hA HZP .ABORT HZP AC HZP ACMD HZP dACOPY HLP&xACOPY1 HZPzACREATE HZP ADIR HZP&AFIND HZPhALIAS HZP">ALIAS1 HZP:9GANY4 HZPs EARRAYLIBHZP)ARUNZ HZP0KtARUNZ1 HZP ~ARUNZ2 HZP=ASK HZP#`AT HZP6 vA.HLP!2!3!3[A-HELP 2/13/91]# A@@,H2iu!hZS<ΆSht4 23)A`tedrYIz!xH@!),(1ՀD:9O6:CE'A)x ЁI80 t0X@-H C8>`@zR CςF9tu #B;180 c@6 ;1JW#' 'dBsA voN q0N:v&P6AU:ƻry ? }Lci.6\ *g}B^ױpc2l(ѧw@)dBywx@+#18-p\w؅^_NsH+MTi=!pOC),it 2&M2ftR 06Jt2@Tr, _q1B݉69y)06RN P10`@= -5"at0о=ܒ xԘ՜FQ ;!a5RQ6- 6*bpcOyp aX*R!g} IN!#t_`, QO䉃Y3(NYn#-QGQ`A@H @jvACMD.HLP[a-help 6/12/88]%  ! ɤBPL@3I 3@C)2s4Ѐ!t4Bae9!H6r!PHC1@1 al فa X@3F14b-Nf=(_ 8\6My`HNd Sa0wɛ &@iI N' 3| a5B9Mna9 ~E }3kjfn!è+:7MkV<3޷ ©h0(t!Xb1r &؞/  Installation  A -->  File Attributes  O -->  Overview  D -->  DOS Datestamping  S -->  Syntax  F -->  Dest Free Space  W -->  Wildcard Use  E -->  Error Flag  C -->  Caching  B -->  Backing Up Files  / -->  Options  :I Installation Th distributio versio o ACOP i supplie wit Z3EN addres o 0000H read fo us i ZCPR33 o non-ZCPR environments ZCPR3 user shoul instal ACOP usin thei regula installatio methods Configuration ZCNFG17.CO an th configuratio fil ACOPY.CF ma b use t chang ACOPY.COM' user-configurabl setting t configur ACOPY' operatio t sui th use, althoug th defaul value shoul b satisfactor fo mos users :O Overview - 1/2 ACOP (Attribut COPY i a enhance Z8 fil cop utilit fo us wit CP/ 2.2 CP/M+ o ZCPR CCP' runnin unde CP/ 2.2 CP/M+ Z80DOS ZRDOS ZSDOS/ZDDO o othe extende DOS's ACOPY originall base o Davi Jewett III' PPIP12 wa develope a fast genera purpos fil cop utilit wit flexibl comman lin optio contro ove man aspect o th cop process an mor specificall t hel simplif th comman lin scrip require t cop group o file wit unrelate name t RA disk I doe thi b optionall copyin onl thos file tha hav an o th specifie filenam attribute (th hig bit o th filenam an filetyp bytes F throug F set Filenam attribute ma b se usin ZCPR utilit suc a DF (Display/Defin Fil Attributes o simila CP/ Publi Domai utilit suc a DA Se th 'Options sectio fo informatio o th res o ACOPY' comman lin options. Overview - 2/2 ACOP automaticall support DO datestampin whe i operate unde CP/M+ Z80DO o ZSDOS Se th 'DO Datestamping sectio fo mor information. ACOP i full ZCPR compatibl whe operatin i ZCPR environment acceptin bot th DU an DIR form an checkin th environmen fo th validit o th driv an use specified whethe i i t b operatin i quie environmen an th nam th progra wa calle b fo us i th comman lin HEL message ACOP wil operat usin th ZCPR G command Error wil caus th ZCPR progra erro fla t b set Whe operatin unde ZRDOS file i th ZRDO PUBLI area ar protected. Whe ACOP operate i non-ZCPR environment th informatio i need i obtaine fro interna locations whic ma b configure t sui you need usin ZCNF an ACOPY.CFG ACOP wil no accep th DIR for whe operatin i non-ZCPR environment. :C Disk Directory Caching - 1/2 ACOP ca b configure s tha i cache bot th sourc an destinatio dis directorie i RA t spee u th copyin proces whe i run unde CP/ 2.2-compatibl systems Becaus CP/M handle director operation differently director cachin i automaticall turne of whe ACOP run unde CP/M+ ACOP i distribute wit director cachin turne off bu i ma b activate b usin ZCNF and ACOPY.CFG. ACOP adapt th idea develope b Ha Bowe i hi SPEEDU director buffe RS t cach bot sourc an destinatio dis directorie i RAM Al reference t sourc an destinatio director entries u t maximu o 25 entrie pe directory ar mad t th cache RA copies eliminatin th tim require t mov th dis driv hea t th director track rea th require director recor an the mov th hea bac t th require dis trac eac tim director referenc i made Al reference t director entrie no i th RA cach ar mad t th medi dis directorie a usual Whe th cop proces i complete al change cache sourc an director director record ar writte bac t th sourc an destinatio disks Disk Directory Caching - 2/2 Dis director cachin i mos effectiv wit flopp disks bu i i als slightl faste wit RA disk an har disks I i no a effectiv whe datestamper-typ datestampin i bein done a th require accesse t th !!!TIME&.DA fil offse muc o th tim save o director accesses I yo routinel us datestampe datestamping cachin may not provid muc advantage Whil copyin usin dis director cachin i RA i faster th director o th dis i no update unti al copyin i completed Thi make copyin usin director cachin les robus tha copyin usin jus th medi dis directories an les toleran o flake media :S Syntax - 1/3 ACOP support th us o bot CP/ (destination=source an MS-DO (sourc destination syntax Th comman lin synta is: ACOPY[dir:]source[[dir:]destݠ[excluded] [/option(s)ݍ o ACOPY[[dir:]dest=][dir:]source[excluded] [/option(s) Both A0>acopyfilename.tyb11 anA0>acopyb11:=filename.ty wilcopthfilFILENAME.TYPfroAtB1. Syntax - 2/3 Whe onl on filenam i given i assume t b th sourc file an wil b copie t destinatio fil o th sam nam o th logge drive Fo example: B11:SAMPLE>acopywork:filename.ex wil cop th sourc fil WORK:FILENAME.EX t fil o th sam nam o B11:SAMPLE Yo ma sometime wis t cop grou o file specifie b filename/attribut mas whic als include som file yo don' wan copied Yo ca optionall us u t thre filenam mask t specif file tha yo wis t exclud fro copying eve i the otherwis matc th sourc fil specification I yo choos t us them th exclusio filename mus b specifie afte bot th sourc an destinatio filenames Th exclusio filename ar filenam mask only an an drive/use specifie wil b ignored. Syntax - 3/3 I situation wher yo woul normall onl nee t specif th sourc filenam an yo als wis t specif a exclusio filename yo mus provid a leas minimu destinatio fil specificatio suc a th destinatio drive user o *.* s tha yo hav specifie bot sourc an destinatio filename i som way Fo example: A0:WORK>acopyb:filename.* a: /nes *.doc *.hlp *.ws wil cop al unarchive file B:FILENAME.