Sig/M volume 21 miscellaneous Pascal Z utilities (original materials from Pascal Z User Group volume 3) -CATALOG.021 contents of Sig/M volume 21 ABSTRACT.021 comments on Sig/M volume 21 CRCKFILE.021 CRC of Sig/M volume 21 Name Size Description 21.1 AUTHOR.PAS 10K general purpose "keyword in text" 21.2 AUTHOR.COM 11K / 21.2a ADDRESS 1K / 21.2b BYTE.MAG 1K / 21.2c S100.MAG 1K / 21.3 CALC.PAS 12K calculator mode program 21.4 CALC.COM 16K / 21.5 CPLOT.PAS 2K simple banner program 21.6 CPLOT.COM 5K / 21.7 DELAY.PAS 1K general Pascal Z utilities 21.8 DELAY.REL 1K / 21.9 DELAY.SRC 1K / 21.10 INPORT.REL 1K / 21.11 INPORT.SRC 1K / 21.12 OUTPORT.REL 1K / 21.13 OUTPORT.SRC 1K / 21.14 KEYIN.REL 1K / 21.15 KEYIN.SRC 1K / 21.16 NAD.PAS 10K permuted keyword index program 21.17 NAD.COM 11K / 21.18 TDIABLO.MAC 6K driver for Diablo w/Teletek FDC-1 21.19 TDIABLO.COM 1K / 21.20 DIABLO.Z80 5K driver for Diablo w/SD Systems S100 21.21 DIABLO.COM 1K / 21.22 RANDOM.PAS 2K Fibonacci random number generator 21.23 RANDOM.REL 1K / 21.24 RANDOM.SRC 4K / 21.25 REBOOT.COM 1K rebooting desired file 21.26 STRLIB.LIB 12K Pascal Z library 21.27 WUMPUS.PAS 12K Wumpus game in Pascal Z 21.28 WUMPUS.COM 15K / 21.29 WUMPUS.DOC 4K / 21.30 CAVE0 1K / 21.31 CAVE1 1K / 21.32 CAVE2 1K / 21.33 CAVE4 1K / 21.34 CAVE5 1K / 21.35 ENTRY.PAS 6K creating SRC files 21.36 ENTRY.COM 9K / 21.37 ENTRY.DOC 6K / 21.38 PEEK.PAS 2K peek and poke in Pascal Z 21.39 POWERI.PAS 1K demo program on powers of numbers 21.40 POWERI.COM 7K / 21.41 POWERI.REL 2K / 21.42 RDR.PAS 7K an alpha-numeric numbers conversion program 21.43 DU.Z80 29K updated disk utility using Z80 code 21.44 DU.COM 4K / 21.45 DU.DOC 1K / Thing hav bee goin s fas tha th disk hav bee rollin ou befor an feed-bac ha bee received S a o no don' kno i anyon like wha w go o not Bu a lon a yo folk wil sen m stuf wil edi i an publis it I look lik volum # shoul b littl slower Bu hav som peopl haven' aske ye fo donation s wh know wha I'l b abl t dra ou o th woodwork. ɠ wa goin t hav Read.M fil o eac dis bu foun tha unles ha lo t sa i wa jus no needed S unles something special comes along I'll just stick to this format. 1. AUTHOR.PAS/COM--A general purpose "keyword in context" program. Includes samples. 2. CALC.PAS--Here is your built in calculator adapted to Pascal/Z. The number crunchers among us should take this and expand it to its limit. But its got good potential as is, now just patch it so the results go to either the printer or the disk and then you'll have a permenent record. 3. CPLOT.PAS/COM--A simple banner idea but useful for simple designs, just to be different. 4. DELAY.PAS/REL/SRC--Ray Penley tells me I goofed by not INPORT.REL/SRC including these in with the volume #1. OUTPORT.REL/SRC So here they are and let me know of any KEYIN.REL/SRC other goofs. 5. NAD.PAS/COM--A general purpose "Permuted keyword index" program. A good start but needs to be up gradeds to become classy. 6. TDIABLO.MAC/COM--Driver for Diablo which works for the Teletek FDC-1 board. 7. DIABLO.Z80/COM--Driver for Diablo which works for the SD System S-100. 8. RANDOM.PAS/COM--This random generator implements the Fibonacci series approach. 9. REBOOT.COM--In volume #1 I included a Autoboot program. This is an example of ideas breeding ideas. Tim Oleseo saw it and said there is a better way. In this one you type---- REBOOT yourfilesdesire cr and that's it. To remove an entry--- REBOOT cr Simple huh! 10. STRLIB.LIB--The begining of a library, some good stuff. 11. WUMPUS.PAS/COM/DOC--Nothing need to be said about this CAVES game but it is Pascal 3.0 and also it has Caves that can be added to, so for you game freaks, get hot and put your ideas in some strange caves. 12. ENTRY.PAS/COM/DOC--Tutorial on how to make external SRC files with examples. Needed by all of us beginners. 13. PEEK.PAS--A peek and poke in Pascal/Z yet. Who knows you might need it. 14. POWERI.PAS/REL/COM--A demo, but useful program for powers of numbers. 15. RDR.PAS--A Alpha-numeric numbers conversion program. Documentation of various original programs written by Ward Christensen ----DU.ASM---- OVERVIEW: Originally written to reconstruct erased directories, or directories where info was overlaid. Thus allows dumping, by group, track, sector, filename, etc. and patching. Allows ascii or hex scan of the disk. Maps the location of files on the disk by group. You should know the format of a CP/M disk if you're going to diddle with DU. USAGE: DU.ASM provides an overview of the file. DU has a built in help function ? which tells the format of all commands. DEPENDENCIES: "Standard CP/M 8" disks" - i.e. 77 tracks, directory at track 2. Standard CP/M scramble factor (but could be changed in the .ASM file) etc. It also works on such disks as Northstar CP/M 1.4 which the excellent Lifeboat BIOS make "look" like full sized disks in terms of sector/track etc. Documentation For Program ENTRY.COM by Robert H. Harsch ph: (916) 487-2216 2362 American River Dr., Suite 311 Sacramento, Ca. 95825. All rights reserved. A utility program to "automatically" insert entry points into SRC extenstion files for PASCAL/Z programs; thus, making easier the process of linking seperately compilied external pascal procedure/functions to main programs. DIRECTIONS FOR USE OF PROGRAM WITH EXAMPLE: 1. Create the main calling program. For example file MAINPRG.PAS: PROGRAM MAINPRG; TYPE VECTORTYPE = ARRAY [ 1..10 ] OF INTEGER; PROCEDURE SUM( VAR RESULT: INTEGER; VAR V: VECTORTYPE); EXTERNAL; { external procedure reference, functions may also be used accordingly } VAR I, RESULT: INTEGER; VEC: VECTORTYPE; BEGIN { of main program } FOR I:= 1 TO 10 DO VEC[ I ]:= I; { initialize vector for example } SUM(RESULT, VEC); { call external routine } WRITELN(RESULT) { prints 55 as the answer } END. 2. Create the external routine(s) from the text editor. To continue the above example lets say we create the file EXTERN.PAS: PROGRAM EXTERN; { external program procedure } TYPE VECTORTYPE = ARRAY [ 1..10 ] OF INTEGER; { parameters must be passed through the procedure/function heading, not through global variables } PROCEDURE SUM( VAR RESULT: INTEGER; VAR V: VECTORTYPE); VAR I: INTEGER; {$i+ see complier directives, puts next line of source into file EXTERN.SRC after compliation } {@SUM -- name of external routine } {$i- turn off complier directive } BEGIN RESULT:= 0; FOR I:= 1 TO 10 DO RESULT:= RESULT + V[I] END; { of procedure sum } BEGIN { Dummy BEGIN and END exist only for syntax purposes of compilation. Never a main body of statements to execute. } END. 2. Type: PASCAL EXTERN compliation will proceed normally thus creating files EXTERN.SRC, EXTERN.LST, but unfortunatley there will be no entry points created for linking the procedure heading declaration of the main program with the externally called procedure sum. 3. But since we compilied the file with the following inserted before the BEGIN of procedure sum (the entry point): {$i+ } {@SUM} {$i- } typing: ENTRY EXTERN executes the program and copies file EXTERN.SRC into EXTERN.ZZZ, and adds the needed entry points into the external routine so that assembly and linkage can properly take place. 3. Continuing with the example we type: ERA EXTERN.SRC REN EXTERN.SRC=EXTERN.ZZZ 4. The EXTERN.SRC is now in proper form for assembly (to produce EXTERN.REL) and linkage to produce the executable COM file. SUMMARY OF DIRECTIONS USING THE ABOVE EXAMPLE. 1. Create main calling module with declarations, as an example here refered to as file MAINPRG.PAS. 2. Create the external module to be called, as an example here refered to as file EXTERN.PAS. 3. Insert the following before the BEGIN of procedure sum in file EXTERN.PAS: {$i+ } {@SUM} {$i- } 4. Type the following commands while in CP/M monitor or set up a SUBMIT file: A. Compile main calling program and produce files mainprg.rel, mainprg.lst: PASCAL MAINPRG ASMBL MAIN,MAINPRG/REL B. Compile the external called program and set up entry points, producing files extern.rel, extern.lst: PASCAL EXTERN ENTRY EXTERN ERA EXTERN.SRC REN EXTERN.SRC=EXTERN.ZZZ ASMBL EMAIN,EXTERN/REL C. Link the main program with the external program, producing the executable file LINK MAINPRG,EXTERN /N:MAINPRG /E D. Finally, typing the following will execute the program: MAINPRG ALGORITHM FOR ENTRY.COM: 1. Create an open file name.ZZZ as a file to write to (will destroy an existing file name.ZZZ if present). 2. Open for reading the file name.SRC. 3. Print to monitor the names of files opened. 