---=WARNING=------=WARNING=-------=WARNING=-------=WARNING=-------=WARNING=--- This file will be used to notify users of any problems which have been reported with programs in our distribution. Although we are doing our best to include only stable and tested versions of programs, even the authors cannot guarantee there are no lingering bugs (nor can they anticipate all the situations and uses to which their creations might be subjected). As distributors, we cannot be held responsible for any damage which these programs might incur. We owe it to you, however, to report any problems which come to our attention. ACOPY.COM vs 3.0 (ZSUSV103) - Problems have been confirmed with disk caching when directories exceed 256 entries. This can cause considerable damage to a hard disk system. Vs 3.2 (ZSUSV204) will contain the fix. BUSH.COM vs 0.0b (Z3COM package) - A recent user reports that, during Restore, the temporary file continues to build and the operation aborts when disk space is exhausted. This problem, as yet, is unconfirmed. ---=WARNING=------=WARNING=-------=WARNING=-------=WARNING=-------=WARNING=---