==THE 419 AREA ONLINE SERVICES DIRECTORY (c), AnyWare Systems (r), (fka IBB1)== ISSUE #476, 09/14/97 ELECTRONIC EDITION, (BBS419-E.DIR) ===Northwest Ohio's Oldest & Best Directory of Online Services, est. 05/15/82== ======================== Recent Issue Revision History ======================== #476 09/14/97 *AOL (Toledo, Finday, Sandusky) *Bright.Net (Bucyrus) *Data Cache Communications *The Doll House *Hi-Tech *IBM Global Network (Findlay) *Intermedia 3 *Jungle *LRB Computer Group *Never Surrender! *Republic/2 *Pathway Internet Services *TIGER: Toledo-Lucas County Public Library *TPCUG (voice info) *TSDI #475 05/18/97 *Aquarium *Bright.Net (many new numbers) *Chronic Farts *Compuserve *CSi *Emerald Lighthouse *Final Frontier *Fulcrum *Fun-Quest *Hot Shots *Iron Mountain *Jet Lag RBBS *Kow Kitty City *Lightning's End *Linger's Lair *Made In China *Menagerie of Maniacle Mayhem *Mosh Pit *NorthWest Oh Comp Users Grp *Prodigy *Prodigy Internet *Reality Bytes *REPBBS, Lucas County Republican Party BBS *TCD Information Exchange *Tony's Toy *Toxic Mud *World Group Chat Zone Many thanks to the The Lima Exchange for their help with recent issues. STATS: 30 Local, 11 Suburban, 29 Toll, 2 Private, 30 Local Internet Service Providers, 97 Toll Internet Service Providers, 20 other, and 223 Total. ================================================================================ LOCAL CALLS FROM EXCHANGES INSIDE TOLEDO (see your phone book): DATE NAME, (COMPUTER), TIMES, CITY ST, OTHER INFO SOFTWARE PHONE# NOTES VERIFIED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AnyWare Systems Online, CALL VOICE FIRST! PCPH 419-866-0767 PCPH +n970518 | Call with a touch tone phone FIRST to activate BBS! AnyWare Systems Voice Info Line, VOICE CALL! 419-866-0767 VOICE+n970518 | Call with touch tone phone FIRST to leave voice info, get FAX copy of | Directory, or to connect by modem to AnyWare Systems Online. | {PLEASE NOTE: The system is temporarily down due to a hard drive failure.} Access Toledo PPP xxx-xxx-xxxx ? ISP 961214 | voice: 419-843-6123, www: http://www.accesstoledo.com/ 970126 ADP Autonet, (Public Data Network) !!!! 419-536-1673 dM 970913 | (Type C AID for the Autonet Information Directory.) America Online, (access via AOL) I 960316 Amy's Place, Amiga, 1:234/22 XENO 419-691-3320 gM 970913 | (this used to be Line 1) (Line 2) XENO <(Disconnected)> 970913 AOL, America Online, (Public Data Network) !!!! 419-246-1700 gIM 970913 | voice: 800-827-6364, www: http://www.aol.com !!!! 419-246-7010 gIM 970913! Aquarium, Holland OH WILD <(Off-Line)> 970514 AT&T WorldNet Service, Toledo OH PPP 419-243-0147 ISP 970913 | voice: 800-WORLDNET, www: http://www.att.com 961214 Blah .... (Private) 951218 The Bone Yard VBBS 419-698-8627 e 970913 Bright.Net PPP 419-245-5302 ISP 970913 | voice: 419-245-5300, http://www.rocky.bright.net 970514 C.A.T. (Computer Age Technologies) VBBS 419-697-0777 e 970913 Chronic Farts, Sylvania OH .... <(Off-Line)> 970514 Code 3, 1:234/80 (2 lines) KBBS 419-389-8127 gM 970913* THE COLLECTiVE, Sylvania OH PCBD <(Off-Line)> 970222 CompuServe, (name change: CSi) !!!! <(Info Chg)> 970421 The Concentric Network PPP 419-471-9243 gISP b970913 | voice: 800-745-2747, www: http://www.concentric.net 951115 Connecting Point, (Line 1) WILD 419-255-4350 gA 970913 | (gay/lesbian/bi life styles) (Line 2) WILD 419-255-4160 gA 970913 The Country Club, Sylvania OH, 1:234/40 RA <(Disconnected)> 970222 CSi, (CompuServe) (Public Data Network) !!!! 419-243-2818 cIM 970913 | www: http://www.csi.com !!!! 419-242-5706 gIM 970913 cyberdrive Limited PPP xxx-xxx-xxxx ? ISP 970116 | voice: 888-498-8020, www: http://www.cyberdrive.net 970116 Darkside, Temperance MI PCBD <(Off-Line)> 970222 Delphi Internet Services PPP 419-246-2020 ISP 970913 | voice: 800-695-4005, www: http://www.delphi.com 970913 Destiny's Domain, Holland OH (Line 1) TAG 419-866-0132 eM 970913 | (Line 2) TAG 419-865-6416 cM 970913 Dial-Up Access, Rossford Public Library !!!! 419-874-1880 ? 970913 The Doll House VBBS <(Disconnected)> 970913 E-II, (name change: TSDI BBS) EXCA <(Info Chg)> 970129 EarthLink Network PPP 419-246-2010 g ISP 970913 | voice: 800-395-8425, www: http://www.earthlink.net 960605 Ebony Shack, (also TSDI) <(Info Chg)> 970222 Feasting The Beast OBLI 419 (Private) g 970913 Final Frontier (16 lines) ???? 419-243-4360 gM 970913! Fright Night, (Please inform us of status!) .... 419 (Private) 940320 The Gate, Sylvania OH (16 lines) MBBS 419-843-7200 gM 970913* GEnie, (Public Data Network) !!!! 419-255-6516 cM 970913 Glass City Underground, Amiga CNET 419-693-7696 e N970913 GlassNet Communications (240+ lines) PPP 419-936-9800 g ISP 970913* | voice: 419-382-6800, www: http://www.glasscity.net {new number} 970224 Global Access, (Outdial service) <(Off-Line)> 970222 GNN, Global Network Navigator PPP ISP 961214 | voice: 800-819-6112, www: http://www.gnn.com, see AOLnet for numbers 961214 GTN PPP 419-246-2010 ? ISP 970913 | voice: 800-688-5930, www: http://www.gtn.com 960605 Gustoland VBBS > 930915 Heart 2 Heart, Maumee OH VBBS <(Disconnected)> 970222 The Hidden Castle VBBS 419-691-0452 e n970913 Hi-Tech (4 lines) MBBS <(Disconnected)> 970913 | www: http://hitech.htleach.com (4 lines) PPP <(Disconnected)> 970913 Hollow Tree, Temperance MI (3 lines) .... 313-856-2092 g 970913 HoloNet, free demo line: 1-800-NET-HOLO PPP 419-242-5706 g ISP 970913 | voice: 510-704-0160, www: http://holonet.net 960622 Home Banking. Call the following numbers for more info, BY VOICE ONLY! 960316 | Society-"VISTABanc" at 259-8549. VOICE CALLS ONLY PLEASE!! 960316 Hot Shots, (Diabetes Youth Program) (merged into Code3) <(Info Chg)> 970518 IBM Global Network, Toledo OH PPP 419-244-3085 g ISP 970913 | voice: 800-775-5808, www: http://www.ibm.com/globalnetwork/ 960622 ICNet Ohio, PPP 419-475-7400 ? ISP 970913 | voice: 313-741-0471/998-0090, www: http://www.ic.net/ 951104 IDT, (also see GlassNet Communications) PPP 419-936-9800 g ISP 970913 | voice: 419--244-0300, 800-245-8000, www: http://www.idt.net 960316 Illumination, [Inventors Forum], 1:234/88 DLG 419-691-7884 e 970913 Iron Mountain, (merged into Code 3) (Line 1) KBBS <(Info Chg)> 970518 Jet Lag RBBS (Line 1) RBBS <(Disconnected)> 970518 Jungle WWIV <(Off-Line)> 970913 Kassar House VBBS 419-726-5951 g 970913 Kow Kitty City, (2 lines) RENE <(Disconnected)> 970518 Lightning's End, Perrysburg OH TAG <(Disconnected)> 970518 Linger's Lair, Mac, Sylvania OH TELF <(Off-Line)> 970514 Liquid Crystal (Line 1) TAG 419-474-0114 g 970913 | (Line 2) TAG 419-474-6899 e 970913! Lunar Excursions VBBS 419-666-9869 d b970913 The Lyceum BBS, 1:234/103 TBBS 419-536-9193 e 970913 Made In China RENE <(Off-Line)> 970514 The Mage's Tome TAG 419-729-4606 c N970913 Main Stream, Elmore OH RENE 419-862-1841 e 970913 MCI Internet Access PPP 419-241-3046 g ISP 970913 | voice: 800-955-5210, www: http://www.mci.com 961214 MCI TYMNET, (Public Data Network) (7e1) !!!! 419-255-7705 cM 970913 | (For additional info type: a information)!!!! 419-255-7146 dM 970913 MedicCom, Medical/Emergency Info (Line 1) PCBD 419-389-6642 dIM 970913 | (Line 2) PCBD 419-389-6643 eIM 970913 Menagerie of Maniacle Mayhem VBBS 419-726-1062 e 970913! Micro-Net PPP 419-246-2020 ? ISP 970913 | voice: 800-480-9925, www: http://www.micro-net.com/ 970117 Moore Technologies PPP xxx-xxx-xxxx ? ISP 970117 | voice: 419-389-8277, www: http://www.mooretech.net/ 970117 Mosh Pit, 10p-6a VBBS <(Off-Line)> 970420 My Nightmare VBBS 419-666-0905 g b970913 | www: http://home.earthlink.net/~slurp 961215 NETCOM PPP 419-243-0585 ? ISP 970913 | voice: 800-638-2661, www: http://www.netcom.com 960605 NetWorld Ohio, Toledo OH WGRP 419-246-2525 gI n970913 NetWorld Ohio, Toledo OH PPP 419-246-2525 g ISP n970913 | voice: 419-334-9042, www: http://www.nwoh.com 960628 Never Never Land, 1:234/54 (2 lines) TELG 419-476-3126 g 970913 Never Surrender!, 1:234/68 RA 419-475-8705 g + 970518 | (Line 2) RA <(Off-Line)> 970913 New Visions PPP 419-536-1673 g ISP 970913 | voice: 330-262-8293, www: http://www.nvi.net 960622 NeXXuS, 1:234/104 (Line 1) VBBS <(Disconnected)> 970222 Noah's Internet PPP <(Disconnected)> 970222 Norden 1 Communications (50 lines) PPP 419-243-2336 g ISP n970913 | www: http://norden1.com 960818 Omni-Link, Holland OH (40 lines) MBBS 419-867-9808 gIM 970913 | telnet: omni-link.com www: http://omni-link.com 970518 Particle Board, 1:234/74, (2 line Member #) RENE 419 (Private) gM 951216 | (4 lines total) (2 line Non-Member #) RENE 419-531-4818 gM b970913 Pipeline USA, also see PSINet 951116 The Pitstop, Oregon OH SYNC 419-697-5474 g 970913! PowerNet PPP 419-536-1673 g ISP 970913 | voice: 905-625-8538, www: http://capris.com 960622 Primenet PPP 419-936-7000 g ISP 970913 | voice:535-SURF, www: http://www.toledo.com & www.primenet.com 960910 Prodigy, (name change: Prodigy Internet) <(Info Chg)> 970514 Prodigy Internet !!!! 419-248-4201 eCIM 970913 PSINet, (Pipeline USA) PPP 419-246-2020 g ISP 970913 | voice: 800-827-7482, www: http://www.psi.net 960622 | voice: 800-290-5971, www: http://www.pipelink.com 960605 | www: http://glasscity.net/users/griffin/ 961214 The Realm System PCBD 419-471-1901 g n970913 The Realms (4 lines) MBBS 419-698-8017 cM n970913 REPBBS, Lucas County Republican Party BBS VBBS <(Off-Line)> 970514 Republic/2 PCBD <(Disconnected)> 970913 Robocop WILD 419-693-1450 e 970913 Russ's Corner TBBS, Lambertville MI (Line 1) TBBS 313-854-5600 fM 970913 | 1:234/14 (1:234 Host) (Line 2) TBBS 313-854-5601 eM 970913 Solar Stop, Sylvania OH RA 419-885-8095 e n970913 | web: http://www.solarstop.net, voice: 970311 Sprint Internet Passport PPP xxx-xxx-xxxx ? ISP 961214 | voice: 800-359-3900, www: http://www.sprint.com 961214 SprintNet, (Public Data Network) !!!! 419-255-7881 abM 970913 | (To access online phone listing type: !!!! 419-255-1906 cM 970913 | @D D1 mail phones phones) 419-255-7010 eM 970913 SPRYNET, (CompuServe, Inc.) PPP 419-242-5706 g ISP 970913 | voice: 800-777-9638, www: http://www.sprynet.com 960605 Sylvania Electronic Village, Sylvania OH PPP 419-xxx-xxxx ? ISP 960903 | voice: 419-824-2493, www: http://www.sev.org 960903 Tekworld, (name change: COde 3) <(Info Chg)> 970323 TexMex Bordertown, Elmore OH, 1:234/43 RA 419-862-3423 f 970913 TheOnRamp Group, Toledo OH PPP 419-255-xxxx g ISP 960622 | voice: 330-759-7595, www: http://www.theonramp.net 960622 TIGER: Toledo-Lucas County Public Library's, CUST 419-259-5341 eM 970913 | Toledo Information Gateway to Electronic Resources 970913 | telnet: gateway.lib/tlc.oh.us username: public 970913! | www: http://www.library.toledo.oh.us/ 970913! TOAST.net (w/ISDN) PPP 419-xxx-xxxx ? ISP 970518 | (w/ X2) PPP 419-473-0235 ? ISP 970913 | voice: 419-292-2200, 888-TOASTME, www: http://www.toast.net 970222 Toledo Free-Net, {existance pending} PPP xxx-xxx-xxxx ? ISP 970129 | from more info see: http://www.nptn.org 970129 Toledo Internet Access, Inc. (20 lines) PPP 419-242-3331 ? ISP 970913 | www: http://www.toledolink.com,(Guest line:) UNIX 419-242-4910 gIM 970913 === Toledo's TBBS is AnyWare System's primary support board for this list. === |Toledo's TBBS, Lambertville MI (20 lines) TBBS 313-854-6001 gIM+ 970914 | The 