Unix Variants

The Perl Filesystem

Package Management Systems

The FreeDOS Homepage

Index of the FreeDOS mailing list

Bootable FreeDOS a one-megabyte download for creating FreeDOS boot floppies

The Home Page of Pat Villani, the author of the FreeDOS kernel

FreeDOS Install

Dowload DR-DOS 7.02


Windows95 Annoyances

ReactOS Project -- A project to create a windows clone

GenWine a project to make a commercial Windows clone using the FreeBSD kernel with the Wine emulator running on top of it. While it is not quite open source, they plan to make all the source code available under a restricted license

The Windoze Replacement Project a project to create a windows clone running on a Linux Kernel with the Wine emulator

WinX, a planned shareware Windows NT clone


Novell FAQ -- INDEX Page

Operating Systems Project Information

Operating Systems on the Web

Download the BeOS Preview Release 2!

BeOS for Intel Q & A

VSTa, a small OS

L3 and L4 Microkernel Operating Systems

The Mach 4 Project no longer developed by the University of Utah

The Mach 4 Project

New Deal Office A business-oriented operating system similar in spirit to Desqview and based on GEOS, it has multitasking and a GUI on IBM compatibles all the way back to the 286

Interesting Computer Projects

Package Management

Unix Linux