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Hudsonic Wiki: Xwindows


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/images/xlogo.gif Various X Information on the Internet:

HP Envizex X terminal

1MB video RAM (1024x768 max) and 12 MB base memory.

Finally got it working... boots via tftp.

  1. inserting a 10baseT hub between it and the 100baseT wall. Thanks to,,0x30afe7613948d5118fef0090279cd0f9,00.html
  2. sudo chown -R root:bin 700X

Other links

Stuff gleaned: remsh ip_of_xterm get log ... remsh ip_of_xterm get config

Original link that got me started:

NCD Explora XA

a.k.a. NCD Xplora


  1. for some reason, if I use DHCP, it wants to use the DHCP server as its primary TFTP host.
  2. But the DHCP server is an NT box

Made an entry in /etc/ethers and tried RARP ... loaded Xncdxpl ... xset -display xterm1:0 +fp tcp/seven:7100 sometimes needed

HP Entria II

This is the nicest yet.

Config was a breeze: d/l sw de HP, install, boots zippy from NFS.

Theoretically it can do all sorts of resolutions. But I can't get it to do more than 1024x768 yet. Tried on ViewSonic? 21PS, on which I do 1152 x 882 @ 72 hz from my PC all the time.

Here's some math trivia:

 wide x hi  = pixels
 1024 x 768 =   786,432
 1152 x 882 = 1,016,064 (72 hz)
 1152 x 900 = 1,036,800 (75 hz)

It came with 24 MB RAM (16+8), and I had an extra 16 MB DIMM sitting around, so easily upgraded it to 40 MB total.

SPARC Xterminal 1

 Rom Rev:        2.20
 Memory:         8MB
 ethernet addr:  8:0:20:77:52:45

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Last edited February 19, 2003 3:20 pm PST (diff)           Search: