; ZCPR3 Terminal Capabilities (TCAP) -- Utilities -- -- Documentation -- 1 - TCCHECK I - Introduction 2 - TCMAKE S - Z3T Structure 3 - TCSELECT G - General Control Seqs C - Cursor Control Seqs 4 - Z3TCAP V - VLIB Overview :I ZCPR3 Terminal Capabilities (TCAP) Introduction Thå  ZCPR³ Terminaì Capabilitieó (TCAP© Facilitù ió  aî integraì  parô oæ thå ZCPR³ System®  Bù meanó oæ  thå  TCAÐ Facility¬  thå user'ó terminaì ió defineä tï ZCPR³ iî sucè á waù  thaô programó iî thå ZCPR³ Systeí caî perforí á varietù oæ screen-orienteä functionó witè thå user'ó terminal®  Thå TCAÐ Facilitù ió fundamentaì tï ZCPR3¬  anä iô ió á parô  oæ thå ZCPR³ Environmenô Descriptor. Thå  TCAÐ entrieó contaiî thå followinç informatioî  oî their respective terminals: o initialization/deinitialization sequences o characters generated by the arrow keys o sequence for clearing the screen o sequence for positioning the cursor o sequence for erasing to end of line o highlight/non-highlight sequences Introduction Witè thió information¬  programó sucè aó VFILER¬ VMENU¬ anä  HELР caî  perforí theiò functionó witè á  mucè  higheò degreå  oæ  "flash¢ anä user-friendlinesó  thaî  theù  woulä otherwise®  Bù  simplù  loadinç thå TCAÐ entrù foò  anotheò terminaì intï thå environmenô descriptor¬ alì ZCPR³ programó arå automaticallù reconfigureä foò thå ne÷ terminaì anä  caî continue to function without modification. Twï  utilitieó  arå provideä tï assisô thå useò iî  thå creatioî  oæ Z3T fileó foò hió terminals®  TCSELECÔ  allowó thå  useò  tï selecô á predefineä terminaì froí  thå  Z3TCAÐ file¬  anä TCMAKÅ allowó thå useò tï definå á terminaì whicè is not covered by the Z3TCAP file. Mosô  oæ  thå  informatioî iî thió  HLР filå  provideó detailó  oî  thå structurå oæ thå Z3T fileó  anä  giveó  thå TCMAKÅ useò enougè detaiì tï definå hió terminal® Providinç this information is the main purpose of this HLP file. Introduction Thå   filå  Z3TCAР containó  informatioî  oî  oveò  4° terminals®  Thå  TCSELECÔ prograí printó á numbeò oæ  menuó containinç  thå  nameó  oæ thå terminaló iî  thió  filå  anä allowó  thå  useò tï selecô  one¬  storinç  itó  informatioî eitheò   directlù   intï  thå  memory-residenô   Environmenô Descriptoò  oò  intï á filå oæ typå Z3T whicè maù  lateò  bå loadeä bù thå LDÒ utility. Iæ  thå user'ó terminaì ió noô alreadù defineä  iî  thå Z3TCAР file¬  thå  TCMAKÅ  prograí ió useä  tï  definå  hió terminal®  TCMAKÅ  allowó thå useò tï interactivelù  definå eacè oæ thå keù attributeó oæ hió terminaì anä creatå á filå oæ typå Z3T wheî done® Thió filå maù lateò bå loadeä bù thå LDÒ utility. :S Internal Structure of a Z3T File Structure Á  Z3T Filå defineó thå characteristicó oæ á particulaò Introduction terminal® Eacè Z3T filå containó thå followinç information: o the name of the terminal o the codes generated by the arrow keys o the byte sequences required: to clear the screen to position the cursor to clear to end of line to highlight chars to initialize and deinitialize the terminal Iî  detail¬  thå followinç ió thå exacô structurå oæ  á Z3T file: Structure Z3T File Structure, Overview Introduction Z3T_FILE: name: DS 16 ; Name of Terminal arrows: DS 4 ; Bytes generated by arrow keys delays: DS 3 ; Delays for Screen Clear, Cursor Motion, and ; Clear to End-of-Line cl: DS N1+1 ; Sequence used for Screen Clear cm: DS N2+1 ; Sequence used for Cursor Motion (gotoxy) ce: DS N3+1 ; Sequence used for Clear to End-of-Line so: DS N4+1 ; Sequence used to begin highlighting se: DS N5+1 ; Sequence used to end highlighting ti: DS N6+1 ; Sequence used to initialize terminal