MDM840 Translation of MDM740.ASM for CPM86 and MPM86. This translation follows the same principle of using overlays to adapt MDM8xx to different hardware environments as was so successfully done with MDM7xx. The procedure to adapt MDM8xx to specific hardware has changed somewhat due to the facts that DDT86 can not be used to overlay H86 (HEX) files and no SAVE command beeing available in CPM86. The Procedure is now as follows: Required Files: MDM8xx.H86 (xx is Version Number) The Main Program in Hex Form. M8GP.A86 (The General None Specific Overlay. or One of the available Overlays for your hardware.) After Editing your Overlay Source File to conform to your Hardware environment, proceed as follows: ASM86 M8GP ( Assemble the Overlay File ) PIP MDM.H86=MDM840.H86,M8GP.H86 ( Append Overlay to Main Program ) GENCMD MDM 8080 CODE[MFF0] ( Run GENCMD to produce MDM.CMD ) Now you can run MDM.CMD The Translation was MAINLY done be hand as XLT86 ( DRs 8080 -> 8086 translator) is virtualy useless with large files. Various routines had to be changed to work properly with CPM86 and MPM86 Please report any bugs to: Alex Soya P.O. Box 121 Melbourne Beach Fl. 32951 or: Melbourne RCPM (305) 2597955