SIG/M Volume 203 CP/M 80 TO CP/M 86 Translator Cross Referencing FIND Universidad Autonoma de Puebla -CATALOG.203 contents of SIG/M Volume 203 released November 16, 1984 ABSTRACT.203 information about this disk JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application SIG-M .LIB donation form USQ .COM unsqueeze squeezed files CRC .COM checksum program - type 'CRC' to check disk DELBR .COM to extract .LBR files type DELBR filename index name size crc description 203.01 80T86 .LBR 114K B6 EC CP/M 80 to 86 translator 203.02 CNVADV .HLP 40K 98 A1 advanced CNVRT HELP file 203.03 FFYNDE .A86 25K E5 A7 FIND - with the capability 203.04 FFYNDE .ASM 23K 22 4C of generating a cross reference 203.05 FFYNDE .CMD 5K 48 ED listing 203.06 FFYNDE .COM 4K 5A F8 / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-203, 06 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA