Chat/ICQ type programs

Internet Service Providers


IEEE Internet Computing Online

College E-Mail Addresses

Netizens Netbook


Mailing lists

List of WWW Archie Services

A WWW-Finger Gateway that automatically searches a database of small images

Garbo Mirror Site List

Trove--a project to create an open distributed archiving system for online software distribution that can act as a replacement for Sunsite, SimTel, or other large FTP archives


Internet Society Home Page

The homepage of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)

The Internet International Ad Hoc Comittee

IOPS.ORG an organization for internet providers

The Society for Electronic Access (SEA)

The Internet Software Consortium

The DOS users guide to the Internet


FAQ: MS-DOS Applications for Internet Use

The World Wide Web

Xanadu, a description of the perfect hypertext system

Internet related software for Unix

The Internet Archive archives the internet for scholarly purposes

Linux Router Project a project to make a one-disk version of Linux that acts as a router

Blacklist of Internet Advertisers

FTP search

Welcome to NetForward

Free Email Accounts

NetAddress: Signup

A webpage that contains a lot of information about free services, including free email accounts and email-forwarding services.

The Three Rivers Free-Net

Allwhois a web whois interface


Ham Radio Email

Tvdog's Internet Archive a guide to connecting a DOS computer to the internet

FAQ: MS-DOS Applications for Internet Use

The FDISK.COM DOS Internet Pages

RFC index at

RFCs at

  • The Free Network Project A system for uncensorable information/data sharing
  • Wiki Wiki Web