Rem Sample program in CBASIC-2 to count to 10,000 %NOLIST Rem Suppress listing for better compiler speed Rem NOTE that the obvious way of testing for even multiples of 1000 Rem (in the loop in version 2 of the program), using the INT function, Rem will not work with CBASIC-2 (every number gets printed), and that Rem using floating-point variables (no "%" added to names), with which Rem the INT function will work, gives a program that is INCREDIBLY slow: Rem over 7 minutes (!) on my North Star. This is the reason for the Rem somewhat convoluted logic in the version appearing below. Rem Define constants (as integer variables for speed): Start.number% = 1 End.number% = 10000 Interval% = 1000 Print Chr$ (7); "Counting program in CBASIC-2" Print Input "Press to start: "; LINE Go$ Print Print "Counting ..." Print FOR Number% = Start.number% TO End.number% Rem (Remove next two "Rem's" for version 2 of the program) Rem IF (Number% / Interval%) * Interval% = Number% THEN \ Rem Print Number% NEXT Number% Print Print Chr$ (7); "Finished -- Good-bye" Print END