** Last revision: July 4, 1986 at 10:42 * Name: BROWSE.prg a dBASEIII Browse emulation for Clipper * Use : RUN BROWSE * DO Browse WITH * 07/04/86 by: H.M. Van Tassell * This browse was inspired by a browse procedure written by S.J. Straley. * It ia a completely rewritten version of the his original procedure. * This program is freely placed in the Public Domain with no * rights reserved. It is a non-copyrighted work! * NOTE: uses CALLs to Curson & CursOff which are contained in the * author's CLIP-BRO.ARC CURSOR.OBJ ready for linking to this program. ********[ If using browse as a procedure in another pgm ]*********** ** ** ** If database file is already open, comment out "DO B_OpnFil" ** ** which is about 37 lines forward. ** ** ** ** Suggest that SET ScoreBoard=Off, Confirm=On, Deleted = Off ** ** this should be done prior to calling Browse ** ** ** ******************************************************************** SET SCOREBOARD OFF * SET CONFIRM ON SET DELIMITER OFF SET INTENSITY ON ** PROCEDURE Browse PARAMETER file PRIVATE temp, last_fld, curr_rec, curr_top, col_pos, row_pos, cur_field PRIVATE last_posit, frst_posit, cur_posit, in_val, in_command, last_row PRIVATE curr_bot, Field_Length * * * last_fld : provides the number of fields available in given file. * * curr_rec : curr_rec record number of database highlited * * curr_top : record number currently first on screen * curr_bot : record number currently last on screen * col_pos : column position of cursor on screen * * row_pos : row position of cursor on screen * * last_row : row count of current last row * cur_field : the field number currently BROWSE is resting on in * * CURRENT record of used FILE. * * last_posit : the field number allowed to be shown in the last * * column position * * frst_posit : the field number allowed to be shown in the first * * column position * * in_val : the name of the field at any given cur_field * * in_command : the variable to store the INKEY() * * Field_Length[] an array of field lengths * file = UPPER(TRIM(file)) IF AT(".",file) = 0 file = file + ".DBF" ENDIF ** If database file is already open, comment out "DO B_OpnFil" ** DO B_OpnFil ** CALL CursOff DO B_DrMenu @ 0,62 SAY TRIM(file) curr_rec = RECNO() curr_top = curr_rec * for speed, setup an array of field lengths last_fld = B_FLDCNT() DECLARE Field_Length[last_fld] FOR cur_posit = 1 TO last_fld Field_Length[cur_posit] = B_FLDLEN(cur_posit) NEXT col_pos = 1 cur_field = 1 row_pos = 9 frst_posit = 1 last_posit = 0 last_posit = B_R_PAN() DO B_RecNum DO B_DrHead GoTo curr_rec DO B_ReDraw GoTo curr_rec DO B_ShoRev DO WHILE .T. DO B_ClrKey in_command = UPPER(CHR(INKEY(0))) DO B_ClrKey DO CASE CASE in_command = CHR(27) && ESC quit/exit CLEAR CALL CursOn SET DELIMITER ON SET INTENSITY OFF RETURN CASE in_command = "G" && GoTo record temp = curr_rec @ 23,18 SAY "GoTo which record ?" @ 24,27 SAY "Range 1 to " @ 24,38 SAY RECCOUNT() PICTURE "@B" CALL CursOn @ 23,38 GET temp PICTURE "9999999" READ DO WHILE temp <1 .OR. temp > RECCOUNT() @ 23,38 GET temp PICTURE "9999999" READ ENDDO CLEAR GETS CALL CursOff @ 23,0 @ 24,0 IF temp <> curr_rec curr_rec = temp curr_top = curr_rec GoTo curr_rec DO B_RecNum DO B_ReDraw row_pos = 9 GoTo curr_rec DO B_ShoRev ENDIF CASE in_command = CHR(25) && ^Y delete field in_val = FIELDNAME(cur_field) DO CASE CASE TYPE(in_val) = "C" REPLACE &in_val WITH SPACE(Field_Length[cur_field]) CASE TYPE(in_val) = "N" REPLACE &in_val WITH 0.00 CASE TYPE(in_val) = "D" REPLACE &in_val WITH CTOD(" / / ") CASE TYPE(in_val) = "L" REPLACE &in_val WITH .F. ENDCASE DO B_ShoRev CASE in_command = "E" IF TYPE(in_val) <> "M" @ row_pos, col_pos GET &in_val CALL CursOn READ CALL CursOff tempin = FIELDNAME(cur_field) REPLACE &tempin WITH &in_val CLEAR GETS ENDIF CASE in_command = CHR(21) && ^U delete record IF DELETED() RECALL @ row_pos,0 SAY " " @ 00,50 SAY " " ELSE DELETE @ row_pos,0 SAY "*" @ 00,50 SAY "*DEL*" ENDIF CASE in_command = CHR(4) && RtArrow IF cur_field < last_fld IF cur_field < last_posit DO B_SayRt cur_field = cur_field + 1 DO B_ShoRev ELSE * pan right IF Field_Length[last_posit]+Field_Length[last_posit+1] > 80 frst_posit = last_posit + 1 ELSE frst_posit = last_posit ENDIF cur_field = frst_posit last_posit = B_R_PAN() DO B_DrHead GoTo curr_top DO B_ReDraw GoTo curr_rec col_pos = 1 DO B_ShoRev ENDIF ENDIF CASE in_command = CHR(19) && LtArrow IF cur_field > 1 IF cur_field > frst_posit cur_field = cur_field - 1 DO B_SayLt DO B_ShoRev ELSE ** cur_field is equal to frst_posit so pan left IF Field_Length[frst_posit]+Field_Length[frst_posit-1] > 80 last_posit = frst_posit - 1 ELSE last_posit = frst_posit ENDIF cur_field = last_posit frst_posit = B_L_PAN() cur_field = frst_posit IF cur_field = 1 * make sure max fields displayed on screen last_posit = B_R_PAN() ENDIF DO B_DrHead GoTo curr_top DO B_ReDraw GoTo curr_rec col_pos = 1 DO B_ShoRev ENDIF ENDIF CASE in_command = CHR(2) && ^RtArrow pan right IF last_posit < last_fld IF Field_Length[last_posit]+Field_Length[last_posit+1] > 80 frst_posit = last_posit + 1 ELSE frst_posit = last_posit ENDIF cur_field = frst_posit last_posit = B_R_PAN() DO B_DrHead GoTo curr_top DO B_ReDraw GoTo curr_rec col_pos = 1 DO B_ShoRev ENDIF CASE in_command = CHR(26) && ^LtArrow pan left IF frst_posit > 1 IF Field_Length[frst_posit]+Field_Length[frst_posit-1] > 80 last_posit = frst_posit - 1 ELSE last_posit = frst_posit ENDIF cur_field = last_posit frst_posit = B_L_PAN() cur_field = frst_posit IF cur_field = 1 * make sure max fields displayed on screen last_posit = B_R_PAN() ENDIF DO B_DrHead GoTo curr_top DO B_ReDraw GoTo curr_rec col_pos = 1 DO B_ShoRev ENDIF CASE in_command = CHR(18) && PgUp GoTo curr_top SKIP - 12 curr_rec = RECNO() curr_top=curr_rec DO B_RecNum DO B_ReDraw row_pos = 9 GoTo curr_rec DO B_ShoRev CASE in_command = CHR(3) && PgDn GoTo curr_bot SKIP + 1 IF EOF() SKIP - 1 ENDIF curr_rec = RECNO() curr_top = curr_rec DO B_RecNum DO B_ReDraw row_pos = 9 GoTo curr_rec DO B_ShoRev CASE in_command = CHR(31) && ^PgUp go to top of file GoTo TOP curr_rec = RECNO() curr_top=curr_rec DO B_RecNum DO B_ReDraw row_pos = 9 GoTo curr_rec DO B_ShoRev CASE in_command = CHR(30) && ^PgDn go to bottom of file GoTo BOTTOM curr_rec = RECNO() curr_top = curr_rec DO B_RecNum DO B_ReDraw row_pos = 9 GoTo curr_rec DO B_ShoRev CASE in_command = CHR(24) && DnArrow SKIP IF EOF() SKIP - 1 ELSE SKIP - 1 row_pos = row_pos + 1 DO B_DnRec SKIP + 1 curr_rec = RECNO() DO B_RecNum DO B_ShoRev ENDIF CASE in_command = CHR(5) && UpArrow SKIP - 1 IF BOF() GoTo curr_rec ELSE SKIP + 1 row_pos = row_pos - 1 DO B_UpRec SKIP - 1 curr_rec = RECNO() DO B_RecNum DO B_ShoRev ENDIF CASE in_command = CHR(1) && HOME move to first screen row IF TYPE(in_val) = "M" @ row_pos,col_pos SAY "memo" ELSE @ row_pos,col_pos SAY &in_val ENDIF row_pos = 9 GoTo curr_top curr_rec = RECNO() DO B_RecNum DO B_ShoRev CASE in_command = CHR(6) && END move to bottom screen row IF TYPE(in_val) = "M" @ row_pos,col_pos SAY "memo" ELSE @ row_pos,col_pos SAY &in_val ENDIF GoTo curr_bot curr_rec = RECNO() row_pos = last_row DO B_RecNum DO B_ShoRev OTHERWISE ENDCASE ** Debuging stuff ** @ 23,1 SAY "Frst_posit =" + STR( frst_posit,3) ** @ 23,20 SAY "Last_posit =" + STR( last_posit,3) ** @ 23,40 SAY "cur_field =" + STR( cur_field,3) ** @ 23,60 SAY "last_fld = " + STR( last_fld,3) ** ** @ 24,1 SAY "Row_pos =" + STR( row_pos,3) ** @ 24,20 SAY "curr_top =" + STR( curr_top,3) ** @ 24,40 SAY "Col_pos =" + STR( col_pos,3) ** @ 24,60 SAY "in_val = " + in_val + SPACE(10-LEN(in_val)) ENDDO ********* begin procedures and functions ****************** PROCEDURE B_OpnFil IF file = "." file = SPACE(14) @ ROW(),0 SAY "No database is in USE. Enter file name: " GET file PICTURE "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" READ file = TRIM(file) IF AT(".",file) = 0 file = file + ".DBF" ENDIF ENDIF IF .NOT. FILE("&file") ? file + " not found" WAIT QUIT ENDIF USE &file RETURN PROCEDURE B_ClrKey * clear out the key board buffer PRIVATE temp temp = 1 DO WHILE temp <> 0 temp = INKEY() ENDDO RETURN PROCEDURE B_DrMenu CLEAR @ 0,1 SAY "Record No. BROWSE " @ 1,0 SAY "ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ»" @ 2,0 SAY "º CURSOR Lt Rt º UP DOWN º DELETE º ACTION º" @ 3,0 SAY "º Char: - - º Rec:   º Char: DEL º GoTo Rec #: G º" @ 4,0 SAY "º Field: - - º Page: PgUp PgDn º Field: ^Y º Edit Field: E º" @ 5,0 SAY "º Pan: ^- ^- º File: ^PgUp ^PgDn º Record: ^U º Quit/Exit: ESC º" @ 6,0 SAY "ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÊÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÊÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÊÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ" RETURN PROCEDURE B_DrHead * Draws the table header of fieldnames PRIVATE temp, cur_posit, fldlen, namelen temp = 1 @ 7,0 CLEAR FOR cur_posit = frst_posit TO last_posit in_val = FIELDNAME(cur_posit) fldlen = Field_Length[cur_posit] namelen = LEN(in_val) @ 7,temp SAY TRIM(in_val) + REPLICATE("-",fldlen-namelen) @ 8,temp SAY REPLICATE("Í",fldlen) temp = temp + fldlen +1 NEXT RETURN PROCEDURE B_ReDraw * Draws the table of fields down and across the screen PRIVATE down, across, cur_posit @ 9,0 CLEAR FOR down = 9 TO 20 last_row = down curr_bot = RECNO() IF DELETED() @ down,0 SAY "*" ENDIF across = 1 FOR cur_posit = frst_posit TO last_posit in_val = FIELDNAME(cur_posit) IF TYPE(in_val) = "M" @ down,across SAY "memo" ELSE @ down,across SAY &in_val ENDIF across = across + Field_Length[cur_posit] + 1 NEXT SKIP + 1 