CBBS(R) 4.0.2a 03/21/89 22:24:26 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 203879; next msg =41534; 473 active msgs. Prev. call 03/20/89 @ 19:48, next msg was 41520 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 12 KILLED. 51 SUMMARY. 30 03/20/89,19:19:19,203818,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 03/20/89,19:35:51,203819,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,1 03/20/89,19:37:36,203820,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 03/20/89,19:38:23,203821,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 03/20/89,19:45:33,203822,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 03/20/89,19:48:35,203823,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, ]S,LOG, ]R,FOO, E#41519, 03/20/89,20:01:45,203824,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,R/, E#41520, E#41521,27 03/20/89,20:18:40,203825,2,STEVE COHEN,,4 03/20/89,20:45:25,203826,1,BOB JOHNSON,LOMBARD, 03/20/89,20:58:48,203827,1,SAM POLKI,schiller park/ill,5 03/20/89,21:04:18,203828,1,OB JOHNON,Lombard,15 03/20/89,21:33:31,203829,1,MICHAEL BLAKE,,1 03/20/89,21:42:05,203830,9,THOM QUICK,,3 03/20/89,22:04:34,203831,2,MIKE ASHE,Evanston/ IL,13 03/20/89,22:19:22,203832,1,BILL WOLFF,,0 03/20/89,22:31:32,203833,1,BRIAN ACHENBACH,Chicago/ IL, 03/20/89,22:48:18,203834,2,FARHAN KAZMI,Hanover Park Il,7 03/20/89,23:13:51,203835,1,BOB JOHNSON,Lombard,2 03/20/89,23:17:37,203836,1,BOB JOHNSON,Lombard, 03/20/89,23:27:23,203837,1,BOB JOHNSON,Lombard, 03/20/89,23:31:14,203838,1,BOB JOHNSON,Lombard, 03/20/89,23:34:19,203839,1,BOB JOHNSON,Lombard, 03/20/89,23:37:11,203840,1,BOB JOHNSON,, 03/20/89,23:39:39,203841,1,BOB JOHNSON,, 03/20/89,23:42:27,203842,2,JIM ANDERSON,,1 03/20/89,23:43:44,203843,1,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,,6 03/21/89,00:16:49,203844,3,JOHN WHITE,,8 03/21/89,00:27:34,203845,1,BOB JOHNSON,Lombard, 03/21/89,00:30:06,203846,1,KELVIN STOKES,,2 ]KELVIN STOKES, 03/21/89,02:02:23,203847,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#41522,10 03/21/89,04:11:48,203848,2,ALEX ZELL,, 03/21/89,07:17:54,203849,2,DENNIS STAHL,,3 03/21/89,07:28:10,203850,2,BILL MATTSON,,9 03/21/89,07:37:59,203851,2,KEN STRITZEL,,4 03/21/89,07:43:06,203852,2,ED FOSTER,, E#41523,4 03/21/89,07:57:51,203853,1,LARRY HITZ,,4 03/21/89,09:08:47,203854,1,BILL WOLFF,,2 03/21/89,09:57:16,203855,1,TIMOTHY GRIFFIN,OTTAWA, E#41524,21 03/21/89,10:17:15,203856,3,BILL WOLFF,, E#41525, E#41526, E#41527,15 03/21/89,10:36:56,203857,2,TONY ANTONUCCI,, E#41528,13 03/21/89,10:51:03,203858,1,BILL WOLFF,,7 03/21/89,11:10:42,203859,3,BILL WOLFF,, E#41529, E#41530,11 03/21/89,12:00:34,203860,1,GARY MCCOY,,1 03/21/89,13:30:55,203861,2,DENNIS STAHL,,3 03/21/89,13:36:52,203862,2,MIKE MVLKNELSON,MvLkchicago, 03/21/89,14:07:31,203863,2,ROY FELTNER,Loves Park/IL,5 03/21/89,14:48:51,203864,2,JIM MILLS,, E#41531,11 03/21/89,15:10:35,203865,1,BILL AMIDON,chicago/il,1 03/21/89,16:20:29,203866,2,RICHARD HINTON,,1 03/21/89,16:39:15,203867,1,BOB JOHNSON,Lombard, 03/21/89,17:07:57,203868,1,LAWRENCE K,pro hts,6 03/21/89,17:09:45,203869,1,GRANT KILLEY,,10 03/21/89,17:59:30,203870,3,BILL WOLFF,,2 03/21/89,18:58:47,203871,2,MARTY DIPPEL,, E#41532, E#41533,20 03/21/89,19:31:00,203872,2,ALEX ZELL,, 03/21/89,20:13:45,203873,2,RICHARD GOZDAL,,7 03/21/89,20:23:19,203874,2,DOUG MIRO,MT.PROSPECT/IL,7 03/21/89,20:50:37,203875,1,KEVIN KEYSER,,6 03/21/89,21:08:42,203876,1,BILL WOLFF,,1 03/21/89,21:16:05,203877,1,EUGENE KOEPPE,Chicago/Illinois,2 03/21/89,22:05:18,203878,3,FRANCIS BERGIN,va.beach va.,11 03/21/89,22:24:29,203879,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 41520 03/20/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => MIKE ANDREWS: "CBBS 9600" 41521 03/20/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ALL: "CBBS INTERRUPTS" 41522 03/21/89 ERIC BOHLMAN => BILL WOLFF: "R/CP/M BASIC COMPILER" 41523 03/21/89 ED FOSTER => ANDY SHAPIRO: "R/DISK" 41524 03/21/89 TIMOTHY GRIFFIN => ALL: "MIDIEX FORMAT" 41525 03/21/89 BILL WOLFF => MIKE ANDREWS: "R/CP/M BASIC COMPILER" 41526 03/21/89 BILL WOLFF => ERIC BOHLMAN: "R/CP/M BASIC COMPILER" 41527 03/21/89 BILL WOLFF => ALL: "EXTRA CHARACTERS FOR FREE!" 41528 03/21/89 TONY ANTONUCCI => WARD: "HP DESKJET" 41529X 03/21/89 BILL WOLFF => BILL WOLFF: "R/EXTRA CHARACTERS FOR FREE!" 41530 03/21/89 BILL WOLFF => ALL: "R/EXTRA CHARACTERS FOR FREE!" 41531 03/21/89 JIM MILLS => BOB AXEL: "NEXT CACHE MEETING" 41532 03/21/89 MARTY DIPPEL => ERIC BOHLMAN: "R/ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES" 41533 03/21/89 MARTY DIPPEL => JERRY OLSEN: "R/ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 41520 is 18 line(s) on 03/20/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to MIKE ANDREWS re: CBBS 9600 Just ensuring you saw the msg - it seems to work fine. The output seems quite a bit slower than I'd think it should be, but that may be due to the slow CGA scrolling on the PC, which is duplicating the CBBS output - I've always had CBBS run - no matter what machine - with both the remote user, and the local system 'active' (keyboard & screen). Thanks again for the modems - seems to be working quite nicely, but I have one 'bug' to get around where I can't exit to DOS - probably the interrupt driven routine is at fault. P.S. I was at a customer today and they had just put in a P.O for some UDS 4800 baud modems. I recommended they support a local company and go 9600 for about the same money - they are going to do so and go with HST modems. P.S. REAL minor point, but when entering CBBS msgs, I think it looks nicer with a couple-space indent on paragraphs rather than a blank line- that way the blank lines are nicely MESSAGE separators, not PARAGRAPH separators - but then everyone accuses me of trying to pack too much into too little space (grin). P.S. Don't leave Chicago! Msg 41521 is 24 line(s) on 03/20/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ALL re: CBBS INTERRUPTS One comment: Some years ago, I elected to allow CBBS to use CONTROL CHARACTER functions - ^K to abort, ^C to cancel the current typing, ^S to suspend/start output - which could be done WITHOUT holding down the control key. What this means is that all the time CBBS is typing to you, it is also looking for any characters. This means that CBBS doesn't have "typeahead" in quite the same degree that DOS or other BBSs might have. However, when intputting messages, it turns out that when printing the line numbers and the space and the ? for line input, I DON'T CHECK for these characters, which means you can send a C/R and immediately start typing. So, what it really means is that while reviewing a msg, you cannot start typing the next command. Experiment with it - I'm sure you'll find it a lot more friendly than it was before for power typing in msgs. Also, if you go into message entry, then before typing anything, you press return to go to the message-entry sub-menu, you can then type the W command to go into auto word wrap mode. Then type C to go back to message entry ("C"ontinue input is what it stands for). Those of you who want to be CBBS `jocks' can take the shortcut of pressing return, then typing w;c rather than wc (gee, minor point - just showing how multiple commands can usually be stacked with ; delimiters). Enjoy. Comment. Feedback. (via the (G)ood bye command) Msg 41522 is 08 line(s) on 03/21/89 from ERIC BOHLMAN to BILL WOLFF re: R/CP/M BASIC COMPILER Much of the software for the Osborne 1 is on single-density disks, which the Commodore 128 can't read (at least last time I checked). Also, a lot of the major applications for the O-1 were sold "pre-installed" without the usual setup programs, meaning you're going to be limited to a 52-character display. I had similar experiences to yours with BASCOM, MU-MATH and Milestone. I could read them on a Kaypro 10 using MFDISK, but the executable files seemed to contain errors. Msg 41523 is 04 line(s) on 03/21/89 from ED FOSTER to ANDY SHAPIRO re: R/DISK Glad to hear you fixed the problem. I will have to look at Paradox, since I haven't found anything that will materially slow down a superstation. Does Paradox have a TSR that does processing on the superstation? Msg 41524 is 07 line(s) on 03/21/89 from TIMOTHY GRIFFIN to ALL re: MIDIEX FORMAT I downloaded some new sounds for my Kawai K1 keyboard the other day, noting that they are in a MIDIEX format. This is not a format I am familiar with. What routines or special software do I need to load these to my keyboard? Is this is proprietary format, or industry standard? I own the Music Quest MCC-1 Co-processor card and the new K1 Editor Librarian for the XT system (from Sound Quest). Can anyone give me a little guidance? Msg 41525 is 07 line(s) on 03/21/89 from BILL WOLFF to MIKE ANDREWS re: R/CP/M BASIC COMPILER Mike, I called PDSC and told them what you said. They said they knew that and patched the Osborne version to work with most CP/M computers. They said it sounds like I got the unpatched type, which they have a few of those too. They said for me to send it back and they will replace it with a working one. So far I bought about $150 worth of software from these folks and really liked the support from them. Thanks again for coming to my rescue, Mike! Msg 41526 is 22 line(s) on 03/21/89 from BILL WOLFF to ERIC BOHLMAN re: R/CP/M BASIC COMPILER Yes, you are right about Osborne software is on single-density disks. But I also have an Osborne Executive that can read SD Software. Remember that if you buy Osborne Exective software, it comes DD format. But only single-sided. Having a Commodore 128 and reading many different disk formats is a real plus. But reading SD disks is not one of them. I am glad there isn't much SD formats around. Except bargans on Osborne One software. Yep, I was just in Silicon Valley and found a store selling all the neat things from the late 70's and early 80's. There I found some Osborne Software for $5.00 each. Disk Doctor and Milestone. I don't know what I'll use Milestone for, but I had a great use for Disk Doctor. So far it won't install. I am trying it a the Osborne Executive first. If I get it to work there, then will try it on the Commodore. In fact, that's where I picked up my Osborne Executive for $150.00 plus software including Uniform for the IBM. I have used it and it's real nice, but using Trans128 (a PD program) I can read and format IBM stuff. The format doesn't work right, at least not on my drive A:. But using IBM pre-formatted disks, it works fine. What is MFDISK? Is it PD? Or how much does it cost? How many formats does it handle? Msg 41527 is 07 line(s) on 03/21/89 from BILL WOLFF to ALL re: EXTRA CHARACTERS FOR FREE! Has anyone have been having trouble with this board getting random characters at the prompts or message editor? It works fine at 300 baud but not 1200 baud. All other BBS I have used is fine except for one which I always had trouble on at 1200. I fine tuned the baud rate and it helps, but doesn't stop it completely. This is running on a Commodore 128 both in native and CP/M modes with a BSR modem. And it use to work fine with this board. Msg 41528 is 03 line(s) on 03/21/89 from TONY ANTONUCCI to WARD re: HP DESKJET Ward; I seem to remember that you have a HP DeskJet, how do you like it, I am considering getting . compare to a laser ? Tony No msg 41529 Msg 41530 is 07 line(s) on 03/21/89 from BILL WOLFF to ALL re: R/EXTRA CHARACTERS FOR FREE! Well I just a few minutes ago signed on with my Epson Geneva and had the same problems as with the Commodore. But I have only one 1200 baud modem guys. I also log on to another board and no prob- lems at all. I think maybe Ward's modem is going down the tubes or a noisy phone line. I know what that is like. Cleaning all the con- tacts to the inside phone line. I have about 5 plugs to there from my modem. Hope this helps. It would be strange if it's just me! Msg 41531 is 09 line(s) on 03/21/89 from JIM MILLS to BOB AXEL re: NEXT CACHE MEETING Bob: The next CACHE meeting will be on Sunday April 16th at the DeVry Institute of Technology in Chicago, 3300 N. Campbell (1 block North of Belmont and 1 block west of Western). Special Interest Groups begin meeting as early as 10:00 am (notably IBM, which has two groups, intro and advanced). The main meeting is at 1:00 pm - I believe Peter Hru is giving a presentation on personal activity managers. More SIG meetings in the afternoon (notable Unix/C). Hope all this helps. Sorry, you just missed the last meeting on Sunday March 19th. See you next month. Please ill this message. Thanks. Msg 41532 is 08 line(s) on 03/21/89 from MARTY DIPPEL to ERIC BOHLMAN re: R/ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES I received your program listing today in the mail. It looks like it will fill my requirement exactly. Can't wait to compile it! I was able to get around this immediate problem by other means, but this program will give me control of the global environment, which DOS sorely lacks. And here I thought you said you were normally slow to mail things! I'm amazed to find it at my doorstep tonight. Thanks for your trouble, Eric. Msg 41533 is 07 line(s) on 03/21/89 from MARTY DIPPEL to JERRY OLSEN re: R/ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES Thanks for the offer, Jerry, but Eric has already mailed the program to me. It's about 5 pages (or so) of C source, so it won't be just too terribly difficult to type in manually. The biggest problem here at home is that I don't have a computer, believe it or not. I plan to get one soon, but have been "planning to get one soon" now for quite some time. Thanks for the generous offer, though. I'll give the Advocate a call; never called it before. dup. chars. >Function:?