* excep fo DOC HLP o W files t existin file o th sam name o A0:WORK automaticall overwritin th existin file an archivin th sourc file afte copying Th exclude filenam mask mus appea afte th sourc an destinatio filenam specification an whil the don' hav t b place afte th options th sampl synta abov ma b easie t remember. :W Wildcards - 1/2 Source destinatio an exclusio filename a wel a sourc an destinatio use number ma al contai wildcards Sourc an exclusio filenam wildcard ar expande i th usua way ACOP attempt t resolv destinatio fil wildcard b matchin process Fo example: A0>acopyfile.z80b:??????10. wilresulidestinatiofilenamoFILE10.Z80 Sinc i i possibl tha thi proces ma resul i th creatio o duplicat files ACOP store th user driv an filenam o th las fil copie an compare i t th curren destinatio file I the match ACOP print 'Duplicate! erro message an th curren fil i skipped I tw file wit th sam name ar no copie i sequence duplicat filenam ma stil b created Car shoul b exercise i usin destinatio fil wildcards bu i yo ar carefu an awar o th limitation o th process yo ca d copyin an renamin o multipl file i on ste wit minima typing. Wildcards - 2/2 ACOP als accept wildcar sourc an destinatio use numbers primaril fo har dis backu purposes I yo specif wildcar sourc use number ACOP wil cop file fro al use area a lon a the otherwis matc th filename/attribut mask I wildcar destinatio use numbe i als specified th file wil b copie t thei origina use area o th destinatio drive I specifi destinatio use numbe i specified al sourc file wil b copie t th specifie destinatio use area Yo shoul b carefu abou blindl copyin file fro al sourc use area t singl destinatio use area however I file wit duplicat filename exis i severa o th sourc use areas i i possibl tha som o al o the ma b invertentl overwritte o singl destinatio fil o th sam name especiall whe usin th 'O o 'R option tha automaticall overwrit existin destinatio files O th othe hand i th sourc director i sorted duplicat filename i differen use area wil appea i sequentia orde i th sourc director an wil trigge th 'Duplicate! messag whe a attemp i mad t cop the t th sam destinatio use area A previousl discussed onl th firs suc fil wil b copied. :/ Options - 1/8 ACOP ha numbe o comman lin options whic mus b precede b th optio fla characte '/' Th optio letter o number ma appea i an orde an ma appea anywher i th comman line Option ma b combine i an combination Option ar toggle a the ar read s tha a optio appearin twic wil cance itself Fo example al o th followin comman line hav th sam meaning: A0>acopy/12qsource.exdest.ex excluded.ft A0>acopysource.exdest.ex//excluded.ft //2 A0>acopy/12dest.ext=source.exexcluded.ft /r A0>acopy/rq/q source.ex/dest.ex/2 excluded.ft Excep fo th attribut option (1-7) individua option ma b disable usin ZCNF an ACOPY.CF i you' rathe no hav the available. Th followin description o th option reflec th defaul optio setting i th distributio version Yo ma configur th defaul optio character and setting t sui you ow need usin ZCNF an ACOPY.CFG Th comman lin HEL scree wil automaticall displa th prope selectio messag fo eac optio base o whethe i ha bee se t O o OFF. Options - 2/8 Th default option are: 1- 7 options Copie onl thos specifie file whic als hav th selecte combinatio o th F throug th F attribute set Unde Z80DO an ZSDOS PUBLI file hav th F attribut set an yo ca us th '2 optio t selec onl PUBLI file fo copying I thi case th operatin syste wil preven yo fro creatin mor tha on PUBLI fil o th sam nam o disk I yo tr copyin PUBLI fil t differen use area ACOP wil tel yo tha i alread exists I yo tr t overwrit th 'existing file th DO wil preven i b abortin wit Fil W/ BDO error Options - 3/8 N-Copie onl non-archive (changed files Unde ZRDOS ZSDO an othe extende DOS's th 'N optio allow yo t limi copyin t non-archive file (thos file tha hav bee opene o modifie sinc th archiv attribut wa set) Th destinatio file ar create a non-archive file unles th 'D optio i selecte t archiv th destinatio files. Unde CP/ 2.2 th archiv attribut i no rese whe fil i updated s thi optio i no to usefu unles yo us utilit progra t 'manually se o rese th archiv attribute Options - 4/8 U - Updat olde destinatio file whe doin datestampin unde Z80DO o ZSDOS Allow yo t automaticall overwrit an updat olde destinatio file b copyin onl whe th sourc fil modificatio dat i newe tha th destinatio fil modificatio date i n destinatio fil alread exists o i th destinatio fil ha n datestamp I ma als b use wit th 'E optio t updat onl existin files Set 'C an 'O option t ON Whe operatin unde an othe DO o whe n cloc i found thi optio become inactiv an wil no appea i th comman lin HEL message Whe overwritin (updating a existin olde fil unde th 'U option th '(Dated) statu messag i replace b '(Updated)' Whe n updat take place th statu messag display th reason. Options - 5/8 A - Cop al (director AN system files Thi ca b usefu i yo kee utilit file a syste file an wan t exclud the fro bein copie whe usin wildcar filenam masks Ma b patche t normall cop onl director files ACOP i distribute wit thi optio disabled bu i ma b enable wit ZCNF o b patching E - Cop an automaticall overwrit (R/W file onl i destinatio file o th sam nam alread exist Set th 'O optio t O an th 'X optio t OFF. X-Automaticall skip copyin i destinatio file o th sam nam alread exist Normally yo ar aske first Overridde b th 'E (Exists) 'O (Overwrite o 'R (R/O options. Options - 6/8 O-Overwrite R/ destinatio file o th sam nam withou asking Normally yo ar aske first. R-Overwrite R/ (an R/W destinatio file o th sam nam withou asking Normally yo ar aske first. M - Move files Delete th sourc file whe th copyin operatio ha bee successfull complete an display th statu messag 'Sourc Deleted'. Y - Mark destinatio file a syste files Normally destinatio file ar marke a director files Options - 7/8 C - Control whethe th sourc fil datestamp wil b copie t th destinatio fil datestamp whe operatin unde Z80DO o ZSDO (defaul i t cop datestamps) Whe operatin unde an othe DO o whe n cloc i found thi optio i inactiv an wil no appea i th comman lin HEL message I datestamp ar copied th destinatio file wil hav th sam creatio an modificatio date a th sourc files I datestam copyin i suppressed destinatio file wil b date a newl created. D - Set th archiv attribute i th destinatio files markin the a archived Speed settin u RA disk b copyin an markin th copie a archive i th sam operation N messag i displaye i th statu line. S - Set th archiv attribute i th sourc file afte copying markin the a archive an display th statu messag 'Sourc Archived'. Options - 8/8 V - Toggle CR verification Th distributio defaul i t alway verif copies Q-Quiet Usuall use onl i alia environments th 'Q optio turn of non-erro statu messages An informatio yo shoul kno abou durin th copyin process suc a erro information i stil displayed N existin file wil b overwritte unles th 'O' 'R o 'U option ar als used I yo attemp t cop fil t dis whic doesn' hav enoug fre spac whil i th QUIE mode ACOP wil cance QUIE operatio s tha yo ca vie subsequen statu information. Whe operatin i ZCPR environment th defaul 'Q optio settin wil automaticall b se accordin t th stat o th ZCPR QUIE flag. :A File Attributes Ne destinatio file wil normall hav th sam filenam attribute a th sourc files I destinatio fil overwrite a existin fil o th sam name th ne fil wil tak o th attribute o th previou file Destinatio file wil normall b marke a change (no archived) T hel se u RA dis workspace an a a ai i som backu schemes th 'D optio ma b use t mar destinatio file a archived Sourc file ma b archive afte th file hav bee copie b usin th 'S option Thi help yo bac u file an mar th sourc and/o destinatio file a archive i on step Destinatio file ar normall se a director files Th 'Y optio allow th optio o copyin file an settin the a syste file i on step usefu abilit whe loadin RA dis workspaces Se th 'Options sectio fo mor information. :D DOS Datestamping - 1/2 Whe ACOP operate unde CP/M+ Z80DO o ZSDOS i take advantag o th appropriat extende DO call t automaticall cop th sourc fil datestamps i the exist t th destinatio fil datestamp s tha destinatio file hav th sam creatio an modificatio date a th sourc files Se th 'Options sectio fo mor information. Ther i ar tw datestampin option availabl unde Z80DO o ZSDOS Whe operatin unde othe DOS's thes option ar no activ an d no appea i th comman lin HEL message Th 'C optio allow yo t suppres datestam copyin s tha destinatio file ar date a newl created Th 'U optio allow yo t updat existin olde file b copyin an overwritin onl whe destinatio fil o th sam nam ha a olde modificatio dat tha th sourc fil o i n destinatio fil exists Se th 'Options sectio fo mor information. DOS Datestamping - 1/2 Whe operatin unde Z80DO o ZSDOS successfu datestam copyin i indicate b displayin '(Dated) i th copyin statu message N datestampin messag wil b displaye whe cloc suppor i no present whe ther i datestampin error whe destinatio file ar stampe a newl created o whe datestampin i don unde CP/M+. :F Destination Disk Free Space - 1/2 ACOP check t mak sur tha enoug fre spac fo th destinatio fil exist o th destinatio dis befor attemptin th copy I fil t b overwritte alread exist o th destinatio disk it siz wil b allowe fo an i wil no b delete unles ther wil b i enoug fre spac fo th ne fil o th dis afte th deletion I insufficien spac exists ACOP wil displa 'Dis to full! messag i th copyin statu message th ZCPR progra erro fla wil b se t an th consol bel wil b sounded I wildcar sourc filenam wa specified ACOP wil continu t ste throug th lis o sourc files copyin an file tha wil fi an givin erro message fo eac fil tha won't Eve i yo us th 'O o 'R optio t specif automaticall overwritin existin files n destinatio dis fil wil b delete unles doin s wil creat enoug spac t allo copyin o th replacemen file Destination Disk Free Space - 2/2 I yo ar operatin i th QUIE mod an attemp t cop fil t dis tha doesn' hav enoug fre space ACOP wil cance QUIE operation a yo wil probabl b intereste i whic file wer copie an whic weren't Thi wil giv yo th informatio yo nee t tak appropriat correctiv measures suc a changin disk an repeatin th command o erasin enoug file o th destinatio dis t creat enoug fre spac fo th file yo stil wan t copy :E ZCPR3 Program Error Flag I th ZCPR progra erro fla exists ACOP set i whe a erro occur durin progra operation Fo mor flexibl us b alia an ZE script usin flo control ACOP follow an extend th conventio se b Ric Charne b settin th erro fla t th followin value fo th indicate erro conditions 0 = Program operation successful - no errors. 6 = Som file weren' copie - correspondin destinatio file didn' exis (EXIS optio only). 7 = Som file weren' copie - destinatio dis wa to full 8 = Program abort - user abort command. Progra abor - destinatio dis director wa full 0FFh = Program abort - fatal error. :B Backing Up Files - 1/3 ACOP ca hel yo 'pack backu dis b checkin whethe ther i spac fo eac specifie fil o th destinatio dis an copyin i i ther is I i find insufficien space i set th ZCPR erro fla t an continue throug th lis o sourc file testin fo file smal enoug t fit an copyin thos tha will I yo us th 'S optio (archiv sourc file afte copying t mar a archive thos file successfull copied yo wil b abl t cop th uncopie (an non-archived file t anothe backu dis usin th ACOP 'N optio (cop onl non-archive files) A alia o ZE scrip ca als tes th valu o th ZCPR erro fla an infor yo o th natur o th erro conditio an th nee t inser anothe disk. Backing Up Files - 2/3 simpl comman lin fo backin u al non-archive file o dis is: A0>acopy m:*.* b: /nos whic wil cop al non-archive file fro M0 t B0: automaticall overwritin destinatio file o th sam nam an archivin th sourc file afte copying Th ZCPR erro fla wil b se t i an o th specifie sourc file couldn' b copie becaus o insufficien spac o th destinatio dis an wil b se t i th destinatio dis director i full. Backing Up Files - 3/3 variatio fo har dis backu usin wildcar sourc an destinatio use number is: A0>acopy m?:*.* b?: /nos whic wil cop al non-archive file fro al use area o driv M t th correspondin use area o driv B: automaticall overwritin destinatio file o th sam nam an archivin th sourc file afte copying I yo ar updatin existin backu disks simila comman lin tha copie change file onl i file o th sam nam alread exis o th destinatio dis an archive th sourc file afte copyin is: A0>acopy m?:*.* b?: /nes I thi case th ZCPR erro fla wil b se t i an o th specifie sourc file don' exis o th destinatio disk Simila aliase ma b writte usin th datestampin options. vACOPY1.HLP0P0@0 [A-HELP 7/30/91]( A@@FA!t0X@4i=Dse" V2fy Ny^L0 3s9c1s5<4I2)jFb T"A91#@$3biHZ )MC ^O8%pez'縊e6cI: ^py P"=R?# -+hp0f#3y5NtMh4y uʝ l 9Χ#wqz)y)U U WiORQ&pi}DfN Qtųu܁AfGbfb!m|G\M1qfFwLXhM,#Qfltb6fw%\FCtaeuۀnwSƑy`Glag~FbֆR: $]KvpEM .ʵvz%8U.HSz F٣4j}'!Rg'ey^fq1&kʁ=a_âiΕVl&34~ swx), @Y3t󬎴ПTWhЙCgCo"v@<td6ި#`RYTBk*7I(AJ(;En:[d @ʼnvACREATE.HLP[a-help 6/12/88]%  " DR P.!ɰ Jfє@(9Lg1HCSo7Bo9 ɆtNg3 "Nf@85F:@8B\0 d' ^8C84cJ"Ln:OL$Jbn0@F4)*+aQG> 3LpA$Ј)@"OjA?ǁRX7ze'R;2lK6Ar8Ɵ^` fbJM)Ywx4`H~Gh k;?Ea#P;< j(XvADIR.HLP $" $U $T[A-HELP 9/24/89]# A@@FA"JB<X@4i=Dse" V2fy Ny^L0 3s9c1s5apѐFk$Hƣ@  ЀA@gM&`r/a Ma!ԒNDjҶ# kgmvy@8R{F hy7 'oC=ABxc4 : j#>9L@V+Ji!Ðv498U 2pyf G7o[\Km`QD[Z1 p)G?- ~ww[o3fprOC 5Fbº-&(=0TiP( T*fiSz C2O`z I%V*-3!10*3*k4QU C6 쐾#ʱ$?m(xfĀ8VuR7ZA&/5|Ұm-ȤڨֻWz{ DoC MNPk%09RHtixIHDZAS9-(G< OUqy&@޿e1M>;HU)@ 1,I2r=YؘЏtI124#h A (P_@E!G`*Z zm<2s-I؟:B01}I}O#3ܶAXǁJ":rPkPsf *PjB;@TJŊS',협bEe>r;F 3j}"K*Ճw1QһD$u0Ch?v!t {:uN"$^f|pYg#xyQ%MrVQ }Q{t)'ʰ1P&7P!ٲJ0O ybz) ŭ@ӛZ裁j0s@2k+ Y ^3rt@Lt7P{BaQDyX')X( ==ڤ́sg$6%FHt[lTEO iڄGk'ِR |D!=C `t€UH@q) `c,hxDP (U8 t PX5!(F*d6Uu@xn_tnAY w|$'RRLGvd޲{P9bUP:hh7 L'P̏K]L8!)Q7<C %T1i.zV|$2&]aԥ]pv.З7T <6qL[@F&9窆$xc: ־ІgX%Pn ;kK~X7KFc n+&.yE sI=GGcxH$`.q0v+*`D9q$]>O3}w[D pm <@ఝf;$UH`*L۵sͩwNυXEZmG_o~ܢ%'. =CAx?;#/f9l5([PJRwkPwpN宖嶹tym"[>*9EyZ{*tNM`}Ĵgfu%Q.ͩabo1§[.͕EdzypF3ϾP(N !x,[ŬGU{8S?-0 tg(}ߥ$0ujEJ@ܢKE(ܣcn( 6H ,nf D4%bZc\- ڱ 5@ J@;ᎆKcXEE>l,J:>#t|Lpbf bD*(hsnLf  hK<#R j<Mgb֪T%pMv6 3(i|\DNdD ȷ4DP;%ЈODmWcxE @îMd֑'niՉC˼TMF Ddz ®Dr$ GI- "J` B,&iP@FޘD]mSKpBUdVΥ` cb^P&f| .9M:aGD`iie9SV .2 @8A]\2Q2`6N0)0~gD$JHT/OH^ҥ@pjbXJB< *& *Ef7Pfl`GH? @`!Z`fnV)PbTCjv2& D`D%v ÃxI&X^d+\ r$b bb,%q('h5&3(zQ;C~C"ZƉ6,W&c,8+x&$7 B93$2=R\XDMNݭf.O2Ӓ~ Ί@@&0l/ws5ry+lFDu"`ȶz2% QMPI]5:LQ3*g( Rƒ=6pH`6"-.g3 -D z6Ec'S:pjJbHeb΋7j*9ĖCA" @f7)7},PLM'MXH@_Ϊ9(%? *&@*(d/ddC&@.V@Zz $҇ +y8`!d @`U8 D Pjbt# .u. d2ܟ<uCT`dS0NB HrqL^BVFB8`s")(U8tJ dUB*BSkZW-% +4e0+MF," %AND+@aV 9T`jW@F.B4BSR RcJN& [WъMw+^yt`I%jZQb -` P@ RQ$?r'&ˀBGcL7Jf@G Fb $ܫW` 46.ؐk2qs9b$Mu4(j r9.@:D#Fs鋚l4I8),tʺaAWRtBE`bD; HЃkrU_/؇ k1G%;#L~ԦƆw:;'J=tFrMX җve@M_dq8*( (qXHNցeasaw >w.ApkIAyFc;w5r ȡ&Jc %_}< v7 䧥ke_r9u"AyRV)Kk]"b-6(gn cmOfn SGmJDHZVQgSd mTv% bŤdR&7"&.(O) a%(dROP:4*P9qJ9~ @8Ð3 9c9햰LTLx>vR5wRmZ=M&G9ɲ@ @0@H鵍WD@x&'$uv+;.t~\@ 9U" b5#C[<ذ $@]bt@ @ <&qxϝ<@,F'A vAFIND.HLPGG[A-HELP 6/15/91]( A@@DA#IAq MPX@.'(Pr2b C#n'Sr 'C) $gY@ D4qx!IBhA" B9Lrle㑍3F0X, D3ɸaߒҫq! `o\ E Y@ !dB8(8 +d \B=htlTV ޕ Gד?P}hFMA| Ex'a`b0E 31> e]s.La2 `*0%u8T`WI,i%Ab[@eKdq)}3m bbi`ڍ8dTb=QQRh *R(h2]ڥ#@2dM 즅iSdFr Z| &a ,3t v42`%v^QX:tH:A[O%>U))%l)^TtF "ffXe&~ew`bQUz~I@B0FU$4ru:mͨwc4!;P}6$ nUDBUM¥Pbĩ*8ފ#: ~$ԪĊ9Ctw+{=賬:Bu~{i#:"\' k-;vڟT겑INTEN) =ƺ 򄥒lAlFlH=Dsi}nG5FnI44Ho eoAiodIVqA%Lp PqFqjGj7j7h7o+Jh/1qn"KrQrxr+r.i7072h4h779w<?P:Q}@œ}Rh 312:.'sm&NS_>Sr$'Md?%R.5X%(qla0M yP. 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