.po 2 .he ZCPR - A Z80 Replacement for the CP/M CCP .fo Page # Documentation on ZCPR - A Z80 Replacement for the CP/M CCP ZCPR is a Group Project By the CCP-GROUP: RLC - Richard Conn FJW - Frank Wancho KBP - Keith Peterson RGF - Ron Fowler ZCPR Documentation By RLC Table of Contents ----- -- -------- Introduction 2 Part A: Installation Instructions 4 ZCPR Integration Example 5 Setting the ZCPR Inline Options 8 REL, BASE, CPRLOC, RAS, SUBA, CLEVEL3 8 Customization Symbols 8 NLINES, WIDE, PGDFLT 8 PGDFLG, MAXUSR, SYSFLG, SOFLG, SUPRES, DEFUSR, SPRMPT, CPRMPT, NUMBASE, 9 SECTFLG, FENCE 10 Patching SUBMIT.COM 10 Part B: Usage Instructions and Explanation of Commands 11 The ZCPR Command Hierarchy Search 11 The ZCPR-Resident Commands 14 DIR, ERA 14 LIST, TYPE, SAVE 15 REN, USER, DFU 16 JUMP, GO, GET 17 ZCPR Error Messages 18 Part C: ZCPR Command Levels and How to Use Them 19 Documentation on ZCPR - A Z80 Replacement for the CP/M CCP ZCPR ió á replacemenô foò thå CP/Í Consolå Commanä Processoò (CCP©  whicè  ió  designeä tï ruî aó parô oæ  CP/Í  oî  Z80-baseä microcomputers®  Iî mosô caseó iô ió upward-compatible witè  thå originaì CP/Í Versioî 2.² CCP. ZCPR¬  however¬  provideó  manù extensionó tï thå CP/Í  CCP® Includeä iî theså extensionó arå thå followinç features: ® Thå TYPÅ functioî caî bå madå tï pagå oò noô pagå itó outpuô aô thå user'ó discretion ®  Á LISÔ functioî ió availablå whicè sendó itó  outpuô tï thå CP/Í LSTº Devicå anä doeó NOÔ page ®  Thå  DIÒ commanä haó beeî extendeä tï allo÷ thå dis plaù oæ thå systeí fileó oò alì files ® Thå ERÁ commanä no÷ printó ouô thå nameó oæ thå fileó iô ió erasing ®  Thå  currenô useò numbeò maù bå includeä aó parô  oæ thå commanä prompt»  iæ thå useò ió undeò á numbeò otheò thaî  0¬ thå prompô ió oæ thå forí 'du>§ (likå 'A2>§ oò 'B10>')¬  and¬  iæ thå  useò ió undeò 0¬  thå prompô maù bå 'd>§ oò 'd0>§ aó peò hió choice ®  Thå  SUBMIÔ facilitù haó beeî changeä iî  twï  basiã ways: - thå  prompô  changeó tï 'du$§ oò 'd$§  wheî  thå SUBMIÔ commanä ió printed - thå $$$.SU ió executeä froí drivå Aº (notå thaô thå  originaì  SUBMIÔ  probleí no÷ exists¬  buô thå  ne÷  SUB.COÍ facilitù  correctó it)»  thå CCP-GROUÐ definitioî oæ aî  Indirecô Commanä  Filå  no÷  applies¬  anä thió  definitioî  ió  thaô  anù sequencå oæ commandó whicè maù bå issueä froí thå consolå ió alsï á  valiä  sequencå  oæ commandó foò executioî  froí  aî  Indirecô Command File; hence, the sequence: DIR B: DIR A: maù  bå  issueä  froí eitheò thå consolå oò aî  Indirecô  Commanä File¬  anä thå resultó oæ thå executioî oæ thió sequencå arå  thå same®  Basically¬  thió  sayó  thaô Indirecô Commanä  Fileó  arå upward-compatiblå  tï thå consolå inpuô (buô noô necessarilù thaô thå  contentó  oæ aî Indirecô Commanä Filå maù bå issueä  aô  thå consolå withouô modification). Š ®  Á command-searcè hierarchù ió no÷ implementeä  whicè ió executeä roughlù aó follows: - thå  user'ó commanä ió checkeä againsô thå  CPR- residenô commandó anä executeä immediatelù iæ á matcè ió found - failinç  that¬  thå  currenô useò numbeò oî  thå currenô disë ió scanneä foò thå COÍ file»  thå COÍ filå ió loadeä anä executeä iæ found - failinç that¬ á defaulô useò numbeò (initiallù ° buô  caî bå reseô witè thå DFÕ CPR-residenô command© oî thå  cur renô disë ió scanneä foò thå COÍ file» thå COÍ filå ió loadeä anä executeä iæ found - finally¬  failinç that¬  thå defaulô useò numbeò oî disë Aº  ió scanneä foò thå COÍ file»  thå COÍ filå ió  loadeä anä executeä iæ founä oò aî erroò messagå (COMMAND?¬ wheî COMMANÄ waó thå user'ó commanä name© ió printed ®  Thå  numeriã  argumenô foò thå SAVÅ commanä caî  bå specifieä  iî hexadecimaì sï thaô thå useò maù emploù thå  valueó presented by tools such as DDT exactly as they are given ®  Á  GEÔ  commanä whicè loadó á filå  aô  á  specifieä memorù addresó anä á JUMÐ commanä whicè "calls¢ thå subroutinå aô á  specifieä memorù addresó havå beeî added»  á GÏ commanä  whicè "calls¢  thå  subroutinå aô 100È (subseô oæ thå JUMР capability© has also been added Thió  documenô provideó thå useò oæ ZCPR witè thå  followinç information: Part A: Installation Instructions Part B: Usage Instructions and Explanation of Commands Part C: ZCPR Command Levels and How to Use Them Part A Installation Instructions Iî  ordeò tï instalì ZCPR oî á targeô microcomputeò (musô bå currently running CP/M 2.2), the user must know two basic things: 1) Where his CCP is currently running in memory 2©  Wherå hió CCÐ ió locateä iî thå SYSGEΠ image¬  or¬ foò systemó whicè don'ô supporô SYSGEÎ (sucè aó P&Ô CP/Í 2.