rem convert basicode2 programs to mbasic rem rem an CB80 program from rem rem Henk Wevers rem Dutch Hobby computerclub rem rem rem ------- filenames ------------------------- file1$=command$+".bas" file2$=command$+".$$$" file3$=command$+".bak" file4$="keywords.dat" file5$="function.dat" rem ------- dimensions ------------------------ dim keyword$(255),function$(255) rem ------------------------------------------- on error goto fout.afhandeling for i%= 1 to 32:print:next print "convert version 1.0" print print "NO copyrights" print print "Copywrong by Henk Wevers" print "Dutch Hobby Computer Club" for i%= 1 to 15:print:next if match(".",command$,1)<> 0 then \ print "wrong filename in commandstring !";chr$(7):stop if end #3 then continue: open file3$ as 3 delete 3 continue: if size(file4$) = 0 then file$=file4$:goto no.file open file4$ as 4 keywords%=1 if end #4 then end.keywords read.keyword: read #4;line keyword$(keywords%) keywords%=keywords%+1 goto read.keyword end.keywords: close 4 if size(file5$) = 0 then file$=file5$:goto no.file open file5$ as 5 functions%=1 if end #5 then end.functions read.functions: read #5;line function$(functions%) functions%=functions%+1 goto read.functions: end.functions: close 5 if size(file1$) = 0 then file$=file1$:goto no.file open file1$ as 1 create file2$ as 2 if end #1 then finished read.a.line: read #1;line inline$ print inline$;chr$(13); length%=len(inline$) if length% = 0 then goto read.a.line outline$=left$(inline$,1) quotes.flag%=0 for position% = 2 to length% if length% < 3 then goto take.remainder char$=mid$(inline$,position%,1) if char$=chr$(34) and quotes.flag% = 0 then \ quotes.flag%=1:goto next.char if char$=chr$(34) and quotes.flag% = 1 then \ quotes.flag%=0:goto next.char if quotes.flag%=1 then goto next.char rem -------- try keywords ------------------ try.keyword: for i%= 1 to keywords%-1 for j% = 1 to len(keyword$(i%)) if position%+j%-1 > length% then goto next.key keychar$=mid$(keyword$(i%),j%,1) trychar$=UCASE$(mid$(inline$,position%+j%-1,1)) if keychar$ <> trychar$ then goto next.key next j% goto keyword.match next.key: next i% goto try.function keyword.match: char1$= mid$(inline$,position%-1,1) if char1$ =" " or char1$=":" then goto no.spac if right$(outline$,1)=" " then goto no.spac outline$=outline$+" " no.spac: outline$=outline$+keyword$(i%) position%=position%+len(keyword$(i%)) if position%>length% then goto next.line char$=mid$(inline$,position%,1) if (char$ =" " or char$=":" or char$=";" or char$=",")\ and keyword$(i%)<>"REM" then\ goto next.char if char$ =" " and keyword$(i%)="REM" then \ goto take.remainder outline$=outline$+" " if keyword$(i%)="REM" then goto take.remainder position%=position%-1:goto next.char.1 rem -------- try functions ------------------ try.function: for i%= 1 to functions%-1 for j% = 1 to len(function$(i%)) if position%+j%-1 > length% then goto funchar$=mid$(function$(i%),j%,1) trychar$=UCASE$(mid$(inline$,position%+j%-1,1)) if funchar$ <> trychar$ then goto next j% goto function.match next i% goto next.char function.match: c$=mid$(inline$,position%-1,1) if c$=" " or c$=","or c$=";" or c$=":" or c$="=" then \ goto no.spac1 if right$(outline$,1)=" " then goto no.spac1 outline$=outline$+" " no.spac1: outline$=outline$+function$(i%) position%=position%+len(function$(i%)) if position%>length% then goto next.line position%=position%-1:goto next.char.1 next.char: outline$=outline$+char$ next.char.1: next position% take.remainder: outline$=outline$+right$(inline$,length%-position%+1) next.line: print using "&";#2;outline$ print outline$ goto read.a.line finished: close 1,2 test%=rename(file3$,file1$) if test%=0 then goto disk.error test%=rename(file1$,file2$) if test%=0 then goto disk.error print clear$:print:print "+++ succesfull +++" stop disk.error: print clear$:print print:print "+++ OOPS ! disk-error":stop no.file: print clear$ print "++++ file ";file$;" not found ! ++++";chr$(7) print print stop fout.afhandeling: print clear$ print "++++ UGH !, error in proces ! ++++";chr$(7) print print "error code: ";err print print "quitting execution...... ":stop