In general There is a list of commands on the bottom two lines of the screen and the key (or key combination) that activates them. The key to press is to the left of the description of what it does. If there are more commands available than can fit in two lines, you can press the o key to rotate through them. To back up to a previous screen, you can usually press the < key. (The exception is when you are composing a message; see below) ----------------- | main menu | ____ -----------------\ ____/ / | \ \__ ____/ / | \ \ / ---------- --------- | ------- / |Collection| | Address | | | Setup | | | List | | Book | | ------- | ---------- --------- | | | \ | | ------ \ / | |Folder| --------- | | List | | Compose | | /------ | Message | | / | Screen | | / --------- --------- | Message | | Select | | Index | | Address | --------- --------- General You can use the up and down arrows to chose between different menu items. To select a menu item, use the up and down arrows to highlight it and then press the > key or the return key to activate it. Or you can just use the one-key shortcut listed to the left of the item name. getting out: To quit out of a particular section of Pine, you usually can hit the < key to back out to an earlier screen. To exit Pine altogether, you can usually just hit Q. There are two exceptions to this. If you are composing a message, you have to cancel or send the message first before you can quit or do something else in Pine. If you are in a help screen, you have to hit the e key to exit help before you can quit or do something else the program. Reading Mail New mail goes into your INBOX and it stays there until you move it or delete it. To get to your inbox, you need to go to the Folder List from the main menu, and then select "Mail" and under that, select "INBOX". Composing and Sending mail In the Compose Message screen, all the commands are activated by Ctrl-key combinations To cancel the message, hit Ctrl-C To send the message, hit Ctrl-X Replying When you're reading a message, press "r" to reply Forwarding When you're reading a message, press "f" to forward. Both reply and forward put you in the standard compose interface. Creating Folders When you're viewing the list of mail folders, press "a" to add a folder and then enter the name when it asks you for it. Changing Folders In most cases, you will only have the INBOX folder until you create some others. To switch between folders, exit the folder that you are in by hitting the < key and then choose another folder from the list there. Moving Messages Deleting Messages Attachments Reading bboards You can read bboards by going to the Folder List and selecting Getting help You can get help at any screen by pressing the ? key. When you're in help, press the e key to exit help. Address book Use the @ key to add an entry to the book. When you're browsing entries, you can use the c key to send a message to the currently selected address. ---- Configuring Pine: Does Newpassword command work? Running genpinerc We shouldn't have the IMAP option, or we should have it default to no