²  foò thå TRS-8° Modeì II)¬ wherå hió CCÐ ió locateä oî disë anä ho÷ tï place the new ZCPR on top of it Thå  firsô questioî ió answereä relativelù easily®  Á  pro gram¬  knowî  aó eitheò BDOSLOà oò BDLOà (foò BDOÓ  Locator)¬  ió provideä  witè ZCPR®  Yoõ shoulä assemblå thió prograí foò  youò particulaò  computeò (changå thå baså ORÇ iæ yoõ arå runninç non- ORG-° CP/M© anä executå it®  Upoî execution¬ iô wilì providå yoõ witè  thå baså addresó oæ (1© thå BDOÓ anä (2© thå CCР foò  youò particulaò system®  BDOSLOà haó workeä correctlù foò alì systemó testeä sï far¬  buô therå ió alwayó á chancå thaô iô maù NOÔ worë foò somå non-testeä system®  Foò thå timå being¬  assumå thaô iô workó correctlù anä recorä thå startinç baså pagå addresó oæ youò CCP. Thå  seconä questioî ió noô answereä nearlù sï  easily®  Iæ yoõ  havå  thå abilitù tï SYSGEÎ youò system¬  iô ió mucè  easieò (commonly© thaî iæ yoõ dï not®  Yoõ must¬  afteò assemblinç  thå ZCPR  properly¬  integratå iô intï thå sysgeî (oò disk© imagå  oæ CP/M®  Thió  caî  bå  donå bù obtaininç á SYSGEÎ imagå  oæ  youò system¬ scanninç iô viá á debuggeò sucè aó DDÔ tï finä thå offseô foò thå CCP¬  readinç thå ne÷ CPR iî oî toð oæ thå olä  one¬  anä finallù  runninç  SYSGEÎ agaiî tï placå thå resultanô  systeí  oî disk®  Iæ  yoõ  DÏ NOÔ havå SYSGEÎ capability¬  á  Disë  Utilitù prograí  ió requireä tï locatå thå CCÐ oî disë anä theî writå thå ne÷  ZCPR  oî  toð  oæ thå olä  one®  Thå  neô  resulô  oæ  thió integratioî  ió  thå placemenô oæ thå ne÷ ZCPR ontï disë  iî  thå propeò  placå sï thaô iô wilì bå loadeä witè thå resô oæ CP/Í  oî colä booô anä executeä properly. Tï finä thå originaì CCP¬ yoõ typicallù havå tï locatå iô bù itó appearance®  Iô ió probablù storeä contiguouslù oî disk¬ so¬ oncå iô ió found¬ á sequentiaì overwritå ió alì thaô ió required® Probabilitù  ió extremelù higè thaô iô ió storeä contiguouslù  iî thå SYSGEÎ image®  Thå CCÐ startó witè twï (2© anä ONLÙ TWÏ jumð instructionó  followeä  bù á buffeò areá (possiblù containinç  aî initiaì  commanä and/oò thå Digitaì Researcè  copyrighô  notice)® Thå  Digitaì  Researcè manualó sho÷ thå CCÐ tï residå aô  addresó 980È  iî thå SYSGEÎ image¬  buô thió maù varù  witè  system®  Tï finä  thió image¬  uså DDÔ oò somå otheò sucè debugger¬  loaä thå SYSGEÎ imagå yoõ caî geô viá SYSGEN¬  anä examinå memorù startinç aô arounä 900È foò thå twï (anä ONLÙ two© jumpó describeä  above® Iæ  yoõ finä aî areá witè morå thaî twï jumpó (á grouð oæ  them)¬ yoõ  arå probablù lookinç aô thå BIOÓ anä shoulä gï loweò foò thå CCP®  Thå  CCÐ wilì probablù starô oî aî eveî pagå oò  half-pagå address (like 900H, 980H, 1100H, etc). Š No÷ thaô thå locatioî oæ thå CCÐ haó beeî found¬ recorä thió addresó foò later® Yoõ arå no÷ readù foò thå integratioî oæ ZCPR intï youò system®  Tï dï this¬ perforí thå followinç stepó usinç thå  informatioî  oæ thå pagå addresó oæ thå CCР (obtaineä  froí BDOSLOà anä  calleä  CPRLOà withiî ZCPR© anä  thå  SYSGEΠ imagå address of the CCP (called IMAGE for reference in this document). 1®  Ediô  ZCPÒ  anä seô thå CPRLOà equatå tï thå  valuå obtaineä froí above® Alsï seô anù flagó anä valueó aó yoõ desirå (seå thå sectioî oî ZCPÒ Customizatioî below)®  Wheî  satisfied¬ enä thå ediô session. 2®  Assemblå  ZCPR  witè MAà (oò  equivalent)®  Thió assembleò  ió  requireä  becauså oæ thå MACROó  used®  Onlù  thå resultant HEX file is required. 3®  Assuminç thaô yoõ caî uså SYSGEN¬  obtaiî á SYSGEÎ image of your current CP/M system and save it on disk. 4®  Loaä  thå  SYSGEÎ imagå intï memorù witè  DDÔ  (oò equivalent)® Oncå loaded¬ verifù thaô thå originaì CCÐ ió aô thå IMAGÅ  addresó  founä abovå anä computå  thå  integratioî  offseô using the DDT H command: H, Thå  seconä numbeò displayeä giveó yoõ thå OFFSEÔ valuå  requireä for step 5. 