CONTENTS OF VOLUME #6 Raù Penleù senô må anotheò disë fulì oæ goodies® É surå wisè É coulä prograí likå hå can¬ iî fact¬ É woulä bå happù iæ É coulä typå iî aó manù programó aó hå has®  Anyway¬  therå arå lotó  oæ useablå  programó oî thió disk®  Thå sorô routineó alonå makå  iô worth while. Theså sorô routineó arå seô uð sï thaô theù caî bå parô oæ á librarù anä yeô bå demonsrateä bù á COÍ file®  Sï thå PAÓ filå ió thå  sourcå oæ thå COÍ filå whereaó thå LIÂ filå ió whaô yoõ  caî uså  tï pulì iî witè youò editoò aô thå propeò spot®  Theså threå sorô programó arå compareä witè eacè otheò tï givå yoõ aî ideá oæ their speed.(Look in the front of the PAS file for that info) 1. SHELL.COM/PAS/LIB A pascal Shell sort routine. 2. QSORT.COM/PAS/LIB A pascal Quick sort routine. 3. QQSORT.COM/PAS/LIB A pascal Quicker sort routine. 4. RECIPE.COM/PAS Latest version of the recipe program, RCPDAT.MSÔ  manù  changeó  pluó  improvementó   foò RCPDAT.XXX Version 3.2, you will notice it has a RCPDAT.YYY much smaller COM file. 5. NAD4.COM/PAS Ray is proud of this one, it is from COMPUTER.NAD scratch. It is a NAME ADDRESS data entry program. 6. PTRS2.COM/PAS Excellent updated demo for pointers. It has some interesting ideas. I couldn't let Ray do it all so I threw in this little extract. 7. LONGLINE.COM/PAS I extracted this out of Ithaca's manual. Iô  ió  á  demï  oî  wordó  beinç  addeä togeather into lines. 8®   PTABLE.COM/PAÓ  É  modifieä  thió  onå  foò  á  tablå generating demo. Generating a table by algorithms is quicker that looking up a table. 9. FINDBAD.COM/MAC The orginal program came from a mag but this has been heavily modified to run on CPM 2.2 and to locate the bad sectors completelù  ouô  oæ youò  way®  Everyonå needs this one. An excellent utility. 10. ZCOMPAR.COM/PAS Bob Harsch came through again for us. He F1.DAT was trying to compare some programs but F2.DAT the first error would kill the compare. So he sat down and wrote a Pascal/Z Š comparå  thaô  compareä ALÌ thå differences, HEX,DEC,and CHAR. To run, change the two programs to compare to F1.DAT AND F2.DAT and then type ZCOMPAR. I added these DAT files as a demo, I injected one error into the second copy. So all you have to do is type ZCOMPAR to see it work. 11. CURSOR.COM/PAS I have a SD SALES Video board and wanted .LIB tï uså thå XÙcursoò positioninç feature. But when I tried to write it in assembly I run into some problems. So I said why not Pascal/Z. This is a DEMO to test the XÙcontroló anä thå LIÂ ió thå subroutine to put in your library. It works. 12. XREF.COM/PAS Ithaca Intersystems donated this to our group. It is rough but look it over. 13. SNOOPY81.CAL I thought it would be nice to have a 1981 calendar. So I updated Snoopy. 14. OTHELLO.PAS This is a project for someone interested OTHELL1.PAS in advanced Pascal Programing. It is an OTHELL2.PAS excellent game with a superior algorithm OTHELLIN.PAS But,it is written in UCSD. So we need it converted.