CBBS(R) 4.0.2a 04/23/89 00:17:22 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 204894; next msg =41719; 476 active msgs. Prev. call 04/20/89 @ 21:37, next msg was 41710 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K to abort. >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 9 KILLED. 60 SUMMARY. 30 04/20/89,21:37:40,204834,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 04/20/89,21:54:26,204835,1,JOHN PETENES,,6 04/20/89,22:29:03,204836,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#41710, E#41711,7 04/20/89,23:10:19,204837,2,PAUL STREETER,,2 04/20/89,23:14:01,204838,2,BRUCE KALLICK,Winnetka/ IL,7 04/21/89,00:18:36,204839,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#41712,7 04/21/89,02:50:16,204840,1,ALEX ZELL,, 04/21/89,03:34:55,204841,2,JERRY OLSEN,, E#41713,10 04/21/89,05:34:19,204842,2,PETE JONES,,1 04/21/89,06:08:19,204843,1,JIM FLANAGAN,,4 04/21/89,06:25:10,204844,1,BARRY POLLACK,,4 04/21/89,06:52:16,204845,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 04/21/89,07:27:47,204846,2,IRA SACHS,,3 04/21/89,08:03:44,204847,1,LARRY HITZ,,2 04/21/89,08:32:57,204848,3,ALETHEA STEENBERGEN,peoria/ il,7 ]I am a student at ISU and writing a paper on bbs. I found your number in a book by Alfred Glossbrenner about you guys starting the first board. Great thing you did, guys. Thanks for letting me log on. Have a nice day. ALETHEA STEENBERGEN, 04/21/89,08:51:57,204849,1,ANDY SHAPIRO,,3 04/21/89,09:24:42,204850,2,H H,Y, 04/21/89,09:46:12,204851,1,KEN STOX,,1 04/21/89,13:16:18,204852,1,JOHN NITIN,KzY @b&mAr, 04/21/89,13:31:07,204852,2,MARTY LINGG,,1 04/21/89,13:46:16,204853,1,STEVE COHEN,,1 04/21/89,14:21:58,204854,2,TRACY LOSE,,5 04/21/89,14:57:19,204855,1,GARY MCCOY,, E#41714,8 04/21/89,15:21:05,204856,3,CHUCK GOZELANSKI,ELK GROVE VILLAGE,14 04/21/89,15:56:23,204857,1,JOHN MUNDT,, E#41715,6 04/21/89,16:18:00,204858,2,MIKE ANDREWS,,5 04/21/89,16:30:07,204859,1,WALT FUHRIMAN,,5 04/21/89,19:30:13,204860,1,CURT ROSTENBACH,,7 04/21/89,19:59:51,204861,2,BILL WOLFF,,3 04/21/89,20:16:26,204862,1,BERNARD GOLDLUST,,1 04/21/89,20:46:00,204863,1,BOB SULLIVAN,, E#41716,6 04/21/89,21:10:48,204864,2,RICHARD HINTON,,1 04/21/89,21:47:12,204865,2,PHIL JERN,,1 04/21/89,22:29:16,204866,2,JOHN MCDERMOTT,oak lawn/ ill,10 04/21/89,22:43:20,204867,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#41717,2 04/21/89,22:58:19,204868,2,JOEL WEINER,,4 ]JOEL WEINER, 04/21/89,23:11:12,204869,2,BILL MATTSON,,5 04/22/89,00:21:59,204870,2,MARTY SILVERMAN,Chicago/Il., 04/22/89,03:18:59,204871,1,DENNIS LEONG,,4 04/22/89,08:19:00,204872,2,PAUL STREETER,,2 04/22/89,08:27:05,204873,2,BILL PRECHT,,2 04/22/89,08:49:14,204874,2,ALEX ZELL,, >Help: MSTATS,2 ]Cuz I recalled you fiddling with mstat a few weeks ago I decided to check and see if it had been implemented again. ALEX ZELL, >Help: MSTATS,4 ]Interesting. Although I type "mstat" it translates to "mstats." ALEX ZELL, 04/22/89,09:30:47,204875,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,44 04/22/89,09:48:15,204876,2,DAVID GIBBS,,0 04/22/89,10:16:40,204877,2,MARTY DIPPEL,,2 04/22/89,11:55:21,204878,1,JOE VERLOTTA,LaGrange/ IL,5 04/22/89,15:11:57,204879,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,2 04/22/89,16:27:59,204880,2,JOHN BURKE,, 04/22/89,17:34:03,204881,3,PETER BLEKYS,,10 04/22/89,18:54:29,204882,1,TOM DEGLER,,4 04/22/89,20:03:44,204883,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,, E#41718,6 04/22/89,20:18:14,204884,2,GENE NIEWOEHNER,,4 04/22/89,20:20:11,204885,2,GENE NIEWOEHNER,,1 04/22/89,20:21:24,204886,1,DON PIVEN,,2 04/22/89,21:06:19,204887,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,5 04/22/89,21:21:57,204888,3,ED FANTA,,4 04/22/89,21:32:58,204889,3,CHRIS GRADEL,,14 04/22/89,22:00:24,204890,2,DAVE GOODMAN,skokie/il,6 04/22/89,22:27:55,204891,1,MARIANNE HANDLER,Glencoe/Il,7 04/22/89,23:16:40,204892,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 04/22/89,23:28:44,204893,2,PHIL JERN,,1 04/23/89,00:17:26,204894,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 41710 04/20/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => TOBOR RETROZETTI: "REPLY" 41711X 04/20/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => BILL PRECHG: "FORMATTING RAM DISK" 41712 04/21/89 ERIC BOHLMAN => GARY ELFRING: "MCS DISKS" 41713 04/21/89 JERRY OLSEN => GARY ELFRING: "R/MCS DISK" 41714 04/21/89 GARY MCCOY => ALL: "AT&T MOTHERBOARD REPAIR" 41715 04/21/89 JOHN MUNDT => ALL: "BARCODE READERS" 41716 04/21/89 BOB SULLIVAN => ALL: "DISK LIFE" 41717 04/21/89 ERIC BOHLMAN => JOHN MUNDT: "R/BARCODE READERS" 41718 04/22/89 JAMES SCHMIDT => JOHN MUNDT: "R/BARCODE READERS" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 41710 is 14 line(s) on 04/20/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to TOBOR RETROZETTI re: REPLY Howdy, fellow Wisconsonite. (I'm from West Bend, about 30 mi. N. of Milw, 17 miles in from the lake). How do you page the SYSOP? What's that? I live about 40 miles from the system. There is a CHAT function, but Randy, the hardware guy, doesn't answer it. He's busy with "bigger and better" things (literally - a multi-user Unix system). Can you enter a message E-mail to me? I don't know what you mean by "Email" - do you mean "private"? The only semi-private messages are the ones you leave as comments when you say (G)ood bye. However, there are a half dozen folks who have priviliges to see the log. Why, if your bulliten (sic) is so important, didn't you at least SAY what the general subject was? Everyone is welcome to leave msgs on CBBS for all to see providing the msgs are about the supported topics (see the (B)ulletin command). No msg 41711 Msg 41712 is 07 line(s) on 04/21/89 from ERIC BOHLMAN to GARY ELFRING re: MCS DISKS Jerry has told me that he's seen a program running on an MS-DOS machine that can access the MCS disks, so I doubt there's any controller inco incompatibility. We suspect that the disks are written in a BIOS-compatible way. What he really needs is a disk editor that can read and write arbitrary sectors and that can deal with a non-dos disk (i.e. doesn't try to determine free space, count subdirectories, etc.) to see if this suspicion is correct. Msg 41713 is 18 line(s) on 04/21/89 from JERRY OLSEN to GARY ELFRING re: R/MCS DISK To follow up on the "latest" after Eric's msg, I've thus far been able to at least access the disk with a program designed for reading/writing <> disks. (It has a mode that lets you set some parameters.) It is, however, too limited for ideal use. So I still am looking for a disk editor (similar to the old DU-Vxx CP/M program) which logs in the A: drive and does till a track/sector is provided.Beyond that, by far my greatest interest is someone who has written routines to read from/write to MCS disks. I've captured the first track and so have a rough idea about the directory structure. But the real specifics of exactly what must be updated when, determining free sectors, etc., are still a mystery. At the moment, I'm taking a back-door approach. A friend with MCS hardware is providing a freshly formatted disk, plus another which (again, after fresh formatting) contains two carefully selected files with known structure/length/etc. The idea is to see how the disk has been altered by MCS hardware itself. A slow, trial and error process; but till I can get some hard data or someone with direct experience. In any case, thanx for the thoughts, though. Msg 41714 is 05 line(s) on 04/21/89 from GARY MCCOY to ALL re: AT&T MOTHERBOARD REPAIR Does anyone know a reasonable shop where I can have an AT&T PC6300+ motherboard repaired? WHen I power up, all I get is the LEDs on the keyboard flickering forever, no video at all! I am looking for a repair shop that won't charge me more than the price of a new clone to fix it. Any suggestions?? Msg 41715 is 06 line(s) on 04/21/89 from JOHN MUNDT to ALL re: BARCODE READERS Anyplace in Chicago have barcode reading pens? Specifically, I'd like them to fit into an RS-232 port along with the keyboard, or have the keyboard plug into them, and then the unit into the port. Several mail-order places in CA advertie, specifically TPS Electronics in Palo Alto and Worthington Data Solutions in Santa Cruz, but it is a little far to drop in and look at the units. Msg 41716 is 04 line(s) on 04/21/89 from BOB SULLIVAN to ALL re: DISK LIFE Has anyone read of what the life of an unused disk is? In other words, if I save a file to a disk in 1989 and store the disk in a filing cabinet, will the disk be good 5, 10, 25 years from now? Msg 41717 is 03 line(s) on 04/21/89 from ERIC BOHLMAN to JOHN MUNDT re: R/BARCODE READERS I believe Microbyte Systems in Arlington Heights carries at least one bar-code reader. Don't really know the details, but they're a retailer located on Palatine Road. Msg 41718 is 07 line(s) on 04/22/89 from JAMES SCHMIDT to JOHN MUNDT re: R/BARCODE READERS John, I believe INTERMEC has what you are looking for. The correct term is WEDGE READER. It wedges between the keyboard and the PC. They are not cheap. I am not sure of their exact address but I believe they are in the Northwest suburbs. Hope this is of help. James Schmidt ;-) dup. chars. >Function:?