419 lines are for SUBURBAN Toledo TBBS 419-475-6003 gIM+ 970914 | callers only! All others, PLEASE use the TBBS 419-697-5208 gIM+ 970914 | 854-6001 line! FIDONET 1:234/2 Full Internet TBBS 419-698-9979 gIM+ 970914 | Voice info at 478-0544 after 5pm & WE TBBS 419-472-1110 gIM+ 970914 Toledo's TBBS Internet Service PPP 313 (see BBS) g ISP 970914 | email: toltbbs.com PPP 419 (see BBS) g ISP 970914 | World Wide Web address: http://www.tolbbs.com/ 970914 | For info on services call voice 478-0544 after 5pm M-F or anytime WE 970914 ^^^[Toledo's TBBS is AnyWare System's primary support board for this list.]^^^ Toxic Mud RENE <(Disconnected)> 970518 TPCUG, Toledo PC Users Group Support BBS See Toledo's TBBS 960215 TPCUG, Toledo PC Users Group VOICE Information Line <(Disconnected)> 970913 TSDI telenet: <(Disconnected)> 970913 United States Black On-Line PPP 419-246-2010 g ISP 970913 | voice: 800-872-6595, www: http://xxx.usbol.com 960622 UT Library UTMOST (7e1) !!!! 419-539-2400 e 970913 | ENTER CLASS = cms, ENTER TERMINAL TYPE = vt100, COMMAND ====> = utmost Virtual PC's Tech Support WILD <(Off-Line)> 970420 The WELL PPP 419-246-2010 g ISP 970913 | voice: 415-332-9200, www: http://www.well.com 960622 WilTel Internet Service PPP 419-246-2010 g ISP 970913 | voice: 800-364-8516, www: http://dfrontiers.com 960622 Wolverine's Lair, 1:234/90 VBBS <(Off-Line)> 970420 World Group Chat Zone WGRP <(Disconnected)> 970518 Yes, Another BBS (YABBS), 1:234/60 RA 419-389-6568 g 970913 ZIP-Station, U.S. Postal Service (use EMJR.ZIP)CUST 419-244-8820 dC 970913 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOLL CALLS FROM TOLEDO EXCHANGES: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- America Online, (access via AOL) I 951215 American Healthcare Information Network PPP 419-xxx-xxxx g ISP 960530 | Sandusly OH, voice: 419-626-0040, www: http://www.amnorth.com 960530 AOL, America Online, (Public Data Network) 970913 | Findlay OH !!!! 419-422-8188 gIM 970913! | Mansfield OH !!!! 419-589-0900 gIM 970913! | Sandusky OH !!!! 419-627-0050 gIM 970913! | voice: 800-827-6364, www: http://www.aol.com 970913! AT&T WorldNet Service, Mansfield OH PPP 419-522-2308 g ISP 960622 | voice: 800-WORLDNET, www: http://www.att.com 960622 Bascom Internet Services, Bascom OH (see Bright.Net) 970514 BGSU Library !!!! 418-372-8452 e 970406 | ENTER USERNAME>=A, XYPLEX=c bglink, !!!! 419-372-8450 d b970817 | LOGIN:=library !!!! 419-372-2400 c 970817 | !!!! 419-372-1200 b 970817 Blanchard Valley Network, Findlay OH PPP xxx-xxx-xxxx ? ISP 970129 | {existance pending}, from more info see: http://www.nptn.org 970129 Bright.Net, www: http://www.bright.net (main web site) 970514 | Ada OH V:800-831-6099 PPP 419-534-6062 ? ISP 970514* | Arachbold OH, V:800-633-6245 PPP 419-445-2023 ? ISP 970913* | Arthur OH, V:888-438-8346 PPP 419-393-4500 ? ISP 970913* | Ayersville OH, V:888-438-8346 PPP 419-395-4500 ? ISP 970913* | Bascom OH, V:419-937-2202 PPP 419-937-2111 ? ISP 970514* | Beaverdam OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-222-6998 ? ISP 970913* | Bluuffton OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-222-6998 ? ISP 970913* | Bowling Green OH, V:800-633-6245 PPP 419-353-0702 ? ISP 970913 | Bryan OH, V:888-438-8346 PPP 419-636-8590 ? ISP 970913* | Bucyrus OH, V:800-447-3055 PPP 419-362-3101 ? ISP 970913! | Celina OH, V:419-942-1111 PPP 419-586-4666 ? ISP 970913* | Cloverdale OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-532-1234 ? ISP 970913* | Columbus Grove OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-532-1234 ? ISP 970913* | Continental OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-532-1234 ? ISP 970913* | Convoy OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-238-6708 ? ISP 970913* | Cridersville OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-646-2000 ? ISP 970913* | Defiance OH, V:419-393-2233 PPP 419-393-4500 ? ISP 950226 | Delphos OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-339-3497 ? ISP 970913* | Deschler OH, V:800-633-6245 PPP 419-278-2000 ? ISP 970913* | Elida OH, (x331) V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-646-1234 ? ISP 970514* | | (x339) V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-222-6998 ? ISP 970913* | Findlay OH, V:419-425-4255 PPP 419-425-1723 ? ISP 970913 | Fort Jennings OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-532-1234 ? ISP 970913* | Galion OH, V:800-447-3055 PPP 419-468-1377 ? ISP 970913* | Gilboa OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-523-6006 ? ISP 970913* | Glandorf OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-532-1234 ? ISP 970913* | Grover Hill OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-453-6381 ? ISP 970913* | Harrod OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-222-6998 ? ISP 970913* | Hicksville OH, V:888-438-8346 PPP 419-542-6951 ? ISP 970913* | Indian Lake OH, V:800-831-6099 PPP 419-686-5405 ? ISP 970514* | | V:800-831-6099 PPP 419-686-3124 ? ISP 970514* | Kalida OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-532-1234 ? ISP 970913 | Kenton OH, V:800-831-6099 PPP 419-673-1637 ? ISP 970913 | Leipsic OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-538-6161 ? ISP 970913* | Lima OH, (USA) V:800-831-6099 PPP 419-645-2000 ? ISP 970913* | | (Lima Extended) V:800-831-6099 PPP 419-222-9677 ? ISP 970913* | Lima OH, (NWN) V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-646-1234 ? ISP 970913* | Mansfield OH, V:800-447-3055 PPP 419-522-2105 ? ISP 970913* | Middle Point OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-968-2873 ? ISP 970913* | Miller City OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-538-6161 ? ISP 970913* | Montpelier OH, V:888-438-8346 PPP 419-485-8025 ? ISP 950514* | Mt. Gilead OH, V:800-447-3055 PPP 419-947-1123 ? ISP 970913* | Napoleon OH, V:800-633-6245 PPP 419-592-2221 ? ISP 970913* | New Bremen V:800-831-6099 PPP 419-629-3030 ? ISP 970913* | New Knoxville V:800-831-6099 PPP 419-753-4638 ? ISP 970913* | Ohio City OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-238-6708 ? ISP 970913* | Ottawa OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-532-1234 ? ISP 970913* | Ottoville OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-532-1234 ? ISP 970913* | Pandora OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-523-6006 ? ISP 970913* | Paulding OH, V:888-438-8346 PPP 419-399-9002 ? ISP 970514* | | V:419-393-2233 PPP 419-399-9707 ? ISP 970514* | Ridgeville OH, V:800-633-6245 PPP 419-267-5302 ? ISP 970913* | Rockford OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-238-6708 ? ISP 970913* | Russels Point OH, V:800-831-6099 PPP 419-686-3124 ? ISP 970514* | | V:800-831-6099 PPP 419-686-5405 ? ISP 970514* | Sidney OH, V:800-831-6099 PPP 419-497-7483 ? ISP 970514* | Shelby OH, V:800-447-3055 PPP 419-342-2552 ? ISP 970913* | Sherwood OH, V:888-438-8346 PPP 419-899-4500 ? ISP 970913 | Spencerville OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-222-6998 ? ISP 970913* | Stryker OH, V:888-438-8346 PPP 419-445-2023 ? ISP 970913* | Toledo OH, V:419-245-5300 PPP 419-245-5302 ? ISP 970913 | Van Wert OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-238-6708 ? ISP 970913 | Vaughnsville OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-532-1234 ? ISP 970913* | Venedocia OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-238-6708 ? ISP 970913* | Wabash OH, V:419-942-1111 PPP 419-942-2000 ? ISP 970913 | Wauseon OH, V:800-633-6245 PPP 419-335-2040 ? ISP 970913* | Wapakoneta OH, V:800-831-6099 PPP 419-739-2000 ? ISP 970913 | Westminster OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-646-1234 ? ISP 970913* | Willshire OH, V:800-899-3447 PPP 419-238-6708 ? ISP 970913* | (see http:/setup.bright.net/access.htm for latest official list) 970514 CCC, Cindy's Cyberspace Connection, Columbus Grove, OH, 1:234/91 | SPIT 419-659-5177 e b970817 The CGP-BBS, Bellview OH WILD 419-886-4920 e 970514 Crystal Palace XLT, Port Clinton OH, 1:234/52 OSRI <(Disconnected)> 970309 CSD Internetworks, Kenton OH (16 lines) PPP 419-673-7230 g ISP 960530 | voice: 419-675-2559, www: http://www.kenton.com 960530 Darnarius Spaceport, Bowling Green OH RA 419-353-8779 e 970504 Data Cache Communications, Port Clinton OH PPP xxx-xxx-xxxx ? ISP 970913! | voice: 419-734-2474, www: http://www.dcache.net. Local ISP for: 970913! | Catawba Island, Danbury, Graytown, Johnson's Island, Lakeside, Marble 970913! | Head, Middle Bass Island, North Bass Island, Oak Harbor, Rocky Ridge, 970913! | South Bass Island (Put-In-Bay) 970913! Defiance Internet, Defiance OH PPP xxx-xxx-xxxx ? ISP 970117 | voice: 419-782-3472, www: http://www.defnet.com 970117 Deimos, Wren OH SPIT 419-495-2805 e n970817 DK JetWorks, Mansfield OH WILD 419-524-3959 d 970504 The Dungeon, Lima OH .... 419-229-4112 g 970309! Electric Window, Mansfield OH RBBS 419-589-4751 c 970216 ELmwood eXchange, B.G. OH, 1:234/59 (2 lines) TBBS 419-353-5024 eM n970817 Emerald Lighthouse, Neapolis OH VBBS <(Off-Line)> 970514 File Connection, Mansfield OH (Line 1) WILD 419-747-4865 ?M b970817 | 1:234/97, telnet://fileconn.org (Line 2) WILD 419-747-7322 ?M 970622 Foxlink, Findlay OH WILD 419-423-1631 ? 970105 Friendly Net, Arcadia/Rising Sun OH PPP 419-435-3380 g ISP 960622 | Attica/Bettsville/Bloomville/Melmore/Old Fort/Republic OH | PPP 419-448-8800 g ISP 960622 | Bascom/Fostoria/New Riegle/Tiffin PPP 419-937-2097 g ISP 960622 | voice: 435-0020, www: http://www.friendlynet.com 960622 Fulcrum, Bowling Green OH WILD <(Off-Line)> 970514 Fulton County Internet, Fulton County OH PPP xxx-xxx-xxxx ? ISP 970117 | voice: 419-335-3470, www: http://www.fulton-net.com 070117 Fun-Quest, Galion OH .... <(Off-Line)> 970514 GEnie, (Public Data Network) Mansfield OH !!!! 419-522-8707 cM 960915 | Sandusky OH !!!! 419-626-1260 cM 960915 GNN, Global Network Navigator PPP ? ISP 960717 | voice: 800-819-6112, www: http://www.gnn.com, see AOLnet for numbers 960717 Grendel's Lair, Ottawa OH, 1:234/58 .... 419-523-3818 d 970622 HeartLAN Community Free-Net, Kenton OH PPP xxx-xxx-xxxx ? ISP 970120 | {existance pending}, from more info see: http://www.nptn.org 970129 Henry County Internet, Henry County OH PPP xxx-xxx-xxxx ? ISP 970117 | voice: 419-592-3470, www: http://www.henry-net.com 970117 Hoosier Hideaway, Celina OH, 1:110/985 PCBD <(Disconnected)> 970309 IBM Global Network, Lima OH PPP 419-221-5301 g ISP 970913 | Findlay OH PPP 419-427-2771 g ISP 970913! | Mansfield OH PPP 419-521-0001 g ISP 970913 | voice: 800-775-5808, www: http://www.ibm.com/globalnetwork/ 970913 Information Station, Mansfield OH .... <(Disconnected)> 970309 InfoTech, (Best Price Computers), Defiance OH RENE 419-784-9986 g N970817 Intermedia 3, Delphos OH PPP 419-xxx-xxxx ? ISP 970913! | voice: 419-692-8211, www: http://www.im3.com, local ISP for: 970813! | Delphos, Elida, Lima, Spencerville, Van Wert, Venedocia 970813! Jim's Place, Bucyrus OH WILD 419-562-9566 e 970105 KenNet, (Hardin County Library), Kenton OH WILD 419-675-0821 f 970117 King Office (K.O.S.I.), Mansfield OH PCBD 419-525-1542 c bn970824 KSME Internet Service, Tiffin OH PPP 419-xxx-xxxx g ISP 960622 | voice: 419-448-0100, www: http://www.ksme.com 960622 The Lima Exchange, Lima OH, 6a-9p/M-F 7a-9p/SS SYNC 419-228-3051 e + 970913 The Lima PitStop, Lima OH, 1:234/95 (Line 1) .... <(Disconnected)> 970309 LRB Computer Group, Sandusky OH PPP xxx-xxx-xxxx ? ISP 970913! | Local ISP for: Castalia, Berlin Heights, Bellevue, Huron, Milan, 970913! | Monroeville, North Fairfield, Norwalk, Sandusky 970913! | voice: 419-621-5770, www: http://www.lrbcg.com, telnet: lrbcg.com 970913! | Special number for service sign-up: !!!! 419-621-5994 g 970913! Mansfield Library, Mansfield OH .... 419-524-9065 ? 970622 MCI Internet Access, Lima PPP 419-222-4513 g ISP 961214 | voice: 800-955-5210, www: http://www.mci.com 961214 MCI TYMNET, (Public Data Network), Lima OH !!!! 419-228-6343 cM 961006 | (See note in Toledo listing!) Findlay OH !!!! 419-427-1600 cM 961006 | Mansfield OH !!!! 419-526-0686 cM 961006 | Mansfield OH !!!! 419-747-6200 cM 961006 | Mansfield OH !!!! 419-747-9068 dM 961006 Mystic Mountain, Bowling Green OH PINN 419-353-5232 c 970105 NetWorld Ohio, Fremont OH WGRP 419-355-1408 gI 960628 NetWorld Ohio, Ashland OH PPP 419-281-8900 g ISP 960628 | Clyde OH PPP 419-547-7333 g ISP 960628 | Fremont OH PPP 419-355-1408 g ISP 960628 | Norwalk/Monroeville OH PPP 419-668-2900 g ISP 960628 | Sandusky/Huron/Castalia OH PPP 419-624-6970 g ISP 960628 | voice: 419-334-9042, www: http://www.nwoh.com 960628 NightFall!, Huron OH, 1:234/96 .... 419-433-8807 ? N970831 NorthWest Oh Comp Users Grp, Wauseon OH, 234/72.... <(Off-Line)> 970514 Northwest Ohio RBBS, Tiffin OH,1:234/23(7 line)RBBS 419-448-1421 eM 970824 Ohio Genalogical Society, Mansfield OH 1:234/92.... 419-522-9230 ? B970817 One-BG-One, Bowling Green OH 1:234/67 TAG 419-354-1BG1 e 970504 One Bellevue Place, Bellevue/Clyde/Sandusky OH PPP 419-xxx-xxxx g ISP 960622 | voice: 800-255-4612, www: http://www.onebellevue.com 960622 Pathway Internet Services, Tiffin OH PPP xxx-xxx-xxxx ? ISP 970913! | voice: 419-447-4009, www: http://www.bpsom.com 970913! Pictures, Mansfield OH .... 419-884-3776 c 970622 Polaris, Mansfield OH WILD <(Disconnected)> 970309 Ray's Dojo, Alvdrdton OH RENE 419-924-2619 g 970116 Richland Free-Net, Mansfield OH PPP 419-526-0144 g ISP 960622 | voice: 419-521-3111/3110, www: ???, email: earmrcpl@class.org 970129 RichNet, Mansfield OH PPP 419-???-???? ? ISP 970129 | voice: 419-525-3760, www: http://www.richnet.net 970129 | Access areas: Adario, Bellville, Butler, Crestline, Galion, 970129 | Johnsville, Lexington, Lucas, Mansfield, Ontario, Shelby, & Shiloh 970129 Side Alley, Mansfield OH SBBS 419-589-3112 e v970309 The Software Affair (Kookie's), Bucyrus OH WILD 419-562-6327 e 970504 Sprint Internet Passport, Lima PPP xxx-xxx-xxxx ? ISP 961214 | Mansfield PPP xxx-xxx-xxxx ? ISP 961214 | voice: 800-359-3900, www: http://www.sprint.com 961214 SprintNet, (Public Data Network), Findlay OH !!!! 419-422-8188 cM 961208 | (Telnet) Mansfield OH !!!! 419-526-0686 egM 960915 | Sandusky OH !!!! 419-627-0050 abM 960810 TCD Information Exchange, Findlay OH (Line 1) WILD <(Off-Line)> 970514 TheOnRamp Group, Mansfield OH PPP 419-589-xxxx g ISP 960622 | voice: 330-759-7595, www: http://www.theonramp.net 960622 Tony's Toy, Bowling Green OH TRIB <(Off-Line)> 970514 UDATANet, Upper Sandusky PPP 419-xxx-xxxx g ISP 961207 | voice: 419-29404141, www: http://www.udata.com 961207 U-People, Mansfield OH, 1:234/62 .... 419-589-2310 ? v970309 WebPort, Galion OH, (see BrightNet) 970513 Welcome Matt, Willard OH WILD 419-933-7208 d 970622 West Central Ohio Internet Link, Lima OH PPP 419-???-???? ? ISP 960221 | voice: 419-229-2645, www: http://www.wcoil.com/ 960221 WORC-Net, WestCentral Ohio Regional Community Network, Lima OH 961007 | voice: 419-995-8090, www: http://www.worcnet.hen/oh/us 961007 | PPP 419-995-8090 ISP 961007 WLIO TBBS, Lima OH, 1:234/16 (4 lines) TBBS 419-228-8227 eM 970309 | (Closed to new users. Contact WLIO my mail.) 970309 Wood County Internet Council PPP 419-(see below) ISP 960118 | voice: 419-354-2727, www: http://www.wcnet.org 960118 =============================================================================== NOTES: Except as noted, all entries are 24 hr, 7 day, PC compatible services. BPS: a=300, b=1200, c=2400, d=9600, e=14.4K, f=16.8k, g=28.8/33.6k i=ISDN =============================================================================== NOTES: Except as noted, all entries are 24 hr, 7 day, PC compatible services. BPS: a=300, b=1200, c=2400, d=9600, e=14.4K, f=16.8k, g=28.8/33.6k A=Adult Access ONLY C=Custom software required ISP=Internet Service Provider M=Multi-line/node ?=Info missing +=has this directory online "!" after the date means new entry, "*" means updated info within last 2 months/issues. The letter "a" before the date means answering machine, "a"= answ. mach. "b" = busy, "n" = no answer, "r" = trouble recording, "t" = temp disconnected, "u" = unverified. Capitol letters mean same status for last few times verified. <(Disconnected)> or <(Off-Line)> entries are shown for 2 months/issues. For more info see BBSDIR.DOC file. To contact AnyWare Systems or for latest directory, call: Toledo's TBBS, (logon as "BBS;LIST" for direct access) or get FAX via VOICE MAIL at 419-866-0767. E-Mail to , or WWW . Entries are provided as a directory service only, and are NOT endorsements. STATS: 30 Local, 11 Suburban, 29 Toll, 2 Private, 30 Local Internet Service Providers, 97 Toll Internet Service Providers, 20 other, and 223 Total. * Visit the TLG Productions, Inc., Web site at http://www.tlgi.com/ for info about their computer trade shows! * Visit the AnyWare Systems Web site at http://www.anyware-systems.com/ for links to other 419 area computer trade shows. HOST SOFTWARE: ....=n/a, !!!!=(other) 1BBS=1BBS 2AM=2am ACID=ACID ACS=ACS ADEP=Adept AFTR=Aftershock ALNA=AlienNation AMI=Amiga AMEX=AmiExpress APOC=Apocolis AUNT=Auntie BAPH=Baphonet CELE=Celerity CITA=Citadel CNET=CNet COCO=CocoNet CUST=custom CYCL=Cyclops DARK=Darkstar DCI=DCI DLG=DLG DLX=DLX ECLI=Eclipse EMUL=Emulex EXCA=Excalibur EXCE=Excelsior! EXTR=Extreme EZYC=EzyCom FALK=Falken FCLA=FirstClass FILE=FILEX FISI=Fision FNET=FeatherNet FORC=Force FORU=Forum FUSI=Fusion FX-1=FX-1 GAP=Gap GHOS=Ghost GS=GS HAVO=Havoc HERM=Hermes II HIBB=hi-BBS IMAG=Image INHO=InfoHost IPAD=Internet Protocol Adaptor JETB=JetBBS KBBS=KBBS KITT=Kitten LIQU=Liquid LORA=LoraBBS-OS/2 LSD=LSD MAGI=MAGiCK MAGN=Magnum MAGP=Magpie MAXH=MaxiHost MAXM=Maximus MBBS=MajorBBS MEGA=Megahost MEHO=MediaHost MNET=Multi-Net MORP=Morpheus NOVA=Novalink OBLI=Oblivion OMEG=Omega OPUS=Opus ORAC=Oracomm OSIR=OSIRIS PARA=Paragon PCBD=PCBoard PEGA=Pegasys PINN=Pinnacle POWR=PowerBBS PPP=SLIP/PPP Internet Access PRBD=Powerboard PRIS=Prism PROB=ProBoard PCPH=ProcommPlus Host PROL=ProLine PYRO=Pyroto Mountain QBBS=QuickBBS QUIV=Quiver RA=RemoteAccess RATS=RATsoft ST RAZO=Razor RBBS=Remote BBS RBFX=Robo/FX RENE=Renegade REVE=Revelation ROBO=Robo-Board ROSS=Remote Operating System RYBB=Ry BBS SAPPH=Sapphire SBBS=SuperBBS SHS=SHS SILI=Silicosis SIMP=Simple SPIT=SpitFire SRCH=Searchlight SSSW=Second Sight Software SYNC= Synchronet TAG=T.A.G. TBBS=The Bread Board System TEAM=TEAMate TELF=TeleFinder TELG=Telegard TELI=Telix Host TERM=Teminate host TINY=TinyHost TRIB=TriBBS TRIT=TriTel TSX=TSX-BBS TURBO=TurBoard ULTR=Ultra VBBS=Virtual VISB=Visblast VISX=ViSiON-X VOM=(voice mail) WAFF=Waffle WILD=Wildcat! WGRP=World Group WWIV=WWIV X-ZOT=X-Zotiks XENO=Xenolink ZMAX=Z/Max XChange