5®  Integratå  ZCPR intï youò SYSGEÎ imagå viá DDT'ó É anä ROFFSEÔ commands® Uså IZCPR.HEØ (oò thå namå oæ youò versioî oæ  ZCPR© tï loaä thå FC anä ROFFSEÔ (wherå OFFSEÔ waó  computeä iî  steð 4© tï loaä thå ZCPR.HEØ filå intï memorù aô  thå  propeò location®  Checë  tï seå thaô ZCPR ió indeeä properlù loadeä  bù examining the SYSGEN IMAGE area. 6®  Placå thå ne÷ systeí oî disë bù runninç SYSGEÎ anä NOT loading the system from disk (use the memory image). Foò   furtheò  clarificatioî  oæ  thå  abovå  process¬   thå followinç  ió á samplå terminaì sessioî whicè outlineó thå  stepó taken. ZCPR Integration Example B>; Sample terminal session for integrating ZCPR B>sysgen SYSGEN VER 2.2 SOURCE DRIVE NAME (OR RETURN TO SKIP)b SOURCE ON B, THEN TYPE RETURN <-- I hit the RETURN key here FUNCTION COMPLETE / DESTINATION DRIVE NAME (OR RETURN TO REBOOT) <-- and here B>save 44 cpm56.com <-- We now have a SYSGEN image of CP/M to work with ŠB>xdir XDIR Version 2.6 User Number: 0, Double Density File Attributes: Non-System Filename.Typ Size K Filename.Typ Size K Filename.Typ Size K -------- --- ------ -------- --- ------ -------- --- ------ !TEXTWRK.-12 0 CPR .DOC 8 EE687 .TXT 4 CPR .AQM 34 TFS .HLP 6 EE687PRE.TXT 4 CPR .ASM 50 CONTENTS.T01 6 SW1 .TXT 10 CPR .BAK 4 CONTENTS.T02 4 SW2 .TXT 2 CPM56 .COM 12 CONTENTS.T03 4 B: 30 Entries & 22 Files -- 338K Bytes Remaining File Data: 14 Files -- 154K Bytes Displayed B>bdosloc <-- Now to locate the CCP's address The Base Page Address of this system's BDOS is C5 The Base Page Address of this system's CCP is BD <-- This is it B>ddt cpm56.com <-- Now to find the CCP in the SYSGEN image DDT VERS 2.0 NEXT PC 2D00 0100 -d900,90f <-- Start looking around here 0900 31 80 E7 3E 06 3C 3C FE 1B CA 00 C2 DA 11 E7 D6 1..>.<<......... -da00,a0f 0A00 31 00 01 01 01 0C C5 CD 0F E4 21 00 BE 11 00 04 1.........!..... -db00,b0f 0B00 31 00 01 01 01 11 C5 CD 0F E4 21 00 C0 11 00 02 1.........!..... -db80,b8f 0B80 31 00 01 01 09 01 CD A8 00 21 00 D2 11 00 C2 0E 1........!...... -- Detail Left Out -- -d1100 <-- I found it at 1100H; note the 2 JMP's 1100 C3 FF BD C3 FB BD 50 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ......P. 1110 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ 1120 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ -- Detail Left Out -- -^à <-- Returî tï CP/M» É kno÷ thaô CPRLOà wilì be BD00H and the IMAGE offset is 1100H B>eä cpr.así {ediô ZCPR herå anä placå CPRLOC=BD00H}# -- Detail Left Out -- B>mac cpr $pz sz <-- Now to assemble the CPR CP/M MACRO ASSEM 2.0 C4F0 <-- Note that CPR MUST end before BDOS begins! 014H USE FACTOR END OF ASSEMBLY B>ddt cpm56.com <-- Now to integrate! DDT VERS 2.0 NEXT PC 2D00 0100 -h1100,bd00 <-- Compute offset for new CPR CE00 5400 <-- Offset is 5400H -icpr.hex <-- Init FCB -r5400 <-- Read in new CPR with offset NEXT PC 2D00 0000 -^C <-- Done! B>sysgen <-- Now to SYSGEN onto disk SYSGEN VER 2.2 SOURCE DRIVE NAME (OR RETURN TO SKIP) <-- Use memory image DESTINATION DRIVE NAME (OR RETURN TO REBOOT)b <-- onto B: DESTINATION ON B, THEN TYPE RETURN FUNCTION COMPLETE DESTINATION DRIVE NAME (OR RETURN TO REBOOT) <-- Done for now B> Setting the ZCPR Inline Options Thå  followinç  arå thå fouò basiã optionó availablå tï  thå user under ZCPR for customization of his package. Option Name Function REL Configures CPRLOC (CPRLOC equ 0) for integration via MOVCPM rather than the DDT/SYSGEN technique outlined above; set to TRUE for MOVCPM integra- tion or FALSE for DDT/SYSGEN integration BASE Base address of your CP/M system; standard CP/M has a base of 0, but some CP/M systems (such as for the TRS-80 Model I and Heath/Zenith H89/Z89) start physical RAM memory at a higher address; equate BASE to the starting RAM memory address of your system CPRLOC This is the starting address of ZCPR; set the second CPRLOC equate to the address you obtain from BDOSLOC RAS This is an equate which masks out selected ZCPR command functions for security purposes on Remote Access Systems such as Bulletin Boards; the masked out functions currently include SAVE, ERA, REN, JUMP, GO, and GET; set RAS to TRUE to mask these out or FALSE to leave them in SUBA This is an equate which determines the drive onto which ZCPR will look for an executing Indirect Command File. If the basic philosophy of the Indirect Command File described above is to be maintained, this symbol should be set to TRUE (look on drive A: for the $$$.SUB file); if not, this symbol should be set to FALSE (look on the default drive from the $$$.SUB file). To review, the basic philosophy of the Indirect Command File is that any sequence of commands which may be issued from the console (within reason, which means NOT to erase a $$$.SUB file) may also be issued from within an Indirect Command File, and the resultant execution should be identical (same functions performed). CLEVEL3 This equate enables or disables extended Command Leveì ³ Processing® Iæ seô tï TRUE¬ extended Command Level 3 Processing is enabled and the user command line is automatically capitalized, the terminatinç zerï ió placeä aô thå enä oæ thå buffer, and the internal CIBPTR is set correctly (see later for more information). Customization Symbols Thå followinç symboló arå provideä foò furtheò customizatioî of ZCPR to a user's particular tastes and hardware facilities. Option Name Function NLINES Number of lines on the user's CRT for paging WIDE This equate is used to select a narrow or wide display under the DIR command; if WIDE is equated to TRUE, each file name is separated by two spaces, a FENCE, and two more spaces; if WIDE is equated to FALSE, each file name is separated by one space, a FENCE, and one more space PGDFLT This is the Paging Default flag for the TYPE command; if PGDFLT is set to TRUE, the TYPE command will page its output by default and the P option on the TYPE command (see below) will prohibit paging; if PGDFLT is set to FALSE, the TYPE command will NOT page its output by default and the P option will enable paging PGDFLG This sets the option character in the command line for the TYPE command (the 'P' mentioned above); if the user wishes to change this option character, he need only change this equate MAXUSR This is the largest user number recognized by the USER command; if the user wishes to protect the higher user areas, he may set this symbol to the highest area normally accessable; 15 is the largest permitted value for MAXUSR SYSFLG This is the option character for the DIR command line which is used to specify that DIR search All Files (both $SYS and $DIR) for its display; the distributed default for this is 'A' SOFLG This is the option character for the DIR command line which is used to specify that DIR search ONLY the $SYS files for its display; the distri- buted default for this is 'S' SUPRES Set SUPRES to TRUE to suppress printing the user number when the user is under User Number 0 or set SUPRES to FALSE to ALWAYS display the User Number with the CPR prompt; with SUPRES set to TRUE, a user on B: in user 0 sees 'B>' as the prompt, but with SUPRES set to FALSE, a user on B: in user 0 sees 'B0>' as the prompt DEFUSR This is the CPR-default user number which is searched in the command hierarchy for the COM files (distributed as 0); the DFU changes this temporarily until a Warm Boot or Cold Boot is done, at which time the search reverts to this value SPRMPT This is the CPR prompt character which indicates that a SUBMIT file is in execution; by default it is set to '$', so prompts like 'A$' appear during SUBMIT file execution CPRMPT This is the CPR prompt character which indicates that the CPR is awaiting a user console command; by default it is set to '>', so prompts like 'A>' appear during user input to the CPR NUMBASÅ Thió ió thå escapå characteò useä bù thoså commands which require a DECIMAL number as an argument; placing this character after the number argument switches the base to HEXADECIMAL; for example, 'SAVE 15 MYFILE' can be expressed as 'SAVE FH MYFILE' if NUMBASE is set to 'H' (the default) SECTFLG This character constant is the suffix option for the SAVE command which specifies that sectors, as opposed to pages, are to be saved; the default value is 'S' FENCE This is the character printed to separate entries in a directory listing; it's default value is '|' Patching SUBMIT.COM SUBMIT.COÍ  maù bå patcheä tï ruî witè ZCPÒ bù thå followinç procedurå  (thió  ió  recommendeä  iæ  thå  useò  doeó  noô  havå SUB.COM)®  Thió  patcè simplù makeó iô alwayó placå thå  $$$.SU filå oî Drivå A:® Illustrative terminaì sessioî follows: A>ddt b:submit.com DDT VERS 2.0 NEXT PC 0600 0100 -s5bb <-- Patch is at 5BB Hex 05BB 00 1 <-- Change 0 (default drive) to 1 (drive A:) 05BC 24 . <-- That's it! -d5b0 5cf <-- See change 05B0 00 00 00 00 00 00 30 30 31 20 24 01 24 24 24 20 ......001 $.$$$ 05C0 20 20 20 20 53 55 42 00 00 00 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A SUB......... -^C <-- Done A>save 5 newsubmt.com <-- Save new SUBMIT.COM file Part B Usage Instructions and Explanation of Commands Thå  followinç instructionó arå writteî witè thå  assumptioî thaô  thå  readeò ió quitå familiaò witè ho÷ tï uså CP/Í 2.²  anä itó CCP®  ZCPR ió writteî aó á logicaì extensioî oæ thå CP/Í 2.² CCÐ philosophù anä shoulä bå addresseä aó such. The ZCPR Command Hierarchy Search Thå first¬  anä mosô basiã thing¬ tï learî abouô ZCPR ió thå ordeò iî whicè ió searcheó foò á COÍ filå foò executioî oò á filå specifieä  bù thå GEÔ command®  Undeò thå CP/Í 2.² CCP¬  iæ  thå specifieä  COÍ filå commanä waó noô founä oî thå currenô drivå iî thå  currenô useò area¬  thå CCÐ aborteä witè aî  erroò  message® ZCPR¬  however¬  continueó searchinç froí thió poinô á maximuí oæ twï  morå  levels®  Thió commanä hierarchù searcè  waó  outlineä abovå anä ió describeä herå iî furtheò detail. 1®  Iæ  thå  commanä ió oæ thå forí 'COMMAND§ anä  NOÔ 'd:COMMAND'¬  thå  CPR-residenô  commanä lisô ió searcheä  foò  á match®  Iæ  thå  matcè ió found¬  thå  CPR-residenô  commanä  ió immediatelù processed®  Iæ thå matcè ió noô founä oò thå commanä ió  oæ thå forí 'd:COMMAND'¬  thå nexô steð ió taken®  Notå thaô thå  'd:COMMAND§  forí ió gooä foò executinç á commanä  COÍ  filå whicè  haó thå samå namå aó á CPR-residenô commanä (sucè aó  SAVÅ or DIR). 2®  Iæ  thå commanä ió oæ thå forí  'd:COMMAND'¬  disë drivå  'd:§  ió  temporarilù loggeä iî foò  thå  purposå  oæ  thå commanä  search®  Otherwise¬  thå  currentlù logged-iî drivå  ió used. 3® No÷ thå filå nameä COMMAND.COÍ ió searcheä for® Iæ found¬  iô  ió loadeä intï memorù startinç aô 100È anä  executed® If not, proceed to step 4. 4®  No÷  thaô  thå firsô searcè  foò  COMMAND.COÍ  haó failed¬  thå  CPR checkó tï seå iæ thå useò ió undeò thå  currenô Defaulô Useò Number®  Thå Defaulô Useò Numbeò maù bå thaô seô bù thå  DEFUSÒ equatå iî thå CPR oò thaô seô bù thå useò viá thå DFÕ command®  DEFUSÒ  ió iî effecô iæ DFÕ haó noô beeî issueä  sincå thå lasô Warí oò Colä Boot¬ anä DFÕ ió iî effecô iæ iô waó issueä sincå thå lasô Warí oò Colä Boot®  Iæ thå useò ió NOÔ undeò  thå currenô  Defaulô Useò Number¬  ZCPR temporarilù logó hií intï  iô anä  searcheó  thå directory®  Iæ COMMAND.COÍ ió  found¬  iô  ió loadeä aó describeä abovå anä executed® Iæ not¬ ZCPR proceedó tï the next step. 5®  Thå useò ió no÷ iî thå Defaulô Useò Number¬ anä aô thió  point¬  ZCPR checkó tï seå iæ thå useò ió oî disë drivå A:® Iæ not¬ iô temporarilù logó intï Aº anä searcheó thå defaulô useò numbeò  oæ  Aº  foò  COMMAND.COM®  Iæ found¬  iô  ió  loadeä  aó describeä abovå anä executed®  Iæ not¬  ZCPR printó thå  commanä namå  aó  aî  erroò messagå anä returnó tï  commanä  inpuô  mode¬ aborting the SUBMIT file if COMMAND came from it. Iî  alì caseó oæ thå searcè above¬  iæ COMMAND.COÍ ió found¬ afteò  iô  ió loadeä intï memory¬  ZCPR resetó thå  useò  tï  hió originaì disë drivå anä useò number® Hence¬ thå fileó referenceä by the user by default are obtained from this environment. Tï  illustratå thió commanä hierarchù search¬  consideò  thå following examples: Example 1: DEFUSR equ 0 {default user number is 0} B10> <-- User is on Drive B:, User Number 10 B10>ASM TEST.BBZ <-- User wishes to assemble