4. Read a line from file name.SRC. 5. If the line has the string '{@' followed by an identifier (the external procedure name) the following two lines are written to file name.ZZZ: ENTRY identifier identifier: An identifier is a alphabetic letter (a thru z, or A thru Z) followed by zero or more alphanumeric characters (a thru z, A thru Z, or 0 thru 9). If the identifier is greater than 6 character, the identifier is then truncated to 6 characters and convert lower-case characters to upper-case. It is wise to make the external procedure name (identifier) from one to six characters in length, in upper-case, to avoid possible confusion. Avoid conflict with labels or external libary routines used by the compilier in the assembling process. (Avoid all labels in the form L, e.g. L99, and labels referenced as external library routines, e.g. DIVD, by file MAIN.SRC). The assembler will give you an error diagnostic when you have made this mistake. The external procedure name should not have the the characters '_' or '$' in the identifier, even though the compiler permits this the assembler does not. (The assembler will give you an error diagnostic). 6. If (4.) true above then print to monitor the external procedure/function name. 5. If (4.) above untrue then copy the line from file name.SRC to file name.ZZZ. 6. Repeat (2.) thru (5.) above until the label L99 is found indicating the main body of program statements between BEGIN END have been found, which we do not want to copy (assembly with EMAIN will cause errors). Welcome to 'Hunt the Wumpus' The Wumpus lives in a cave of 20 rooms. Each room has 3 tunnels leading to other rooms. There are several caves that you can play in. With only a small change in the program, you can even invent you own cave! Hazards: Bottomless Pits - Two rooms have bottomless pits in them. If you go there, you fall into the pit and lose! Super Bats - Two rooms have super bats. If you go there, a bat grabs you and takes to some other room at random. (which mignt be troublesome) Wumpus: The Wumpus is not bothered by the hazards (he has sucker feet and is too big for a super bat to lift). Usually he is asleep. Two things wake him up: $pause your entering his room or your shooting an arrow. If the Wumpus wakes he moves (p=.75) one room or stays still (p=.25). After that, if he is where you are, he eats you up and you lose! You: Each turn you can move or shoot a crooked arrow. Moving: You can go one room (thru one tunnel). Arrows: You have 5 arrow. You lose when you run out. Each arrow can go from 1 to 5 rooms. You aim by telling the computer the room numbers you want the arrow to go to. If the arrow can't go that way (ie. no tunnel) it moves at random to the next room. If the arrow hits the Wumpus, you win. If the arrow hits you, you lose. $pause Warnings: When you are one room away from the Wumpus or a hazard, the cumputer says: Wumpus - 'I smell a Wumpus' Bat - 'Bats nearby' Pit - 'I feel a draft' $pause Caves: All caves have have 20 rooms and 3 tunnels leading from one room to other rooms. The caves are: 0 - Dodecahedron The rooms of this cave are on a 12-sided object, each forming a pentagon. The rooms are at the corners of the pentagons. Each room has tunnels that lead to 3 other rooms. 1 - Mobius Strip This cave is two rooms wide and 10 rooms around (like a belt). You will notice that there is a half twist somewhere. 2 - String of Beads Five beads in a circle. Each bead is a diamond with a virtical cross- bar. The right and left corners lead to neighboring beads. (This one is difficult to play) $pause 3 - Toroidal Hex Network Imagine a hex tile floor. Take a rectangle with 20 points (inter- sections) inside (4 X 4). Join right and left sides to make a cylinder. Then join top and bottom to form a torus (doughnut). Have fun imagining this one! Caves 0-3 are regular in the sense that each room goes to three other rooms and each tunnel allows two-way traffic. Caves 4 and 5 do not have these properties. 4 - Dendrite with Degeneracies Pull a plant from the ground. The roots and branches form a Dendrite. There are no looping paths. Degeneracy means that some rooms connect to themselves and some rooms have more than one tunnel to the same other room. 5 - One Way Latice Here all tunnels go one way only. To return to the room you just left, you must go all the way around the cave (only 5 moves). GOOD LUCK - HAPPY WUMPUS HUNTING! $pause