to: DS N7+1 ; Sequence used to deinitialize terminal Structure Thå  followinç frameó definå thå TCAР records®  Theså Introduction records are: 1. the name of the terminal 2. the definition of the arrow keys 3. the delay constants for screen clear, cursor motion, and clear to end-of-line 4. the definition of the screen clear char sequence 5. the defn of the cursor motion char seq 6. the defn of the clear to EOL char seq 7. the defn of the highlight/end-highlight char seq 8. the defn of the init/deinit terminal char seq Eacè  oæ  theså recorä  definitionó  ió  similarº  thå structurå  oæ thå recorä (iî assemblù languagå terminology)¬ commentó  oî ho÷ thå recorä ió defineä anä whaô  valueó  arå valiä  foò it¬  anä exampleó oæ valiä recorä structureó  arå provideä foò eacè recorä definition. Structure 1. Terminal Name 1 Term Name Structure: DS 16 ; Name of Terminal (Space Fill on Right) Comment: Thå  namå oæ thå terminaì ió alwayó 1¶ byteó long®  Iæ thå namå takeó lesó thaî 1¶ bytes¬  spacå filì occuró  righô of the last character. Examples: DB 'ADDS Consul 980 ' DB 'ADM 2 ' Structure 2. Arrow Keys 2 Arrow Keys Structure: DS 1 ; Byte Generated by Cursor UP DS 1 ; Byte Generated by Cursor DOWN DS 1 ; Byte Generated by Cursor RIGHT DS 1 ; Byte Generated by Cursor LEFT Comment: Iæ  youò  terminaì haó arro÷ keyó oî iô WHICÈ  GENERATÅ ONLÙ ONÅ BYTÅ WHEÎ DEPRESSED¬ theî theså keyó maù bå defineä iî thå Z3T file®  Wheî á prograí calló foò thå uså oæ arro÷ keys, it will use the values stored here. Structure Iæ youò terminaì doeó noô havå arro÷ keyó oò haó  arro÷ 2 Arrow Keys keyó whicè generatå morå thaî onå bytå wheî depressed¬ theså keyó maù noô bå defineä iî thå Z3T file® Zerï (0© ió storeä iî alì fouò byteó oæ thå "arro÷ key¢ record®  Iî thió case¬ thå  prograí  wilì  responä  tï thå  Worä  Staò  (trademark¬ Micropro© arro÷ keù conventioî (^Å ió UP¬  ^Ø ió DOWN¬ ^Ä ió RIGHT, and ^S is LEFT): ^E ^ | ^S <--+--> ^D | v ^X Structure Examples: 2 Arrow Keys DB 'K'-'@' ; ADM 31 ^K for Cursor UP DB 'J'-'@' ; ^J for Cursor DOWN DB 'L'-'@' ; ^L for Cursor RIGHT DB 'H'-'@' ; ^H for Cursor LEFT DB 0,0,0,0 ; None for H19 because of 2-char seqs ; Word Star Convention will be used Structure 3. Function Delays 3 Delays Structure: DS 1 ; Delay (in mS) after sending clear screen DS 1 ; Delay (in mS) after sending gotoxy DS 1 ; Delay (in mS) after sending clear to EOL Comment: Eacè oæ theså byteó defineó thå numbeò oæ  millisecondó á  prograí wilì delaù afteò sendinç á particulaò sequencå tï thå  user'ó terminal®  Somå terminaló requirå thió typå  oæ delay®  Iæ á sequencå requireó nï delay¬  thå valuå oæ zerï (0) should be placed in the corresponding byte. Examples: DB 20,0,0 ; BANTAM 550 - 20mS for Clear Screen, 0 ; for Cursor Motion and Clear to EOL DB 0,0,0 ; TVI 950 - No Delays Structure 4. Clear Screen Sequence 4 Clear Screen Structure: DS N1 ; Bytes in clear screen sequence DB 0 Comment: Thió  sequencå oæ bytes¬  uð tï buô noô  includinç  thå terminatinç  0¬  ió senô tï thå user'ó terminaì iî ordeò  tï cleaò  hió screen®  Iæ iô ió necessarù tï includå á  binarù zero in this sequence, the two bytes DB '\',0 wilì  transmiô aô onå binarù 0 and DB '\\' wilì transmiô aó onå backslash® Structure Iî general¬ á backslasè (\© ió thå quotå character¬ anä 4 Clear Screen anù  bytå  whicè followó iô ió transmitteä literallù tï  thå user'ó terminal. Iæ  á terminaì requireó thaô trailinç nulló follo÷  thå lasô  characteò  oæ thå sequencå foò thå purposå  oæ  screeî settlinç  (ratheò thaî usinç thå delaù byte)¬  nulló caî  bå appended into the sequence by using the quote character. Examples: DB 1BH,';',0 ; Clear Screen for ADM2 DB 'L'-'@',0 ; Clear Screen for ADDS Viewpoint DB 1BH,'?',1BH,'E'-'@',0 ; Clear Screen for Concept 108 Structure 5. Cursor Motion (GOTOXY) Sequence 5 Cursor Motion Structure: DS N2 ; Bytes in gotoxy sequence DB 0 Comments: Thió  sequencå oæ byteó ió senô tï thå user'ó  terminaì iî  ordeò tï positioî thå cursoò oî hió screen®  Thå  quotå characteò  (\©  caî  bå used¬  likå  iî  thå  Cursoò  Motioî sequence¬ tï allo÷ quotå characteró anä nulló tï bå sent. Unlikå  thå  otheò sequenceó iî thå TCAР records¬  thå Cursoò Motioî sequenceó varù dependinç upoî thå positioî  oî thå  screen® Structure Foò  instance¬  tï placå thå cursoò aô ro÷ 4¬  columî ´ 5 Cursor Motion (homå ió ro÷ 0¬ coì 0© oî á TVÉ 950¬ thå sequence DB 1BH,'=$$',0 is used, but to position at row 6, column 6, the sequence DB 1BH,'=&&',0 is used. Iî ordeò tï expresó sucè variable-valuå sequences¬  thå ZCPR³  TCAР provideó  foò  equationó whicè  definå  ho÷  tï compute the byte to be output. The TCAP sequence: DB 1BH,'=%+ %+ ',0 defineó  ho÷ tï computå thå valueó tï bå outpuô iî ordeò  tï move the cursor for the TVI 950. Structure The TCAP Cursor Motion sequence 5 Cursor Motion DB 1BH,'=%+ %+ ',0 is broken down as follows: Element Meaning ------- ------- 1BH Output 1B hex (the ESCAPE char) '=' Output the character '=' '%« ' Adä § § (20H© tï thå ro÷ valuå anä output '%+ ' Add ' ' (20H) to the column value and output Thå  percenô characteò (%© instructó thå cursoò  motioî sequencå interpreteò tï looë foò á command¬ anä iô processeó thå  followinç  characteró aó such®  Iæ iô  ió  desireä  tï outpuô '%§ itself¬ thå sequencå '\%§ ió used. Structure Thå  commandó recognizeä bù thå cursoò  motioî  commanä 5 Cursor Motion interpreteò wilì no÷ bå discusseä iî detail® Theså commandó are the following (case is not significant): %R - Reverse order from row/col to col/row %I - Home position is (1,1) rather than (0,0) %. - Print current value (row or col) in binary %2 - Print current value as 2 ASCII decimal digits %3 - Print current value as 3 ASCII decimal digits %d - Print current value as N ASCII decimal digits (no leading zeroes) %+n - Add n to current value and output in binary %>xù - Adä ù tï currenô valuå iæ iô ió greater than x Structure Thå cursoò motioî sequencå interpreteò assumeó thaô thå 5 Cursor Motion valuå  oæ  thå  ro÷ wilì bå outpuô beforå thå valuå  oæ  thå column. If the column is to be first, the command '%r' or '%R' instructó  thå cursoò motioî sequencå interpreteò tï  outpuô thå  columî  anä theî thå row®  Thå '%R§  commanä  musô  bå presenô  iî  thå sequencå beforå thå firsô valuå ió  output¬ anä  '%R§ actó solelù tï commanä thå interpreteò  (nï  byteó are output by '%R'). Structure Thå  cursoò  motioî sequencå interpreteò  alsï  assumeó 5 Cursor Motion thaô thå valuå oæ thå homå positioî ió ro÷ 0¬  columî 0® Iæ iô  ió convenienô tï seô thió positioî tï ro÷ 1¬  columî  1¬ the command '%i' or '%I' ió  used®  Likå '%R'¬  '%I§ musô bå useä beforå  thå  firsô valuå ió output. The TVI 950 can be defined in two ways: DB 1BH,'=%+ %+ ',0 or DB 1BH,'%i=%+',1FH,'%+',1FH,0 Structure Thå  resô  oæ thå cursoò  motioî  sequencå  interpreteò 5 Cursor Motion commandó deaì witè thå formaô oæ thå output® Theù allo÷ thå following types of outputs: %. binary value (^A is output as 1) %2 2 ASCII Decimal Digits (^A is output as '01') %3 3 ASCII Decimal Digits (^A is output as '001') %d As many ASCII Decimal Digits as needed (^A as '1') %+n Add offset ('%+ ' outputs ^A as 1+' ' or '!') %>xy Add offset if limit reached ('%> '1 outputs ^A as 1 and '!' as '"') Tï summarize: Structure Cursor Motion Interpreter Commands 5 Cursor Motion Command Output Format ------- ------------- %. Binary Value %2 2 ASCII Decimal Digit Chars ('23') %3 3 ASCII Decimal Digit Chars ('123') %ä Aó manù ASCIÉ Decimaì Digiô Charó aó needed %+n Add the value of the byte following the '+' and output in binary %>xy If value > x, output value+y in binary; else output value in binary Command Cursor Motion Interpreter Action ------- -------------------------------- %i Set Home to 1,1 (default is 0,0) %r Output Col, then Row (default is Row, then Col) Structure Examples: 5 Cursor Motion DB 1BH,'Y%+ %+ ',0 ; ADDS Viewpoint 1BH = output 1BH (ESCAPE char) 'Y' = output char 'Y' '%+ ' = output row + ' ' (20H) in binary '%+ ' = output col + ' ' (20H) in binary DB 1BH,'[%d;%dH',0 ; H19 (ANSI Mode) 1BH = output 1BH (ESCAPE char) '[' = output char '[' '%d' = output row as ASCII decimal digits ';' = output char ';' '%d' = output col as ASCII decimal digits 'H' = output char 'H' Structure 6. Clear to End of Line 6 Clear to EOL Structure: DS N3 ; Bytes in clear to end of line sequence DB 0 Comments: Thå  Cleaò tï Enä oæ Linå sequencå ió useä tï cleaò thå linå  startinç  aô  thå cursoò positioî tï thå  enä  oæ  thå screen. Only this part of the current line is cleared. Thå ruleó foò specifyinç thió sequencå arå thå samå  aó those for Screen Clear. Example: DB 1BH,'T',0 ; ADM 2 Structure 7. Begin Highlighting (Standout Mode) and End Highlighting 7 Highlighting Sequences: DS N4 ; Bytes in sequence to begin highlighting DB 0 DS N5 ; Bytes in sequence to end highlighting DB 0 Comments: Thå  "begiî  highlighting¢  sequencå ió useä  tï  begiî highlighô modå oî thå user'ó terminal®  Thió maù bå reverså video¬ dim¬ oò somå otheò non-standarä methoä foò displayinç characteró  oî  thå  screen®  Iî ordeò foò  á  terminaì  tï supporô thió feature¬ thå followinç musô bå true: Structure 1® Issuinç thió sequencå musô NOÔ changå thå positioî 7 Highlighting oæ thå cursoò oî thå screen. 2®  Characteró highlighteä musô bå outpuô iî exactlù thå samå waù non-highlighteä characteró arå (eg¬ settinç thå MSB of the highlighted chars is not allowed). These sequences are always used as follows: 1. the BEGIN HIGHLIGHT sequence is output 2. a set of characters to highlight is output 3. the END HIGHLIGHT sequence is output Thå  ruleó foò specifyinç theså sequenceó arå thå  samå aó thoså foò Screeî Clear. Structure Example: 7 Highlighting DB 'N'-'@',0 ;ADDS Viewpoint Structure 8. Terminal Initialization and Deinitialization 8 Term Init Sequences: DS N6 ; Bytes in sequence to init terminal DB 0 DS N7 ; Bytes in sequence to deinit terminal DB 0 Comments: Beforå  anù videï routineó arå executed¬  thå  terminaì initializatioî sequencå ió senô tï thå terminal®  Afteò thå uså  oæ  thå  terminaì  ió  completeä  bù  á  program¬   thå deinitialization sequence is sent. Thå ruleó foò specifyinç thió sequencå arå thå samå  aó those for Screen Clear. :G General Terminal Control Sequences Control 1 The structure of most TCAP control sequences is: DS N ; Bytes in sequence DB 0 Thió  sequencå  oæ bytes¬  uð tï buô noô includinç  thå terminatinç  0¬  ió senô tï thå user'ó terminaì iî ordeò  tï perforí  somå  function®  Iæ iô ió necessarù tï  includå  á binarù zerï iî thió sequence¬ thå twï bytes DB '\',0 wilì transmiô as onå binarù ° and DB '\\' wilì transmiô aó onå backslash® Control 1 Á  backslasè (\© ió thå quotå character¬  anä anù  bytå whicè  followó  iô ió transmitteä literallù  tï  thå  user'ó terminal. Iæ  á terminaì requireó thaô trailinç nulló follo÷  thå lasô  characteò  oæ thå sequencå foò thå purposå  oæ  screeî settlinç  (ratheò thaî usinç thå delaù byte)¬  nulló caî  bå appended into the sequence by using the quote character. Cursoò  Motioî  sequenceó follo÷ theså ruleó  witè  thå additioî  thaô  thå characteò "%¢ prefixeó á  cursoò  motioî interpreteò command® Iæ iô ió desireä tï simplù outpuô thió characteò iî á cursoò motioî sequence¬  thå quotå  characteò can be used: DB '\%' :C Cursor Motion Control Sequences Control 2 Cursoò  Motioî  sequenceó arå differenô froí thå  otheò sequenceó  defineä  iî  thå  TCAР iî  thaô  cursoò   motioî sequenceó  contaiî  embeddeä commandó foò thå cursoò  motioî interpreter®   Alì  Cursoò  Motioî  sequenceó  arå  oæ  thå following general format: Foò example¬  thå DEà VT10° terminaì useó thå followinç sequence for cursor motion: DB 1BH,'[%i%d;%dH',0 where: 1BH,'[' = prefix chars 1BH (ESCAPE) and '[' %i = command: home is 1,1 %d = command: output row as ASCII dec chars ';' = infix char ';' %d = command: output col as ASCII dec chars 'H' = suffix char 'H' Control 2 Thå prefix¬  infix¬ anä postfiø sequenceó arå optional¬ anä onlù thå commandó tï outpuô thå ro÷ anä coì arå requireä in any cursor motion sequence definition. Cursoò Motioî ió thå onlù requireä entrù iî á TCAР foò á  terminal®  Alì otheò sequenceó maù bå emptù (null)¬  anä thå  lacë oæ theså otheò sequenceó wilì bå compensateä  for® Cursoò motion¬  however¬  cannoô bå simulateä easilù anä  ió required. Thå followinç tablå summarizeó alì oæ thå Cursoò Motioî interpreter commands. Control 2 Cursor Motion Interpreter Commands Command Output Format ------- ------------- %. Binary Value %2 2 ASCII Decimal Digit Chars ('23') %3 3 ASCII Decimal Digit Chars ('123') %ä Aó manù ASCIÉ Decimaì Digiô Charó aó needed %+n Add the value of the byte following the '+' and output in binary %>xy If value > x, output value+y in binary; else output value in binary Command Cursor Motion Interpreter Action ------- -------------------------------- %i Set Home to 1,1 (default is 0,0) %r Output Col, then Row (default is Row, then Col) Control 2 Examples: DB 1BH,'Y%+ %+ ',0 ; ADDS Viewpoint 1BH = output 1BH (ESCAPE char) 'Y' = output char 'Y' '%+ ' = output row + ' ' (20H) in binary '%+ ' = output col + ' ' (20H) in binary DB 1BH,'[%d;%dH',0 ; H19 (ANSI Mode) 1BH = output 1BH (ESCAPE char) '[' = output char '[' '%d' = output row as ASCII decimal digits ';' = output char ';' '%d' = output col as ASCII decimal digits 'H' = output char 'H' :V Overview of VLIB VLIB VLI (Videï LIBrary© ió thå ZCPR³ librarù whicè ió useä tï  providå á serieó oæ low-leveì routineó foò Z3TCAÐ accesó tï thå ZCPR³ systeí programmer®  VLI ió describeä iî  mucè morå  detaiì  iî thå VLIB.HLÐ file¬  anä thió overvie÷  onlù serves to summarize its capabilities. Thå VLI routinå Z3VINIÔ ió useä tï initializå VLI foò uså  witè  á  ZCPR³  system®   Thå  addresó  oæ  thå  ZCPR³ environmenô  descriptoò ió passeä tï thå Z3VINIÔ routinå  iî HL¬  anä  alì VLI routineó kno÷ thå addresó oæ  thå  Z3TCAÐ entry from that point forward. The low-level functions provided by VLIB are: VLIB Routine Function ------- -------- TINIT Initialize terminal DINIT Deinitialize terminal CLS Clear screen EREOL Erase to End of Line GOTOXY Position Cursor STNDOUT Begin highlighting STNDEND End highlighting AT Position Cursor GXYMSG Print message, with highlighting, at XY VPRINT Print message with highlighting :4 Standard ZCPR3 TCAP File Z3TCAP Thå  filå  Z3TCAР containó  informatioî  oî  oveò   4° terminals®  Iô  ió provideä aó á parô oæ thå ZCPR³  