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The Mark Stehlik SCS Alumni Undergraduate Impact Scholarship

Carnegie Mellon computer science undergraduates embody technical excellence.  They courageously fight through some of the country's most demanding courses ultimately becoming the graduates most sought after by leading technology companies. But even among this group, some exude an “it” factor that makes them stand out.  They have the passion to pursue a startup dream late into the night after homework is done, or tackle research problems that no course requires. They are brave enough to start their own initiatives at CMU.  They energize their peers.

The faculty and alumni of the School of Computer Science wish to do more to assist and encourage students that show promise to be the world's next founder-CEOs, technology thought leaders, cultural icons, or next world leaders. In this spirit, The Mark Stehlik SCS Alumni Undergraduate Impact Scholarship fund has been created.  This fund is intended to let SCS's bravest and brightest know that the SCS community is behind them all the way. Appropriately, we’ve given it a name that honors Mark Stehlik, who has been a tireless force in encouraging a generation of students to excel at computer science, at other activities, and at life!  The creation of this fund comes at an auspicious time, with the beginning of a year of celebration of the founding, twenty-five years ago, of SCS.

About the Fund

The Mark Stehlik SCS Alumni Undergraduate Impact Scholarship, endowed in perpetuity, will recognize and support undergraduates in the School of Computer Science whose reach for excellence extends beyond the classroom; who are working to make a difference both in the field of computer science and the world around them.  Generally, these scholarships will be awarded to students nearing the end of their undergraduate careers.  The Stehlik Impact Scholarship was created by the SCS Alumni Advisory Board, and is named in honor of Mark Stehlik, former Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Education in the School of Computer Science, who currently serves as Associate Dean for Education at Carnegie Mellon Qatar.  The Scholarship is designed to encourage SCS undergraduates to increase their engagement in research and community service, beyond their courses and grades.

How you can help

We are asking you  to consider joining us by adding your support. Any size gift will help, of course, but we are asking that you be especially generous, both to support our current and future undergraduates and to honor Mark Stehlik in this way, which is so meaningful to him.  We hope you agree that this is an important cause for SCS in our anniversary year and a fitting way to honor our friend, Mark Stehlik.

To make a donation, please visit <www.cmu.edu/giving> to make a contribution. Select "Give to the Area of Your Choice," then "Mark Stehlik Impact Scholarship" under the SCS pulldown list.