IF EOF() down = 21 SKIP - 1 ENDIF NEXT RETURN PROCEDURE B_UpRec * B_UpRec goes up a record * IF row_pos < 9 SKIP - 1 curr_top = RECNO() DO B_ReDraw GoTo curr_rec row_pos = 9 ELSE IF TYPE(in_val) = "M" @ row_pos+1,col_pos SAY "memo" ELSE @ row_pos+1,col_pos SAY &in_val ENDIF ENDIF RETURN PROCEDURE B_DnRec * B_DnRec getting things ready to go down * IF row_pos > 20 SKIP curr_top = RECNO() DO B_ReDraw GoTo curr_rec row_pos = 9 ELSE IF TYPE(in_val) = "M" @ row_pos-1,col_pos SAY "memo" ELSE @ row_pos-1,col_pos SAY &in_val ENDIF ENDIF RETURN PROCEDURE B_RecNum * B_RecNum displays the current reccord number to the screen * @ 0,12 SAY SPACE(8) @ 0,12 SAY curr_rec PICT "@B" IF DELETED() @ 00,50 SAY "*DEL*" ELSE @ 00,50 SAY " " ENDIF RETURN PROCEDURE B_ShoRev PRIVATE tempit * B_ShoRev will Reverse video the field...of current position * * displays accordingly to the screen at row_pos and col_pos * in_val = FIELDNAME(cur_field) IF TYPE(in_val) = "M" tempit = "memo" @ row_pos,col_pos GET tempit ELSE @ row_pos,col_pos GET &in_val ENDIF CLEAR GETS RETURN PROCEDURE B_SayLt * B_SayLT will SAY field and increment col_pos to the left * IF TYPE(in_val) = "M" @ row_pos,col_pos SAY "memo" ELSE @ row_pos,col_pos SAY &in_val ENDIF col_pos = col_pos - Field_Length[cur_field] - 1 RETURN PROCEDURE B_SayRt * B_SayRT will SAY a field and increment col_pos to the right * IF TYPE(in_val) = "M" @ row_pos,col_pos SAY "memo" ELSE @ row_pos,col_pos SAY &in_val ENDIF col_pos = col_pos + Field_Length[cur_field] + 1 RETURN FUNCTION B_R_PAN * Returns the number of the field from current first field position * that will fit onto the screen going up in count PRIVATE length, cnt_pos, rover length = 0 FOR cnt_pos = cur_field TO last_fld rover = cnt_pos length = length + Field_Length[cnt_pos] + 1 IF length > 80 IF rover = cur_field RETURN(rover) ELSE RETURN(rover - 1) ENDIF ENDIF NEXT * The remaining fields all fit on the screen RETURN(rover) FUNCTION B_L_PAN * Returns the number of the field from current last field position * that will fit onto the screen going down in count PRIVATE length, cnt_pos, lover length = 0 FOR cnt_pos = cur_field TO 1 STEP -1 lover = cnt_pos length = length + Field_Length[cnt_pos] + 1 IF length > 80 IF lover = cur_field RETURN(lover) ELSE RETURN(lover + 1) ENDIF ENDIF NEXT * The remaining fields all fit on the screen RETURN(lover) FUNCTION B_FLDCNT * This function determines the number of the last field in database PRIVATE count count = 1 DO WHILE (count < 1025) .AND. (LEN(FIELDNAME(count+1)) > 0) count = count + 1 ENDDO RETURN(count) FUNCTION B_FLDLEN * B_FLDLEN function * * Returns LEN() for character strings * * Returns LEN(STR()) for numeric * * Returns 1 for logical * * Returns 8 for date * * Returns 4 for memo * * OR Returns length of field name * *************************************** PARAMETER field_num PRIVATE lenght field_name = FIELDNAME(field_num) DO CASE CASE TYPE(field_name) = "C" length = LEN(&field_name) CASE TYPE(field_name) = "N" length = LEN(STR(&field_name)) OTHERWISE length = AT(TYPE(field_name), "L M D") ENDCASE IF LEN(field_name) > length RETURN(LEN(field_name)) ELSE RETURN(length) ENDIF **[eof]