CONTENTS OF VOLUME #7 Thió  volumå developeä fasô anä slow®  Thå materiaì camå iî fasô  buô  É  haä  thå newsletteò tï geô  ouô  sï  iô  waó  slow® However¬  yoõ wilì seå somå ne÷ nameó thió timå anä somå originaì ideas® Wå havå á excellenô starô witè ouò diskó anä iô ió easieò tï  prograí  witè sucè help®  Buô don'ô slo÷ down®  Keeð  sendinç thoså programs®  Iæ wå keeð iô up¬  thå daù wilì comå wheî  mosô anù  modulå wå neeä wilì bå availablå FREE®  Theî programinç wilì be just a logical excerise and not a coding drag. 1® Thió firsô grouð ió thå Dr.Bowleó DataBaså seeä prograí thaô he used in his classes. It is a frame to which a expanded data base can be built. I have a special interest in data baseó  anä É aí glaä thaô Dr.Bowleó donateä thió  tï  Publiã Domain® Thå onå whï getó thió converteä tï Pascal/Ú wilì wiî á  freå disë fulì oæ softwarå anä thå gratitudå oæ  everyonå else. DATABASE.DOC DBBUILDE.CPM DBDEMO.CPM DBUNIT.1 DBUNIT.2 DBUNIT.3 DBUNIT.4 DBUNIT.CPM 2®  Donalä Killeî ,oæ Carrolltoî Texas¬ founä thaô aó hå playeä arounä  witè  hió BIOS¬  hå raî ouô oæ tracë space®  Sï  hå reworked things a bit. Now he has as much space as he wants. That means, of course, a different SYSGEN. So this group of programó  arå alì abouô ho÷ tï dï that®  SGEN.COM SGEN.MAC MACROZ.MAC CLIB.MAC SGEN.DOC 3®  Genå Duncan¬  oæ Palï Alto-Ca¬ likeó tï dï orginaì worë anä has donated the following programs. His address is listed in Newsletter #5 and would appreciate any feedback that you might want to pass on to him. It'll give him an idea of how he is doing. The BSORT group is a sort program that is fast anä  can'ô  bå  fooled®  Hå giveó somå  backgrounä  iî  thå program so be sure to check that program. The PGLST group is a print format program that will save paper. It reads a texô  filå  oæ fixeä oò variablå lengtè  characteò  records¬ eacè recorä endinç witè á CÒ anä LF¬  anä arrangeó theí oî á prinô  pagå iî columns®  É addeä thå datá filå W3UÁ tï  sho÷ you how it works, nice utility. BSORT.ASM BSORT.COM BSORT.NOT PGLST.PAS PGLST.COM PGLST.NOT W3UA.LIB