CBBS(R) 4.0.0c 03/04/89 17:51:44 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 203236; next msg =41442; 471 active msgs. Prev. call 03/03/89 @ 05:40, next msg was 41430 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 7 KILLED. 2 SUMMARY. 31 03/03/89,06:14:57,203176,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 03/03/89,06:19:05,203177,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,2 03/03/89,07:19:57,203178,2,ALEX ZELL,, E#41430, 03/03/89,09:08:52,203179,1,KHALIL HAZZIEZ,,8 03/03/89,09:16:00,203180,2,JERRY DOSKOCZYNSKY,,1 03/03/89,10:07:31,203181,2,JERRY DOSKOCZYNSKY,, >Help: HELP R, >Help: HELP READ, >Help: HELP RETRIEVE, >Help: H READ,6 03/03/89,10:17:46,203182,3,MIKE KELLY,,13 03/03/89,10:33:02,203183,2,MIKE ANDREWS,, E#41431,10 03/03/89,11:20:35,203184,2,BILL MATTSON,,8 03/03/89,12:40:24,203185,1,JIM EGAN,,1 03/03/89,13:01:46,203186,2,MARTY LINGG,,1 03/03/89,13:04:41,203187,1,BILL MANTHEY,,12 03/03/89,13:22:11,203188,2,ROGER HALE,, 03/03/89,13:41:47,203189,2,ROGER HALE,, E#41432,10 03/03/89,15:01:34,203190,1,TOM LUBECK,, 03/03/89,15:14:34,203191,1,KATHLEEN MARTIN,, E#41433, E#41434,7 03/03/89,16:30:32,203192,3,SULAIMON BINBEK,ILLHARVEY,7 03/03/89,16:48:47,203193,1,DON PIVEN,,2 03/03/89,17:14:38,203194,2,ROGER HALE,,4 03/03/89,17:25:12,203195,1,RICH SERA,cicero,5 03/03/89,17:51:18,203196,2,RICHARD HINTON,,2 03/03/89,18:26:11,203197,3,JOSEPH WILLIAMS,chicago ill, 03/03/89,19:25:22,203198,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 03/03/89,20:46:26,203199,2,ALEX ZELL,, 03/03/89,20:51:33,203200,2,KEN WALANSKI,,2 03/03/89,21:00:37,203201,3,JOSEPH WILLIAMS,, 03/03/89,23:04:38,203202,3,WILLIAM RANDALL,,8 03/04/89,00:06:45,203203,1,JOHN PETENES,,3 03/04/89,00:32:45,203204,1,LARRY MACK,enhurst/Il.,31 03/04/89,01:33:28,203205,2,DEAN BLEESS,Chicago/ IL,7 03/04/89,01:45:14,203206,2,JIM MORAVEC,,3 03/04/89,02:32:59,203207,1,JOSEPH COTILLO,,1 03/04/89,02:40:51,203208,1,CHARLIE KESTNER,,6 03/04/89,02:47:31,203209,2,JIM ANDERSON,, E#41435,16 03/04/89,04:00:49,203210,2,JERRY OLSEN,, E#41436,8 03/04/89,06:06:32,203211,2,MICHAEL OTTO,Cave Springs/ Ar,4 03/04/89,06:09:36,203212,2,MICHAEL OTTO,, E#41437,11 03/04/89,07:29:52,203213,2,GARY BROWN,,3 03/04/89,07:44:54,203214,2,MIKE COOK,,4 03/04/89,07:57:53,203215,2,BILL PRECHT,,3 03/04/89,08:01:47,203216,1,BOB SULLIVAN,, E#41438,12 03/04/89,08:16:29,203217,3,LATHROP BURGIN,chicago,2 03/04/89,09:05:42,203218,2,TRENT CASTLE,park ridge/il, E#41439,19 ]thank you TRENT CASTLE, 03/04/89,09:23:43,203219,1,JOHN DOE,CHICAGO, 03/04/89,09:26:50,203220,1,JOHN DOE,CHICAGO/IL, 03/04/89,09:29:21,203221,1,JOHN DOE,CHICAGO, 03/04/89,09:34:41,203222,1,JOHN DOE,CHICAGO, 03/04/89,10:18:54,203223,2,PAUL COGHLAN,Chicago/IL,3 03/04/89,13:01:34,203224,3,ED FANTA,,2 03/04/89,13:07:36,203225,2,JIM POLOUS,, ]>> got Flash<< 3 03/04/89,14:32:07,203226,2,MIKE ANDREWS,, E#41440,6 03/04/89,15:06:00,203227,2,MIKE ROSE,, E#41441,9 03/04/89,15:26:45,203228,2,STEVE COHEN,,4 03/04/89,15:40:01,203229,1,DR. MICRO,BOULDER/CO,3 03/04/89,15:46:38,203230,2,ROBERT HAMILTON,GRAND FORKS/ ND,5 03/04/89,16:08:09,203231,1,JEFF GUSE,,8 03/04/89,16:40:37,203232,1,BOB CX, SLL, >Help: |^, >Help: 84]Q, >Help: JQUIT, 03/04/89,16:52:30,203233,2,JOHN SMITH,WAUKEGAN, 03/04/89,17:00:50,203234,1,ANDY OLSEN,CHICAGO IL,22 ]ANDY OLSEN, 03/04/89,17:24:08,203235,1,DONALD LIECHTY,,1 03/04/89,17:51:47,203236,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 41430 03/03/89 ALEX ZELL => KATHLEEN MARTIN: "ANOTHER BBS" 41431 03/03/89 MIKE ANDREWS => ALL: "CBBS IN THE SMITHSONIAN UPDATE" 41432 03/03/89 ROGER HALE => MIKE ANDREWS: "CBBS IN THE SMITHSONIAN UPDATE" 41433 03/03/89 KATHLEEN MARTIN => TRACY LOSE: "R/HELLO!" 41434 03/03/89 KATHLEEN MARTIN => ALEX ZELL: "R/ANOTHER BBS" 41435 03/04/89 JIM ANDERSON => JIM POLOUS: "R/RAM CHIPS NEEDED" 41436 03/04/89 JERRY OLSEN => KATHLEEN MARTIN: "R/LOCAL BBS #S" 41437 03/04/89 MICHAEL OTTO => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "HELLO" 41438 03/04/89 BOB SULLIVAN => JIM FLANAGAN: "R/TIC RESPONSE" 41439 03/04/89 TRENT CASTLE => ALL: "XMODEM" 41440 03/04/89 MIKE ANDREWS => ROGER HALE: "R/CBBS IN THE SMITHSONIAN UPDA" 41441 03/04/89 MIKE ROSE => CLIFF SHARP: "R/V20 AT 8 MHZ" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 41430 is 02 line(s) on 03/03/89 from ALEX ZELL to KATHLEEN MARTIN re: ANOTHER BBS If Northbrook is in your calling area you may find (312)272 5912 just what you are looking for. Msg 41431 is 21 line(s) on 03/03/89 from MIKE ANDREWS to ALL re: CBBS IN THE SMITHSONIAN UPDATE An update on the project to get Ward and Randy's the original CBBS #1 microcomputer hardware into The Smithsonian Institution for permanent display: One of our CFOG members, Murray Mathesen is an expert in photographic restoration and has worked with the Smithsonian. When he got the word through Carson Wilson, he called his contact there. The fellow at The Smithsonian was, more than slightly interested, "you mean it's THE FIRST BBS computer?!". He is spreading the word through the Washington bureaucracy. We will hear the details on submission soon. It looks like it's gonna happen! Stay tuned here for more details. Updates will be posted on: CBBS #1 - (312) 545-8086 Chinet - (312) 283-0559 Antelope Freeway RAS - (312) 764-5162 All are 300/1200/2400 baud. Msg 41432 is 09 line(s) on 03/03/89 from ROGER HALE to MIKE ANDREWS re: CBBS IN THE SMITHSONIAN UPDATE Hi Mike: I am one of the early Altair guys along with Ward and many others. I purchased the S100 modem board from Randy that handled the first 50,000 or so calls to CBBS when it first started. It is a board I used for quite a while myself, and a PRIZED possesion of mine. If you feel the Smithsonian project would like to have the ORIGINAL CBBS S100 modem board back, please let me know. I would consider donating it to the Smithsonian. Please call me at (wk) 312-454-8025 if interested. Roger Msg 41433 is 02 line(s) on 03/03/89 from KATHLEEN MARTIN to TRACY LOSE re: R/HELLO! Thanks, Tracy! Will give it a try.not much luck in calling other local boards today.sigh. Take care.Kathleen Msg 41434 is 04 line(s) on 03/03/89 from KATHLEEN MARTIN to ALEX ZELL re: R/ANOTHER BBS And also thanks to you, Alex! No, Northbrook is not local to Park Ridge, but after today's slim pickings in calling various boards (from no answer to being inexplicably kicked off), I just may have to spend some phone bucks to find what I want.take care.Kathleen Msg 41435 is 01 line(s) on 03/04/89 from JIM ANDERSON to JIM POLOUS re: R/RAM CHIPS NEEDED What you need are 256k 100ns or less chips about $13 - 15 ea Msg 41436 is 09 line(s) on 03/04/89 from JERRY OLSEN to KATHLEEN MARTIN re: R/LOCAL BBS #S Ward's suggestion of starting by determining exchanges which are local to you is a good one. With such a list at hand, you might want to call a BBS here in the central Chicago area (local to you, I think) and use the SEARCH program's "BBS List" function, which searches several BBS lists (including one a little more recent than that currently on-line here). Enter one of the exchanges to the "Search for?" prompt. Enter the other exchanges to succeeding "Or?" prompts. Press ONLY Return to the "And?" prompts.This will search ALL lists for ALL exchanges you specify simultaneously. Hope it helps.The Advocate/NOWAR, 312.939.4411, 24 hrs., 8/n/1. Msg 41437 is 04 line(s) on 03/04/89 from MICHAEL OTTO to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: HELLO Hi, Ward.I must say, your BBS software looks quite interesting. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it! Michael Msg 41438 is 02 line(s) on 03/04/89 from BOB SULLIVAN to JIM FLANAGAN re: R/TIC RESPONSE Yes, I do some programming, etc. for students. Does the ICE have a newsletter? I am interested in getting more information. Msg 41439 is 03 line(s) on 03/04/89 from TRENT CASTLE to ALL re: XMODEM Looking for the source code for xmodem written in asembler and pascal. Would also like literature search telling where i could read in english a complete enough description of the protocal to completely understand. Msg 41440 is 05 line(s) on 03/04/89 from MIKE ANDREWS to ROGER HALE re: R/CBBS IN THE SMITHSONIAN UPDA Roger, we DEFINITELY want your modem for submission! I've asked Randy to get the rest of the original hardware from his ex. (I've heard that the monitor is holding up the water heater in the basement.) I'll give you a call to make arrangements. We want to get the machine in as original condition as possible. (Maybe even working.) Msg 41441 is 05 line(s) on 03/04/89 from MIKE ROSE to CLIFF SHARP re: R/V20 AT 8 MHZ I've been using a 8mHz V20 in my 8mHz XT clone for over a year now with no problems or incompatabilities now. I really doubt the chip is sensitive. I know you get a data book about the V20 series and I've two files on use of the V20 for 8080 mode-I'll look to see if it says anythin anything about a clock problem. dup. chars. >Function:?x{f*{{xV_