oops.. that!) WARD CHRISTENSEN, 04/23/89,01:23:07,204895,1,BOB MULLENS,Chicago/il,3 04/23/89,02:54:38,204896,2,SCOTT JOHNSTON,,57 04/23/89,08:58:56,204897,2,ALEX ZELL,, 04/23/89,09:40:50,204898,2,ROBERT COOK,,3 04/23/89,10:09:17,204899,2,PAUL STREETER,,31 04/23/89,10:53:49,204900,2,DAVID GIBBS,,0 04/23/89,11:13:18,204901,1,BOB LONG,glenview,4 04/23/89,12:21:04,204902,1,COLIN SCHROEDER,,5 04/23/89,12:56:55,204903,2,ANTHONY DUNCAN,WINTHROP HARBOR IL, 04/23/89,13:44:07,204904,2,PHIL JERN,,1 04/23/89,14:05:42,204905,2,ANTHONY DUNCAN,,0 04/23/89,14:08:35,204906,2,ANTHONY DUNCAN,, >Help: BBS, >Help: BBS NUMBER, >Help: BBS, >Help: BULLETIN BOARDS,10 04/23/89,14:52:46,204907,1,PETER DELGADO,chicago il,4 04/23/89,16:07:12,204908,1,FREDDY OLSEN,,7 04/23/89,16:57:06,204909,1,HAL BOYLES,ALABAMA,4 04/23/89,17:07:58,204910,1,ADAM DADA,,2 ]ADAM DADA, 04/23/89,17:17:04,204911,1,ADAM DADA,,4 04/23/89,17:23:18,204912,1,ALAN LAYA,,4 04/23/89,17:39:50,204913,1,SCOTT TEIPE,park ridge/il,3 04/23/89,19:20:53,204914,2,BRUCE KALLICK,,16 04/23/89,19:42:10,204915,1,ULLRICH WARIAS,duisburg/germany, 04/23/89,19:51:57,204916,1,ULRICH WARIAS,duisburg/germany, E#41719, 04/23/89,20:30:19,204917,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,0 04/23/89,21:41:17,204918,2,PAUL STREETER,,1 04/23/89,21:48:28,204919,3,KEN NESS,,45 ]Ward, have you ever thought of adding a end-of-text marker to your commands? (ie. a $) It could be used in a command format like: r;*;$ this would read read first unread message to last message in file " this would be better than "r;*;+;+;+;+;+;+;+;+;+;+;+;+;+;+;+" thanks ken- KEN NESS, 04/23/89,22:44:28,204920,2,JIM POLOUS,,1 04/23/89,23:05:11,204921,1,DAN FUHRMAN,,3 04/23/89,23:48:13,204922,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,0 04/24/89,00:47:36,204923,2,BILL MATTSON,,2 04/24/89,01:53:57,204924,1,SCOTT FREEMAN,,3 04/24/89,05:39:08,204925,2,PETE JONES,,1 04/24/89,08:13:33,204926,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 04/24/89,09:33:00,204927,2,STEVEN COOK,,1 04/24/89,09:37:27,204928,3,PHIL SCHUMAN,,2 04/24/89,10:28:48,204929,1,PHIL BOLD,addison,2 04/24/89,10:37:50,204930,1,DANNY VAISRUB,,1 04/24/89,11:20:00,204931,1,GARY MCCOY,,1 04/24/89,11:25:16,204932,2,PHIL BOLD,,4 04/24/89,12:37:34,204933,1,ANDY SHAPIRO,, E#41720,7 04/24/89,13:35:20,204934,2,N Y,Y, 04/24/89,14:08:49,204935,2,BRUNO RUSSO,,9 04/24/89,14:41:42,204936,1,STEVE COOK,Justice/Il,1210 04/24/89,16:02:32,204937,2,GARY ELFRING,,2 04/24/89,18:37:00,204938,1,ARNOLD BOYD,, E#41721,6 04/24/89,20:10:28,24939,2,MIKE ASHE,, E#41722,20 04/24/89,20:38:53,204940,2,JOHN LIN,,1 04/24/89,20:39:39,204941,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 04/24/89,20:57:53,204942,1,TIM CROSS,,2 04/24/89,21:25:09,204943,2,DAVID GIBBS,,2 04/24/89,21:47:09,204944,2,JOHN LIN,, 04/24/89,21:55:46,204945,1,DAN FUHRMAN,, 04/24/89,22:00:19,204946,2,MARTY DIPPEL,,3 04/24/89,22:15:20,204947,3,RICH TIZZI,brooklyn n y, 04/25/89,01:15:27,204948,2,CLIFF SHARP,, E#41723,9 04/25/89,05:26:35,204949,2,JIM BUSZKIEWICZ,{,4 04/25/89,07:05:09,204950,2,DENNIS STAHL,,9 04/25/89,07:27:58,204951,2,PETE JONES,,1 04/25/89,07:34:40,204952,2,PAUL STREETER,,2 04/25/89,07:37:36,204953,2,BILL PRECHT,,3 04/25/89,08:19:53,204954,2,SCOTT SMITH,, E#41724,17 04/25/89,10:01:21,204955,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,103 04/25/89,12:04:07,204956,1,ED MARCH,mt. prodsp&ect/ il,7 04/25/89,13:01:47,204957,2,ANDY SHAPIRO,,1 04/25/89,13:39:51,204958,1,ARNOLD BOYD,, E#41725,3 04/25/89,14:57:57,204959,2,TRACY LOSE,, ]K,41355,TRACY LOSE, E#41726,14 04/25/89,16:56:56,204960,2,HERB SCHULZ,,2 04/25/89,17:20:20,204961,2,BILL TANEY,, E#41727,4 04/25/89,17:23:58,204962,3,KEN NESS,,4 04/25/89,18:20:19,204963,1,ADRIEN JEAN,Augusta/ME,3 04/25/89,18:25:17,204964,3,RICH TIZZI,, 04/25/89,18:45:48,204965,3,RICH TIZZI,,34 ]it was fun,thanks for the adventure RICH TIZZI, 04/25/89,19:45:51,204966,3,ROB HO,, 04/25/89,21:01:18,204967,3,JIM SACKETT,lyons,6 04/25/89,21:19:58,204968,2,DAVID GIBBS,,1 04/25/89,21:38:37,204969,1,BILL AHRENDT,,22 ]SHORT ON TIME. WILL RETURN AGAIN. BILL AHRENDT, 04/25/89,22:00:59,204970,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, >Function:?