CBBS(R) 4.0.0c 02/20/89 22:27:59 What is your FIRST name?^U ?^U ?^U ?ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 202920; next msg =41387; 466 active msgs. Prev. call 02/19/89 @ 01:17, next msg was 41383 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx You asked for 5 more NULLS (pressed N while CBBS typed) Nulls were: 0 How many wanted:?0 "Mine" command checking >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 12 KILLED. 74 SUMMARY. 30 02/19/89,01:17:40,202862,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 02/19/89,01:24:38,202863,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,12 02/19/89,03:14:14,202864,3,JIM MORAVEC,Westchester/il,13 02/19/89,04:00:54,202865,2,JIM MORAVEC,,12 02/19/89,05:50:13,202866,2,ALEX ZELL,, 02/19/89,06:16:59,202867,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,2 02/19/89,08:05:09,202868,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 02/19/89,08:28:07,202869,1,JIM FLANAGAN,,3 02/19/89,08:36:50,202870,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,11 02/19/89,09:59:29,202871,2,RICHARD HINTON,,2 02/19/89,10:07:23,202872,2,MIKE COOK,, E#41383,8 02/19/89,10:31:03,202873,2,RANDAL CRAIG,,9 02/19/89,10:41:59,202874,1,LARRY SCHOLL,Palatine/ IL, 02/19/89,10:59:48,202875,1,BARRY POLLACK,,18 02/19/89,12:28:12,202876,3,MAX STERLING,CHICAGO/ IL,4 ]A AS AS A A A A MAX STERLING, 02/19/89,13:05:46,202877,1,DON PIVEN,,1 02/19/89,14:13:09,202878,1,BEN TEIFELD,,6 02/19/89,14:31:22,202879,3,RICHARD DIFFIN,EATPORT MAINE,8 02/19/89,14:48:39,202880,3,LEX LUTHOR,, 02/19/89,14:50:06,202881,3,LEX LUTHOR,, 02/19/89,14:58:54,202882,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 02/19/89,15:01:49,202883,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,, E#41384,5 02/19/89,15:48:21,202884,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 02/19/89,16:22:09,202885,2,ED FOSTER,,1 02/19/89,16:28:50,202886,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, ]S,CBBS.CPM, ]S,CBBS.CPM,9 02/19/89,17:11:49,202887,2,JIM MORAVEC,,1 02/19/89,19:08:17,202888,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 02/19/89,19:10:33,202889,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, ]R,CBBSHST.CPM, 02/19/89,19:15:26,202890,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, ]R,CBBSHST.SYM, 02/19/89,19:31:41,202891,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,0 02/19/89,19:36:33,202892,1,CHICO RODREGUEZ,,3 02/19/89,19:44:45,202893,1,JIM SHOE,,3 02/19/89,20:14:33,202894,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 02/19/89,21:18:48,202895,1,EDGAR COUDAL,,2 02/19/89,21:23:50,202896,1,MORRIS FINEBERG,,4 02/19/89,22:19:54,202897,2,PAUL STREETER,,5 02/19/89,23:10:06,202898,2,MICHAEL VENNER,Tinley Park/ Illinois,19 02/19/89,23:35:29,202899,2,BILL MATTSON,, 02/19/89,23:49:51,202900,1,JOHN BURKE,, >Help: ?XX,6 02/20/89,00:01:57,202901,1,CHARLIE KESTNER,,3 02/20/89,01:34:15,202902,2,RANDY BESCHORNER,,2 02/20/89,03:28:16,202903,1,BOB BALANOFF,,9 02/20/89,05:45:39,202904,2,PETE JONES,,1 02/20/89,07:39:48,202905,1,ANDY SHAPIRO,, E#41385,4 02/20/89,08:36:22,202906,2,MIKE ANDREWS,, E#41386,12 02/20/89,09:20:25,202907,1,PHIL AVELAR,BROADVIEW/ IL, 02/20/89,09:30:03,202908,3,BOB SMITH,,12 02/20/89,09:59:07,202909,2,DUFFY TOLER,chi/ il.,11 02/20/89,10:12:42,202910,1,DAVE DEVORE,,4 02/20/89,11:44:06,202911,2,JACK FELDMAN,,3 02/20/89,17:13:44,202912,1,JOHN HOSBEIN,,9 02/20/89,17:22:07,202913,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 02/20/89,17:43:14,202914,1,DAVID JENSEN,, 02/20/89,17:57:22,202915,3,CRAIG BLAUM,chicago,10 ]CRAIG BLAUM, 02/20/89,18:16:08,202916,1,DAVID JENSEN,,6 02/20/89,18:55:16,202917,2,JIM POLOUS,,1 02/20/89,21:35:23,202918,1,JOSEPH SKOM,,8 02/20/89,21:55:00,202919,2,JEFF TATAR,, 02/20/89,22:28:02,202920,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 41383 02/19/89 MIKE COOK => MARK HOLTMAN: "R/HARD CARDS" 41384 02/19/89 JAMES SCHMIDT => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "CBBS 11 ANNIVERSARY PARTY" 41385 02/20/89 ANDY SHAPIRO => WARD: "8086" 41386 02/20/89 MIKE ANDREWS => WARD: "MODEM ADJUSTMENTS." - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 41383 is 04 line(s) on 02/19/89 from MIKE COOK to MARK HOLTMAN re: R/HARD CARDS I have a Western Digital 10MEG Flash card which takes up 1 slot in an IBM PC, 1 1/2 in an XT. Asking $125. You can get in touch with me at Discovery Place BBS - 312-383-6335. Mike Msg 41384 is 05 line(s) on 02/19/89 from JAMES SCHMIDT to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: CBBS 11 ANNIVERSARY PARTY Ward, It was a pleasure to have met both yourself and Randy at Barnaby's for the anniversary celebration. I hope to see you both for the 12th annual celebration. James Msg 41385 is 03 line(s) on 02/20/89 from ANDY SHAPIRO to WARD re: 8086 Ward, now that CBBS has survived yet another year, the question can be asked: was it fortuitous that the phone number for CBBS-1 is 545- 8_0_8_6? Or merely wonderous coincidence? Msg 41386 is 12 line(s) on 02/20/89 from MIKE ANDREWS to WARD re: MODEM ADJUSTMENTS. There's another problem I didn't figger. CBBS doesn't know about the "/ARQ" result codes, either, so if you call with an MNP modem, CBBS doesn't wake up. The quick solution: have Randy put the modem on the system in terminal mode and do a "AT&M0&W". That will disable error-correction and also speeds above 2400. You have to have MNP on to get 9600. See page 5-6 in the manual. Otherwise, there are NO ERRORS even without MNP! I was hoping for that. I've decided to start I new project: to get the original CBBS in the Smithsonian. I'll call Roy and let you know the plan. dup. chars. >Function:? >Function:?