System¬ anä iô ió useä bù TCSELECT®  TCSELECÔ caî displaù thå nameó oæ  thå terminaló containeä iî Z3TCAÐ anä allo÷ thå useò  tï selecô one¬ generatinç á *.Z3T filå oò storinç thå selectioî directlù  intï memorù foò immediatå uså bù thå ZCPR³  Systeí utilities. :1 Command: TCCHECK 1.0 Syntax: TCCHECK ufn <-- default file type is TCP or TCCHECK <-- check Z3TCAP.TCP Function: TCCHECË  checkó á Z3TCAP.TCÐ filå foò valiä formaô  anä reports any errors and statistical information on it. Options: None Comments: TCCHECË   ió   intendeä  tï  ruî  iî  á   non-installeä environmenô (sucè aó wheî thå useò firsô receiveó ZCPR3)¬ sï thå  Z3TCAP.TCР filå beinç checkeä musô bå iî  thå  currenô directory. Selected Error Messages: Self-Explanatory Examples of Use: TCCHECK -- check Z3TCAP.TCP TCCHECK - TCAP Check Program TCCHECK TCCHECË   ió   useä  tï  checë  thå  Z3TCAР filå   foò consistency® Itó solå functioî ió tï ensurå thå validitù oæ the Z3TCAP file and provide some statistics on it. Sample run of TCCHECK: B4:SCR2>tccheck TCCHECK, Version 1.0 File Z3TCAP .TCP Not Found - Aborting -- Note: Z3TCAP.TCP MUST be in the same directory B4:SCR2>root: A15:ROOT>tccheck TCCHECK, Version 1.0 Z3TCAP File Check of Z3TCAP .TCP Version 1.1 File Checks with 44 Terminals Defined :2 Command: TCMAKE 1.0 Syntax: TCMAKE ufn <-- default file type is Z3T Function: TCMAKÅ  allowó  thå useò tï  interactivelù  definå  thå characteristicó  oæ hió terminaì anä storå thió  informatioî iî thå filå referenced® Thió filå maù theî bå loadeä bù thå LDR utility. Options: None Comments: A sample TCMAKE session is located in this HELP file. Selected Error Messages: Self-Explanatory Examples of Use: See following frames TCMAKE - TCAP Entry Definition Program TCMAKE TCMAKÅ ió useä tï creatå á *.Z3T file®  Oncå  created¬ thå  ZCPR³ utilitù LDÒ caî loaä iô intï memorù aô thå propeò location (command is "LDR filename.Z3T"). Sample run of TCMAKE: B4:SCR2>tcmake // TCMAKE, Version 1.0 TCMAKE - Create a Z3T File Syntax: TCMAKE outfile -or- TCMAKE outfile.typ where "outfile" is the file to be generated by the execution of TCMAKE. If no file type is given, a file type of Z3T is the default. TCMAKE B4:SCR2>tcmake myterm2 TCMAKE, Version 1.0 ** Z3TCAP Main Menu for File MYTERM2 .Z3T ** Define: 1. Clear Screen Sequence 2. Cursor Motion Sequence 3. Clear to End of Line Sequence 4. Standout Mode Sequences 5. Terminal Init/Deinit Sequences 6. Arrow Keys 7. Terminal Name Status: S. Print Status (Definitions so far) Exit: X. Exit and Write File Q. Quit and Abort Program without Writing File Command? 2 TCMAKE Cursor Motion Definition 1. Timing Delay Enter Delay Time in Milliseconds: 5 2. Enter R if Row/Column or C for Column/Row: R 3. Enter Equation for Row: %+ 4. Enter Equation for Column: %+ 5. Enter Prefix Byte Sequence Char #1 - Type Char, .=Number, or =Done: Enter Number: 1bh Char #2 - Type Char, .=Number, or =Done: Char = Char #3 - Type Char, .=Number, or =Done: 6. Enter Middle Byte Sequence Char #1 - Type Char, .=Number, or =Done: 7. Enter Suffix Byte Sequence Char #1 - Type Char, .=Number, or =Done: TCMAKE ** Z3TCAP Main Menu for File MYTERM2 .Z3T ** Define: 1. Clear Screen Sequence 2. Cursor Motion Sequence 3. Clear to End of Line Sequence 4. Standout Mode Sequences 5. Terminal Init/Deinit Sequences 6. Arrow Keys 7. Terminal Name Status: S. Print Status (Definitions so far) Exit: X. Exit and Write File Q. Quit and Abort Program without Writing File Command? 6 TCMAKE Arrow Key Definition Your Terminal's Arrow Keys may be defined ONLY if they generate only one character each. If they do, type Y to continue. If not, type anything else. Define Arrow Keys (Y/N)? Y Strike the Appropriate Arrow Key 1. Arrow UP? ^K 2. Arrow DOWN? ^V 3. Arrow RIGHT? ^L 4. Arrow LEFT? ^H TCMAKE ** Z3TCAP Main Menu for File MYTERM2 .Z3T ** Define: 1. Clear Screen Sequence 2. Cursor Motion Sequence 3. Clear to End of Line Sequence 4. Standout Mode Sequences 5. Terminal Init/Deinit Sequences 6. Arrow Keys 7. Terminal Name Status: S. Print Status (Definitions so far) Exit: X. Exit and Write File Q. Quit and Abort Program without Writing File Command? S TCMAKE ** Z3TCAP Status for File MYTERM2 .Z3T ** Review: 1. Clear Screen Definition 2. Cursor Motion Definition 3. Clear to End of Line Definition 4. Standout Mode Definition 5. Terminal Init/Deinit Definition 6. Arrow Key Definition 7. Terminal Name Definition Exit: X. Exit to Main Menu Command? 1 Review of Clear Screen Definition 1. Timing Delay = 0 Milliseconds 2. Clear Screen Sequence: (1) ^[ 1BH (2) * 2AH Strike Any Key to Continue - TCMAKE ** Z3TCAP Status for File MYTERM2 .Z3T ** Review: 1. Clear Screen Definition 2. Cursor Motion Definition 3. Clear to End of Line Definition 4. Standout Mode Definition 5. Terminal Init/Deinit Definition 6. Arrow Key Definition 7. Terminal Name Definition Exit: X. Exit to Main Menu Command? 2 TCMAKE Review of Cursor Motion Data 1. Timing Delay = 5 Milliseconds 2. Row or Column First: R 3. Row Equation: -->%+ <-- 4. Column Equation: -->%+ <-- 5. Prefix Byte Sequence: (1) ^[ 1BH (2) = 3DH 6. Middle Byte Sequence: -- Empty -- 7. Suffix Byte Sequence: -- Empty -- Strike Any Key to Continue - TCMAKE ** Z3TCAP Status for File MYTERM2 .Z3T ** Review: 1. Clear Screen Definition 2. Cursor Motion Definition 3. Clear to End of Line Definition 4. Standout Mode Definition 5. Terminal Init/Deinit Definition 6. Arrow Key Definition 7. Terminal Name Definition Exit: X. Exit to Main Menu Command? 6 TCMAKE Review of Arrow Key Definitions 1. Arrow UP = ^K 2. Arrow DOWN = ^V 3. Arrow RIGHT = ^L 4. Arrow LEFT = ^H Strike Any Key to Continue - TCMAKE ** Z3TCAP Status for File MYTERM2 .Z3T ** Review: 1. Clear Screen Definition 2. Cursor Motion Definition 3. Clear to End of Line Definition 4. Standout Mode Definition 5. Terminal Init/Deinit Definition 6. Arrow Key Definition 7. Terminal Name Definition Exit: X. Exit to Main Menu Command? X TCMAKE ** Z3TCAP Main Menu for File MYTERM2 .Z3T ** Define: 1. Clear Screen Sequence 2. Cursor Motion Sequence 3. Clear to End of Line Sequence 4. Standout Mode Sequences 5. Terminal Init/Deinit Sequences 6. Arrow Keys 7. Terminal Name Status: S. Print Status (Definitions so far) Exit: X. Exit and Write File Q. Quit and Abort Program without Writing File Command? X Selected Terminal is: Rick's Terminal -- Confirm (Y/N)? Y File MYTERM2 .Z3T Created :3 Command: TCSELECT 1.0 Syntax: TCSELECT ufn <-- default file type is Z3T or TCSELECT <-- selection stored in Env Desc Function: TCSELECÔ  allowó  thå useò tï interactivelù revie÷  thå contentó oæ á Z3TCAP.TCÐ filå anä selecô á terminaì froí it® Iæ aî unambigouó filå namå ió specifieä iî thå commanä line¬ TCSELECÔ storeó thå selectioî intï thå indicateä  file®  Iæ nï  filå  namå  ió  given¬  TCSELECÔ  storeó  thå  selectioî directlù   intï   thå  TCAР sectioî  oæ  thå   memory-baseä Environmenô Descriptor. Options: None Comments: None Selected Error Messages: Self-Explanatory Examples of Use: See following frames TCSELECT - TCAP Entry Selection Program TCSELECT TCSELECÔ ió useä tï selecô á terminaì froí thå standarä Z3TCAÐ file®  Thå selecteä terminaì maù bå loadeä  directlù intï memorù oò á *.Z3T filå maù