
Programmer's tools

Catalog of Free Compilers and Interpreters: introduction

Bounds checking extensions to GCC

Tom Duff on Duff's Device

Splay Tree Applet


Sound programming libraries

An ascii-art library

Willows Software TWIN API a toolkit that allows you to make Windows programs that will run on Macs and Unix They also produce a Windows emulator for Xwindows

Fresco - A toolkit for Xwindows and NT programs

Platform Independent FAQ a FAQ about platform-independent GUI development toolkits

wxWindows a toolkit for developing software that will run under Unix and Windows

GraphApp a toolkit for platform-independent GUI programming

XPToolkit: The Cross-Platform Front End a toolkit that enables you to create a cross-platform graphical user interface using a markup language

Amulet Project Home Page


DJGPP 16-bit Toolset


Unix Programming Frequently Asked Questions - Table of Contents

ToonTalk-- a programming language/environment for children

Core Wars on the Web

Programmer's Virtual Library A collection of all kinds of documentation about programming

Recursive Make Considered Harmful

Rob Pike: Notes on Programming in C

A guide to writing portable C++ from the Mozilla team

The Art Of Unix Programming a book-in-progress by Eric Raymond

CrossGCC FAQ setting up GCC for cross compiling

BitKeeper - Distributed source management and version control


Make & similar programs

The C Preprocessor Manual

lxr a perl script that takes a source tree and generates a cross-referenced hypertext HTML version of it.

Cxref a program to automatically scans C source code and generates documentation cross-referenced to the source code

A Whirlwind Tutorial on Creating Really Teensy ELF Executables for Linux