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rint, ead, iew, rite $ ++ Command Summary ++ Cmd Syntax Description ----- -------- ------------- D D* Delete specified entry from library H H Display this screen I I* Insert new text for specified entry P P Print full library on printer R R Re-Read library from source file V V* View specified entry on console V? View entire library W W Write new COM file to disk "*" signifies one character, A - Z or 0 to 9 which is the library entry you wish to work with $ ++ Syntax Error ++ $ Aborting insert mode, no changes made$ Description$1-xxx-xxx-xxxx - Exactly $ Characters $ Disk Full$ Writing File...$ File Written to Disk$ Open error on ead $ No changes made to library$ Do you want to save new File (Y/N)? $H, (Absolute address) $$hanges made$ Description$1-xxx-xx