TEST.ASM in Drive B:, User 10 <-- At this point, ZCPR looks on B:/10 for ASM.COM, fails, looks on B:/0, fails, and finally looks on A:/0; it finds ASM.COM here and goes back to B:/10 for the file Example 2: DEFUSR equ 0 and DFU issued B10> <-- User is on Drive B:, User Number 10 B10>DFU 5 <-- User Selects User 5 as default B10>ASM TEST.BBZ <-- As above <-- At this point, ZCPR looks on B:/10 for ASM.COM, fails, look on B:/5, fails, and finally looks on A:/5; it fails here also and prints ASM? as an error message Example 3: DEFUSR equ 0 B> <-- User is on Drive B:, User Number 0 B>ASM TEST.BBZ <-- As above <-- At this point, ZCPR looks on B:/0 for ASM.COM, fails, looks on A:/0, fails, and prints error message Example 4: DEFUSR equ 0 A10> <-- User is on Drive A:, User Number 10 A10>ASM TEST.AAZ <-- As above, but file on A: <-- At this point, ZCPR looks on A:/10 for ASM.COM, fails, looks on A:/0, fails, and prints error message Another Example: Foò  example¬  iæ thå useò ió loggeä intï Drivå  Bº  iî Useò Areá 10¬ thå Defaulô Useò Numbeò ió 0¬ anä thå followinç COÍ fileó arå presenô aó indicateä -- WM.COM on Drive A: in User 0 MBASIC.COM on Drive A: in User 0 and on Drive B: in User 0 TEST.COM on Drive B: in User 10 and Drive B: in User 0 theî  thå  followinç  happenó wheî  thå  followinç  commandó  arå issued from the console (or Indirect Command File): B10>WM TEST2.TXT \ \ \__ File to be edited \ \__ Invoke the WM.COM file (Word Master editor) \__ User is on Drive B: in User Area 10 Results: ZCPR searcheó Bº  Useò 10¬ Bº Useò 0¬ anä Aº Useò ° foò WM.COM»  iô findó WM.COÍ iî Aº  Useò 0¬  loadó it¬  logó thå useò back into B: User 10, and executes it. B10>MBASIC \ \__ Invoke the MBASIC.COM file (MBASIC Interpreter) \__ User is on Drive B: in User Area 10 Results: ZCPR searcheó Bº  Useò 1° anä Bº Useò ° foò MBASIC.COM» iô findó MBASIC.COÍ iî Bº Useò 0¬ sï iô doesn'ô botheò tï looë oî Aº  Useò 0®  MBASIC.COÍ ió theî loadeä anä executeä aó describeä in the previous example. B10>TEST \ \__ Invoke the TEST.COM file (TEST program) \__ User is on Drive B: in User Area 10 Results: ZCPR  searcheó  Bº  Useò  1°  foò  TEST.COM»  iô  findó TEST.COÍ iî Bº  Useò 0¬  sï iô doesn'ô botheò tï looë furtheò (iæ iô had¬  iô woulä havå founä TEST.COÍ iî Bº Useò 0)® TEST.COÍ ió then loaded and executed as described above. B10>TEST2 \ \__ Invoke the TEST2.COM file (TEST2 program) \__ User is on Drive B: in User Area 10 Results: ZCPR searcheó Bº  Useò 10¬ Bº Useò 0¬ anä Aº Useò ° foò TEST2.COM»  iô  doesn'ô finä it¬  sï iô issueó thå erroò  messagå 'TEST2?', which says it couldn't find TEST2.COM. Š The ZCPR-Resident Commands Thå  followinç  pageó describå thå  ZCPR-Residenô  Commands® Theså  arå commandó locateä withiî ZCPR itselæ whicè arå executeä froí withiî ZCPR® Thå phraseó <-- Displays $DIR files DIR S <-- Displays $SYS files DIR A <-- Displays both $DIR and $SYS files Customization Variables: WIDE SYSFLG SOFLG FENCE Examples: DIR *.ASM <-- All $DIR .ASM files DIR *.COM S <-- All $SYS .COM files DIR *.COM A <-- All .COM files Notes: Iæ  á  filå ió scanneä foò anä nï sucè namå existó oî  disk¬ thå  'Nï  Files§ messagå wilì appear®  However¬  iæ  á  filå  ió scanneä foò anä thå namå existó aó á $SYÓ filå anä $DIÒ fileó arå beinç  scanneä for¬  nï filå namå ió displayeä buô thå 'Nï Files§ messagå doeó NOÔ appear® Foò example¬ iæ TEST.COÍ ió á $SYÓ filå anä  'DIÒ  TEST.COM§ ió issued¬  nï  messagå  appears®  Iæ  'DIÒ TEXT.COM§ ió issueä anä TEXT.COÍ doeó noô exisô oî disk¬  thå 'Nï Files' message is displayed. Command: ERA Function: To Erase the specified $R/W files from disk Forms: ERA <-- Erase both $DIR and $SYS files Customization Variables: WIDE FENCE Examples: ERA *.ASM <-- Erase all .ASM files ERA *.* <-- Erase all files Notes: Iæ á $R/Ï filå ió encountered¬  á BDOÓ erroò messagå wilì bå displayeä  anä thå procedurå ió stopped®  Thå useò ió unsurå  aô thió  timå aó tï whicè fileó havå beeî eraseä anä whicè havå  noô anä shoulä check® Sorrù foò thió problem¡ Thå ERASÅ commanä (tï bå  giveî  tï SIG/Í bù RLà iî thå neaò future© ió á  solutioî  tï this problem. Command: LIST Function: To Print the specified file on the CP/M LST: device Forms: LIST <-- Print the file (no paging) Customization Variables: -None- Examples: LIST TEST.TXT <-- Print TEST.TXT on LST: Notes: Iæ  thå filå haó á $SYÓ attribute¬  iô wilì bå founä aó welì as those with $DIR attributes. Command: TYPE Function: To Print the specified file on the CP/M CON: device Forms: TYPÅ P <-- Print the file with the paging deflt negated Customization Variables: NLINES PGDFLT PGDFLG Examples: TYPE TEST.TXT TYPE TEST.TXT P Notes: Wheî  thå  displaù pauseó durinç paging¬  typå anù  chaò  tï continue or ^C to abort. ^S also works. Command: SAVE Function: To Copy the TPA starting at 100H to disk Forms: SAVE <-- in DEC SAVE H <-- in HEX SAVE S <-- Number of sectors SAVE H S <-- Number of sectors Customization Variables: NUMBASE RAS Examples: SAVE 15 MYFILE.TXT <-- 15 pages saved SAVE FH MYFILE.TXT <-- 15 pages saved SAVE 10H MYFILE.TXT S <-- 16 sectors (8 pages) saved Notes: Iæ thå filå namå tï bå saveä alreadù exists¬  theî SAVÅ wilì exiô witè thå messagå 'Delete File?'» iæ thå useò REALLÙ wantó tï savå  undeò  thió name¬  hå maù theî typå Ù oò ù anä thå  currenô filå wilì bå deleteä anä theî recreateä containinç thå  specifieä part of the TPA. Command: REN Function: To Change the name of a disk file Forms: REN = Customization Variables: RAS Examples: REN NEWFILE.TXT=OLDFILE.TXT Notes: Iæ . Command: USER Function: To Change the current user number Forms: USER <-- in DEC USER H <-- in HEX Customization Variables: -None- Examples: USER 15 USER FH USER 0 USER <-- Same as USER 0 Notes: -None- Command: DFU Function: To Temporarily Change the default user number for the command hierarchy search Forms: DFU <-- in DEC DFU H <-- in HEX Customization Variables: -None- Examples: DFU 15 DFU FH DFU 0 DFU <-- Same as DFU 0 Notes: See above for explanation. Command: JUMP Function: To "call" the subroutine at the specified page address Forms: JUMP
in HEX Customization Variables: NUMBASE RAS Examples: JUMP E000 or JUMP E000H <-- Jump to E000H JUMP <-- Jump to 000H JUMP 0 <-- Jump to 000H Notes: JUMÐ performó á subroutinå "call"¬ sï thå calleä routinå maù return to the ZCPR by either a RET or a Warm Boot. Command: GO Function: To "call" the subroutine starting at 100H Forms: GO <-- Execute reentrant at 100H Customization Variables: RAS Examples: GO *.ASM <-- Assuming XDIR is loaded, gives directory of *.ASM Notes: Thió  commanä ió identicaì iî functioî tï JUMР 100H»  JUMP¬ however¬ leaveó thå addresó aó thå firsô entrù iî CP/Í BASÅ « 80È (the input line buffer), while GO has no such address. Command: GET Function: To load a file from disk into memory starting at the specified page Forms: GET
in HEX Customization Variables: NUMBASE RAS Examples: GET 8000 TEST.80 <-- Load TEST.80 starting at 8000H GEÔ 10° TEST.8° oò GEÔ 100È TEST.8° <-- Loaä TEST.8° starting at 100H GEÔ ° TEST.8° <-- Loaä TEST.8° startinç aô 000H Notes: GEÔ  searcheó foò thå specifieä filå accordinç tï  thå  samå commanä  hierarchù  searcè employeä bù thå ZCPR commanä  scanner® Hence¬  iæ thå useò ió oî B:/1° anä thå filå ió oî A:/° witè  thå currenô  defaulô useò numbeò aô 0¬  GEÔ wilì searcè froí B:/1° tï B:/0 to A:/0 in looking for the file. ZCPR Error Messages Thå  followinç  arå thå erroò messageó issueä  bù  ZCPR  anä their meanings. Message Meaning ? Printed after a command or an argument means that such was invalid No File From DIR, this means that DIR did not locate any files Also from ERA with the same meaning All? Issued in response ERA *.*, asks the user is he really wants to erase all the files. Unlike under the original CP/M 2.2 CCP, single character input is required (Y or y for yes and anything else for no) with NO to end the line Full From SAVE, means that there is not enough space on disk From GET or command load by CPR, means that there is not enough space in memory Delete File? Froí REÎ oò SAVE¬ meanó thaô thå filå specifieä alreadù existó oî disë anä thå useò maù typå Ù oò ù tï deletå it and proceed with the REN or SAVE function Part C ZCPR Command Levels and How to Use Them ZCPR  Versioî 1.° anä beyonä supportó threå distincô commanä leveló iî itó implementation® Eacè leveì constituteó á differenô way to issue a command for ZCPR to process. Commanä Leveló ± anä ² arå commoî tï alì implementationó  oæ CP/Í  anä CP/ZÍ froí CP/Í Versioî 1.4®  Commanä Leveì ± ió  thaô commanä leveì iî whicè thå commanä ió issueä bù thå useò froí hió consolå  terminal®  Thå  prompô  'd>§ oò 'du>§  appearó  oî  thå terminal¬  anä  thå  useò  ió alloweä tï enteò thå  commanä  witè editinç froí thå terminal® Commanä Leveì ² ió thaô commanä leveì in which the command is entered from an executing $$$.SUB file. Iî  botè cases¬  thå commanä ió storeä iî thå internaì  ZCPR buffeò calleä CIBUFÆ (Commanä Inpuô BUFFer)®  Undeò botè Commanä Leveló  ±  anä 2¬  thå commanä ió placeä intï  thió  buffer¬  thå characteró oæ thå commanä linå arå capitalized¬ á characteò counô whicè  indicateó thå numbeò oæ characteró iî thå commanä linå  ió storeä iî CBUFÆ (thå bytå beforå CIBUFF)¬  aî endinç binarù °  ió placeä  afteò  thå lasô characteò iî thå commanä  line¬  anä  thå internaì  pointeò CIBPTÒ (Commanä Inpuô Buffeò PoinTeR© ió seô tï point to CIBUFF (the first character of the command line). Commanä  Leveì ³ ió aî extendeä concepô tï Commanä Leveló  ± anä  ²  whicè ió specificallù supporteä bù ZCPÒ Versioî  1.°  anä beyond® Thió commanä leveì allowó á transienô prograí tï placå á commanä  linå intï CIBUFÆ anä thå characteò counô intï CBUFÆ  anä havå thió commanä linå executeä bù ZCPR®  Oncå controì ió trans ferreä tï ZCPÒ tï executå thå commanä line¬ thå transienô prograí whicè  placeä  thå commanä linå loseó controì anä thå commanä  ió executeä  exactlù aó thougè iô haä beeî typeä bù thå useò aô  hió consolå terminal. Iî  ordeò  foò  á transienô prograí tï utilizå  thå  Commanä Leveì ³ facility¬ thió prograí MUSÔ dï thå following: 1® Locatå thå ZCPR® Sincå thå ZCPÒ ió ALWAYÓ 2Ë byteó iî  sizå anä locateä directlù undeò thå BDOS¬  thå transienô  caî locatå  thå  ZCPÒ  bù examininç thå BDOÓ entrù  pagå  addresó  aô locatioî  ·  anä  subtractinç ¸ froí thió numbeò (¸  pageó  ½  2Ë bytes)® Thå resultinç numbeò ió thå baså pagå addresó oæ ZCPR. 2®  Storå thå commanä linå iî CIBUFÆ anä thå characteò counô  iî  CBUFF®  Knowinç thå baså pagå addresó  oæ  ZCPR¬  thå following information is useful in doing this: ORG CPRLOC ;Base Address of ZCPR JMP CPR ;Enter ZCPR and Execute Default Cmd JMP CPR1 ;Enter ZCPR and Don't Execute MBUFF: DB BUFLEN ;Size of CIBUFF in bytes CBUFF: DS 1 ;Number of Bytes in Command Line CIBUFF: DS BUFLEN ;Buffer for Command Line DS 1 ;Buffer for Ending 0 (set by ZCPR) CIBPTR: DS 2 ;Address of CIBUFF (set by ZCPR) 3®  Obtaiî  thå User/Disë Flag®  Locatioî ´  containó thió number¬  buô thå useò maù selecô á flaç oæ hió choice® Thió flaç  ió  onå  bytå  long¬  anä thå high-ordeò  nybblå  (´  bits© containó  thå useò numbeò anä thå low-ordeò nybblå  containó  thå disë  numbeò tï procesó thå commanä from®  Thå User/Disë Flaç ió to be passed to ZCPR in the C Register. 4® Wheî ready¬ transfeò controì tï ZCPR tï procesó thå commanä bù JMPinç tï thå baså addresó oæ ZCPR®  Thå firsô JMÐ iî thå JMÐ Tablå giveî abovå ió aô thió address® Aô thió time¬ ZCPR wilì  loç iî thå useò anä disë iî thå User/Disë Flaç anä  procesó the Command Level 3 Command Line. Thå  followinç  ió á samplå prograí  whicè  illustrateó  thå steps outlined above: ; ; Demonstration of Command Level 3 Facility by RLC ; udflag equ 4 ;Address of User/Disk Flag bdos equ 5 ;Address of BDOS Entry Point org 100h lxi d,prmpt ;Print User Prompt mvi c,9 ;PRINT function call bdos lhld bdos+1 ;Get address of BDOS mov a,h ;High-Order Address in A sui 8 ;A=High-Order Address of CPR mov h,a ;HL=Address of CPR mvi l,0 shld cpr ;Save address in buffer lxi d,6 ;Point to command line buffer dad d ;HL points to command line buffer xchg ;DE points to command line buffer mvi c,10 ;READLN into this buffer call bdos lhld cpr ;Get Address of CPR lda udflag ;Get User/Disk Flag mov c,a ; ... in C pchl ;Run Command Line cpr: ds 2 ;CPR Address buffer prmpt: db 'User Command? $' Enjoy using ZCPR! -- RLC