SIG/M volume 8 PASCAL and Communications related programs PASCAL related programs 8.01 BOOT.ASM 1K Sample BOOT for PASCAL 8.02 BOOTER.DOC 3K PASCAL documentation for CP/M 8.03 TEST.ASM 7K Scan and load 8080/Z80 Pascal interpreter 8.04 PAS2CPM.ASM 8K Format conversion 8.05 PASCAL.ASM 7K Initialization of PASCAL system 8.06 PASCAL.COM 17K 8.07 PASCAL.DOC 1K 8.08 PASTOCPM 12K Format conversion 8.09 PBOOT.ASM 1K Utilities to initialize PASCAL system 8.10 PGEN.ASM 4K 8.11 PGEN.COM 1K 8.12 PINIT.ASM 6K 8.13 READ.ME 2K PASCAL startup documentation Communications related programs 8.14 CHAT13.ASM 5K 2-way communications with remote caller 8.15 DCHBYE57.ASM 24K Upgrade of remote console DCHBYE55 on SIG/M 7.01 8.16 MODEM5A.ASM 46K Auto-dial and auto re-dial capability on DC Hayes and PMMI modem boards 8.17 PLNK1018.ASM 21K Upgrade of PLNK925 on SIG/M 7.6 and CP/M UG 19.4 with more modem types 8.18 NEWBAUD.ASM 4K Switch BAUD rate on a remote PMMI to readjust modem speed 8.19 RBBS22.ASC 20K Update of RBBS in SIG/M volume 7 8.20 RBBS22.DOC 6K 8.21 RBSUTL22.ASC 9K 8.22 MBOOT3.ASM 8K Compacted version of MODEM for RECV only usage 8.23 XMODEM38.ASM 24K Update of SIG/M 7.8 - remote CP/M to CP/M transfer