SIG/M Volume 288 Utilities for Microsoft Fortran-80 bt David A. Danello -CATALOG.288 contents of SIG/M Volume 288 released September 19, 1986 CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBR filename index name size crc description 288.01 MISC .LBR 99K 62 0A morse code, astronomy, etc. 288.02 SUB .LBR 59K A2 F4 Fortran subroutines 288.03 TOOLS .LBR 60K 7D 60 Fortran tools SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-288, 03 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA