SYSLIB 3.6 Distribution 1 January 1986 SYSLIB is Copyright 1986 by Richard Conn The following files constitute the distribution of SYSLIB 3.6: Filename.Typ Size Recs CRC Comment 1 SLIB1 .LBR 136K 1058 1EA8 Source Code, 0-D 2 SLIB2 .LBR 124K 978 E39C Source Code, E-L 3 SLIB3 .LBR 84K 670 3055 Source Code, M-Z 4 SLIB4 .LBR 12K 91 72D5 LIB, SEQ, and ZEX Files 5 STEST .LBR 68K 528 2EFE Test Programs 6 SYSLIB .LBR 132K 1042 3D83 HLP Files 7 SYSLIB .REL 24K 188 5CD9 SYSLIB 3.6 8 SYSLIBD .DOC 44K 331 DD3D Distribution Information 9 SYSLIBD .LBR 48K 381 CA19 Used to Create SYSLIBD.DOC Note: The Size listing is in multiples of 4K. SYSLIB 3.6 is released to the CP/M 2.2 and Z-System user communities. It may be freely used by any CP/M or Z-System user. SYSLIB 3.6 is NOT released to the public domain. SYSLIB 3.6 is Copyright 1986 by Richard Conn. Bug reports and suggestions for changes should be sent to Echelon, Inc, at the address below. The HLP files (item 6 above) completely document SYSLIB 3.6. A hardcopy of the documentation in these HLP files and much more is available in the book "ZCPR3: The Libraries" (available from Echelon, Inc, in February 1986). This book includes all of the documentation in these HLP files as well as documentation on Z3LIB and VLIB. A user's guide, annotated examples of use, and a comprehensive index are also included in this book. "ZCPR3: The Libraries" is prepared in a loose-leaf format and will be updated periodically as the SYSLIB, Z3LIB, and VLIB libraries change. The SYSLIB.LBR file (containing the HLP files in squeezed form) may be accessed as-is under the Z-System by using the LHELP utility. Only SYSLIB.REL is required to be available to the user in order to use SYSLIB. It is recommended that SYSLIB.LBR also be made available to provide a convenient reference. The address of Echelon, Inc, is: Echelon, Inc. 101 First Street Los Altos, CA 94022 415-948-3820 Users of the Z-System and the libraries may interact with each other through the network of Z-Nodes (remote-access computers). Contact Echelon for the current listing of Z-Nodes. The primary Z-Node is Z-Node Central: 415-489-9005 Enjoy using SYSLIB! Richard Conn 1 January 1986