A Starting Point for DishPlayer Hackers

cool ways to void your warranty

Changing the Hard Drive

Installing Linux or some other Operating System onto it.

If there are people trying to get Linux (and NetBSD) onto things like the Nintendo 64 and Sony Playstation, it should be possible to put it on your DishPlayer. However, there doesn't seem to be anyone working on it right now. Here's what I found in my investigations:
According to WebTV's product description page the dishplayer 7100/7200 contains a QED RM5230 (probably the main processor) and a IDT R3041 (Sometimes referred to as 79R3041 or just 3041) performing additional duties. Both of these chips are MIPS-based chips.
According to a posting on the cobalt-users mailing-list, the Cobalt Qube, which runs Linux, uses the QED 5230, so the cobalt port might be a good source of relevant code.

Some places to watch for future developments

Also potentially of use are the following Dishplayer-related discussion areas

I've given up on this for the time being, so don't bother sending me messages asking me how it's going. On the other hand, if you have any corrections/updates/other hacks to tell me about--email me at www@brisammon.fastmail.fm