CBBS(R) 4.0.2a 03/20/89 19:45:24 name;ward;christensen;odraw;fullc Logging name to disk... You are caller 203824; next msg =41520; 471 active msgs. Prev. call 03/19/89 @ 21:13, next msg was 41511 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments >Function:?type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short 03/19/89,21:13:26,203772,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#41511, ]R,Q, ]R,CBBS-INT.CPM, ]R,CHI-INT.SYM, 03/19/89,21:30:27,203773,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,0 03/19/89,21:59:56,203774,1,JIM STEWART,Chicago/ IL,4 03/19/89,22:26:28,203775,1,BILL WOLFF,,4 03/19/89,22:36:59,203776,1,BILL WOLFF,,9 03/19/89,23:10:11,203777,1,TOBY GARNER,Leyden Township/ IL,2 03/19/89,23:56:07,203778,2,JIM KARAGANIS,,1 03/19/89,23:59:51,203779,1,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, >Help: MSTATS,7 03/20/89,00:08:04,203780,1,BILL WOLFF,, E#41512,5 03/20/89,01:14:29,203781,1,CEDRIC TUTTLE,, 03/20/89,02:32:57,203782,2,JIM ANDERSON,,4 03/20/89,05:28:50,203783,2,JERRY OLSEN,, E#41513, E#41514,20 03/20/89,05:54:00,203784,2,PETE JONES,,1 03/20/89,06:04:01,203785,2,JERRY OLSEN,, E#41515,9 03/20/89,06:49:05,203786,1,ROBERT JOHNSON,,4 03/20/89,06:54:35,203787,2,DENNIS STAHL,,6 03/20/89,0722:40,203788,2,ALEX ZELL,, >Help: MSTATS,3 ]Mstats hasn't worked here for a long time. Since conversion to new machine, I believe. ALEX ZELL, 03/20/89,07:31:07,203789,2,PAUL STREETER,,3 03/20/89,08:25:45,203790,2,TOM LAMB,,3 03/20/89,08:40:15,203791,1,DODO G,, 03/20/89,08:42:15,203792,1,BILL WOLFF,,1 03/20/89,08:49:26,203793,9,MIKE ANDREWS,, E#41516,6 03/20/89,09:05:24,203794,1,SANDY CARTER,Palatine/ IL, 03/20/89,09:22:53,203795,3,BILL WOLFF,, E#41517, E#41518,32 03/20/89,10:05:24,203796,1,JIM EGAN,,15 03/20/89,10:54:36,203797,1,BILL WOLFF,,3 03/20/89,11:14:41,203798,1,DANNY VAISRUB,,2 03/20/89,11:26:04,203799,1,SCOTT ANDERSON,,13 03/20/89,12:12:29,203800,1,COLIN SCHROEDER,,1 03/20/89,12:43:29,203801,1,GARY MCCOY,,7 03/20/89,13:12:15,203802,2,JACK HOMA,,7 03/20/89,13:50:45,203803,1,ROBERT JOHNSON,,7 03/20/89,14:08:31,203804,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 03/20/89,15:10:46,203805,1,ROBERT JOHNSON,,6 03/20/89,15:25:19,203806,1,ROBERT JOHNSON,,5 03/20/89,15:32:25,203807,1,BILL WILKES,Brentwood/ N Y,13 03/20/89,15:45:16,203808,1,COLIN SCHROEDER,,3 03/20/89,16:07:30,203809,2,TRACY LOSE,,8 03/20/89,16:22:56,203810,2,PAUL STREETER,,2 03/20/89,17:27:51,203811,2,PAUL STREETER,,1 03/20/89,17:29:14,203812,2,PAUL STREETER,,4 ]Got xtalk Mk4. Maybe I'll figure it out. PAUL STREETER, 03/20/89,17:50:28,203813,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 03/20/89,17:56:43,203814,1,GLENN POWERS,, 03/20/89,18:29:29,203815,2,DAVID GIBBS,,0 03/20/89,18:40:15,203816,3,DON PONTARELLI,CHICAGO/IL,7 03/20/89,18:42:10,203817,3,DON PONTARELLI,, 03/20/89,19:19:19,203818,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 03/20/89,19:35:51,203819,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,1 03/20/89,19:37:36,203820,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 03/20/89,19:38:23,203821,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 03/20/89,19:45:33,203822,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 03/20/89,19:48:35,203823,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, ]S,LOG, ]R,FOO, E#41519, 03/20/89,20:01:45,203824,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,R/, 41511 03/19/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => RON SCOTT: "R/NJ BBSS" 41512 03/20/89 BILL WOLFF => ALL: "CP/M BASIC COMPILER" 41513 03/20/89 JERRY OLSEN => BILL WOLFF: "R/MBASIC" 41514 03/20/89 JERRY OLSEN => ERIC BOHLMAN: "R/R/EXE2BIN" 41515 03/20/89 JERRY OLSEN => ERIC BOHLMAN: "R/ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES" 41516 03/20/89 MIKE ANDREWS => BILL WOLFF: "R/CP/M BASIC COMPILER" 41517 03/20/89 BILL WOLFF => MIKE ANDREWS: "R/CP/M BASIC COMPILER" 41518 03/20/89 BILL WOLFF => JERRY OLSEN: "MCOMPILER" 41519 03/20/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ALL: "CBBS 9600!" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 41511 is 06 line(s) on 03/19/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to RON SCOTT re: R/NJ BBSS The Computer Shopper advertising magazine maintains quite a large list of bulletin boards across the country. Should be able to find something in there. I find 'em in the larger book stores (actually not all that large - but part of a large (Krochs) set of stores in Chicago). I buy one about every 3 months for the ads, look at it for a while, then toss it. Msg 41512 is 08 line(s) on 03/20/89 from BILL WOLFF to ALL re: CP/M BASIC COMPILER Has anybody ever used MICROSOFT's BASIC compiler for CP/M? I am using a OSBORNE version from Public Domain Copying Software from N.Y. The few sheets they give you states to use BASCOM Filename and that creates a REL file and then use LINK80 to create a COM file. Fine but BASCOM locks up. It also states if you use BASCOM without a fi}name, you get a "*" prompt like PIP does? But I get a lockup again. To me it sounds like this BASCOM is a bad COM file! Any ideas? Msg 41513 is 08 line(s) on 03/20/89 from JERRY OLSEN to BILL WOLFF re: R/MBASIC Your facts sound a bit strange. I'd think Microsoft wouldn't have released MBASIC to the public domain. So it's a little unclear that you really have a copy of the "real" MBASIC. But presuming it is and that it's PD, yes, it sounds as though you got a bum copy.or there's something unusual about your computer. E.g., do you have a full CP/M 64K of TPA? If not, it well might be that MBASIC is simply overwriting part of your operating system in high memory and, hence, the lock-up. I'd suggest testing the program on a friend's computer to see if it's the program or the computer. Good luck. Msg 41514 is 11 line(s) on 03/20/89 from JERRY OLSEN to ERIC BOHLMAN re: R/R/EXE2BIN I'm not stealing the command line arguments from low memory; rather, I'm letting the compiler do the dirty work and simply utilizing argc and argv. I suspect that somewhere I'm incrementing a counter once too often, resulting in my program having the chance to pull in some garbage. If the .COM version isn't initializing data holding areas the same as the .EXE version, that would explain it. In any event, I've worked around the problem. I had a statement in there that tested the first value of an argv char array, and I simply expanded it to include reasonably prompt about here's what I'd suggest to you/Marty (CBBS wouldn't accept both names on the command line).How 'bout putting the code up on The Advocate and, if Marty will pass along his address, if it's just 2K I'll gladly list and mail the info. Marty: If this sounds workable to you, you might want to leave your address over on The Advocate. I do get over here to CBBS often enough, I suppose, but as The Advocate's computers are in my home. Contact info: The Advocate/NOWAR, 312.939.4411, 24 hrs., 8/n/1 (central Chicago) Msg 41516 is 10 line(s) on 03/20/89 from MIKE ANDREWS to BILL WOLFF re: R/CP/M BASIC COMPILER The Osborne version of BASCOM is machine-specific. It'll only run on an Osborne 1. Won't even run on an Osborne Executive. I guess they did that as a form of copy protection - maybe that was te deal between Osborne and Microsoft. You might try calling MicroSoft to see if they hav a generic copy that they'd trade you for. Or maybe even sell. Let me know if you have any luck. If you compile the code on an O-1 you can run it anywhere, so maybe you can get an Osborne 1 (currently about $150) to compile on. Msg 41517 is 15 line(s) on 03/20/89 from BILL WOLFF to MIKE ANDREWS re: R/CP/M BASIC COMPILER Thanks Mike; I had a feeling that was the case. I have two versions of SuperCalc 1.05 and 1.12 and the 1.05 works great on a Commodore, but 1.12 doesn't. The screen clears and nothing. I did type the commands blindly and it did exit. So it didn't lock up, it just didn't type it to the screen. I have an Osborne Executive and both copies runs fine. How about Disk Doctor? I can't seem to get it to run on the Commodore r the Osborne Executive. To install it askes for starting sector number 1 or 0, sectors per track and how many tracks. I tried 0,10,40; 0,5,40; 1,5,40; and 1,10,40. It just doesn't work! Is this the same thing? Only works on a Osborne 1? I also have milestone, havn't tried running it on Commodore or Osborne Executive. Hope the same isn't true, as I do plan on running them on those computers, thanks! Msg 41518 is 19 line(s) on 03/20/89 from BILL WOLFF to JERRY OLSEN re: MCOMPILER No, I am not talking about Microsoft Basic called MBASIC. But I am talking about Microsoft's Compiler for MBASIC. It is called BASCOM.COM. And no, neither MBASIC or BASCOM is in Public Domain. But there is a company called "Public Domain Software Copying Company" (PDSC) yes everyone thinks it's all public domain stuff if you mention their name. Which alot of it is! But the truth is they bought out OSBORNE's software when they went out of business. This means you can buy WordStar, SuperCalc, MBASIC, CBASIC, etc for about $40.00 each. Yes, I have tried it on a Commodore 128 in CP/M mode, OSBORNE Executive (both have 128K installed) and a Kaypro II (64K) and all the same thing. Now PDSC didn't send the manual for the Compiler, but just a few type written pages (foggy I might add) how to use it. So either it's a bum copy or I don't know how to use it right! But Mike Andrews hit the nail on the head, I think. He said it only works on Osborne 1's. Too bad, 40 bucks down the drain. Unless I get a deal on a Osborne 1. $150.00 is more than it is worth to me. Does anyone want to buy BASCOM for $40.00? Msg 41519 is 10 line(s) on 03/20/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ALL re: CBBS 9600! When CBBS signs on, if it says version 4.0.2a, that means we are running the interrupt driven 9600 baud code! The U.S. Robotics Courier HST will do ARQ (MNP) at 1200, 2400, and 9600 (possibly also 4800, but "why"?). I still have a BIG bug in that my routine to run things under DOS directly doesn't work, but since CBBS itself seems to be working OK, I'm going to leave things as they are. Please give me feedback on any problems or just leave comments, etc. Thanks! (especially to USR for such a great modem!) P.S. the interrupt driven code is an old routine "RS232.ASM": Mike Macgirvin, Mountain View, CA. This is v1.00 (8/7/86) dup. chars. >Function:?