SUBROUTINE STTUP(NSET ) C//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// C/ / C/ Program-id. STTUP / C/ Date-written. Jan. 21st 1984 / C/ File-name. STTUP.FOR / C/ Remarks. Subroutine STTUP.FOR page 139 / C/ Subroutine STTUP for Reinitializing / C/ values for multiple runs. / C/ User subroutine for Example-3 / C/ / C//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// C C * Default size of INTEGER = 2 bytes C INTEGER*4 NSET(6,1) C COMMON /C1/ ID,IM,INIT,JEVNT,JMNIT,MFA,MSTOP,MX,MXC,NCLCT,NHIST, 1 NOQ,NORPT,NOT,NPRMS,NRUN,NRUNS,NSTAT,OUT,SCALE,ISEED, 2 TNOW,TBEG,TFIN,MXX,NPRNT,NCRDR,NEP,VNQ(4) C COMMON /C2/ ATRIB(4),ENQ(4),INN(4),JCELS(5,22),KRANK(4),MAXNQ(4), 1 MFE(4),MLC(4),MLE(4),NCELS(5),NQ(4),PARAM(20,4), 2 QTIME(4),SSUMA(10,5),SUMA(10,5),NAME(6),NPROJ,MON, 3 NDAY,NYR,JCLR C C C COMMON /C3/ XISYS,BUS C C --- Comment cards for starter subroutine C Initialize statiscal storage areas for each fiule used C in the simulation. This is required since the files are C not initilized by subroutine SET C DO 17 K=1,NOQ ENQ(K ) = 0.0 VNQ(K ) = 0.0 MAXNQ(K ) = NQ(K ) QTIME(K ) = TNOW 17 CONTINUE C C --- Test to see if the event file is empty. If event file is C empty start up events are to be used. If event file is not C empty read in the number in the system and the status C of the server. C IF(NQ(1) ) 19,19,25 25 READ(NCRDR,91 ) XISYS,BUS 91 FORMAT(2F5.0 ) WRITE(1,291 ) XISYS,BUS 291 FORMAT(1H ,2F5.0 ) 8 RETURN C C --- If start events is to be used the number in the system is C equal to the number of starter events minus the end of C simulation event and the arrival event. C If monitor events are used these must also be subtracted C 19 XISYS = NQ(3) - 2 C C --- If number in system is greater than zero the server C status should be set to busy. Let nine equal the C number of initial entries. C BUS = 1.0 IF(XISYS ) 18,18,7 18 BUS = 0.0 7 NINE = NQ(3) NC = 1 11 CALL RMOVE(MFE(3),3,NSET ) J = 1 IF(ATRIB(2) - 0.1 ) 20,20,21 20 J = 2 21 CALL FILEM(J,NSET ) CALL FILEM(3,NSET ) IF(NC - NINE ) 9,8,8 9 NC = NC + 1 GO TO 11 END