bå created® Iæ á *.Z3T filå ió created¬ thå ZCPR³ utilitù LDÒ caî loaä iô intï memorù aô the proper location (command is "LDR filename.Z3T"). Sample run of TCSELECT: TCSELECT B4:SCR2>tcselect // TCSELECT, Version 1.0 TCSELECT - Select Entry from Z3TCAP.TCP Syntax: TCSELECT outfile -or- TCSELECT outfile.typ where "outfile" is the file to be generated by the execution of TCSELECT. If no file type is given, a file type of Z3T is the default. Syntax: TCSELECT where this alternate form may be used to store the Z3TCAP entry for the selected terminal directly into the Z3 Environment Descriptor. TCSELECT Example 1: Create MYTERM.TCP Example 1 B4:SCR2>tcselect myterm TCSELECT, Version 1.0 ** Terminal Menu 1 for Z3TCAP Version 1.1 ** A. AA Ambassador K. Concept 100 B. ADDS Consul 980 L. Concept 108 C. ADDS Regent 20 M. CT82 D. ADDS Viewpoint N. DEC VT52 E. ADM 2 O. DEC VT100 F. ADM 31 P. Dialogue 80 G. ADM 3A Q. Direct 800/A H. ADM 42 R. General Trm 100A I. Bantam 550 S. Hazeltine 1420 J. CDC 456 T. Hazeltine 1500 Enter Selection, + for Next, or ^C to Exit - + TCSELECT ** Terminal Menu 2 for Z3TCAP Version 1.1 ** Example 1 A. Hazeltine 1510 K. P Elmer 1200 B. Hazeltine 1520 L. SOROC 120 C. H19 (ANSI Mode) M. Super Bee D. H19 (Heath Mode) N. TAB 132 E. HP 2621 O. Teleray 1061 F. IBM 3101 P. Teleray 3800 G. Micro Bee Q. TTY 4424 H. Microterm ACT IV R. TVI 912 I. Microterm ACT V S. TVI 920 J. P Elmer 1100 T. TVI 950 Enter Selection, - for Last, + for Next, or ^C to Exit - + TCSELECT ** Terminal Menu 3 for Z3TCAP Version 1.1 ** Example 1 A. VC 404 B. VC 415 C. Visual 200 D. WYSE 50 Enter Selection, - for Last, or ^C to Exit - - TCSELECT ** Terminal Menu 2 for Z3TCAP Version 1.1 ** Example 1 A. Hazeltine 1510 K. P Elmer 1200 B. Hazeltine 1520 L. SOROC 120 C. H19 (ANSI Mode) M. Super Bee D. H19 (Heath Mode) N. TAB 132 E. HP 2621 O. Teleray 1061 F. IBM 3101 P. Teleray 3800 G. Micro Bee Q. TTY 4424 H. Microterm ACT IV R. TVI 912 I. Microterm ACT V S. TVI 920 J. P Elmer 1100 T. TVI 950 Enter Selection, - for Last, + for Next, or ^C to Exit - T Selected Terminal is: TVI 950 -- Confirm (Y/N)? N TCSELECT ** Terminal Menu 2 for Z3TCAP Version 1.1 ** Example 1 A. Hazeltine 1510 K. P Elmer 1200 B. Hazeltine 1520 L. SOROC 120 C. H19 (ANSI Mode) M. Super Bee D. H19 (Heath Mode) N. TAB 132 E. HP 2621 O. Teleray 1061 F. IBM 3101 P. Teleray 3800 G. Micro Bee Q. TTY 4424 H. Microterm ACT IV R. TVI 912 I. Microterm ACT V S. TVI 920 J. P Elmer 1100 T. TVI 950 Enter Selection, - for Last, + for Next, or ^C to Exit - S Selected Terminal is: TVI 920 -- Confirm (Y/N)? Y File MYTERM .Z3T Created -- Example 2: Select terminal and store it in memory TCSELECT B4:SCR2>tcselect Example 2 TCSELECT, Version 1.0 ** Terminal Menu 1 for Z3TCAP Version 1.1 ** A. AA Ambassador K. Concept 100 B. ADDS Consul 980 L. Concept 108 C. ADDS Regent 20 M. CT82 D. ADDS Viewpoint N. DEC VT52 E. ADM 2 O. DEC VT100 F. ADM 31 P. Dialogue 80 G. ADM 3A Q. Direct 800/A H. ADM 42 R. General Trm 100A I. Bantam 550 S. Hazeltine 1420 J. CDC 456 T. Hazeltine 1500 Enter Selection, + for Next, or ^C to Exit - + TCSELECT ** Terminal Menu 2 for Z3TCAP Version 1.1 ** Example 2 A. Hazeltine 1510 K. P Elmer 1200 B. Hazeltine 1520 L. SOROC 120 C. H19 (ANSI Mode) M. Super Bee D. H19 (Heath Mode) N. TAB 132 E. HP 2621 O. Teleray 1061 F. IBM 3101 P. Teleray 3800 G. Micro Bee Q. TTY 4424 H. Microterm ACT IV R. TVI 912 I. Microterm ACT V S. TVI 920 J. P Elmer 1100 T. TVI 950 Enter Selection, - for Last, + for Next, or ^C to Exit - T Selected Terminal is: TVI 950 -- Confirm (Y/N)? Y ZCPR3 Environment Descriptor Loaded