SIG/M Volume 289 Utilities on the ACGNJ BBS System -CATALOG.289 contents of SIG/M Volume 289 released September 19, 1986 SIG-M .LIB donation form JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership form CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBR filename index name size crc description 289.01 COMPARE .LBR 19K 88 5B compare disks & files in CP/M 80 289.02 EDFILE .LBR 31K 22 59 Z80 HEX and ASCII file editor 289.03 FBAD .LBR 4K D4 E3 bad sector locate - better than FINDBAD 289.04 FILE21 .LBR 12K 8B 98 searches all drives for a file 289.05 NEVTREK .LBR 30K 62 44 NEVADA BASIC version of Star Trek 289.06 NEWCOPY .LBR 5K 9B EF smart copy program 289.07 RAMDSKRB.CMD 2K A0 15 creates MDRIVE on Rainbow 100 289.08 RAMDSKRB.DOC 3K C8 78 / 289.09 SETDRU .LBR 44K DB A8 CP/M 80 set drive and user path 289.10 SFILE13 .LBR 27K 38 32 searches all drives,users,&.LBR for file SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-289, 10 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA