Carnegie Mellon University - School of Computer Science


SCS Alumni Advisory Board creates
Stehlik Alumni Undegraduate Impact Scholarship

2013 Alumni Award for Undergraduate Excellence recipient is
Vinay Vemuri (CS'13)
Check out "The Link" --
The SCS Magazine
SCS Alumni Advisory Board
Meet the Members
Stay Connected!
Need to update your information?
Send email
to tcarr @ or visit the Carnegie Mellon Alumni Services website
Keep In Touch through
the Carnegie Mellon Alumni
On-line Community

Email Forwarding For Life
Got your password?
Get your .alumni email forwarding by visiting the Carnegie Mellon Online Community

SCS's The Link Magazine

CS50 Anniversary and
Alumni REUNION Recap


Ways to Give

       Alumni Information


The School of Computer Science has been growing rapidly and changing dramatically over the years. We want to keep you apprised of resources available to you and of the news about the SCS community as a whole.

Stay tuned for some exciting changes as the SCS Alumni homepage undergoes rennovation!

Alumni Events

For Carnegie Mellon-wide alumni events visit

March 5-7, 2014
CMU Connect Washington D.C. (Network Nights)
Washington, D.C.

March 9, 2014
SXSW Interactive CMU Reception
Hosted by SCS/ECE/Heinz
Austin, TX

March 11-15, 2014
CMU Connect SF Bay Area (Network Nights)
San Francisco, CA

April 10-12, 2014
Spring Carnival and Reunion Weekend--100th Anniversary!
Pittsburgh, PA

April 12, 2014
SCS/ECE Spring Carnival Alumni Reception
1 - 3 p.m., Gates Center
Pittsburgh, PA

May 17-18, 2014
Commencement Weekend
Pittsburgh, PA

Contact Us:
Tina M. Carr (HNZ'02)
Director of Alumni Relations
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Gates Center for Computer Science
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890

Email: tcarr @
phone: (412)268-8919
fax: (412)268-5371

Entertainment Technology CenterInstitute for Software Research, InternationalMachine Learning DepartmentHuman-Computer Interaction InstituteLanguage Technology InstituteRobotics InstituteComputer Science DepartmentSCS Divisions Carnegie Mellon UniversityCMU - School of Computer Science